blob: ec4c4b87ec489d1a69f33cc6b1ae9341a16e7b5e [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-run-simple-swift | FileCheck %s
// REQUIRES: executable_test
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
import Foundation
// Add a method to String to make sure a value is really a String and not
// implicitly converted from an NSString, since method lookup doesn't see through
// implicit conversions.
extension String {
func reallyAString() -> String { return self }
func printString(_ x: String) {
func printDescription(_ o: AnyObject) {
class Pootie : NSObject {
override var description : String {
return "cole me down on the panny sty"
func sinePittyOnRunnyKine(_ x: String) -> String {
return "\(x). sa-da-tay"
var a:NSNumber = 2001
printDescription(a) // CHECK: 2001
var p = Pootie()
printDescription(p) // CHECK: cole me down on the panny sty
var s1:String = "wa-da-ta"
// We don't say 'var s2:NSString = "..."' in order to keep this test independent of the
// ABI of NSString.convertFromStringLiteral.
var s2s:String = "kappa-chow"
var s2 = s2s as NSString
printDescription(s2) // CHECK: kappa-chow
printDescription(p.sinePittyOnRunnyKine(s2 as String) as NSString) // CHECK: kappa-chow. sa-da-tay
var s3:String = s2.appendingPathComponent(s1).reallyAString()
printDescription(s3 as NSString) // CHECK: kappa-chow/wa-da-ta
// Unicode conversion
var s4 = NSString(string: "\u{f8ff}\u{fffd}") as String
printDescription(s4 as NSString) // CHECK: �
// NSCFConstantString conversion
var s5 : String = NSExceptionName.rangeException.rawValue as String
printDescription(s5 as NSString) // CHECK: NSRangeException
// Check conversions to AnyObject
var s6: NSString = "foo"
var ao: Any = s6.copy()
var s7 = ao as! NSString
var s8 = ao as? String
// CHECK-NEXT: done