blob: cc396f800914ffbf9522ad6f9f0694c8d6fde9c7 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
@_exported import os
@_exported import os.log
@available(OSX 10.12, iOS 10.0, watchOS 3.0, tvOS 10.0, *)
public func os_log(
_ message: StaticString,
dso: UnsafeRawPointer? = #dsohandle,
log: OSLog = .default,
type: OSLogType = .default,
_ args: CVarArg...)
guard log.isEnabled(type: type) else { return }
message.withUTF8Buffer { (buf: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>) in
// Since dladdr is in libc, it is safe to unsafeBitCast
// the cstring argument type.
let str = unsafeBitCast(buf.baseAddress!, to: UnsafePointer<Int8>.self)
withVaList(args) { valist in
_swift_os_log(dso, log, type, str, valist)
extension OSLogType {
@available(OSX 10.12, iOS 10.0, watchOS 3.0, tvOS 10.0, *)
public static let `default` = __OS_LOG_TYPE_DEFAULT
@available(OSX 10.12, iOS 10.0, watchOS 3.0, tvOS 10.0, *)
public static let info = __OS_LOG_TYPE_INFO
@available(OSX 10.12, iOS 10.0, watchOS 3.0, tvOS 10.0, *)
public static let debug = __OS_LOG_TYPE_DEBUG
@available(OSX 10.12, iOS 10.0, watchOS 3.0, tvOS 10.0, *)
public static let error = __OS_LOG_TYPE_ERROR
@available(OSX 10.12, iOS 10.0, watchOS 3.0, tvOS 10.0, *)
public static let fault = __OS_LOG_TYPE_FAULT
extension OSLog {
@available(OSX 10.12, iOS 10.0, watchOS 3.0, tvOS 10.0, *)
public static let `default` = _swift_os_log_default()
@available(OSX 10.12, iOS 10.0, watchOS 3.0, tvOS 10.0, *)
public convenience init(subsystem: String, category: String) {
self.init(__subsystem: subsystem, category: category)
internal func _swift_os_log(_ dso: UnsafeRawPointer!, _ log: OSLog, _ type: OSLogType, _ format: UnsafePointer<Int8>!, _ args: CVaListPointer)
internal func _swift_os_log_default() -> OSLog
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "OSLogType.default")
public var OS_LOG_TYPE_DEFAULT: OSLogType {
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "")
public var OS_LOG_TYPE_INFO: OSLogType {
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "OSLogType.debug")
public var OS_LOG_TYPE_DEBUG: OSLogType {
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "OSLogType.error")
public var OS_LOG_TYPE_ERROR: OSLogType {
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "OSLogType.fault")
public var OS_LOG_TYPE_FAULT: OSLogType {