blob: fa7fe70abc9e8900073d7a4202213a4978de62ae [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-parse-verify-swift -parse-as-library
class B : A {
override init() { super.init() }
override func f() {}
func g() -> (B, B) { return (B(), B()) } // expected-error {{declaration 'g()' cannot override more than one superclass declaration}}
override func h() -> (A, B) { return (B(), B()) }
override func h() -> (B, A) { return (B(), B()) }
func i() {} // expected-error {{declarations from extensions cannot be overridden yet}}
override func j() -> Int { return 0 }
func j() -> Float { return 0.0 }
func k() -> Float { return 0.0 }
override func l(_ l: Int) {}
override func l(_ l: Float) {}
override func m(_ x: Int) {}
func m(_ x: Float) {} // not an override of anything
func n(_ x: Float) {}
override subscript(i : Int) -> Int {
get {}
set {}
class A {
init() { }
func f() {}
func g() -> (B, A) { return (B(), B()) } // expected-note{{overridden declaration is here}}
func g() -> (A, B) { return (B(), B()) } // expected-note{{overridden declaration is here}}
func h() -> (A, A) { return (B(), B()) }
func j() -> Int { return 0 }
func k() -> Int { return 0 }
func l(_ l: Int) {}
func l(_ l: Float) {}
func m(_ x: Int) {}
func m(y: Int) {}
func n(_ x: Int) {}
subscript(i : Int) -> Int {
get {}
set {}
extension A {
func i() {} // expected-note{{overridden declaration is here}}
func f() {
let x = B()
_ = x.f() as ()
_ = x[10] as Int
class C<T> {
init() { }
func f(_ v: T) -> T { return v }
class D : C<Int> {
override init() { super.init() }
override func f(_ v: Int) -> Int { return v+1 }
func f2() {
let x = D()
_ = x.f(10)
class E<T> {
func f(_ v: T) -> T { return v }
class F : E<Int> {}
class G : F {
override func f(_ v: Int) -> Int { return v+1 }
// Explicit downcasting
func test_explicit_downcasting(_ f: F, ei: E<Int>) {
var g = f as! G
g = ei as! G
_ = g
// Type and instance functions with the same name
class H {
func f(_ x: Int) { }
class func f(_ x: Int) { }
class HDerived : H {
override func f(_ x: Int) { }
override class func f(_ x: Int) { }