blob: 3462cfb7e615816a71ac9c7fe6070c26a6bb6563 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-parse-verify-swift
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Using protocol requirements from inside protocol extensions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
protocol P1 {
func reqP1a() -> Bool
extension P1 {
final func extP1a() -> Bool { return !reqP1a() }
final var extP1b: Bool {
return self.reqP1a()
final var extP1c: Bool {
return extP1b && self.extP1a()
protocol P2 {
associatedtype AssocP2 : P1
func reqP2a() -> AssocP2
extension P2 {
final func extP2a() -> AssocP2? { return reqP2a() }
final func extP2b() {
final func extP2c() -> Self.AssocP2 { return extP2a()! }
protocol P3 {
associatedtype AssocP3 : P2
func reqP3a() -> AssocP3
extension P3 {
final func extP3a() -> AssocP3.AssocP2 {
return reqP3a().reqP2a()
protocol P4 {
associatedtype AssocP4
func reqP4a() -> AssocP4
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Using generics from inside protocol extensions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
func acceptsP1<T : P1>(_ t: T) { }
extension P1 {
final func extP1d() { acceptsP1(self) }
func acceptsP2<T : P2>(_ t: T) { }
extension P2 {
final func extP2acceptsP1() { acceptsP1(reqP2a()) }
final func extP2acceptsP2() { acceptsP2(self) }
// Use of 'Self' as a return type within a protocol extension.
protocol SelfP1 {
associatedtype AssocType
protocol SelfP2 {
func acceptSelfP1<T, U : SelfP1>(_ t: T, _ u: U) -> T where U.AssocType == T {
return t
extension SelfP1 {
final func tryAcceptSelfP1<Z : SelfP1>(_ z: Z)-> Self where Z.AssocType == Self {
return acceptSelfP1(self, z)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Initializers in protocol extensions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
protocol InitP1 {
init(string: String)
extension InitP1 {
init(int: Int) { self.init(string: "integer") }
struct InitS1 : InitP1 {
init(string: String) { }
class InitC1 : InitP1 {
required init(string: String) { }
func testInitP1() {
var is1 = InitS1(int: 5)
is1 = InitS1(string: "blah") // check type
_ = is1
var ic1 = InitC1(int: 5)
ic1 = InitC1(string: "blah") // check type
_ = ic1
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Subscript in protocol extensions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
protocol SubscriptP1 {
func readAt(_ i: Int) -> String
func writeAt(_ i: Int, string: String)
extension SubscriptP1 {
final subscript(i: Int) -> String {
get { return readAt(i) }
set(newValue) { writeAt(i, string: newValue) }
struct SubscriptS1 : SubscriptP1 {
func readAt(_ i: Int) -> String { return "hello" }
func writeAt(_ i: Int, string: String) { }
struct SubscriptC1 : SubscriptP1 {
func readAt(_ i: Int) -> String { return "hello" }
func writeAt(_ i: Int, string: String) { }
func testSubscriptP1(_ ss1: SubscriptS1, sc1: SubscriptC1,
i: Int, s: String) {
var ss1 = ss1
var sc1 = sc1
_ = ss1[i]
ss1[i] = s
_ = sc1[i]
sc1[i] = s
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Using protocol extensions on types that conform to the protocols.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct S1 : P1 {
func reqP1a() -> Bool { return true }
func once() -> Bool {
return extP1a() && extP1b
func useS1(_ s1: S1) -> Bool {
return s1.extP1a() && s1.extP1b
extension S1 {
func twice() -> Bool {
return extP1a() && extP1b
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Protocol extensions with additional requirements
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
extension P4 where Self.AssocP4 : P1 {
final func extP4a() { // expected-note 2 {{found this candidate}}
struct S4aHelper { }
struct S4bHelper : P1 {
func reqP1a() -> Bool { return true }
struct S4a : P4 {
func reqP4a() -> S4aHelper { return S4aHelper() }
struct S4b : P4 {
func reqP4a() -> S4bHelper { return S4bHelper() }
struct S4c : P4 {
func reqP4a() -> Int { return 0 }
struct S4d : P4 {
func reqP4a() -> Bool { return false }
extension P4 where Self.AssocP4 == Int {
final func extP4Int() { }
extension P4 where Self.AssocP4 == Bool {
final func extP4a() -> Bool { return reqP4a() } // expected-note 2 {{found this candidate}}
func testP4(_ s4a: S4a, s4b: S4b, s4c: S4c, s4d: S4d) {
s4a.extP4a() // expected-error{{ambiguous reference to member 'extP4a()'}}
s4b.extP4a() // ok
s4c.extP4a() // expected-error{{ambiguous reference to member 'extP4a()'}}
s4c.extP4Int() // okay
var b1 = s4d.extP4a() // okay, "Bool" version
b1 = true // checks type above
s4d.extP4Int() // expected-error{{'Int' is not convertible to 'AssocP4' (aka 'Bool')}}
_ = b1
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Using protocol extensions to satisfy requirements
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
protocol P5 {
func reqP5a()
// extension of P5 provides a witness for P6
extension P5 {
final func reqP6a() { reqP5a() }
protocol P6 {
func reqP6a()
// S6a uses P5.reqP6a
struct S6a : P5 {
func reqP5a() { }
extension S6a : P6 { }
// S6b uses P5.reqP6a
struct S6b : P5, P6 {
func reqP5a() { }
// S6c uses P5.reqP6a
struct S6c : P6 {
extension S6c : P5 {
func reqP5a() { }
// S6d does not use P5.reqP6a
struct S6d : P6 {
func reqP6a() { }
extension S6d : P5 {
func reqP5a() { }
protocol P7 {
associatedtype P7Assoc
func getP7Assoc() -> P7Assoc
struct P7FromP8<T> { }
protocol P8 {
associatedtype P8Assoc
func getP8Assoc() -> P8Assoc
// extension of P8 provides conformance to P7Assoc
extension P8 {
final func getP7Assoc() -> P7FromP8<P8Assoc> { return P7FromP8() }
// Okay, P7 requirements satisfied by P8
struct P8a : P8, P7 {
func getP8Assoc() -> Bool { return true }
func testP8a(_ p8a: P8a) {
var p7 = p8a.getP7Assoc()
p7 = P7FromP8<Bool>() // okay, check type of above
_ = p7
// Okay, P7 requirements explicitly specified
struct P8b : P8, P7 {
func getP7Assoc() -> Int { return 5 }
func getP8Assoc() -> Bool { return true }
func testP8b(_ p8b: P8b) {
var p7 = p8b.getP7Assoc()
p7 = 17 // check type of above
_ = p7
protocol PConforms1 {
extension PConforms1 {
final func pc2() { } // expected-note{{candidate exactly matches}}
protocol PConforms2 : PConforms1, MakePC2Ambiguous {
func pc2() // expected-note{{multiple matching functions named 'pc2()' with type '() -> ()'}}
protocol MakePC2Ambiguous {
extension MakePC2Ambiguous {
final func pc2() { } // expected-note{{candidate exactly matches}}
struct SConforms2a : PConforms2 { } // expected-error{{type 'SConforms2a' does not conform to protocol 'PConforms2'}}
struct SConforms2b : PConforms2 {
func pc2() { }
// Satisfying requirements via protocol extensions for fun and profit
protocol _MySeq { }
protocol MySeq : _MySeq {
associatedtype Generator : IteratorProtocol
func myGenerate() -> Generator
protocol _MyCollection : _MySeq {
associatedtype Index : Strideable
var myStartIndex : Index { get }
var myEndIndex : Index { get }
associatedtype _Element
subscript (i: Index) -> _Element { get }
protocol MyCollection : _MyCollection {
struct MyIndexedIterator<C : _MyCollection> : IteratorProtocol {
var container: C
var index: C.Index
mutating func next() -> C._Element? {
if index == container.myEndIndex { return nil }
let result = container[index]
index = index.advanced(by: 1)
return result
struct OtherIndexedIterator<C : _MyCollection> : IteratorProtocol {
var container: C
var index: C.Index
mutating func next() -> C._Element? {
if index == container.myEndIndex { return nil }
let result = container[index]
index = index.advanced(by: 1)
return result
extension _MyCollection {
final func myGenerate() -> MyIndexedIterator<Self> {
return MyIndexedIterator(container: self, index: self.myEndIndex)
struct SomeCollection1 : MyCollection {
var myStartIndex: Int { return 0 }
var myEndIndex: Int { return 10 }
subscript (i: Int) -> String {
return "blah"
struct SomeCollection2 : MyCollection {
var myStartIndex: Int { return 0 }
var myEndIndex: Int { return 10 }
subscript (i: Int) -> String {
return "blah"
func myGenerate() -> OtherIndexedIterator<SomeCollection2> {
return OtherIndexedIterator(container: self, index: self.myEndIndex)
func testSomeCollections(_ sc1: SomeCollection1, sc2: SomeCollection2) {
var mig = sc1.myGenerate()
mig = MyIndexedIterator(container: sc1, index: sc1.myStartIndex)
_ = mig
var ig = sc2.myGenerate()
ig = MyIndexedIterator(container: sc2, index: sc2.myStartIndex) // expected-error{{cannot invoke initializer for type 'MyIndexedIterator<_>' with an argument list of type '(container: SomeCollection2, index: Int)'}}
// expected-note @-1 {{expected an argument list of type '(container: C, index: C.Index)'}}
_ = ig
public protocol PConforms3 {}
extension PConforms3 {
final public var z: Int {
return 0
public protocol PConforms4 : PConforms3 {
var z: Int { get }
struct PConforms4Impl : PConforms4 {}
let pc4z = PConforms4Impl().z
// rdar://problem/20608438
protocol PConforms5 {
func f() -> Int
protocol PConforms6 : PConforms5 {}
extension PConforms6 {
final func f() -> Int { return 42 }
func test<T: PConforms6>(_ x: T) -> Int { return x.f() }
struct PConforms6Impl : PConforms6 { }
// Extensions of a protocol that directly satisfy requirements (i.e.,
// default implementations hack N+1).
protocol PConforms7 {
func method()
var property: Int { get }
subscript (i: Int) -> Int { get }
extension PConforms7 {
final func method() { }
final var property: Int { return 5 }
final subscript (i: Int) -> Int { return i }
struct SConforms7a : PConforms7 { }
protocol PConforms8 {
associatedtype Assoc
func method() -> Assoc
var property: Assoc { get }
subscript (i: Assoc) -> Assoc { get }
extension PConforms8 {
final func method() -> Int { return 5 }
final var property: Int { return 5 }
final subscript (i: Int) -> Int { return i }
struct SConforms8a : PConforms8 { }
struct SConforms8b : PConforms8 {
func method() -> String { return "" }
var property: String { return "" }
subscript (i: String) -> String { return i }
func testSConforms8b() {
let s: SConforms8b.Assoc = "hello"
_ = s
struct SConforms8c : PConforms8 {
func method() -> String { return "" }
func testSConforms8c() {
let s: SConforms8c.Assoc = "hello" // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type 'String' to specified type 'Assoc' (aka 'Int')}}
_ = s
let i: SConforms8c.Assoc = 5
_ = i
protocol DefaultInitializable {
extension String : DefaultInitializable { }
extension Int : DefaultInitializable { }
protocol PConforms9 {
associatedtype Assoc : DefaultInitializable // expected-note{{protocol requires nested type 'Assoc'}}
func method() -> Assoc
var property: Assoc { get }
subscript (i: Assoc) -> Assoc { get }
extension PConforms9 {
final func method() -> Self.Assoc { return Assoc() }
final var property: Self.Assoc { return Assoc() }
final subscript (i: Self.Assoc) -> Self.Assoc { return Assoc() }
struct SConforms9a : PConforms9 { // expected-error{{type 'SConforms9a' does not conform to protocol 'PConforms9'}}
struct SConforms9b : PConforms9 {
typealias Assoc = Int
func testSConforms9b(_ s9b: SConforms9b) {
var p =
p = 5
_ = p
struct SConforms9c : PConforms9 {
typealias Assoc = String
func testSConforms9c(_ s9c: SConforms9c) {
var p =
p = "hello"
_ = p
struct SConforms9d : PConforms9 {
func method() -> Int { return 5 }
func testSConforms9d(_ s9d: SConforms9d) {
var p =
p = 6
_ = p
protocol PConforms10 {}
extension PConforms10 {
final func f() {}
protocol PConforms11 {
func f()
struct SConforms11 : PConforms10, PConforms11 {}
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Typealiases in protocol extensions.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Basic support
protocol PTypeAlias1 {
associatedtype AssocType1
extension PTypeAlias1 {
typealias ArrayOfAssocType1 = [AssocType1]
struct STypeAlias1a: PTypeAlias1 {
typealias AssocType1 = Int
struct STypeAlias1b<T>: PTypeAlias1 {
typealias AssocType1 = T
func testPTypeAlias1() {
var a: STypeAlias1a.ArrayOfAssocType1 = []
var b: STypeAlias1b<String>.ArrayOfAssocType1 = []
// Defaulted implementations to satisfy a requirement.
struct TypeAliasHelper<T> { }
protocol PTypeAliasSuper2 {
extension PTypeAliasSuper2 {
final func foo() -> TypeAliasHelper<Self> { return TypeAliasHelper() }
protocol PTypeAliasSub2 : PTypeAliasSuper2 {
associatedtype Helper
func foo() -> Helper
struct STypeAliasSub2a : PTypeAliasSub2 { }
struct STypeAliasSub2b<T, U> : PTypeAliasSub2 { }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Partial ordering of protocol extension members
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Partial ordering between members of protocol extensions and members
// of concrete types.
struct S1b : P1 {
func reqP1a() -> Bool { return true }
func extP1a() -> Int { return 0 }
func useS1b(_ s1b: S1b) {
var x = s1b.extP1a() // uses S1b.extP1a due to partial ordering
x = 5 // checks that "x" deduced to "Int" above
_ = x
var _: Bool = s1b.extP1a() // still uses P1.ext1Pa due to type annotation
// Partial ordering between members of protocol extensions for
// different protocols.
protocol PInherit1 { }
protocol PInherit2 : PInherit1 { }
protocol PInherit3 : PInherit2 { }
protocol PInherit4 : PInherit2 { }
extension PInherit1 {
final func order1() -> Int { return 0 }
extension PInherit2 {
final func order1() -> Bool { return true }
extension PInherit3 {
final func order1() -> Double { return 1.0 }
extension PInherit4 {
final func order1() -> String { return "hello" }
struct SInherit1 : PInherit1 { }
struct SInherit2 : PInherit2 { }
struct SInherit3 : PInherit3 { }
struct SInherit4 : PInherit4 { }
func testPInherit(_ si2 : SInherit2, si3: SInherit3, si4: SInherit4) {
var b1 = si2.order1() // PInherit2.order1
b1 = true // check that the above returned Bool
_ = b1
var d1 = si3.order1() // PInherit3.order1
d1 = 3.14159 // check that the above returned Double
_ = d1
var s1 = si4.order1() // PInherit4.order1
s1 = "hello" // check that the above returned String
_ = s1
// Other versions are still visible, since they may have different
// types.
b1 = si3.order1() // PInherit2.order1
var _: Int = si3.order1() // PInherit1.order1
protocol PConstrained1 {
associatedtype AssocTypePC1
extension PConstrained1 {
final func pc1() -> Int { return 0 }
extension PConstrained1 where AssocTypePC1 : PInherit2 {
final func pc1() -> Bool { return true }
extension PConstrained1 where Self.AssocTypePC1 : PInherit3 {
final func pc1() -> String { return "hello" }
struct SConstrained1 : PConstrained1 {
typealias AssocTypePC1 = SInherit1
struct SConstrained2 : PConstrained1 {
typealias AssocTypePC1 = SInherit2
struct SConstrained3 : PConstrained1 {
typealias AssocTypePC1 = SInherit3
func testPConstrained1(_ sc1: SConstrained1, sc2: SConstrained2,
sc3: SConstrained3) {
var i = sc1.pc1() // PConstrained1.pc1
i = 17 // checks type of above
_ = i
var b = sc2.pc1() // PConstrained1 (with PInherit2).pc1
b = true // checks type of above
_ = b
var s = sc3.pc1() // PConstrained1 (with PInherit3).pc1
s = "hello" // checks type of above
_ = s
protocol PConstrained2 {
associatedtype AssocTypePC2
protocol PConstrained3 : PConstrained2 {
extension PConstrained2 where Self.AssocTypePC2 : PInherit1 {
final func pc2() -> Bool { return true }
extension PConstrained3 {
final func pc2() -> String { return "hello" }
struct SConstrained3a : PConstrained3 {
typealias AssocTypePC2 = Int
struct SConstrained3b : PConstrained3 {
typealias AssocTypePC2 = SInherit3
func testSConstrained3(_ sc3a: SConstrained3a, sc3b: SConstrained3b) {
var s = sc3a.pc2() // PConstrained3.pc2
s = "hello"
_ = s
_ = sc3b.pc2()
s = sc3b.pc2()
var _: Bool = sc3b.pc2()
extension PConstrained3 where AssocTypePC2 : PInherit1 { }
// Extending via a superclass constraint.
class Superclass {
func foo() { }
static func bar() { }
typealias Foo = Int
protocol PConstrained4 { }
extension PConstrained4 where Self : Superclass {
final func testFoo() -> Foo {
return Foo(5)
final static func testBar() {
protocol PConstrained5 { }
protocol PConstrained6 {
associatedtype Assoc
func foo()
protocol PConstrained7 { }
extension PConstrained6 {
final var prop1: Int { return 0 }
final var prop2: Int { return 0 } // expected-note{{'prop2' previously declared here}}
final subscript (key: Int) -> Int { return key }
final subscript (key: Double) -> Double { return key } // expected-note{{'subscript' previously declared here}}
extension PConstrained6 {
final var prop2: Int { return 0 } // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'prop2'}}
final subscript (key: Double) -> Double { return key } // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'subscript'}}
extension PConstrained6 where Assoc : PConstrained5 {
final var prop1: Int { return 0 } // okay
final var prop3: Int { return 0 } // expected-note{{'prop3' previously declared here}}
final subscript (key: Int) -> Int { return key } // ok
final subscript (key: String) -> String { return key } // expected-note{{'subscript' previously declared here}}
final func foo() { } // expected-note{{'foo()' previously declared here}}
extension PConstrained6 where Assoc : PConstrained5 {
final var prop3: Int { return 0 } // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'prop3'}}
final subscript (key: String) -> String { return key } // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'subscript'}}
final func foo() { } // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'foo()'}}
extension PConstrained6 where Assoc : PConstrained7 {
final var prop1: Int { return 0 } // okay
final subscript (key: Int) -> Int { return key } // okay
final func foo() { } // okay
extension PConstrained6 where Assoc == Int {
final var prop4: Int { return 0 }
final subscript (key: Character) -> Character { return key }
final func foo() { } // okay
extension PConstrained6 where Assoc == Double {
final var prop4: Int { return 0 } // okay
final subscript (key: Character) -> Character { return key } // okay
final func foo() { } // okay
// Interaction between RawRepresentable and protocol extensions.
public protocol ReallyRaw : RawRepresentable {
public extension ReallyRaw where RawValue: SignedInteger {
public init?(rawValue: RawValue) {
self = unsafeBitCast(rawValue, to: Self.self)
enum Foo : Int, ReallyRaw {
case a = 0
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Semantic restrictions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Extension cannot have an inheritance clause.
protocol BadProto1 { }
protocol BadProto2 { }
extension BadProto1 : BadProto2 { } // expected-error{{extension of protocol 'BadProto1' cannot have an inheritance clause}}
extension BadProto2 {
struct S { } // expected-error{{type 'S' cannot be nested in protocol extension of 'BadProto2'}}
class C { } // expected-error{{type 'C' cannot be nested in protocol extension of 'BadProto2'}}
enum E { } // expected-error{{type 'E' cannot be nested in protocol extension of 'BadProto2'}}
extension BadProto1 {
func foo() { }
var prop: Int { return 0 }
subscript (i: Int) -> String {
return "hello"
protocol BadProto3 { }
typealias BadProto4 = BadProto3
extension BadProto4 { } // expected-error{{protocol 'BadProto3' in the module being compiled cannot be extended via a typealias}}{{11-20=BadProto3}}
typealias RawRepresentableAlias = RawRepresentable
extension RawRepresentableAlias { } // okay
extension AnyObject { } // expected-error{{'AnyObject' protocol cannot be extended}}
// Members of protocol extensions cannot be overridden.
// rdar://problem/21075287
class BadClass1 : BadProto1 {
func foo() { }
override var prop: Int { return 5 } // expected-error{{property does not override any property from its superclass}}
protocol BadProto5 {
associatedtype T1 // expected-note{{protocol requires nested type 'T1'}}
associatedtype T2 // expected-note{{protocol requires nested type 'T2'}}
associatedtype T3 // expected-note{{protocol requires nested type 'T3'}}
class BadClass5 : BadProto5 {} // expected-error{{type 'BadClass5' does not conform to protocol 'BadProto5'}}