blob: 7e2391d9e050ed46344cab96617b7b1ccaad3de1 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-run-simple-swift
// REQUIRES: executable_test
import StdlibUnittest
var ErrorTests = TestSuite("Error")
var NoisyErrorLifeCount = 0
var NoisyErrorDeathCount = 0
protocol OtherProtocol {
var otherProperty: String { get }
protocol OtherClassProtocol : class {
var otherClassProperty: String { get }
class NoisyError : Error, OtherProtocol, OtherClassProtocol {
init() { NoisyErrorLifeCount += 1 }
deinit { NoisyErrorDeathCount += 1 }
let _domain = "NoisyError"
let _code = 123
let otherProperty = "otherProperty"
let otherClassProperty = "otherClassProperty"
ErrorTests.test("erasure") {
NoisyErrorLifeCount = 0
NoisyErrorDeathCount = 0
do {
let e: Error = NoisyError()
expectEqual(e._domain, "NoisyError")
expectEqual(e._code, 123)
expectEqual(NoisyErrorDeathCount, NoisyErrorLifeCount)
ErrorTests.test("reflection") {
NoisyErrorLifeCount = 0
NoisyErrorDeathCount = 0
do {
let ne = NoisyError()
let e: Error = ne
var neDump = "", eDump = ""
dump(ne, to: &neDump)
dump(e, to: &eDump)
expectEqual(eDump, neDump)
expectEqual(NoisyErrorDeathCount, NoisyErrorLifeCount)
ErrorTests.test("dynamic casts") {
NoisyErrorLifeCount = 0
NoisyErrorDeathCount = 0
do {
let ne = NoisyError()
let e: Error = ne
expectTrue(e as! NoisyError === ne)
expectEqual((e as! OtherClassProtocol).otherClassProperty, "otherClassProperty")
expectEqual((e as! OtherProtocol).otherProperty, "otherProperty")
let op: OtherProtocol = ne
expectEqual((op as! Error)._domain, "NoisyError")
expectEqual((op as! Error)._code, 123)
let ocp: OtherClassProtocol = ne
expectEqual((ocp as! Error)._domain, "NoisyError")
expectEqual((ocp as! Error)._code, 123)
// Do the same with rvalues, so we exercise the
// take-on-success/destroy-on-failure paths.
expectEqual(((NoisyError() as Error) as! NoisyError)._domain, "NoisyError")
expectEqual(((NoisyError() as Error) as! OtherClassProtocol).otherClassProperty, "otherClassProperty")
expectEqual(((NoisyError() as Error) as! OtherProtocol).otherProperty, "otherProperty")
expectEqual(((NoisyError() as OtherProtocol) as! Error)._domain, "NoisyError")
expectEqual(((NoisyError() as OtherProtocol) as! Error)._code, 123)
expectEqual(((NoisyError() as OtherClassProtocol) as! Error)._domain, "NoisyError")
expectEqual(((NoisyError() as OtherClassProtocol) as! Error)._code, 123)
expectEqual(NoisyErrorDeathCount, NoisyErrorLifeCount)
struct DefaultStruct : Error { }
class DefaultClass : Error { }
ErrorTests.test("default domain and code") {
expectEqual(DefaultStruct()._domain, "main.DefaultStruct")
expectEqual(DefaultStruct()._code, 1)
expectEqual(DefaultClass()._domain, "main.DefaultClass")
expectEqual(DefaultClass()._code, 1)
enum SillyError: Error { case JazzHands }
.skip(.custom({ _isFastAssertConfiguration() },
reason: "trap is not guaranteed to happen in -Ounchecked"))
? "'try!' expression unexpectedly raised an error: "
+ "main.SillyError.JazzHands"
: "")
.code {
let _: () = try! { throw SillyError.JazzHands }()
ErrorTests.test("try?") {
var value = try? { () throws -> Int in return 1 }()
expectType(Optional<Int>.self, &value)
expectEqual(Optional(1), value)
expectEmpty(try? { () throws -> Int in throw SillyError.JazzHands }())
enum LifetimeError : Error {
case MistakeOfALifetime(LifetimeTracked, yearsIncarcerated: Int)
ErrorTests.test("existential in lvalue") {
expectEqual(0, LifetimeTracked.instances)
do {
var e: Error? = nil
do {
throw LifetimeError.MistakeOfALifetime(LifetimeTracked(0),
yearsIncarcerated: 25)
} catch {
e = error
expectEqual(1, LifetimeTracked.instances)
expectEqual(0, e?._code)
expectEqual(0, LifetimeTracked.instances)