blob: 4df728616911a7cd9d6366a23331826dbc8a431b [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- SwiftReflectionTest.swift ----------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file provides infrastructure for introspecting type information in a
// remote swift executable by swift-reflection-test, using pipes and a
// request-response protocol to communicate with the test tool.
// FIXME: Make this work with Linux
import MachO
import Darwin
let RequestInstanceKind = "k"
let RequestInstanceAddress = "i"
let RequestReflectionInfos = "r"
let RequestReadBytes = "b"
let RequestSymbolAddress = "s"
let RequestStringLength = "l"
let RequestDone = "d"
let RequestPointerSize = "p"
internal func debugLog(_ message: String) {
fputs("Child: \(message)\n", stderr)
public enum InstanceKind : UInt8 {
case None
case Object
case Existential
case ErrorExistential
case Closure
/// Represents a section in a loaded image in this process.
internal struct Section {
/// The absolute start address of the section's data in this address space.
let startAddress: UnsafeRawPointer
/// The size of the section in bytes.
let size: UInt
/// Holds the addresses and sizes of sections related to reflection
internal struct ReflectionInfo : Sequence {
/// The name of the loaded image
internal let imageName: String
/// Reflection metadata sections
internal let fieldmd: Section?
internal let assocty: Section?
internal let builtin: Section?
internal let capture: Section?
internal let typeref: Section?
internal let reflstr: Section?
internal func makeIterator() -> AnyIterator<Section?> {
return AnyIterator([
#if arch(x86_64) || arch(arm64)
typealias MachHeader = mach_header_64
typealias MachHeader = mach_header
/// Get the location and size of a section in a binary.
/// - Parameter name: The name of the section
/// - Parameter imageHeader: A pointer to the Mach header describing the
/// image.
/// - Returns: A `Section` containing the address and size, or `nil` if there
/// is no section by the given name.
internal func getSectionInfo(_ name: String,
_ imageHeader: UnsafePointer<MachHeader>) -> Section? {
debugLog("BEGIN \(#function)"); defer { debugLog("END \(#function)") }
var size: UInt = 0
let address = getsectiondata(imageHeader, "__TEXT", name, &size)
guard let nonNullAddress = address else { return nil }
guard size != 0 else { return nil }
return Section(startAddress: nonNullAddress, size: size)
/// Get the Swift Reflection section locations for a loaded image.
/// An image of interest must have the following sections in the __DATA
/// segment:
/// - __swift3_fieldmd
/// - __swift3_assocty
/// - __swift3_builtin
/// - __swift3_capture
/// - __swift3_typeref
/// - __swift3_reflstr (optional, may have been stripped out)
/// - Parameter i: The index of the loaded image as reported by Dyld.
/// - Returns: A `ReflectionInfo` containing the locations of all of the
/// needed sections, or `nil` if the image doesn't contain all of them.
internal func getReflectionInfoForImage(atIndex i: UInt32) -> ReflectionInfo? {
debugLog("BEGIN \(#function)"); defer { debugLog("END \(#function)") }
let header = unsafeBitCast(_dyld_get_image_header(i),
to: UnsafePointer<MachHeader>.self)
let imageName = _dyld_get_image_name(i)!
let fieldmd = getSectionInfo("__swift3_fieldmd", header)
let assocty = getSectionInfo("__swift3_assocty", header)
let builtin = getSectionInfo("__swift3_builtin", header)
let capture = getSectionInfo("__swift3_capture", header)
let typeref = getSectionInfo("__swift3_typeref", header)
let reflstr = getSectionInfo("__swift3_reflstr", header)
return ReflectionInfo(imageName: String(validatingUTF8: imageName)!,
fieldmd: fieldmd,
assocty: assocty,
builtin: builtin,
capture: capture,
typeref: typeref,
reflstr: reflstr)
internal func sendBytes<T>(from address: UnsafePointer<T>, count: Int) {
var source = address
var bytesLeft = count
debugLog("BEGIN \(#function)"); defer { debugLog("END \(#function)") }
while bytesLeft > 0 {
let bytesWritten = fwrite(source, 1, bytesLeft, stdout)
guard bytesWritten > 0 else {
fatalError("Couldn't write to parent pipe")
bytesLeft -= bytesWritten
source = source.advanced(by: bytesWritten)
/// Send the address of an object to the parent.
internal func sendAddress(of instance: AnyObject) {
debugLog("BEGIN \(#function)")
defer { debugLog("END \(#function)") }
var address = Unmanaged.passUnretained(instance).toOpaque()
sendBytes(from: &address, count: MemoryLayout<UInt>.size)
/// Send the `value`'s bits to the parent.
internal func sendValue<T>(_ value: T) {
debugLog("BEGIN \(#function)"); defer { debugLog("END \(#function)") }
var value = value
sendBytes(from: &value, count: MemoryLayout<T>.size)
/// Read a word-sized unsigned integer from the parent.
internal func readUInt() -> UInt {
debugLog("BEGIN \(#function)"); defer { debugLog("END \(#function)") }
var value: UInt = 0
fread(&value, MemoryLayout<UInt>.size, 1, stdin)
return value
/// Send all known `ReflectionInfo`s for all images loaded in the current
/// process.
internal func sendReflectionInfos() {
debugLog("BEGIN \(#function)"); defer { debugLog("END \(#function)") }
let infos = (0..<_dyld_image_count()).flatMap(getReflectionInfoForImage)
var numInfos = infos.count
debugLog("\(numInfos) reflection info bundles.")
precondition(numInfos >= 1)
sendBytes(from: &numInfos, count: MemoryLayout<UInt>.size)
for info in infos {
debugLog("Sending info for \(info.imageName)")
for section in info {
sendValue(section?.size ?? 0)
internal func printErrnoAndExit() {
debugLog("BEGIN \(#function)"); defer { debugLog("END \(#function)") }
let errorCString = strerror(errno)!
let message = String(validatingUTF8: errorCString)! + "\n"
let bytes = Array(message.utf8)
fwrite(bytes, 1, bytes.count, stderr)
/// Retrieve the address and count from the parent and send the bytes back.
internal func sendBytes() {
debugLog("BEGIN \(#function)"); defer { debugLog("END \(#function)") }
let address = readUInt()
let count = Int(readUInt())
debugLog("Parent requested \(count) bytes from \(address)")
var totalBytesWritten = 0
var pointer = unsafeBitCast(address, to: UnsafeMutableRawPointer.self)
while totalBytesWritten < count {
let bytesWritten = Int(fwrite(pointer, 1, Int(count), stdout))
if bytesWritten == 0 {
totalBytesWritten += bytesWritten
pointer = pointer.advanced(by: bytesWritten)
/// Send the address of a symbol loaded in this process.
internal func sendSymbolAddress() {
debugLog("BEGIN \(#function)"); defer { debugLog("END \(#function)") }
let name = readLine()!
name.withCString {
let handle = unsafeBitCast(Int(-2), to: UnsafeMutableRawPointer.self)
let symbol = dlsym(handle, $0)
let symbolAddress = unsafeBitCast(symbol, to: UInt.self)
/// Send the length of a string to the parent.
internal func sendStringLength() {
debugLog("BEGIN \(#function)"); defer { debugLog("END \(#function)") }
let address = readUInt()
let cString = unsafeBitCast(address, to: UnsafePointer<CChar>.self)
let count = String(validatingUTF8: cString)!.utf8.count
/// Send the size of this architecture's pointer type.
internal func sendPointerSize() {
debugLog("BEGIN \(#function)"); defer { debugLog("END \(#function)") }
let pointerSize = UInt8(MemoryLayout<UnsafeRawPointer>.size)
/// Hold an `instance` and wait for the parent to query for information.
/// This is the main "run loop" of the test harness.
/// The parent will necessarily need to:
/// - Get the addresses of all of the reflection sections for any swift dylibs
/// that are loaded, where applicable.
/// - Get the address of the `instance`
/// - Get the pointer size of this process, which affects assumptions about the
/// the layout of runtime structures with pointer-sized fields.
/// - Read raw bytes out of this process's address space.
/// The parent sends a Done message to indicate that it's done
/// looking at this instance. It will continue to ask for instances,
/// so call doneReflecting() when you don't have any more instances.
internal func reflect(instanceAddress: UInt, kind: InstanceKind) {
while let command = readLine(strippingNewline: true) {
switch command {
case String(validatingUTF8: RequestInstanceKind)!:
case String(validatingUTF8: RequestInstanceAddress)!:
case String(validatingUTF8: RequestReflectionInfos)!:
case String(validatingUTF8: RequestReadBytes)!:
case String(validatingUTF8: RequestSymbolAddress)!:
case String(validatingUTF8: RequestStringLength)!:
case String(validatingUTF8: RequestPointerSize)!:
case String(validatingUTF8: RequestDone)!:
fatalError("Unknown request received: '\(Array(command.utf8))'!")
/// Reflect a class instance.
/// This reflects the stored properties of the immediate class.
/// The superclass is not (yet?) visited.
public func reflect(object: AnyObject) {
defer { _fixLifetime(object) }
let address = Unmanaged.passUnretained(object).toOpaque()
let addressValue = UInt(bitPattern: address)
reflect(instanceAddress: addressValue, kind: .Object)
/// Reflect any type at all by boxing it into an existential container (an `Any`)
/// Given a class, this will reflect the reference value, and not the contents
/// of the instance. Use `reflect(object:)` for that.
/// This function serves to exercise the projectExistential function of the
/// SwiftRemoteMirror API.
/// It tests the three conditions of existential layout:
/// ## Class existentials
/// For example, a `MyClass as Any`:
/// ```
/// [Pointer to class instance]
/// [Witness table 1]
/// [Witness table 2]
/// ...
/// [Witness table n]
/// ```
/// ## Existentials whose contained type fits in the 3-word buffer
/// For example, a `(1, 2) as Any`:
/// ```
/// [Tuple element 1: Int]
/// [Tuple element 2: Int]
/// [-Empty_]
/// [Metadata Pointer]
/// [Witness table 1]
/// [Witness table 2]
/// ...
/// [Witness table n]
/// ```
/// ## Existentials whose contained type has to be allocated into a
/// heap buffer.
/// For example, a `LargeStruct<T> as Any`:
/// ```
/// [Pointer to unmanaged heap container] --> [Large struct]
/// [-Empty-]
/// [-Empty-]
/// [Metadata Pointer]
/// [Witness table 1]
/// [Witness table 2]
/// ...
/// [Witness table n]
/// ```
/// The test doesn't care about the witness tables - we only care
/// about what's in the buffer, so we always put these values into
/// an Any existential.
public func reflect<T>(any: T) {
let any: Any = any
let anyPointer = UnsafeMutablePointer<Any>.allocate(capacity: MemoryLayout<Any>.size)
anyPointer.initialize(to: any)
let anyPointerValue = unsafeBitCast(anyPointer, to: UInt.self)
reflect(instanceAddress: anyPointerValue, kind: .Existential)
anyPointer.deallocate(capacity: MemoryLayout<Any>.size)
// Reflect an `Error`, a.k.a. an "error existential".
// These are always boxed on the heap, with the following layout:
// - Word 0: Metadata Pointer
// - Word 1: 2x 32-bit reference counts
// If Objective-C interop is available, an Error is also an
// `NSError`, and so has:
// - Word 2: code (NSInteger)
// - Word 3: domain (NSString *)
// - Word 4: userInfo (NSDictionary *)
// Then, always follow:
// - Word 2 or 5: Instance type metadata pointer
// - Word 3 or 6: Instance witness table for conforming
// to `Swift.Error`.
// Following that is the instance that conforms to `Error`,
// rounding up to its alignment.
public func reflect<T: Error>(error: T) {
let error: Error = error
let errorPointerValue = unsafeBitCast(error, to: UInt.self)
reflect(instanceAddress: errorPointerValue, kind: .ErrorExistential)
/// Wraps a thick function with arity 0.
struct ThickFunction0 {
var function: () -> ()
/// Wraps a thick function with arity 1.
struct ThickFunction1 {
var function: (Int) -> ()
/// Wraps a thick function with arity 2.
struct ThickFunction2 {
var function: (Int, String) -> ()
/// Wraps a thick function with arity 3.
struct ThickFunction3 {
var function: (Int, String, AnyObject?) -> ()
struct ThickFunctionParts {
var function: UnsafeRawPointer
var context: Optional<UnsafeRawPointer>
/// Reflect a closure context. The given function must be a Swift-native
/// @convention(thick) function value.
public func reflect(function: @escaping () -> ()) {
let fn = UnsafeMutablePointer<ThickFunction0>.allocate(
capacity: MemoryLayout<ThickFunction0>.size)
fn.initialize(to: ThickFunction0(function: function))
let parts = unsafeBitCast(fn, to: UnsafePointer<ThickFunctionParts>.self)
let contextPointer = unsafeBitCast(parts.pointee.context, to: UInt.self)
reflect(instanceAddress: contextPointer, kind: .Object)
fn.deallocate(capacity: MemoryLayout<ThickFunction0>.size)
/// Reflect a closure context. The given function must be a Swift-native
/// @convention(thick) function value.
public func reflect(function: @escaping (Int) -> ()) {
let fn =
capacity: MemoryLayout<ThickFunction1>.size)
fn.initialize(to: ThickFunction1(function: function))
let parts = unsafeBitCast(fn, to: UnsafePointer<ThickFunctionParts>.self)
let contextPointer = unsafeBitCast(parts.pointee.context, to: UInt.self)
reflect(instanceAddress: contextPointer, kind: .Object)
fn.deallocate(capacity: MemoryLayout<ThickFunction1>.size)
/// Reflect a closure context. The given function must be a Swift-native
/// @convention(thick) function value.
public func reflect(function: @escaping (Int, String) -> ()) {
let fn = UnsafeMutablePointer<ThickFunction2>.allocate(
capacity: MemoryLayout<ThickFunction2>.size)
fn.initialize(to: ThickFunction2(function: function))
let parts = unsafeBitCast(fn, to: UnsafePointer<ThickFunctionParts>.self)
let contextPointer = unsafeBitCast(parts.pointee.context, to: UInt.self)
reflect(instanceAddress: contextPointer, kind: .Object)
fn.deallocate(capacity: MemoryLayout<ThickFunction2>.size)
/// Reflect a closure context. The given function must be a Swift-native
/// @convention(thick) function value.
public func reflect(function: @escaping (Int, String, AnyObject?) -> ()) {
let fn = UnsafeMutablePointer<ThickFunction3>.allocate(
capacity: MemoryLayout<ThickFunction3>.size)
fn.initialize(to: ThickFunction3(function: function))
let parts = unsafeBitCast(fn, to: UnsafePointer<ThickFunctionParts>.self)
let contextPointer = unsafeBitCast(parts.pointee.context, to: UInt.self)
reflect(instanceAddress: contextPointer, kind: .Object)
fn.deallocate(capacity: MemoryLayout<ThickFunction3>.size)
/// Call this function to indicate to the parent that there are
/// no more instances to look at.
public func doneReflecting() {
reflect(instanceAddress: UInt(InstanceKind.None.rawValue), kind: .None)
/* Example usage
public protocol P {
associatedtype Index
var startIndex: Index { get }
public struct Thing : P {
public let startIndex = 1010
public enum E<T: P> {
case B(T)
case C(T.Index)
public class A<T: P> : P {
public let x: T?
public let y: T.Index
public let b = true
public let t = (1, 1.0)
private let type: NSObject.Type
public let startIndex = 1010
public init(x: T) {
self.x = x
self.y = x.startIndex
self.type = NSObject.self
let instance = A(x: A(x: Thing()))
reflect(A(x: Thing()))