blob: cad3a6437d7252a57ef11ac0dfc8526243bb4352 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-run-simple-swift
// REQUIRES: executable_test
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
// UNSUPPORTED: OS=watchos
import StdlibUnittest
import SceneKit
// SceneKit is only available on iOS 8.0 and above and on OS X 10.8 and above.
// That said SCNMatrix4Scale &co are only available on OS X 10.10 and above.
var SceneKitTests = TestSuite("SceneKit")
if #available(iOS 8.0, OSX 10.10, *) {
let scn_vec3_ref = SCNVector3Make(1, 2, 3)
let scn_vec4_ref = SCNVector4Make(1, 2, 3, 4)
let scn_mat4_ref = SCNMatrix4Scale(SCNMatrix4Translate(SCNMatrix4MakeRotation(SCNFloat(M_PI), 1, 0, 0), 1, 2, 3), 10, 20, 30)
// MARK: Exposing SCNFloat
SceneKitTests.test("SCNFloat") {
let f = Float(1.0)
let scn_float_from_f = SCNFloat(f)
expectEqual(scn_float_from_f, 1.0)
let d = Double(2.0)
let scn_float_from_d = SCNFloat(d)
expectEqual(scn_float_from_d, 2.0)
let cg = CGFloat(3.0)
let scn_float_from_cg = SCNFloat(cg as NSNumber)
expectEqual(scn_float_from_cg, 3.0)
let node = SCNNode()
node.position.x = scn_float_from_f
node.position.y = scn_float_from_d
node.position.z = scn_float_from_cg
expectTrue(SCNVector3EqualToVector3(node.position, scn_vec3_ref))
let f1: SCNFloat = scn_vec3_ref.x
let f2: SCNFloat = scn_vec4_ref.y
expectEqual(f1, 1.0);
expectEqual(f2, 2.0);
// MARK: Working with SCNVector3
SceneKitTests.test("SCNVector3.init()/Literal") {
let scn_vec3_from_lit = SCNVector3(1, 2, 3)
expectTrue(SCNVector3EqualToVector3(scn_vec3_from_lit, scn_vec3_ref))
SceneKitTests.test("SCNVector3.init()/Float") {
let f1: Float = 1.0
let f2: Float = 2.0
let f3: Float = 3.0
let scn_vec3_from_f = SCNVector3(f1, f2, f3)
expectTrue(SCNVector3EqualToVector3(scn_vec3_from_f, scn_vec3_ref))
SceneKitTests.test("SCNVector3.init()/CGFloat") {
let d1: CGFloat = 1.0
let d2: CGFloat = 2.0
let d3: CGFloat = 3.0
let scn_vec3_from_cg = SCNVector3(d1, d2, d3)
expectTrue(SCNVector3EqualToVector3(scn_vec3_from_cg, scn_vec3_ref))
SceneKitTests.test("SCNVector3.init()/Double") {
let d1: Double = 1.0
let d2: Double = 2.0
let d3: Double = 3.0
let scn_vec3_from_d = SCNVector3(d1, d2, d3)
expectTrue(SCNVector3EqualToVector3(scn_vec3_from_d, scn_vec3_ref))
SceneKitTests.test("SCNVector3.init()/Int") {
let i1: Int = 1
let i2: Int = 2
let i3: Int = 3
let scn_vec3_from_i = SCNVector3(i1, i2, i3)
expectTrue(SCNVector3EqualToVector3(scn_vec3_from_i, scn_vec3_ref))
SceneKitTests.test("SCNVector3.init()/float3") {
let v3 = float3(1, 2, 3)
let scn_vec3_from_float3 = SCNVector3(v3)
expectTrue(SCNVector3EqualToVector3(scn_vec3_from_float3, scn_vec3_ref))
SceneKitTests.test("SCNVector3.init()/double3") {
let v3 = double3(1, 2, 3)
let scn_vec3_from_double3 = SCNVector3(v3)
expectTrue(SCNVector3EqualToVector3(scn_vec3_from_double3, scn_vec3_ref))
SceneKitTests.test("SCNVector3.init()/mix") {
let f1: Float = 1.0
let d2: CGFloat = 2.0
let scn_vec3_from_mixed = SCNVector3(f1, Float(d2), 3)
expectTrue(SCNVector3EqualToVector3(scn_vec3_from_mixed, scn_vec3_ref))
SceneKitTests.test("float3.init()/SCNVector3") {
let v3 = float3(scn_vec3_ref)
expectEqual(v3.x, 1.0)
expectEqual(v3.y, 2.0)
expectEqual(v3.z, 3.0)
SceneKitTests.test("double3.init()/SCNVector3") {
let v3 = double3(scn_vec3_ref)
expectEqual(v3.x, 1.0)
expectEqual(v3.y, 2.0)
expectEqual(v3.z, 3.0)
// MARK: Working with SCNVector4
SceneKitTests.test("SCNVector4.init()/Literal") {
let scn_vec4_from_lit = SCNVector4(1, 2, 3, 4)
expectTrue(SCNVector4EqualToVector4(scn_vec4_from_lit, scn_vec4_ref))
SceneKitTests.test("SCNVector4.init()/Float") {
let f1: Float = 1.0
let f2: Float = 2.0
let f3: Float = 3.0
let f4: Float = 4.0
let scn_vec4_from_f = SCNVector4(f1, f2, f3, f4)
expectTrue(SCNVector4EqualToVector4(scn_vec4_from_f, scn_vec4_ref))
SceneKitTests.test("SCNVector4.init()/CGFloat") {
let d1: CGFloat = 1.0
let d2: CGFloat = 2.0
let d3: CGFloat = 3.0
let d4: CGFloat = 4.0
let scn_vec4_from_cg = SCNVector4(d1, d2, d3, d4)
expectTrue(SCNVector4EqualToVector4(scn_vec4_from_cg, scn_vec4_ref))
SceneKitTests.test("SCNVector4.init()/Double") {
let d1: Double = 1.0
let d2: Double = 2.0
let d3: Double = 3.0
let d4: Double = 4.0
let scn_vec4_from_d = SCNVector4(d1, d2, d3, d4)
expectTrue(SCNVector4EqualToVector4(scn_vec4_from_d, scn_vec4_ref))
SceneKitTests.test("SCNVector4.init()/Int") {
let i1: Int = 1
let i2: Int = 2
let i3: Int = 3
let i4: Int = 4
let scn_vec4_from_i = SCNVector4(i1, i2, i3, i4)
expectTrue(SCNVector4EqualToVector4(scn_vec4_from_i, scn_vec4_ref))
SceneKitTests.test("SCNVector4.init()/float4") {
let v4 = float4(1, 2, 3, 4)
let scn_vec4_from_float4 = SCNVector4(v4)
expectTrue(SCNVector4EqualToVector4(scn_vec4_from_float4, scn_vec4_ref))
SceneKitTests.test("SCNVector4.init()/double4") {
let v4 = double4(1, 2, 3, 4)
let scn_vec4_from_double4 = SCNVector4(v4)
expectTrue(SCNVector4EqualToVector4(scn_vec4_from_double4, scn_vec4_ref))
SceneKitTests.test("SCNVector4.init()/mix") {
let f1: Float = 1.0
let d2: CGFloat = 2.0
let f4: Float = 4.0
let scn_vec4_from_mixed = SCNVector4(f1, Float(d2), 3, f4)
expectTrue(SCNVector4EqualToVector4(scn_vec4_from_mixed, scn_vec4_ref))
SceneKitTests.test("float4.init()/SCNVector4") {
let v4 = float4(scn_vec4_ref)
expectEqual(v4.x, 1.0)
expectEqual(v4.y, 2.0)
expectEqual(v4.z, 3.0)
expectEqual(v4.w, 4.0)
SceneKitTests.test("double4.init()/SCNVector4") {
let v4 = double4(scn_vec4_ref)
expectEqual(v4.x, 1.0)
expectEqual(v4.y, 2.0)
expectEqual(v4.z, 3.0)
expectEqual(v4.w, 4.0)
// MARK: Working with SCNMatrix4
SceneKitTests.test("SCNMatrix4.init()/float4x4 + float4x4.init()/SCNMatrix4") {
let mat4_from_scn_mat4 = float4x4(scn_mat4_ref)
let scn_vec4_from_mat4 = SCNMatrix4(mat4_from_scn_mat4)
expectTrue(SCNMatrix4EqualToMatrix4(scn_vec4_from_mat4, scn_mat4_ref))
SceneKitTests.test("SCNMatrix4.init()/double4x4 + double4x4.init()/SCNMatrix4") {
let mat4_from_scn_mat4 = double4x4(scn_mat4_ref)
let scn_vec4_from_mat4 = SCNMatrix4(mat4_from_scn_mat4)
expectTrue(SCNMatrix4EqualToMatrix4(scn_vec4_from_mat4, scn_mat4_ref))