blob: 845fb8aa9e19274683280ad4d289c30ec4331f65 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// Experimental APIs of the Swift Standard Library
// This library contains experimental APIs that can be subject to change or
// removal. We don't guarantee API or ABI stability for this library.
import Swift
/// The function composition operator is the only user-defined operator that
/// operates on functions. That's why the exact precedence does not matter
/// right now.
infix operator : CompositionPrecedence
// The character is U+2218 RING OPERATOR.
// Confusables:
precedencegroup CompositionPrecedence {
associativity: left
higherThan: TernaryPrecedence
/// Compose functions.
/// (g ∘ f)(x) == g(f(x))
/// - Returns: a function that applies ``g`` to the result of applying ``f``
/// to the argument of the new function.
public func ∘<T, U, V>(g: @escaping (U) -> V, f: @escaping (T) -> U) -> ((T) -> V) {
return { g(f($0)) }
infix operator : AdditionPrecedence
infix operator ∖= : AssignmentPrecedence
infix operator : AdditionPrecedence
infix operator ∪= : AssignmentPrecedence
infix operator : MultiplicationPrecedence
infix operator ∩= : AssignmentPrecedence
infix operator : AdditionPrecedence
infix operator ⨁= : AssignmentPrecedence
infix operator : ComparisonPrecedence
infix operator : ComparisonPrecedence
infix operator : ComparisonPrecedence
infix operator : ComparisonPrecedence
infix operator : ComparisonPrecedence
infix operator : ComparisonPrecedence
infix operator : ComparisonPrecedence
infix operator : ComparisonPrecedence
infix operator : ComparisonPrecedence
infix operator : ComparisonPrecedence
/// - Returns: The relative complement of `lhs` with respect to `rhs`.
public func <T, S: Sequence>(lhs: Set<T>, rhs: S) -> Set<T>
where S.Iterator.Element == T {
return lhs.subtracting(rhs)
/// Assigns the relative complement between `lhs` and `rhs` to `lhs`.
public func ∖= <T, S: Sequence>(lhs: inout Set<T>, rhs: S)
where S.Iterator.Element == T {
/// - Returns: The union of `lhs` and `rhs`.
public func <T, S: Sequence>(lhs: Set<T>, rhs: S) -> Set<T>
where S.Iterator.Element == T {
return lhs.union(rhs)
/// Assigns the union of `lhs` and `rhs` to `lhs`.
public func ∪= <T, S: Sequence>(lhs: inout Set<T>, rhs: S)
where S.Iterator.Element == T {
/// - Returns: The intersection of `lhs` and `rhs`.
public func <T, S: Sequence>(lhs: Set<T>, rhs: S) -> Set<T>
where S.Iterator.Element == T {
return lhs.intersection(rhs)
/// Assigns the intersection of `lhs` and `rhs` to `lhs`.
public func ∩= <T, S: Sequence>(lhs: inout Set<T>, rhs: S)
where S.Iterator.Element == T {
/// - Returns: A set with elements in `lhs` or `rhs` but not in both.
public func <T, S: Sequence>(lhs: Set<T>, rhs: S) -> Set<T>
where S.Iterator.Element == T {
return lhs.symmetricDifference(rhs)
/// Assigns to `lhs` the set with elements in `lhs` or `rhs` but not in both.
public func ⨁= <T, S: Sequence>(lhs: inout Set<T>, rhs: S)
where S.Iterator.Element == T {
/// - Returns: True if `x` is in the set.
public func <T>(x: T, rhs: Set<T>) -> Bool {
return rhs.contains(x)
/// - Returns: True if `x` is not in the set.
public func <T>(x: T, rhs: Set<T>) -> Bool {
return !rhs.contains(x)
/// - Returns: True if `lhs` is a strict subset of `rhs`.
public func <T, S: Sequence>(lhs: Set<T>, rhs: S) -> Bool
where S.Iterator.Element == T {
return lhs.isStrictSubset(of: rhs)
/// - Returns: True if `lhs` is not a strict subset of `rhs`.
public func <T, S: Sequence>(lhs: Set<T>, rhs: S) -> Bool
where S.Iterator.Element == T {
return !lhs.isStrictSubset(of: rhs)
/// - Returns: True if `lhs` is a subset of `rhs`.
public func <T, S: Sequence>(lhs: Set<T>, rhs: S) -> Bool
where S.Iterator.Element == T {
return lhs.isSubset(of: rhs)
/// - Returns: True if `lhs` is not a subset of `rhs`.
public func <T, S: Sequence>(lhs: Set<T>, rhs: S) -> Bool
where S.Iterator.Element == T {
return !lhs.isSubset(of: rhs)
/// - Returns: True if `lhs` is a strict superset of `rhs`.
public func <T, S: Sequence>(lhs: Set<T>, rhs: S) -> Bool
where S.Iterator.Element == T {
return lhs.isStrictSuperset(of: rhs)
/// - Returns: True if `lhs` is not a strict superset of `rhs`.
public func <T, S: Sequence>(lhs: Set<T>, rhs: S) -> Bool
where S.Iterator.Element == T {
return !lhs.isStrictSuperset(of: rhs)
/// - Returns: True if `lhs` is a superset of `rhs`.
public func <T, S: Sequence>(lhs: Set<T>, rhs: S) -> Bool
where S.Iterator.Element == T {
return lhs.isSuperset(of: rhs)
/// - Returns: True if `lhs` is not a superset of `rhs`.
public func <T, S: Sequence>(lhs: Set<T>, rhs: S) -> Bool
where S.Iterator.Element == T {
return !lhs.isSuperset(of: rhs)