blob: cda8b8edd50dc95bb01e1b98e8220c50dfa92a47 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- MetadataCache.h - Implements the metadata cache --------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "llvm/ADT/Hashing.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "swift/Runtime/Concurrent.h"
#include "swift/Runtime/Metadata.h"
#include "swift/Runtime/Mutex.h"
#include <condition_variable>
#include <thread>
namespace swift {
/// A bump pointer for metadata allocations. Since metadata is (currently)
/// never released, it does not support deallocation. This allocator by itself
/// is not thread-safe; in concurrent uses, allocations must be guarded by
/// a lock, such as the per-metadata-cache lock used to guard metadata
/// instantiations. All allocations are pointer-aligned.
class MetadataAllocator {
/// Address of the next available space. The allocator grabs a page at a time,
/// so the need for a new page can be determined by page alignment.
/// Initializing to -1 instead of nullptr ensures that the first allocation
/// triggers a page allocation since it will always span a "page" boundary.
std::atomic<uintptr_t> NextValue;
constexpr MetadataAllocator() : NextValue(~(uintptr_t)0) {}
// Don't copy or move, please.
MetadataAllocator(const MetadataAllocator &) = delete;
MetadataAllocator(MetadataAllocator &&) = delete;
MetadataAllocator &operator=(const MetadataAllocator &) = delete;
MetadataAllocator &operator=(MetadataAllocator &&) = delete;
void *alloc(size_t size);
// A wrapper around a pointer to a metadata cache entry that provides
// DenseMap semantics that compare values in the key vector for the metadata
// instance.
// This is stored as a pointer to the arguments buffer, so that we can save
// an offset while looking for the matching argument given a key.
class KeyDataRef {
const void * const *Args;
unsigned Length;
KeyDataRef(const void * const *args, unsigned length)
: Args(args), Length(length) {}
template <class Entry>
static KeyDataRef forEntry(const Entry *e, unsigned numArguments) {
return KeyDataRef(e->getArgumentsBuffer(), numArguments);
static KeyDataRef forArguments(const void * const *args,
unsigned numArguments) {
return KeyDataRef(args, numArguments);
template <class Entry>
const Entry *getEntry() const {
return Entry::fromArgumentsBuffer(Args, Length);
bool operator==(KeyDataRef rhs) const {
// Compare the sizes.
unsigned asize = size(), bsize = rhs.size();
if (asize != bsize) return false;
// Compare the content.
auto abegin = begin(), bbegin = rhs.begin();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < asize; ++i)
if (abegin[i] != bbegin[i]) return false;
return true;
int compare(KeyDataRef rhs) const {
// Compare the sizes.
unsigned asize = size(), bsize = rhs.size();
if (asize != bsize) {
return (asize < bsize ? -1 : 1);
// Compare the content.
auto abegin = begin(), bbegin = rhs.begin();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < asize; ++i) {
if (abegin[i] != bbegin[i])
return (uintptr_t(abegin[i]) < uintptr_t(bbegin[i]) ? -1 : 1);
return 0;
size_t hash() {
size_t H = 0x56ba80d1 * Length ;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < Length; i++) {
H = (H >> 10) | (H << ((sizeof(size_t) * 8) - 10));
H ^= ((size_t)Args[i]) ^ ((size_t)Args[i] >> 19);
H *= 0x27d4eb2d;
return (H >> 10) | (H << ((sizeof(size_t) * 8) - 10));
const void * const *begin() const { return Args; }
const void * const *end() const { return Args + Length; }
unsigned size() const { return Length; }
template <class Impl>
struct CacheEntryHeader {
/// LLDB walks this list.
/// FIXME: when LLDB stops walking this list, there will stop being
/// any reason to store argument data in cache entries, and a *ton*
/// of weird stuff here will go away.
const Impl *Next;
/// A CRTP class for defining entries in a metadata cache.
template <class Impl, class Header = CacheEntryHeader<Impl> >
class alignas(void*) CacheEntry : public Header {
CacheEntry(const CacheEntry &other) = delete;
void operator=(const CacheEntry &other) = delete;
Impl *asImpl() { return static_cast<Impl*>(this); }
const Impl *asImpl() const { return static_cast<const Impl*>(this); }
CacheEntry() = default;
static Impl *allocate(MetadataAllocator &allocator,
const void * const *arguments,
size_t numArguments, size_t payloadSize) {
void *buffer = allocator.alloc(sizeof(Impl) +
numArguments * sizeof(void*) +
void *resultPtr = (char*)buffer + numArguments * sizeof(void*);
auto result = new (resultPtr) Impl(numArguments);
// Copy the arguments into the right place for the key.
memcpy(buffer, arguments,
numArguments * sizeof(void*));
return result;
void **getArgumentsBuffer() {
return reinterpret_cast<void**>(this) - asImpl()->getNumArguments();
void * const *getArgumentsBuffer() const {
return reinterpret_cast<void * const *>(this)
- asImpl()->getNumArguments();
template <class T> T *getData() {
return reinterpret_cast<T *>(asImpl() + 1);
template <class T> const T *getData() const {
return const_cast<CacheEntry*>(this)->getData<T>();
static const Impl *fromArgumentsBuffer(const void * const *argsBuffer,
unsigned numArguments) {
return reinterpret_cast<const Impl *>(argsBuffer + numArguments);
/// The implementation of a metadata cache. Note that all-zero must
/// be a valid state for the cache.
template <class ValueTy> class MetadataCache {
/// A key value as provided to the concurrent map.
struct Key {
size_t Hash;
KeyDataRef KeyData;
Key(KeyDataRef data) : Hash(data.hash()), KeyData(data) {}
/// The layout of an entry in the concurrent map.
class Entry {
size_t Hash;
unsigned KeyLength;
/// Does this entry have a value, or is it currently undergoing
/// initialization?
/// This (and the following field) is ever modified under the lock,
/// but it can be read from any thread, including while the lock
/// is held.
std::atomic<bool> HasValue;
union {
ValueTy *Value;
std::thread::id InitializingThread;
const void **getKeyDataBuffer() {
return reinterpret_cast<const void **>(this + 1);
const void * const *getKeyDataBuffer() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const void * const *>(this + 1);
Entry(const Key &key)
: Hash(key.Hash), KeyLength(key.KeyData.size()), HasValue(false) {
InitializingThread = std::this_thread::get_id();
memcpy(getKeyDataBuffer(), key.KeyData.begin(),
KeyLength * sizeof(void*));
bool isBeingInitializedByCurrentThread() const {
return InitializingThread == std::this_thread::get_id();
KeyDataRef getKeyData() const {
return KeyDataRef::forArguments(getKeyDataBuffer(), KeyLength);
long getKeyIntValueForDump() const {
return Hash;
static size_t getExtraAllocationSize(const Key &key) {
return key.KeyData.size() * sizeof(void*);
int compareWithKey(const Key &key) const {
// Order by hash first, then by the actual key data.
if (key.Hash != Hash) {
return (key.Hash < Hash ? -1 : 1);
} else {
ValueTy *getValue() const {
if (HasValue.load(std::memory_order_acquire)) {
return Value;
return nullptr;
void setValue(ValueTy *value) {
Value = value;, std::memory_order_release);
/// The concurrent map.
ConcurrentMap<Entry> Map;
static_assert(sizeof(Map) == 2 * sizeof(void*),
"offset of Head is not at proper offset");
/// The head of a linked list connecting all the metadata cache entries.
/// TODO: Remove this when LLDB is able to understand the final data
/// structure for the metadata cache.
const ValueTy *Head;
struct ConcurrencyControl {
Mutex Lock;
ConditionVariable Queue;
std::unique_ptr<ConcurrencyControl> Concurrency;
/// Allocator for entries of this cache.
MetadataAllocator Allocator;
MetadataCache() : Concurrency(new ConcurrencyControl()) {}
~MetadataCache() {}
/// Caches are not copyable.
MetadataCache(const MetadataCache &other) = delete;
MetadataCache &operator=(const MetadataCache &other) = delete;
/// Get the allocator for metadata in this cache.
/// The allocator can only be safely used while the cache is locked during
/// an addMetadataEntry call.
MetadataAllocator &getAllocator() { return Allocator; }
/// Look up a cached metadata entry. If a cache match exists, return it.
/// Otherwise, call entryBuilder() and add that to the cache.
const ValueTy *findOrAdd(const void * const *arguments, size_t numArguments,
llvm::function_ref<ValueTy *()> builder) {
printf("%s(%p): looking for entry with %zu arguments:\n",
Entry::getName(), this, numArguments);
for (size_t i = 0; i < numArguments; i++) {
printf("%s(%p): %p\n", ValueTy::getName(), this, arguments[i]);
Key key(KeyDataRef::forArguments(arguments, numArguments));
printf("%s(%p): generated hash %llx\n",
ValueTy::getName(), this, key.Hash);
// Ensure the existence of a map entry.
auto insertResult = Map.getOrInsert(key);
Entry *entry = insertResult.first;
// If we didn't insert the entry, then we just need to get the
// initialized value from the entry.
if (!insertResult.second) {
// If the entry is already initialized, great.
auto value = entry->getValue();
if (value) {
return value;
// Otherwise, we have to grab the lock and wait for the value to
// appear there. Note that we have to check again immediately
// after acquiring the lock to prevent a race.
auto concurrency = Concurrency.get();
concurrency->Lock.withLockOrWait(concurrency->Queue, [&, this] {
if ((value = entry->getValue())) {
return true; // found a value, done waiting
// As a QoI safe-guard against the simplest form of cyclic
// dependency, check whether this thread is the one responsible
// for initializing the metadata.
if (entry->isBeingInitializedByCurrentThread()) {
"%s(%p): cyclic metadata dependency detected, aborting\n",
ValueTy::getName(), (void*) this);
return false; // don't have a value, continue waiting
return value;
// Otherwise, we created the entry and are responsible for
// creating the metadata.
auto value = builder();
// Update the linked list.
value->Next = Head;
Head = value;
printf("%s(%p): created %p\n",
ValueTy::getName(), (void*) this, value);
// Acquire the lock, set the value, and notify any waiters.
auto concurrency = Concurrency.get();
concurrency->Queue, [&entry, &value] { entry->setValue(value); });
return value;
} // namespace swift