blob: a6d2446f7e2a3fd152412503a64530f633780375 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: rm -rf %t
// RUN: mkdir -p %t
// RUN: %build-irgen-test-overlays
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend(mock-sdk: -sdk %S/Inputs -I %t -I %S/../IDE/Inputs/custom-modules) %s -emit-ir -enable-swift-newtype | FileCheck %s
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend(mock-sdk: -sdk %S/Inputs -I %t -I %S/../IDE/Inputs/custom-modules) %s -emit-ir -enable-swift-newtype -O | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=OPT
import CoreFoundation
import Foundation
import Newtype
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
// Witness table for synthesized ClosedEnums : _ObjectiveCBridgeable.
// CHECK: @_TWPVSC10ClosedEnums21_ObjectiveCBridgeable7Newtype = linkonce_odr
// CHECK-LABEL: define %CSo8NSString* @_TF7newtype14getErrorDomainFT_VSC11ErrorDomain()
public func getErrorDomain() -> ErrorDomain {
// CHECK: load %CSo8NSString*, %CSo8NSString** getelementptr inbounds (%VSC11ErrorDomain, %VSC11ErrorDomain* {{.*}}@SNTErrOne
return .one
// CHECK-LABEL: _TF7newtype6getFooFT_VCSo14NSNotification4Name
public func getFoo() -> NSNotification.Name {
return NSNotification.Name.Foo
// CHECK: load {{.*}} @FooNotification
// CHECK: ret
// CHECK-LABEL: _TF7newtype21getGlobalNotificationFSiSS
public func getGlobalNotification(_ x: Int) -> String {
switch x {
case 1: return kNotification
// CHECK: load {{.*}} @kNotification
case 2: return Notification
// CHECK: load {{.*}} @Notification
case 3: return swiftNamedNotification
// CHECK: load {{.*}} @kSNNotification
default: return
// CHECK: load {{.*}} @kBarNotification
// CHECK: ret
// CHECK-LABEL: _TF7newtype17getCFNewTypeValueFT6useVarSb_VSC9CFNewType
public func getCFNewTypeValue(useVar: Bool) -> CFNewType {
if (useVar) {
return CFNewType.MyCFNewTypeValue
// CHECK: load {{.*}} @MyCFNewTypeValue
} else {
return FooAudited()
// CHECK: call {{.*}} @FooAudited()
// CHECK: ret
// CHECK-LABEL: _TF7newtype21getUnmanagedCFNewTypeFT6useVarSb_GVs9UnmanagedCSo8CFString_
public func getUnmanagedCFNewType(useVar: Bool) -> Unmanaged<CFString> {
if (useVar) {
return CFNewType.MyCFNewTypeValueUnaudited
// CHECK: load {{.*}} @MyCFNewTypeValueUnaudited
} else {
return FooUnaudited()
// CHECK: call {{.*}} @FooUnaudited()
// CHECK: ret
// Triggers instantiation of ClosedEnum : _ObjectiveCBridgeable
// witness table.
public func hasArrayOfClosedEnums(closed: [ClosedEnum]) {
// CHECK-LABEL: _TF7newtype11compareABIsFT_T_
public func compareABIs() {
let new = getMyABINewType()
let old = getMyABIOldType()
let newNS = getMyABINewTypeNS()
let oldNS = getMyABIOldTypeNS()
// Make sure that the calling conventions align correctly, that is we don't
// have double-indirection or anything else like that
// CHECK: declare %struct.__CFString* @getMyABINewType()
// CHECK: declare %struct.__CFString* @getMyABIOldType()
// CHECK: declare void @takeMyABINewType(%struct.__CFString*)
// CHECK: declare void @takeMyABIOldType(%struct.__CFString*)
// CHECK: declare void @takeMyABINewTypeNonNull(%struct.__CFString*)
// CHECK: declare void @takeMyABIOldTypeNonNull(%struct.__CFString*)
// CHECK: declare %0* @getMyABINewTypeNS()
// CHECK: declare %0* @getMyABIOldTypeNS()
// CHECK: declare void @takeMyABINewTypeNonNullNS(%0*)
// CHECK: declare void @takeMyABIOldTypeNonNullNS(%0*)
// OPT-LABEL: define i1 @_TF7newtype12compareInitsFT_Sb
public func compareInits() -> Bool {
let mf = MyInt(rawValue: 1)
let mfNoLabel = MyInt(1)
let res = mf.rawValue ==
&& mfNoLabel.rawValue ==
// OPT: [[ONE:%.*]] = load i32, i32*{{.*}}@kMyIntOne{{.*}}, align 4
// OPT-NEXT: [[COMP:%.*]] = icmp eq i32 [[ONE]], 1
takesMyInt(MyInt(rawValue: kRawInt))
// OPT: tail call void @takesMyInt(i32 1)
// OPT-NEXT: tail call void @takesMyInt(i32 1)
// OPT-NEXT: [[RAWINT:%.*]] = load i32, i32*{{.*}} @kRawInt{{.*}}, align 4
// OPT-NEXT: tail call void @takesMyInt(i32 [[RAWINT]])
// OPT-NEXT: tail call void @takesMyInt(i32 [[RAWINT]])
return res
// OPT-NEXT: ret i1 [[COMP]]
// CHECK-LABEL: anchor
// OPT-LABEL: anchor
public func anchor() -> Bool {
return false