blob: e4b5acdf3ebd55ce9257b6ad11780ce0aec07486 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -sdk %S/../Inputs/clang-importer-sdk -I %S/../Inputs/clang-importer-sdk/swift-modules -enable-source-import -parse -parse-as-library -verify %s
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
import Foundation
import objc_generics
func testNSArrayBridging(_ hive: Hive) {
_ = hive.bees as [Bee]
func testNSDictionaryBridging(_ hive: Hive) {
_ = hive.beesByName as [String : Bee] // expected-error{{value of optional type '[String : Bee]?' not unwrapped; did you mean to use '!' or '?'?}}
var dict1 = hive.anythingToBees
let dict2: [AnyHashable : Bee] = dict1
dict1 = dict2
func testNSSetBridging(_ hive: Hive) {
_ = hive.allBees as Set<Bee>
public func expectType<T>(_: T.Type, _ x: inout T) {}
func testNSMutableDictionarySubscript(
_ dict: NSMutableDictionary, key: NSCopying, value: Any) {
var oldValue = dict[key]
expectType(Optional<Any>.self, &oldValue)
dict[key] = value
class C {}
struct S {}
func f(_ x: GenericClass<NSString>) -> NSString? { return x.thing() }
func f1(_ x: GenericClass<NSString>) -> NSString? { return x.otherThing() }
func f2(_ x: GenericClass<NSString>) -> Int32 { return x.count() }
func f3(_ x: GenericClass<NSString>) -> NSString? { return x.propertyThing }
func f4(_ x: GenericClass<NSString>) -> [NSString] { return x.arrayOfThings() }
func f5(_ x: GenericClass<C>) -> [C] { return x.arrayOfThings() }
func f6(_ x: GenericSubclass<NSString>) -> NSString? { return x.thing() }
func f6(_ x: GenericSubclass<C>) -> C? { return x.thing() }
func g() -> NSString? { return GenericClass<NSString>.classThing() }
func g1() -> NSString? { return GenericClass<NSString>.otherClassThing() }
func h(_ s: NSString?) -> GenericClass<NSString> {
return GenericClass(thing: s)
func j(_ x: GenericClass<NSString>?) {
class Desk {}
class Rock: NSObject, Pettable {
required init(fur: Any) {}
func other() -> Self { return self }
class func adopt() -> Self { fatalError("") }
func pet() {}
func pet(with other: Pettable) {}
class var needingMostPets: Pettable {
get { fatalError("") }
set { }
class Porcupine: Animal {
class Cat: Animal, Pettable {
required init(fur: Any) {}
func other() -> Self { return self }
class func adopt() -> Self { fatalError("") }
func pet() {}
func pet(with other: Pettable) {}
class var needingMostPets: Pettable {
get { fatalError("") }
set { }
func testImportedTypeParamRequirements() {
let _ = PettableContainer<Desk>() // expected-error{{type 'Desk' does not conform to protocol 'Pettable'}}
let _ = PettableContainer<Rock>()
let _ = PettableContainer<Porcupine>() // expected-error{{type 'Porcupine' does not conform to protocol 'Pettable'}}
let _ = PettableContainer<Cat>()
let _ = AnimalContainer<Desk>() // expected-error{{'AnimalContainer' requires that 'Desk' inherit from 'Animal'}} expected-note{{requirement specified as 'T' : 'Animal' [with T = Desk]}}
let _ = AnimalContainer<Rock>() // expected-error{{'AnimalContainer' requires that 'Rock' inherit from 'Animal'}} expected-note{{requirement specified as 'T' : 'Animal' [with T = Rock]}}
let _ = AnimalContainer<Porcupine>()
let _ = AnimalContainer<Cat>()
let _ = PettableAnimalContainer<Desk>() // expected-error{{'PettableAnimalContainer' requires that 'Desk' inherit from 'Animal'}} expected-note{{requirement specified as 'T' : 'Animal' [with T = Desk]}}
let _ = PettableAnimalContainer<Rock>() // expected-error{{'PettableAnimalContainer' requires that 'Rock' inherit from 'Animal'}} expected-note{{requirement specified as 'T' : 'Animal' [with T = Rock]}}
let _ = PettableAnimalContainer<Porcupine>() // expected-error{{type 'Porcupine' does not conform to protocol 'Pettable'}}
let _ = PettableAnimalContainer<Cat>()
extension GenericClass {
func doesntUseGenericParam() {}
@objc func doesntUseGenericParam2() -> Self {}
// Doesn't use 'T', since ObjC class type params are type-erased
func doesntUseGenericParam3() -> GenericClass<T> {}
// Doesn't use 'T', since its metadata isn't necessary to pass around instance
@objc func doesntUseGenericParam4(_ x: T, _ y: T.Type) -> T {
_ = x
_ = y
return x
// Doesn't use 'T', since its metadata isn't necessary to erase to AnyObject
// or to existential metatype
func doesntUseGenericParam5(_ x: T, _ y: T.Type) -> T {
_ = y as AnyObject.Type
_ = y as Any.Type
_ = y as AnyObject
_ = x as AnyObject
// expected-error@+1{{extension of a generic Objective-C class cannot access the class's generic parameters}}
func usesGenericParamC(_ x: [(T, T)]?) {} // expected-note{{used here}}
// expected-error@+1{{extension of a generic Objective-C class cannot access the class's generic parameters}}
func usesGenericParamD(_ x: Int) {
_ = T.self // expected-note{{used here}}
// expected-error@+1{{extension of a generic Objective-C class cannot access the class's generic parameters}}
func usesGenericParamE(_ x: Int) {
_ = x as? T // expected-note{{used here}}
// expected-error@+1{{extension of a generic Objective-C class cannot access the class's generic parameters}}
func usesGenericParamF(_ x: Int) {
_ = x is T // expected-note{{used here}}
// expected-error@+1{{extension of a generic Objective-C class cannot access the class's generic parameters}}
func usesGenericParamG(_ x: T) {
_ = T.self // expected-note{{used here}}
// expected-error@+1{{extension of a generic Objective-C class cannot access the class's generic parameters}}
func usesGenericParamH(_ x: T) {
_ = x as Any // expected-note{{used here}}
// expected-error@+1{{extension of a generic Objective-C class cannot access the class's generic parameters}}
func usesGenericParamI(_ y: T.Type) {
_ = y as Any // expected-note{{used here}}
// expected-error@+1{{extension of a generic Objective-C class cannot access the class's generic parameters}}
func usesGenericParamJ() -> [(T, T)]? {} // expected-note{{used here}}
static func doesntUseGenericParam() {}
static func doesntUseGenericParam2() -> Self {}
// Doesn't technically use 'T', since it's type-erased at runtime
static func doesntUseGenericParam3() -> GenericClass<T> {}
// expected-error@+1{{extension of a generic Objective-C class cannot access the class's generic parameters}}
static func usesGenericParamC(_ x: [(T, T)]?) {} // expected-note{{used here}}
// expected-error@+1{{extension of a generic Objective-C class cannot access the class's generic parameters}}
static func usesGenericParamD(_ x: Int) {
_ = T.self // expected-note{{used here}}
// expected-error@+1{{extension of a generic Objective-C class cannot access the class's generic parameters}}
static func usesGenericParamE(_ x: Int) {
_ = x as? T // expected-note{{used here}}
// expected-error@+1{{extension of a generic Objective-C class cannot access the class's generic parameters}}
static func usesGenericParamF(_ x: Int) {
_ = x is T // expected-note{{used here}}
func checkThatMethodsAreObjC() {
_ = #selector(GenericClass.doesntUseGenericParam)
_ = #selector(GenericClass.doesntUseGenericParam2)
_ = #selector(GenericClass.doesntUseGenericParam3)
_ = #selector(GenericClass.doesntUseGenericParam4)
_ = #selector(GenericClass.doesntUseGenericParam5)
func swiftFunction<T: Animal>(x: T) {}
extension AnimalContainer {
func doesntUseGenericParam1(_ x: T, _ y: T.Type) {
_ = #selector(x.another)
_ = #selector(y.create)
// TODO: 'Any' bridging should not require reifying generic params.
func doesntUseGenericParam2(_ x: T, _ y: T.Type) { // expected-error{{cannot access the class's generic parameters}}
let a = x.another()
_ = a.another()
_ = x.another().another()
_ = type(of: x).create().another()
_ = type(of: x).init(noise: x).another() // expected-note{{here}}
_ = y.create().another()
_ = y.init(noise: x).another()
_ = y.init(noise: x.another()).another()
func doesntUseGenericParam3(_ x: T, _ y: T.Type) {
let sup: Animal = x
_ = x.buddy
_ = x[0]
x[0] = x
func doesntUseGenericParam4(_ x: T, _ y: T.Type) {
_ = type(of: x).apexPredator.another()
type(of: x).apexPredator = x
_ = y.apexPredator.another()
y.apexPredator = x
// expected-error@+1{{extension of a generic Objective-C class cannot access the class's generic parameters}}
func usesGenericParamA(_ x: T) {
_ = T(noise: x) // expected-note{{used here}}
// expected-error@+1{{extension of a generic Objective-C class cannot access the class's generic parameters}}
func usesGenericParamB() {
_ = T.create() // expected-note{{used here}}
// expected-error@+1{{extension of a generic Objective-C class cannot access the class's generic parameters}}
func usesGenericParamC() {
_ = T.apexPredator // expected-note{{used here}}
// expected-error@+1{{extension of a generic Objective-C class cannot access the class's generic parameters}}
func usesGenericParamD(_ x: T) {
T.apexPredator = x // expected-note{{used here}}
func checkThatMethodsAreObjC() {
_ = #selector(AnimalContainer.doesntUseGenericParam1)
_ = #selector(AnimalContainer.doesntUseGenericParam2)
_ = #selector(AnimalContainer.doesntUseGenericParam3)
_ = #selector(AnimalContainer.doesntUseGenericParam4)
// rdar://problem/26283886
func funcWithWrongArgType(x: NSObject) {}
func crashWithInvalidSubscript(x: NSArray) {
_ = funcWithWrongArgType(x: x[12])
// expected-error@-1{{cannot convert value of type 'Any' to expected argument type 'NSObject'}}
extension PettableContainer {
// TODO: Any erasure shouldn't use generic parameter metadata.
func doesntUseGenericParam(_ x: T, _ y: T.Type) { // expected-error{{cannot access the class's generic parameters}}
_ = type(of: x).init(fur: x).other() // expected-note{{here}}
_ = type(of: x).adopt().other()
_ = y.init(fur: x).other()
_ = y.adopt().other() x)
// expected-error@+1{{extension of a generic Objective-C class cannot access the class's generic parameters}}
func usesGenericParamA(_ x: T) {
_ = T(fur: x) // expected-note{{used here}}
// expected-error@+1{{extension of a generic Objective-C class cannot access the class's generic parameters}}
func usesGenericParamB(_ x: T) {
_ = T.adopt() // expected-note{{used here}}
// expected-error@+1{{extension of a generic Objective-C class cannot access the class's generic parameters}}
func usesGenericParamC(_ x: T) {
_ = T.needingMostPets // expected-note{{used here}}
// expected-error@+1{{extension of a generic Objective-C class cannot access the class's generic parameters}}
func usesGenericParamD(_ x: T) {
T.needingMostPets = x // expected-note{{used here}}
func checkThatMethodsAreObjC() {
_ = #selector(PettableContainer.doesntUseGenericParam)
// expected-error@+1{{inheritance from a generic Objective-C class 'GenericClass' must bind type parameters of 'GenericClass' to specific concrete types}}
class SwiftGenericSubclassA<X: AnyObject>: GenericClass<X> {}
// expected-error@+1{{inheritance from a generic Objective-C class 'GenericClass' must bind type parameters of 'GenericClass' to specific concrete types}}
class SwiftGenericSubclassB<X: AnyObject>: GenericClass<GenericClass<X>> {}
// expected-error@+1{{inheritance from a generic Objective-C class 'GenericClass' must bind type parameters of 'GenericClass' to specific concrete types}}
class SwiftGenericSubclassC<X: NSCopying>: GenericClass<X> {}
class SwiftConcreteSubclassA: GenericClass<AnyObject> {
override init(thing: AnyObject) { }
override func thing() -> AnyObject? { }
override func count() -> Int32 { }
override class func classThing() -> AnyObject? { }
override func arrayOfThings() -> [AnyObject] {}
class SwiftConcreteSubclassB: GenericClass<NSString> {
override init(thing: NSString) { }
override func thing() -> NSString? { }
override func count() -> Int32 { }
override class func classThing() -> NSString? { }
override func arrayOfThings() -> [NSString] {}
class SwiftConcreteSubclassC<T>: GenericClass<NSString> {
override init(thing: NSString) { }
override func thing() -> NSString? { }
override func count() -> Int32 { }
override class func classThing() -> NSString? { }
override func arrayOfThings() -> [NSString] {}
// FIXME: Some generic ObjC APIs rely on covariance. We don't handle this well
// in Swift yet, but ensure we don't emit spurious warnings when
// `as!` is used to force types to line up.
func foo(x: GenericClass<NSMutableString>) {
let x2 = x as! GenericClass<NSString>
takeGenericClass(unsafeBitCast(x, to: GenericClass<NSString>.self))