blob: 00ff8b3a341d69a106515539ad3ee08c883fa000 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-parse-verify-swift
extension extension_for_invalid_type_1 { // expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'extension_for_invalid_type_1'}}
func f() { }
extension extension_for_invalid_type_2 { // expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'extension_for_invalid_type_2'}}
static func f() { }
extension extension_for_invalid_type_3 { // expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'extension_for_invalid_type_3'}}
init() {}
extension extension_for_invalid_type_4 { // expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'extension_for_invalid_type_4'}}
deinit {} // expected-error {{deinitializers may only be declared within a class}}
extension extension_for_invalid_type_5 { // expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'extension_for_invalid_type_5'}}
typealias X = Int
//===--- Test that we only allow extensions at file scope.
extension NestingTest1 { // expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'NestingTest1'}}
extension Foo {} // expected-error {{declaration is only valid at file scope}}
struct NestingTest2 {
extension Foo {} // expected-error {{declaration is only valid at file scope}}
class NestingTest3 {
extension Foo {} // expected-error {{declaration is only valid at file scope}}
enum NestingTest4 {
extension Foo {} // expected-error {{declaration is only valid at file scope}}
protocol NestingTest5 {
extension Foo {} // expected-error {{declaration is only valid at file scope}}
func nestingTest6() {
extension Foo {} // expected-error {{declaration is only valid at file scope}}
//===--- Test that we only allow extensions only for nominal types.
struct S1 {
struct NestedStruct {}
extension S1 {} // no-error
extension S1.Type {} // expected-error {{cannot extend a metatype 'S1.Type'}}
extension S1.NestedStruct {} // no-error
struct S1_2 {
// expected-error @+4 {{type member may not be named 'Type', since it would conflict with the 'foo.Type' expression}}
// expected-error @+3 {{type member may not be named 'Type', since it would conflict with the 'foo.Type' expression}}
// expected-note @+2 {{if this name is unavoidable, use backticks to escape it}} {{8-12=`Type`}}
// expected-note @+1 {{if this name is unavoidable, use backticks to escape it}} {{8-12=`Type`}}
enum Type {}
struct S1_3 {
enum `Type` {} // no-error
extension S1_2.Type {} // expected-error {{cannot extend a metatype 'S1_2.Type'}}
extension S1_3.`Type` {} // no-error
typealias TA_S1 = S1
extension TA_S1 {} // no-error
typealias TA_S1_NestedStruct = S1.NestedStruct
extension TA_S1_NestedStruct {} // no-error
enum U1 {
struct NestedStruct {}
extension U1 {} // no-error
extension U1.NestedStruct {} // no-error
class C1 {
struct NestedStruct {}
extension C1 {} // no-error
extension C1.NestedStruct {} // no-error
protocol P1 {}
protocol P2 {}
extension () {} // expected-error {{non-nominal type '()' cannot be extended}}
typealias TupleAlias = (x: Int, y: Int)
extension TupleAlias {} // expected-error{{non-nominal type 'TupleAlias' (aka '(x: Int, y: Int)') cannot be extended}}
// Test property accessors in extended types
class C {}
extension C {
var p1: Int {
get {return 1}
set(v) {}
var c = C()
var x = c.p1
c.p1 = 1
protocol P3 {
associatedtype Assoc
func foo() -> Assoc
struct X3 : P3 {
extension X3.Assoc { // expected-error{{'Assoc' is not a member type of 'X3'}}
extension X3 {
func foo() -> Int { return 0 }