blob: a8d692412eff52df7fa026230e08b670b82a229d [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-parse-verify-swift
struct A<B> { // expected-note{{generic type 'A' declared here}}
init(x:Int) {}
static func c() {}
struct C<D> { // expected-error{{generic type 'C' cannot be nested in type 'A'}}
static func e() {}
struct F {} // expected-error{{type 'F' cannot be nested in generic type 'A'}}
struct B {}
struct D {}
protocol Runcible {}
protocol Fungible {}
func meta<T>(_ m: T.Type) {}
func meta2<T>(_ m: T.Type, _ x: Int) {}
func generic<T>(_ x: T) {}
var a, b, c, d : Int
_ = a < b
_ = (a < b, c > d)
// Parses as generic because of lparen after '>'
(a < b, c > (d)) // expected-error{{use of undeclared type 'b'}}
// Parses as generic because of lparen after '>'
(a<b, c>(d)) // expected-error{{use of undeclared type 'b'}}
_ = a>(b)
_ = a > (b)
generic<Int>(0) // expected-error{{cannot explicitly specialize a generic function}} expected-note{{while parsing this '<' as a type parameter bracket}}
A<(A<B>) -> B>.c()
A<(Int, UnicodeScalar)>.c()
A<(a:Int, b:UnicodeScalar)>.c()
A<Runcible & Fungible>.c()
A<B>(x: 0) // expected-warning{{unused}}
meta2(A<B>.self, 0)
// FIXME: Nested generic types. Need to be able to express $T0<A, B, C> in the
// typechecker.
meta2(A<B>.C<D>.self, 0)
// TODO: parse empty <> list
//A<>.c() // e/xpected-error{{xxx}}
A<B, D>.c() // expected-error{{generic type 'A' specialized with too many type parameters (got 2, but expected 1)}}
A<B?>(x: 0) // parses as type // expected-warning{{unused}}
_ = a < b ? c : d
A<(B) throws -> D>(x: 0) // expected-warning{{unused}}