blob: 5822a930520c0fe06091b4eb4b381300ff42f78f [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- MetadataLookup.cpp - Swift Language Type Name Lookup -------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// Implementations of runtime functions for looking up a type by name.
#include "swift/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Lazy.h"
#include "swift/Runtime/Concurrent.h"
#include "swift/Runtime/HeapObject.h"
#include "swift/Runtime/Metadata.h"
#include "swift/Runtime/Mutex.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/PointerIntPair.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
#include "Private.h"
#if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)
#include <mach-o/dyld.h>
#include <mach-o/getsect.h>
#elif defined(__ELF__) || defined(__ANDROID__)
#include <elf.h>
#include <link.h>
using namespace swift;
using namespace Demangle;
#include <objc/runtime.h>
#include <objc/message.h>
#include <objc/objc.h>
#if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)
#define SWIFT_TYPE_METADATA_SECTION "__swift2_types"
#elif defined(__ELF__)
#define SWIFT_TYPE_METADATA_SECTION ".swift2_type_metadata_start"
#elif defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(_MSC_VER)
// Type Metadata Cache.
namespace {
struct TypeMetadataSection {
const TypeMetadataRecord *Begin, *End;
const TypeMetadataRecord *begin() const {
return Begin;
const TypeMetadataRecord *end() const {
return End;
struct TypeMetadataCacheEntry {
std::string Name;
const Metadata *Metadata;
TypeMetadataCacheEntry(const llvm::StringRef name,
const ::Metadata *metadata)
: Name(name.str()), Metadata(metadata) {}
const ::Metadata *getMetadata(void) {
return Metadata;
int compareWithKey(llvm::StringRef aName) const {
template <class... T>
static size_t getExtraAllocationSize(T &&... ignored) {
return 0;
#if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)
static void _initializeCallbacksToInspectDylib();
namespace swift {
void _swift_initializeCallbacksToInspectDylib(
void (*fnAddImageBlock)(const uint8_t *, size_t),
const char *sectionName);
static void _addImageTypeMetadataRecordsBlock(const uint8_t *records,
size_t recordsSize);
struct TypeMetadataState {
ConcurrentMap<TypeMetadataCacheEntry> Cache;
std::vector<TypeMetadataSection> SectionsToScan;
Mutex SectionsToScanLock;
TypeMetadataState() {
#if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)
static Lazy<TypeMetadataState> TypeMetadataRecords;
static void
_registerTypeMetadataRecords(TypeMetadataState &T,
const TypeMetadataRecord *begin,
const TypeMetadataRecord *end) {
ScopedLock guard(T.SectionsToScanLock);
T.SectionsToScan.push_back(TypeMetadataSection{begin, end});
static void _addImageTypeMetadataRecordsBlock(const uint8_t *records,
size_t recordsSize) {
assert(recordsSize % sizeof(TypeMetadataRecord) == 0
&& "weird-sized type metadata section?!");
// If we have a section, enqueue the type metadata for lookup.
auto recordsBegin
= reinterpret_cast<const TypeMetadataRecord*>(records);
auto recordsEnd
= reinterpret_cast<const TypeMetadataRecord*>
(records + recordsSize);
// type metadata cache should always be sufficiently initialized by this point.
recordsBegin, recordsEnd);
#if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)
static void _addImageTypeMetadataRecords(const mach_header *mh,
intptr_t vmaddr_slide) {
#ifdef __LP64__
using mach_header_platform = mach_header_64;
assert(mh->magic == MH_MAGIC_64 && "loaded non-64-bit image?!");
using mach_header_platform = mach_header;
// Look for a __swift2_types section.
unsigned long recordsSize;
const uint8_t *records =
getsectiondata(reinterpret_cast<const mach_header_platform *>(mh),
if (!records)
_addImageTypeMetadataRecordsBlock(records, recordsSize);
static void _initializeCallbacksToInspectDylib() {
// Install our dyld callback.
// Dyld will invoke this on our behalf for all images that have already
// been loaded.
swift::swift_registerTypeMetadataRecords(const TypeMetadataRecord *begin,
const TypeMetadataRecord *end) {
auto &T = TypeMetadataRecords.get();
_registerTypeMetadataRecords(T, begin, end);
// copied from ProtocolConformanceRecord::getCanonicalTypeMetadata()
const Metadata *TypeMetadataRecord::getCanonicalTypeMetadata() const {
switch (getTypeKind()) {
case TypeMetadataRecordKind::UniqueDirectType:
return getDirectType();
case TypeMetadataRecordKind::NonuniqueDirectType:
return swift_getForeignTypeMetadata((ForeignTypeMetadata *)getDirectType());
case TypeMetadataRecordKind::UniqueDirectClass:
if (auto *ClassMetadata =
static_cast<const ::ClassMetadata *>(getDirectType()))
return swift_getObjCClassMetadata(ClassMetadata);
return nullptr;
return nullptr;
// returns the type metadata for the type named by typeNode
const Metadata *
swift::_matchMetadataByMangledTypeName(const llvm::StringRef typeName,
const Metadata *metadata,
const NominalTypeDescriptor *ntd) {
if (metadata != nullptr) {
assert(ntd == nullptr);
ntd = metadata->getNominalTypeDescriptor();
if (ntd == nullptr || ntd->Name.get() != typeName)
return nullptr;
// Call the accessor if there is one.
if (metadata == nullptr && !ntd->GenericParams.isGeneric()) {
if (auto accessFn = ntd->getAccessFunction())
metadata = accessFn();
return metadata;
// returns the type metadata for the type named by typeName
static const Metadata *
_searchTypeMetadataRecords(const TypeMetadataState &T,
const llvm::StringRef typeName) {
unsigned sectionIdx = 0;
unsigned endSectionIdx = T.SectionsToScan.size();
const Metadata *foundMetadata = nullptr;
for (; sectionIdx < endSectionIdx; ++sectionIdx) {
auto &section = T.SectionsToScan[sectionIdx];
for (const auto &record : section) {
if (auto metadata = record.getCanonicalTypeMetadata())
foundMetadata = _matchMetadataByMangledTypeName(typeName, metadata, nullptr);
else if (auto ntd = record.getNominalTypeDescriptor())
foundMetadata = _matchMetadataByMangledTypeName(typeName, nullptr, ntd);
if (foundMetadata != nullptr)
return foundMetadata;
return nullptr;
static const Metadata *
_typeByMangledName(const llvm::StringRef typeName) {
const Metadata *foundMetadata = nullptr;
auto &T = TypeMetadataRecords.get();
// Look for an existing entry.
// Find the bucket for the metadata entry.
if (auto Value = T.Cache.find(typeName))
return Value->getMetadata();
// Check type metadata records
T.SectionsToScanLock.withLock([&] {
foundMetadata = _searchTypeMetadataRecords(T, typeName);
// Check protocol conformances table. Note that this has no support for
// resolving generic types yet.
if (!foundMetadata)
foundMetadata = _searchConformancesByMangledTypeName(typeName);
if (foundMetadata) {
T.Cache.getOrInsert(typeName, foundMetadata);
// Check for ObjC class
// FIXME does this have any value? any ObjC class with a Swift name
// should already be registered as a Swift type.
if (foundMetadata == nullptr) {
std::string prefixedName("_Tt" + typeName.str());
foundMetadata = reinterpret_cast<ClassMetadata *>
return foundMetadata;
/// Return the type metadata for a given mangled name, used in the
/// implementation of _typeByName(). The human readable name returned
/// by swift_getTypeName() is non-unique, so we used mangled names
/// internally.
extern "C"
const Metadata *
swift_getTypeByMangledName(const char *typeName, size_t typeNameLength) {
llvm::StringRef name(typeName, typeNameLength);
return _typeByMangledName(name);