blob: 837328c1ef2236742c57ec4f147a80a4ca1af448 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- CheckSequenceInstance.swift.gyb ----------------------*- swift -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
from gyb_stdlib_unittest_support import TRACE, stackTrace, trace
import StdlibUnittest
// Generate two overloads: one for Array (which will get
// picked up when the caller passes a literal), and another that
// accepts any appropriate Collection type.
% for genericParam, Element, Expected in zip(
% ('Expected: Collection', 'Element'),
% ('Expected.Iterator.Element', 'Element'),
% ('Expected', 'Array<Element>')):
public func checkIterator<
${genericParam}, I : IteratorProtocol
_ expected: ${Expected},
_ iterator: I,
resiliencyChecks: CollectionMisuseResiliencyChecks = .all,
sameValue: (${Element}, ${Element}) -> Bool
) where I.Element == ${Element} {
// Copying a `IteratorProtocol` is allowed.
var mutableGen = iterator
var actual: [${Element}] = []
while let e = {
expected, actual, ${trace}, sameValue: sameValue)
// Having returned `.None` once, a `IteratorProtocol` should not generate
// more elements.
for _ in 0..<10 {
expectEmpty(, ${trace})
public func checkIterator<
${genericParam}, I : IteratorProtocol
_ expected: ${Expected},
_ iterator: I,
resiliencyChecks: CollectionMisuseResiliencyChecks = .all
) where I.Element == ${Element}, ${Element} : Equatable {
expected, iterator, ${trace}, showFrame: false,
resiliencyChecks: resiliencyChecks
) { $0 == $1 }
public func checkSequence<
${genericParam}, S : Sequence
_ expected: ${Expected},
_ sequence: S,
resiliencyChecks: CollectionMisuseResiliencyChecks = .all,
sameValue: (${Element}, ${Element}) -> Bool
) where S.Iterator.Element == ${Element} {
let expectedCount: Int = numericCast(expected.count)
expected, sequence.makeIterator(), ${trace},
resiliencyChecks: resiliencyChecks,
sameValue: sameValue)
expectedCount, sequence.underestimatedCount, ${trace})
// Check that _copyContents does the right thing if we can do so
// without destroying the sequence.
_ = sequence._preprocessingPass { () -> Void in
var count = 0
for _ in sequence { count += 1 }
let buf = UnsafeMutablePointer<S.Iterator.Element>.allocate(capacity: count)
let end = sequence._copyContents(initializing: buf)
expectTrue(end == buf + count, "_copyContents returned the wrong value")
var j = expected.startIndex
for i in 0..<(end - buf) {
expectTrue(sameValue(expected[j], buf[i]))
j = expected.index(after: j)
buf.deinitialize(count: end - buf)
buf.deallocate(capacity: count)
public func checkSequence<
${genericParam}, S : Sequence
_ expected: ${Expected},
_ sequence: S,
resiliencyChecks: CollectionMisuseResiliencyChecks = .all
) where
S.Iterator.Element == ${Element},
S.Iterator.Element : Equatable {
expected, sequence, ${trace}, showFrame: false,
resiliencyChecks: resiliencyChecks
) { $0 == $1 }
% end