blob: 4d9cc310f7dc1385a5470e3817827a5ee7515ffb [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-parse-verify-swift
struct Blob {}
func withBlob(block: (Blob) -> ()) {}
protocol Binding {}
extension Int: Binding {}
extension Double: Binding {}
extension String: Binding {}
extension Blob: Binding {}
struct Stmt {
func bind(_ values: Binding?...) -> Stmt {
return self
func bind(_ values: [Binding?]) -> Stmt {
return self
func bind(_ values: [String: Binding?]) -> Stmt {
return self
let stmt = Stmt()
withBlob { stmt.bind(1, 2.0, "3", $0) }
withBlob { stmt.bind([1, 2.0, "3", $0]) }
withBlob { stmt.bind(["1": 1, "2": 2.0, "3": "3", "4": $0]) }
// <rdar://problem/19840785>
// We shouldn't crash on the call to 'a.dispatch' below.
class A {
func dispatch(_ f : () -> Void) {
class C {
var prop = 0
var a = A()
func act() {
a.dispatch({() -> Void in
self.prop // expected-warning {{expression of type 'Int' is unused}}