blob: 0a1bfa3b0778897989f0e98655914b7127b36908 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import Foundation
@_exported import UIKit
// UITableView extensions
public extension IndexPath {
/// Initialize for use with `UITableView` or `UICollectionView`.
public init(row: Int, section: Int) {
self.init(indexes: [section, row])
/// The section of this index path, when used with `UITableView`.
/// - precondition: The index path must have exactly two elements.
public var section: Int {
get {
precondition(count == 2, "Invalid index path for use with UITableView. This index path must contain exactly two indices specifying the section and row.")
return self[0]
set {
precondition(count == 2, "Invalid index path for use with UITableView. This index path must contain exactly two indices specifying the section and row.")
self[0] = newValue
/// The row of this index path, when used with `UITableView`.
/// - precondition: The index path must have exactly two elements.
public var row: Int {
get {
precondition(count == 2, "Invalid index path for use with UITableView. This index path must contain exactly two indices specifying the section and row.")
return self[1]
set {
precondition(count == 2, "Invalid index path for use with UITableView. This index path must contain exactly two indices specifying the section and row.")
self[1] = newValue
// UICollectionView extensions
public extension IndexPath {
/// Initialize for use with `UITableView` or `UICollectionView`.
public init(item: Int, section: Int) {
self.init(indexes: [section, item])
/// The item of this index path, when used with `UICollectionView`.
/// - precondition: The index path must have exactly two elements.
public var item: Int {
get {
precondition(count == 2, "Invalid index path for use with UICollectionView. This index path must contain exactly two indices specifying the section and item.")
return self[1]
set {
precondition(count == 2, "Invalid index path for use with UICollectionView. This index path must contain exactly two indices specifying the section and item.")
self[1] = newValue
public extension URLResourceValues {
/// Returns a dictionary of UIImage objects keyed by size.
@available(iOS 8.0, *)
public var thumbnailDictionary : [URLThumbnailSizeKey : UIImage]? {
return allValues[URLResourceKey.thumbnailDictionaryKey] as? [URLThumbnailSizeKey : UIImage]