blob: 9ac34ea2e5cf38d6507460328567a899474a6f66 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-parse-verify-swift
protocol P {
associatedtype A
func makeIterator() -> Int
func f<U: P>(_ rhs: U) -> X<U.A> { // expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'X'}}
// FIXME: This diagnostic isn't great, it happens because the generic constraint
// 'U' from the invalid type signature never gets resolved.
let iter = rhs.makeIterator() // expected-error {{cannot invoke 'makeIterator' with no arguments}}
struct Zzz<T> {
subscript (a: Foo) -> Zzz<T> { // expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'Foo'}}
get: // expected-error {{expected '{' to start getter definition}}
for i in value {}
protocol _Collection {
associatedtype Index
associatedtype _Element
subscript(i: Index) -> _Element {get}
protocol Collection : _Collection, Sequence {
subscript(i: Index) -> Iterator.Element {get set }
func insertionSort<C: Mutable> (_ elements: inout C, i: C.Index) { // expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'Mutable'}} expected-error {{'Index' is not a member type of 'C'}}
var x: C.Iterator.Element = elements[i] // expected-error {{'Iterator' is not a member type of 'C'}}