blob: fe3efed549bbd4f012ee375e4c5f3dba841f400f [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-run-simple-swift | FileCheck %s
// REQUIRES: executable_test
protocol ProtocolHasInOut {
associatedtype Input
typealias Mutator = (inout Input) -> ()
var f: Mutator { get }
// Emit type metadata for this struct's fields
struct HasInOut<T> {
var f: (inout T) -> ()
struct HasInOutProtocol : ProtocolHasInOut {
typealias Input = Int
let f: (inout Input) -> ()
func foo<T>(_ t: T.Type) -> Any {
return { (x: T) -> Int in return 6060 }
var i = 0
// Dynamic casting
var f = foo((Int, Int).self)
var g = f as! (Int, Int) -> Int
print(g(1010, 2020))
// CHECK: 6060
// Struct with InOut
let hio = HasInOut(f: { (x: inout Int) in x = 3030 })
i = 0
// CHECK: 3030
// Struct that conforms to Protocol with InOut
let hiop = HasInOutProtocol(f: { (x: inout Int) in x = 4040 })
i = 0
// CHECK: 4040
func fooInOut<T>(_ t: T.Type) -> Any {
return { (x: inout T) -> () in x = unsafeBitCast((8080, 9090), to: T.self) }
var fio = fooInOut((Int, Int).self)
var gio = fio as! (inout (Int, Int)) -> ()
var xy = (0, 0)
// CHECK: (8080, 9090)