blob: 522cd23e4df78df44a4afa740516b8770ae18e26 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- CSGen.cpp - Constraint Generator ---------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file implements constraint generation for the type checker.
#include "ConstraintGraph.h"
#include "ConstraintSystem.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTVisitor.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTWalker.h"
#include "swift/AST/Expr.h"
#include "swift/AST/ParameterList.h"
#include "swift/AST/PrettyStackTrace.h"
#include "swift/Sema/IDETypeChecking.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/APInt.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
using namespace swift;
using namespace swift::constraints;
/// \brief Skip any implicit conversions applied to this expression.
static Expr *skipImplicitConversions(Expr *expr) {
while (auto ice = dyn_cast<ImplicitConversionExpr>(expr))
expr = ice->getSubExpr();
return expr;
/// \brief Find the declaration directly referenced by this expression.
static std::pair<ValueDecl *, FunctionRefKind>
findReferencedDecl(Expr *expr, DeclNameLoc &loc) {
do {
expr = expr->getSemanticsProvidingExpr();
if (auto ice = dyn_cast<ImplicitConversionExpr>(expr)) {
expr = ice->getSubExpr();
if (auto dre = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(expr)) {
loc = dre->getNameLoc();
return { dre->getDecl(), dre->getFunctionRefKind() };
return { nullptr, FunctionRefKind::Unapplied };
} while (true);
static bool isArithmeticOperatorDecl(ValueDecl *vd) {
return vd &&
(vd->getName().str() == "+" ||
vd->getName().str() == "-" ||
vd->getName().str() == "*" ||
vd->getName().str() == "/" ||
vd->getName().str() == "%");
static bool mergeRepresentativeEquivalenceClasses(ConstraintSystem &CS,
TypeVariableType* tyvar1,
TypeVariableType* tyvar2) {
if (tyvar1 && tyvar2) {
auto rep1 = CS.getRepresentative(tyvar1);
auto rep2 = CS.getRepresentative(tyvar2);
if (rep1 != rep2) {
CS.mergeEquivalenceClasses(rep1, rep2, /*updateWorkList*/ false);
return true;
return false;
namespace {
/// Internal struct for tracking information about types within a series
/// of "linked" expressions. (Such as a chain of binary operator invocations.)
struct LinkedTypeInfo {
unsigned haveIntLiteral : 1;
unsigned haveFloatLiteral : 1;
unsigned haveStringLiteral : 1;
llvm::SmallSet<TypeBase*, 16> collectedTypes;
llvm::SmallVector<TypeVariableType *, 16> intLiteralTyvars;
llvm::SmallVector<TypeVariableType *, 16> floatLiteralTyvars;
llvm::SmallVector<TypeVariableType *, 16> stringLiteralTyvars;
llvm::SmallVector<ClosureExpr *, 4> closureExprs;
llvm::SmallVector<BinaryExpr *, 4> binaryExprs;
// TODO: manage as a set of lists, to speed up addition of binding
// constraints.
llvm::SmallVector<DeclRefExpr *, 16> anonClosureParams;
LinkedTypeInfo() {
haveIntLiteral = false;
haveFloatLiteral = false;
haveStringLiteral = false;
bool haveLiteral() {
return haveIntLiteral || haveFloatLiteral || haveStringLiteral;
/// Walks an expression sub-tree, and collects information about expressions
/// whose types are mutually dependent upon one another.
class LinkedExprCollector : public ASTWalker {
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<Expr*> &LinkedExprs;
LinkedExprCollector(llvm::SmallVectorImpl<Expr*> &linkedExprs) :
LinkedExprs(linkedExprs) {}
std::pair<bool, Expr *> walkToExprPre(Expr *expr) override {
// Store top-level binary exprs for further analysis.
if (isa<BinaryExpr>(expr) ||
// Literal exprs are contextually typed, so store them off as well.
isa<LiteralExpr>(expr) ||
// We'd like to take a look at implicit closure params, so store
// them.
isa<ClosureExpr>(expr) ||
// We'd like to look at the elements of arrays and dictionaries.
isa<ArrayExpr>(expr) ||
isa<DictionaryExpr>(expr)) {
return {false, expr};
return { true, expr };
Expr *walkToExprPost(Expr *expr) override {
return expr;
/// \brief Ignore statements.
std::pair<bool, Stmt *> walkToStmtPre(Stmt *stmt) override {
return { false, stmt };
/// \brief Ignore declarations.
bool walkToDeclPre(Decl *decl) override { return false; }
/// Given a collection of "linked" expressions, analyzes them for
/// commonalities regarding their types. This will help us compute a
/// "best common type" from the expression types.
class LinkedExprAnalyzer : public ASTWalker {
LinkedTypeInfo &LTI;
ConstraintSystem &CS;
LinkedExprAnalyzer(LinkedTypeInfo &lti, ConstraintSystem &cs) :
LTI(lti), CS(cs) {}
std::pair<bool, Expr *> walkToExprPre(Expr *expr) override {
if (isa<IntegerLiteralExpr>(expr)) {
LTI.haveIntLiteral = true;
auto tyvar = expr->getType()->getAs<TypeVariableType>();
if (tyvar) {
return { false, expr };
if (isa<FloatLiteralExpr>(expr)) {
LTI.haveFloatLiteral = true;
auto tyvar = expr->getType()->getAs<TypeVariableType>();
if (tyvar) {
return { false, expr };
if (isa<StringLiteralExpr>(expr)) {
LTI.haveStringLiteral = true;
auto tyvar = expr->getType()->getAs<TypeVariableType>();
if (tyvar) {
return { false, expr };
if (auto UDE = dyn_cast<UnresolvedDotExpr>(expr)) {
if (UDE->getType())
// Don't recurse into the base expression.
return { false, expr };
if (auto CE = dyn_cast<ClosureExpr>(expr)) {
if (!(LTI.closureExprs.size() || *LTI.closureExprs.end() == CE)) {
return { true, expr };
} else {
return { false, expr };
if (auto DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(expr)) {
if (auto varDecl = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(DRE->getDecl())) {
if (varDecl->isAnonClosureParam()) {
} else if (DRE->getType()) {
return { false, expr };
// In the case of a function application, we would have already captured
// the return type during constraint generation, so there's no use in
// looking any further.
if (isa<ApplyExpr>(expr) &&
!(isa<BinaryExpr>(expr) || isa<PrefixUnaryExpr>(expr) ||
isa<PostfixUnaryExpr>(expr))) {
return { false, expr };
if (isa<BinaryExpr>(expr)) {
if (auto favoredType = CS.getFavoredType(expr)) {
return { false, expr };
// Optimize branches of a conditional expression separately.
if (auto IE = dyn_cast<IfExpr>(expr)) {
return { false, expr };
// TODO: The systems that we need to solve for interpolated string expressions
// require bespoke logic that don't currently work with this approach.
if (isa<InterpolatedStringLiteralExpr>(expr)) {
return { false, expr };
// For exprs of a structural type that are not modeling argument lists,
// avoid merging the type variables. (We need to allow for cases like
// (Int, Int32).)
if (isa<TupleExpr>(expr) && !isa<ApplyExpr>(Parent.getAsExpr())) {
return { false, expr };
// Coercion exprs have a rigid type, so there's no use in gathering info
// about them.
if (isa<CoerceExpr>(expr)) {
return { false, expr };
// Don't walk into subscript expressions - to do so would risk factoring
// the index expression into edge contraction. (We don't want to do this
// if the index expression is a literal type that differs from the return
// type of the subscript operation.)
if (isa<SubscriptExpr>(expr) || isa<DynamicLookupExpr>(expr)) {
return { false, expr };
return { true, expr };
Expr *walkToExprPost(Expr *expr) override {
if (auto CE = dyn_cast<ClosureExpr>(expr)) {
if (LTI.closureExprs.size() && *LTI.closureExprs.end() == CE) {
return expr;
/// \brief Ignore statements.
std::pair<bool, Stmt *> walkToStmtPre(Stmt *stmt) override {
return { false, stmt };
/// \brief Ignore declarations.
bool walkToDeclPre(Decl *decl) override { return false; }
/// For a given expression, given information that is global to the
/// expression, attempt to derive a favored type for it.
bool computeFavoredTypeForExpr(Expr *expr, ConstraintSystem &CS) {
LinkedTypeInfo lti;
expr->walk(LinkedExprAnalyzer(lti, CS));
// Link anonymous closure params of the same index.
// TODO: As stated above, we should bucket these whilst collecting the
// exprs to avoid quadratic behavior.
for (auto acp1 : lti.anonClosureParams) {
for (auto acp2 : lti.anonClosureParams) {
if (acp1 == acp2)
if (acp1->getDecl()->getName().str() ==
acp2->getDecl()->getName().str()) {
auto tyvar1 = acp1->getType()->getAs<TypeVariableType>();
auto tyvar2 = acp2->getType()->getAs<TypeVariableType>();
mergeRepresentativeEquivalenceClasses(CS, tyvar1, tyvar2);
// Link integer literal tyvars.
if (lti.intLiteralTyvars.size() > 1) {
auto rep1 = CS.getRepresentative(lti.intLiteralTyvars[0]);
for (size_t i = 1; i < lti.intLiteralTyvars.size(); i++) {
auto rep2 = CS.getRepresentative(lti.intLiteralTyvars[i]);
if (rep1 != rep2)
CS.mergeEquivalenceClasses(rep1, rep2, /*updateWorkList*/ false);
// Link float literal tyvars.
if (lti.floatLiteralTyvars.size() > 1) {
auto rep1 = CS.getRepresentative(lti.floatLiteralTyvars[0]);
for (size_t i = 1; i < lti.floatLiteralTyvars.size(); i++) {
auto rep2 = CS.getRepresentative(lti.floatLiteralTyvars[i]);
if (rep1 != rep2)
CS.mergeEquivalenceClasses(rep1, rep2, /*updateWorkList*/ false);
// Link string literal tyvars.
if (lti.stringLiteralTyvars.size() > 1) {
auto rep1 = CS.getRepresentative(lti.stringLiteralTyvars[0]);
for (size_t i = 1; i < lti.stringLiteralTyvars.size(); i++) {
auto rep2 = CS.getRepresentative(lti.stringLiteralTyvars[i]);
if (rep1 != rep2)
CS.mergeEquivalenceClasses(rep1, rep2, /*updateWorkList*/ false);
if (lti.collectedTypes.size() == 1) {
// TODO: Compute the BCT.
auto favoredTy = (*lti.collectedTypes.begin())->getLValueOrInOutObjectType();
CS.setFavoredType(expr, favoredTy.getPointer());
// If we have a chain of identical binop expressions with homogeneous
// argument types, we can directly simplify the associated constraint
// graph.
auto simplifyBinOpExprTyVars = [&]() {
if (!lti.haveLiteral()) {
for (auto binExp1 : lti.binaryExprs) {
for (auto binExp2 : lti.binaryExprs) {
if (binExp1 == binExp2)
auto fnTy1 = binExp1->getType()->getAs<TypeVariableType>();
auto fnTy2 = binExp2->getType()->getAs<TypeVariableType>();
if (!(fnTy1 && fnTy2))
auto ODR1 = dyn_cast<OverloadedDeclRefExpr>(binExp1->getFn());
auto ODR2 = dyn_cast<OverloadedDeclRefExpr>(binExp2->getFn());
if (!(ODR1 && ODR2))
// TODO: We currently limit this optimization to known arithmetic
// operators, but we should be able to broaden this out to
// logical operators as well.
if (!isArithmeticOperatorDecl(ODR1->getDecls()[0]))
if (ODR1->getDecls()[0]->getName().str() !=
// All things equal, we can merge the tyvars for the function
// types.
auto rep1 = CS.getRepresentative(fnTy1);
auto rep2 = CS.getRepresentative(fnTy2);
if (rep1 != rep2) {
CS.mergeEquivalenceClasses(rep1, rep2,
/*updateWorkList*/ false);
// Since we're merging argument constraints, make sure that
// the representative tyvar is properly bound to the argument
// type.
auto odTy1 = ODR1->getType()->getAs<TypeVariableType>();
auto odTy2 = ODR2->getType()->getAs<TypeVariableType>();
if (odTy1 && odTy2) {
auto odRep1 = CS.getRepresentative(odTy1);
auto odRep2 = CS.getRepresentative(odTy2);
// Since we'll be choosing the same overload, we can merge
// the overload tyvar as well.
if (odRep1 != odRep2)
CS.mergeEquivalenceClasses(odRep1, odRep2,
/*updateWorkList*/ false);
return true;
if (lti.haveFloatLiteral) {
if (auto floatProto =
KnownProtocolKind::ExpressibleByFloatLiteral)) {
if (auto defaultType = CS.TC.getDefaultType(floatProto, CS.DC)) {
if (!CS.getFavoredType(expr)) {
CS.setFavoredType(expr, defaultType.getPointer());
return true;
if (lti.haveIntLiteral) {
if (auto intProto =
KnownProtocolKind::ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral)) {
if (auto defaultType = CS.TC.getDefaultType(intProto, CS.DC)) {
if (!CS.getFavoredType(expr)) {
CS.setFavoredType(expr, defaultType.getPointer());
return true;
if (lti.haveStringLiteral) {
if (auto stringProto =
KnownProtocolKind::ExpressibleByStringLiteral)) {
if (auto defaultType = CS.TC.getDefaultType(stringProto, CS.DC)) {
if (!CS.getFavoredType(expr)) {
CS.setFavoredType(expr, defaultType.getPointer());
return true;
return false;
/// Determine whether the given parameter and argument type should be
/// "favored" because they match exactly.
bool isFavoredParamAndArg(ConstraintSystem &CS,
Type paramTy,
Type argTy,
Type otherArgTy) {
if (argTy->getAs<LValueType>())
argTy = argTy->getLValueOrInOutObjectType();
if (!otherArgTy.isNull() &&
otherArgTy = otherArgTy->getLValueOrInOutObjectType();
// Do the types match exactly?
if (paramTy->isEqual(argTy))
return true;
// If the argument is a type variable created for a literal that has a
// default type, this is a favored param/arg pair if the parameter is of
// that default type.
// Is the argument a type variable...
if (auto argTypeVar = argTy->getAs<TypeVariableType>()) {
if (auto proto = argTypeVar->getImpl().literalConformanceProto) {
// If it's a struct type associated with the literal conformance,
// test against it directly. This helps to avoid 'widening' the
// favored type to the default type for the literal.
if (!otherArgTy.isNull() &&
otherArgTy->getAs<StructType>()) {
if (CS.TC.conformsToProtocol(otherArgTy,
ConformanceCheckFlags::InExpression)) {
return otherArgTy->isEqual(paramTy);
} else if (auto defaultTy = CS.TC.getDefaultType(proto, CS.DC)) {
if (paramTy->isEqual(defaultTy)) {
return true;
return false;
/// Favor certain overloads in a call based on some basic analysis
/// of the overload set and call arguments.
/// \param expr The application.
/// \param isFavored Determine whether the given overload is favored.
/// \param mustConsider If provided, a function to detect the presence of
/// overloads which inhibit any overload from being favored.
void favorCallOverloads(ApplyExpr *expr,
ConstraintSystem &CS,
std::function<bool(ValueDecl *)> isFavored,
std::function<bool(ValueDecl *)>
mustConsider = nullptr) {
// Find the type variable associated with the function, if any.
auto tyvarType = expr->getFn()->getType()->getAs<TypeVariableType>();
if (!tyvarType)
// This type variable is only currently associated with the function
// being applied, and the only constraint attached to it should
// be the disjunction constraint for the overload group.
auto &CG = CS.getConstraintGraph();
SmallVector<Constraint *, 4> constraints;
CG.gatherConstraints(tyvarType, constraints);
if (constraints.empty())
// Look for the disjunction that binds the overload set.
for (auto constraint : constraints) {
if (constraint->getKind() != ConstraintKind::Disjunction)
auto oldConstraints = constraint->getNestedConstraints();
auto csLoc = CS.getConstraintLocator(expr->getFn());
// Only replace the disjunctive overload constraint.
if (oldConstraints[0]->getKind() != ConstraintKind::BindOverload) {
if (mustConsider) {
bool hasMustConsider = false;
for (auto oldConstraint : oldConstraints) {
auto overloadChoice = oldConstraint->getOverloadChoice();
if (mustConsider(overloadChoice.getDecl()))
hasMustConsider = true;
if (hasMustConsider) {
// Copy over the existing bindings, dividing the constraints up
// into "favored" and non-favored lists.
SmallVector<Constraint *, 4> favoredConstraints;
for (auto oldConstraint : oldConstraints)
if (isFavored(oldConstraint->getOverloadChoice().getDecl()))
// If we did not find any favored constraints, we're done.
if (favoredConstraints.empty()) break;
if (favoredConstraints.size() == 1) {
auto overloadChoice = favoredConstraints[0]->getOverloadChoice();
auto overloadType = overloadChoice.getDecl()->getType();
auto resultType = overloadType->getAs<AnyFunctionType>()->getResult();
CS.setFavoredType(expr, resultType.getPointer());
// Remove the original constraint from the inactive constraint
// list and add the new one.
// Create the disjunction of favored constraints.
auto favoredConstraintsDisjunction =
// If we didn't actually build a disjunction, clone
// the underlying constraint so we can mark it as
// favored.
if (favoredConstraints.size() == 1) {
= favoredConstraintsDisjunction->clone(CS);
// Find the disjunction of fallback constraints. If any
// constraints were added here, create a new disjunction.
Constraint *fallbackConstraintsDisjunction = constraint;
// Form the (favored, fallback) disjunction.
auto aggregateConstraints = {
/// Determine whether or not a given NominalTypeDecl has a failable
/// initializer member.
bool hasFailableInits(NominalTypeDecl *NTD,
ConstraintSystem *CS) {
// TODO: Note that we search manually, rather than invoking lookupMember
// on the ConstraintSystem object. Because this is a hot path, this keeps
// the overhead of the check low, and is twice as fast.
if (!NTD->getSearchedForFailableInits()) {
// Set flag before recursing to catch circularity.
for (auto member : NTD->getMembers()) {
if (auto CD = dyn_cast<ConstructorDecl>(member)) {
if (CD->getFailability()) {
if (!NTD->getHasFailableInits()) {
for (auto extension : NTD->getExtensions()) {
for (auto member : extension->getMembers()) {
if (auto CD = dyn_cast<ConstructorDecl>(member)) {
if (CD->getFailability()) {
if (!NTD->getHasFailableInits()) {
for (auto parentTyLoc : NTD->getInherited()) {
if (auto nominalType =
parentTyLoc.getType()->getAs<NominalType>()) {
if (hasFailableInits(nominalType->getDecl(), CS)) {
return NTD->getHasFailableInits();
Type getInnerParenType(const Type &t) {
if (auto parenType = dyn_cast<ParenType>(t.getPointer())) {
return getInnerParenType(parenType->getUnderlyingType());
return t;
size_t getOperandCount(Type t) {
size_t nOperands = 0;
if (auto parenTy = dyn_cast<ParenType>(t.getPointer())) {
if (parenTy->getDesugaredType())
nOperands = 1;
} else if (auto tupleTy = t->getAs<TupleType>()) {
nOperands = tupleTy->getElementTypes().size();
return nOperands;
/// Return a pair, containing the total parameter count of a function, coupled
/// with the number of non-default parameters.
std::pair<size_t, size_t> getParamCount(ValueDecl *VD) {
auto fty = VD->getType()->getAs<AnyFunctionType>();
assert(fty && "attempting to count parameters of a non-function type");
auto t = fty->getInput();
size_t nOperands = getOperandCount(t);
size_t nNoDefault = 0;
if (auto AFD = dyn_cast<AbstractFunctionDecl>(VD)) {
for (auto params : AFD->getParameterLists()) {
for (auto param : *params) {
if (!param->isDefaultArgument())
} else {
nNoDefault = nOperands;
return { nOperands, nNoDefault };
/// Favor unary operator constraints where we have exact matches
/// for the operand and contextual type.
void favorMatchingUnaryOperators(ApplyExpr *expr,
ConstraintSystem &CS) {
// Find the argument type.
auto argTy = getInnerParenType(expr->getArg()->getType());
// Determine whether the given declaration is favored.
auto isFavoredDecl = [&](ValueDecl *value) -> bool {
auto valueTy = value->getType();
auto fnTy = valueTy->getAs<AnyFunctionType>();
if (!fnTy)
return false;
// Figure out the parameter type.
if (value->getDeclContext()->isTypeContext()) {
fnTy = fnTy->getResult()->castTo<AnyFunctionType>();
Type paramTy = fnTy->getInput();
auto resultTy = fnTy->getResult();
auto contextualTy = CS.getContextualType(expr);
return isFavoredParamAndArg(CS, paramTy, argTy, Type()) &&
(!contextualTy || contextualTy->isEqual(resultTy));
favorCallOverloads(expr, CS, isFavoredDecl);
void favorMatchingOverloadExprs(ApplyExpr *expr,
ConstraintSystem &CS) {
// Find the argument type.
size_t nArgs = getOperandCount(expr->getArg()->getType());
auto fnExpr = expr->getFn();
// Check to ensure that we have an OverloadedDeclRef, and that we're not
// favoring multiple overload constraints. (Otherwise, in this case
// favoring is useless.
if (auto ODR = dyn_cast<OverloadedDeclRefExpr>(fnExpr)) {
bool haveMultipleApplicableOverloads = false;
for (auto VD : ODR->getDecls()) {
if (VD->getType()->getAs<AnyFunctionType>()) {
auto nParams = getParamCount(VD);
if (nArgs == nParams.first) {
if (haveMultipleApplicableOverloads) {
} else {
haveMultipleApplicableOverloads = true;
// Determine whether the given declaration is favored.
auto isFavoredDecl = [&](ValueDecl *value) -> bool {
auto valueTy = value->getType();
auto fnTy = valueTy->getAs<AnyFunctionType>();
if (!fnTy)
return false;
auto paramCount = getParamCount(value);
return nArgs == paramCount.first ||
nArgs == paramCount.second;
favorCallOverloads(expr, CS, isFavoredDecl);
if (auto favoredTy = CS.getFavoredType(expr->getArg())) {
// Determine whether the given declaration is favored.
auto isFavoredDecl = [&](ValueDecl *value) -> bool {
auto valueTy = value->getType();
auto fnTy = valueTy->getAs<AnyFunctionType>();
if (!fnTy)
return false;
// Figure out the parameter type, accounting for the implicit 'self' if
// necessary.
if (auto *FD = dyn_cast<AbstractFunctionDecl>(value)) {
if (FD->getImplicitSelfDecl()) {
if (auto resFnTy = fnTy->getResult()->getAs<AnyFunctionType>()) {
fnTy = resFnTy;
Type paramTy = fnTy->getInput();
return favoredTy->isEqual(paramTy);
// This is a hack to ensure we always consider the protocol requirement
// itself when calling something that has a default implementation in an
// extension. Otherwise, the extension method might be favored if we're
// inside an extension context, since any archetypes in the parameter
// list could match exactly.
auto mustConsider = [&](ValueDecl *value) -> bool {
return isa<ProtocolDecl>(value->getDeclContext());
favorCallOverloads(expr, CS,
/// Favor binary operator constraints where we have exact matches
/// for the operands and contextual type.
void favorMatchingBinaryOperators(ApplyExpr *expr,
ConstraintSystem &CS) {
// If we're generating constraints for a binary operator application,
// there are two special situations to consider:
// 1. If the type checker has any newly created functions with the
// operator's name. If it does, the overloads were created after the
// associated overloaded id expression was created, and we'll need to
// add a new disjunction constraint for the new set of overloads.
// 2. If any component argument expressions (nested or otherwise) are
// literals, we can favor operator overloads whose argument types are
// identical to the literal type, or whose return types are identical
// to any contextual type associated with the application expression.
// Find the argument types.
auto argTy = expr->getArg()->getType();
auto argTupleTy = argTy->castTo<TupleType>();
auto argTupleExpr = dyn_cast<TupleExpr>(expr->getArg());
Type firstArgTy = getInnerParenType(argTupleTy->getElement(0).getType());
Type secondArgTy = getInnerParenType(argTupleTy->getElement(1).getType());
// Determine whether the given declaration is favored.
auto isFavoredDecl = [&](ValueDecl *value) -> bool {
auto valueTy = value->getType();
auto fnTy = valueTy->getAs<AnyFunctionType>();
if (!fnTy)
return false;
auto firstFavoredTy = CS.getFavoredType(argTupleExpr->getElement(0));
auto secondFavoredTy = CS.getFavoredType(argTupleExpr->getElement(1));
auto favoredExprTy = CS.getFavoredType(expr);
if (isArithmeticOperatorDecl(value)) {
// If the parent has been favored on the way down, propagate that
// information to its children.
// TODO: This is only valid for arithmetic expressions.
if (!firstFavoredTy) {
CS.setFavoredType(argTupleExpr->getElement(0), favoredExprTy);
firstFavoredTy = favoredExprTy;
if (!secondFavoredTy) {
CS.setFavoredType(argTupleExpr->getElement(1), favoredExprTy);
secondFavoredTy = favoredExprTy;
if (firstFavoredTy && firstArgTy->getAs<TypeVariableType>()) {
firstArgTy = firstFavoredTy;
if (secondFavoredTy && secondArgTy->getAs<TypeVariableType>()) {
secondArgTy = secondFavoredTy;
// Figure out the parameter type.
if (value->getDeclContext()->isTypeContext()) {
fnTy = fnTy->getResult()->castTo<AnyFunctionType>();
Type paramTy = fnTy->getInput();
auto paramTupleTy = paramTy->getAs<TupleType>();
if (!paramTupleTy || paramTupleTy->getNumElements() != 2)
return false;
auto firstParamTy = paramTupleTy->getElement(0).getType();
auto secondParamTy = paramTupleTy->getElement(1).getType();
auto resultTy = fnTy->getResult();
auto contextualTy = CS.getContextualType(expr);
(isFavoredParamAndArg(CS, firstParamTy, firstArgTy, secondArgTy) ||
isFavoredParamAndArg(CS, secondParamTy, secondArgTy, firstArgTy)) &&
firstParamTy->isEqual(secondParamTy) &&
(!contextualTy || contextualTy->isEqual(resultTy));
favorCallOverloads(expr, CS, isFavoredDecl);
class ConstraintOptimizer : public ASTWalker {
ConstraintSystem &CS;
ConstraintOptimizer(ConstraintSystem &cs) :
CS(cs) {}
std::pair<bool, Expr *> walkToExprPre(Expr *expr) override {
if (auto applyExpr = dyn_cast<ApplyExpr>(expr)) {
if (isa<PrefixUnaryExpr>(applyExpr) ||
isa<PostfixUnaryExpr>(applyExpr)) {
favorMatchingUnaryOperators(applyExpr, CS);
} else if (isa<BinaryExpr>(applyExpr)) {
favorMatchingBinaryOperators(applyExpr, CS);
} else {
favorMatchingOverloadExprs(applyExpr, CS);
// If the paren expr has a favored type, and the subExpr doesn't,
// propagate downwards. Otherwise, propagate upwards.
if (auto parenExpr = dyn_cast<ParenExpr>(expr)) {
if (!CS.getFavoredType(parenExpr->getSubExpr())) {
} else if (!CS.getFavoredType(parenExpr)) {
return { true, expr };
Expr *walkToExprPost(Expr *expr) override {
return expr;
/// \brief Ignore statements.
std::pair<bool, Stmt *> walkToStmtPre(Stmt *stmt) override {
return { false, stmt };
/// \brief Ignore declarations.
bool walkToDeclPre(Decl *decl) override { return false; }
namespace {
class ConstraintGenerator : public ExprVisitor<ConstraintGenerator, Type> {
ConstraintSystem &CS;
/// \brief Add constraints for a reference to a named member of the given
/// base type, and return the type of such a reference.
Type addMemberRefConstraints(Expr *expr, Expr *base, DeclName name,
FunctionRefKind functionRefKind) {
// The base must have a member of the given name, such that accessing
// that member through the base returns a value convertible to the type
// of this expression.
auto baseTy = base->getType();
auto tv = CS.createTypeVariable(
CS.getConstraintLocator(expr, ConstraintLocator::Member),
CS.addValueMemberConstraint(baseTy, name, tv, functionRefKind,
CS.getConstraintLocator(expr, ConstraintLocator::Member));
return tv;
/// \brief Add constraints for a reference to a specific member of the given
/// base type, and return the type of such a reference.
Type addMemberRefConstraints(Expr *expr, Expr *base, ValueDecl *decl,
FunctionRefKind functionRefKind) {
// If we're referring to an invalid declaration, fail.
if (!decl)
return nullptr;
CS.getTypeChecker().validateDecl(decl, true);
if (decl->isInvalid())
return nullptr;
auto memberLocator =
CS.getConstraintLocator(expr, ConstraintLocator::Member);
auto tv = CS.createTypeVariable(memberLocator, TVO_CanBindToLValue);
OverloadChoice choice(base->getType(), decl, /*isSpecialized=*/false,
auto locator = CS.getConstraintLocator(expr, ConstraintLocator::Member);
CS.addBindOverloadConstraint(tv, choice, locator);
return tv;
/// \brief Add constraints for a subscript operation.
Type addSubscriptConstraints(Expr *expr, Expr *base, Expr *index,
ValueDecl *decl) {
ASTContext &Context = CS.getASTContext();
// Locators used in this expression.
auto indexLocator
= CS.getConstraintLocator(expr, ConstraintLocator::SubscriptIndex);
auto resultLocator
= CS.getConstraintLocator(expr, ConstraintLocator::SubscriptResult);
Type outputTy;
// The base type must have a subscript declaration with type
// I -> inout? O, where I and O are fresh type variables. The index
// expression must be convertible to I and the subscript expression
// itself has type inout? O, where O may or may not be an lvalue.
auto inputTv = CS.createTypeVariable(indexLocator, /*options=*/0);
// For an integer subscript expression on an array slice type, instead of
// introducing a new type variable we can easily obtain the element type.
if (auto subscriptExpr = dyn_cast<SubscriptExpr>(expr)) {
auto isLValueBase = false;
auto baseTy = subscriptExpr->getBase()->getType();
if (baseTy->getAs<LValueType>()) {
isLValueBase = true;
baseTy = baseTy->getLValueOrInOutObjectType();
if (CS.isArrayType(baseTy.getPointer())) {
if (auto arraySliceTy =
dyn_cast<ArraySliceType>(baseTy.getPointer())) {
baseTy = arraySliceTy->getDesugaredType();
auto indexExpr = subscriptExpr->getIndex();
if (auto parenExpr = dyn_cast<ParenExpr>(indexExpr)) {
indexExpr = parenExpr->getSubExpr();
if (isa<IntegerLiteralExpr>(indexExpr)) {
outputTy = baseTy->getAs<BoundGenericType>()->getGenericArgs()[0];
if (isLValueBase)
outputTy = LValueType::get(outputTy);
} else if (auto dictTy = CS.isDictionaryType(baseTy)) {
auto keyTy = dictTy->first;
auto valueTy = dictTy->second;
if (isFavoredParamAndArg(CS, keyTy, index->getType(), Type())) {
outputTy = OptionalType::get(valueTy);
if (isLValueBase)
outputTy = LValueType::get(outputTy);
if (outputTy.isNull()) {
outputTy = CS.createTypeVariable(resultLocator,
} else {
CS.setFavoredType(expr, outputTy.getPointer());
auto subscriptMemberLocator
= CS.getConstraintLocator(expr, ConstraintLocator::SubscriptMember);
// Add the member constraint for a subscript declaration.
// FIXME: lame name!
auto baseTy = base->getType();
auto fnTy = FunctionType::get(inputTv, outputTy);
// FIXME: synthesizeMaterializeForSet() wants to statically dispatch to
// a known subscript here. This might be cleaner if we split off a new
// UnresolvedSubscriptExpr from SubscriptExpr.
if (decl) {
OverloadChoice choice(base->getType(), decl, /*isSpecialized=*/false,
CS.addBindOverloadConstraint(fnTy, choice, subscriptMemberLocator);
} else {
CS.addValueMemberConstraint(baseTy, Context.Id_subscript,
fnTy, FunctionRefKind::DoubleApply,
// Add the constraint that the index expression's type be convertible
// to the input type of the subscript operator.
index->getType(), inputTv, indexLocator);
return outputTy;
ConstraintGenerator(ConstraintSystem &CS) : CS(CS) { }
virtual ~ConstraintGenerator() = default;
ConstraintSystem &getConstraintSystem() const { return CS; }
virtual Type visitErrorExpr(ErrorExpr *E) {
// FIXME: Can we do anything with error expressions at this point?
return nullptr;
virtual Type visitCodeCompletionExpr(CodeCompletionExpr *E) {
// If the expression has already been assigned a type; just use that type.
return E->getType();
Type visitLiteralExpr(LiteralExpr *expr) {
// If the expression has already been assigned a type; just use that type.
if (expr->getType() && !expr->getType()->hasTypeVariable())
return expr->getType();
auto protocol = CS.getTypeChecker().getLiteralProtocol(expr);
if (!protocol)
return nullptr;
auto tv = CS.createTypeVariable(CS.getConstraintLocator(expr),
tv->getImpl().literalConformanceProto = protocol;
CS.addConstraint(ConstraintKind::ConformsTo, tv,
return tv;
visitInterpolatedStringLiteralExpr(InterpolatedStringLiteralExpr *expr) {
// Dig out the ExpressibleByStringInterpolation protocol.
auto &tc = CS.getTypeChecker();
auto &C = CS.getASTContext();
auto interpolationProto
= tc.getProtocol(expr->getLoc(),
if (!interpolationProto) {
tc.diagnose(expr->getStartLoc(), diag::interpolation_missing_proto);
return nullptr;
// The type of the expression must conform to the
// ExpressibleByStringInterpolation protocol.
auto locator = CS.getConstraintLocator(expr);
auto tv = CS.createTypeVariable(locator, TVO_PrefersSubtypeBinding);
tv->getImpl().literalConformanceProto = interpolationProto;
CS.addConstraint(ConstraintKind::ConformsTo, tv,
// Each of the segments is passed as an argument to
// init(stringInterpolationSegment:).
unsigned index = 0;
auto tvMeta = MetatypeType::get(tv);
for (auto segment : expr->getSegments()) {
auto locator = CS.getConstraintLocator(
auto segmentTyV = CS.createTypeVariable(locator, /*options=*/0);
auto returnTyV = CS.createTypeVariable(locator, /*options=*/0);
auto methodTy = FunctionType::get(segmentTyV, returnTyV);
CS.addConstraint(Constraint::create(CS, ConstraintKind::Conversion,
DeclName segmentName(C, C.Id_init, { C.Id_stringInterpolationSegment });
CS.addConstraint(Constraint::create(CS, ConstraintKind::ValueMember,
return tv;
Type visitMagicIdentifierLiteralExpr(MagicIdentifierLiteralExpr *expr) {
switch (expr->getKind()) {
case MagicIdentifierLiteralExpr::Column:
case MagicIdentifierLiteralExpr::File:
case MagicIdentifierLiteralExpr::Function:
case MagicIdentifierLiteralExpr::Line:
return visitLiteralExpr(expr);
case MagicIdentifierLiteralExpr::DSOHandle: {
// #dsohandle has type UnsafeMutableRawPointer.
auto &tc = CS.getTypeChecker();
if (tc.requirePointerArgumentIntrinsics(expr->getLoc()))
return nullptr;
auto unsafeRawPointer =
return unsafeRawPointer->getDeclaredType();
Type visitObjectLiteralExpr(ObjectLiteralExpr *expr) {
// If the expression has already been assigned a type; just use that type.
if (expr->getType() && !expr->getType()->hasTypeVariable())
return expr->getType();
auto &tc = CS.getTypeChecker();
auto protocol = tc.getLiteralProtocol(expr);
if (!protocol) {
tc.diagnose(expr->getLoc(), diag::use_unknown_object_literal_protocol,
return nullptr;
auto tv = CS.createTypeVariable(CS.getConstraintLocator(expr),
tv->getImpl().literalConformanceProto = protocol;
CS.addConstraint(ConstraintKind::ConformsTo, tv,
// The arguments are required to be argument-convertible to the
// idealized parameter type of the initializer, which generally
// simplifies the first label (e.g. "colorLiteralRed:") by stripping
// all the redundant stuff about literals (leaving e.g. "red:").
// Constraint application will quietly rewrite the type of 'args' to
// use the right labels before forming the call to the initializer.
DeclName constrName = tc.getObjectLiteralConstructorName(expr);
ArrayRef<ValueDecl *> constrs = protocol->lookupDirect(constrName);
if (constrs.size() != 1 || !isa<ConstructorDecl>(constrs.front())) {
tc.diagnose(protocol, diag::object_literal_broken_proto);
return nullptr;
auto *constr = cast<ConstructorDecl>(constrs.front());
auto constrParamType = tc.getObjectLiteralParameterType(expr, constr);
expr->getArg()->getType(), constrParamType,
CS.getConstraintLocator(expr, ConstraintLocator::ApplyArgument));
Type result = tv;
if (constr->getFailability() != OTK_None) {
result = OptionalType::get(constr->getFailability(), result);
return result;
Type visitDeclRefExpr(DeclRefExpr *E) {
// If this is a ParamDecl for a closure argument that has an Unresolved
// type, then this is a situation where CSDiags is trying to perform
// error recovery within a ClosureExpr. Just create a new type variable
// for the decl that isn't bound to anything. This will ensure that it
// is considered ambiguous.
if (E->getDecl()->hasType() &&
E->getDecl()->getType()->is<UnresolvedType>()) {
return CS.createTypeVariable(CS.getConstraintLocator(E),
// If we're referring to an invalid declaration, don't type-check.
// FIXME: If the decl is in error, we get no information from this.
// We may, alternatively, want to use a type variable in that case,
// and possibly infer the type of the variable that way.
CS.getTypeChecker().validateDecl(E->getDecl(), true);
if (E->getDecl()->isInvalid())
return nullptr;
auto locator = CS.getConstraintLocator(E);
// Create an overload choice referencing this declaration and immediately
// resolve it. This records the overload for use later.
auto tv = CS.createTypeVariable(locator, TVO_CanBindToLValue);
CS.resolveOverload(locator, tv,
OverloadChoice(Type(), E->getDecl(),
if (E->getDecl()->getType() &&
!E->getDecl()->getType()->getAs<TypeVariableType>()) {
CS.setFavoredType(E, E->getDecl()->getType().getPointer());
return tv;
Type visitOtherConstructorDeclRefExpr(OtherConstructorDeclRefExpr *E) {
return E->getType();
Type visitSuperRefExpr(SuperRefExpr *E) {
if (E->getType())
return E->getType();
// Resolve the super type of 'self'.
return getSuperType(E->getSelf(), E->getLoc(),
Type visitTypeExpr(TypeExpr *E) {
Type type;
// If this is an implicit TypeExpr, don't validate its contents.
if (auto *rep = E->getTypeRepr()) {
TypeResolutionOptions options = TR_AllowUnboundGenerics;
options |= TR_InExpression;
type = CS.TC.resolveType(rep, CS.DC, options);
} else {
type = E->getTypeLoc().getType();
if (!type || type->is<ErrorType>()) return Type();
auto locator = CS.getConstraintLocator(E);
type = CS.openType(type, locator);
E->getTypeLoc().setType(type, /*validated=*/true);
return MetatypeType::get(type);
Type visitDotSyntaxBaseIgnoredExpr(DotSyntaxBaseIgnoredExpr *expr) {
llvm_unreachable("Already type-checked");
Type visitOverloadedDeclRefExpr(OverloadedDeclRefExpr *expr) {
// For a reference to an overloaded declaration, we create a type variable
// that will be equal to different types depending on which overload
// is selected.
auto locator = CS.getConstraintLocator(expr);
auto tv = CS.createTypeVariable(locator, TVO_CanBindToLValue);
ArrayRef<ValueDecl*> decls = expr->getDecls();
SmallVector<OverloadChoice, 4> choices;
for (unsigned i = 0, n = decls.size(); i != n; ++i) {
// If the result is invalid, skip it.
// FIXME: Note this as invalid, in case we don't find a solution,
// so we don't let errors cascade further.
CS.getTypeChecker().validateDecl(decls[i], true);
if (decls[i]->isInvalid())
choices.push_back(OverloadChoice(Type(), decls[i],
// If there are no valid overloads, give up.
if (choices.empty())
return nullptr;
// Record this overload set.
CS.addOverloadSet(tv, choices, locator);
return tv;
Type visitUnresolvedDeclRefExpr(UnresolvedDeclRefExpr *expr) {
// This is an error case, where we're trying to use type inference
// to help us determine which declaration the user meant to refer to.
// FIXME: Do we need to note that we're doing some kind of recovery?
return CS.createTypeVariable(CS.getConstraintLocator(expr),
Type visitMemberRefExpr(MemberRefExpr *expr) {
return addMemberRefConstraints(expr, expr->getBase(),
Type visitDynamicMemberRefExpr(DynamicMemberRefExpr *expr) {
return addMemberRefConstraints(expr, expr->getBase(),
virtual Type visitUnresolvedMemberExpr(UnresolvedMemberExpr *expr) {
auto baseLocator = CS.getConstraintLocator(
FunctionRefKind functionRefKind =
expr->getArgument() ? FunctionRefKind::DoubleApply
: FunctionRefKind::Compound;
auto memberLocator
= CS.getConstraintLocator(expr, ConstraintLocator::UnresolvedMember);
auto baseTy = CS.createTypeVariable(baseLocator, /*options=*/0);
auto memberTy = CS.createTypeVariable(memberLocator, TVO_CanBindToLValue);
// An unresolved member expression '.member' is modeled as a value member
// constraint
// T0.Type[.member] == T1
// for fresh type variables T0 and T1, which pulls out a static
// member, i.e., an enum case or a static variable.
auto baseMetaTy = MetatypeType::get(baseTy);
CS.addUnresolvedValueMemberConstraint(baseMetaTy, expr->getName(),
memberTy, functionRefKind,
// If there is an argument, apply it.
if (auto arg = expr->getArgument()) {
// The result type of the function must be convertible to the base type.
// TODO: we definitely want this to include ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional; does it
// need to include everything else in the world?
auto outputTy
= CS.createTypeVariable(
CS.getConstraintLocator(expr, ConstraintLocator::ApplyFunction),
CS.addConstraint(ConstraintKind::Conversion, outputTy, baseTy,
CS.getConstraintLocator(expr, ConstraintLocator::RvalueAdjustment));
// The function/enum case must be callable with the given argument.
auto funcTy = FunctionType::get(arg->getType(), outputTy);
CS.addConstraint(ConstraintKind::ApplicableFunction, funcTy,
CS.getConstraintLocator(expr, ConstraintLocator::ApplyFunction));
return baseTy;
// Otherwise, the member needs to be convertible to the base type.
CS.addConstraint(ConstraintKind::Conversion, memberTy, baseTy,
CS.getConstraintLocator(expr, ConstraintLocator::RvalueAdjustment));
// The member type also needs to be convertible to the context type, which
// preserves lvalue-ness.
auto resultTy = CS.createTypeVariable(memberLocator, TVO_CanBindToLValue);
CS.addConstraint(ConstraintKind::Conversion, memberTy, resultTy,
CS.addConstraint(ConstraintKind::Equal, resultTy, baseTy,
return resultTy;
Type visitUnresolvedDotExpr(UnresolvedDotExpr *expr) {
// Open a member constraint for constructor delegations on the
// subexpr type.
if (CS.TC.getSelfForInitDelegationInConstructor(CS.DC, expr)) {
auto baseTy = expr->getBase()->getType()
// 'self' or 'super' will reference an instance, but the constructor
// is semantically a member of the metatype. This:
// self.init()
// super.init()
// is really more like:
// self = Self.init()
// self.super = Super.init()
baseTy = MetatypeType::get(baseTy, CS.getASTContext());
auto argsTy = CS.createTypeVariable(
auto resultTy = CS.createTypeVariable(CS.getConstraintLocator(expr),
auto methodTy = FunctionType::get(argsTy, resultTy);
CS.addValueMemberConstraint(baseTy, expr->getName(),
methodTy, expr->getFunctionRefKind(),
CS.getConstraintLocator(expr, ConstraintLocator::ConstructorMember));
// The result of the expression is the partial application of the
// constructor to the subexpression.
return methodTy;
return addMemberRefConstraints(expr, expr->getBase(), expr->getName(),
Type visitUnresolvedSpecializeExpr(UnresolvedSpecializeExpr *expr) {
auto baseTy = expr->getSubExpr()->getType();
// We currently only support explicit specialization of generic types.
// FIXME: We could support explicit function specialization.
auto &tc = CS.getTypeChecker();
if (baseTy->is<AnyFunctionType>()) {
return Type();
if (AnyMetatypeType *meta = baseTy->getAs<AnyMetatypeType>()) {
if (BoundGenericType *bgt
= meta->getInstanceType()->getAs<BoundGenericType>()) {
ArrayRef<Type> typeVars = bgt->getGenericArgs();
ArrayRef<TypeLoc> specializations = expr->getUnresolvedParams();
// If we have too many generic arguments, complain.
if (specializations.size() > typeVars.size()) {
typeVars.size(), specializations.size(),
tc.diagnose(bgt->getDecl(), diag::generic_type_declared_here,
return Type();
// Bind the specified generic arguments to the type variables in the
// open type.
auto locator = CS.getConstraintLocator(expr);
for (size_t i = 0, size = specializations.size(); i < size; ++i) {
typeVars[i], specializations[i].getType(),
return baseTy;
} else {
tc.diagnose(expr->getSubExpr()->getLoc(), diag::not_a_generic_type,
return Type();
// FIXME: If the base type is a type variable, constrain it to a metatype
// of a bound generic type.
return Type();
Type visitSequenceExpr(SequenceExpr *expr) {
// If a SequenceExpr survived until CSGen, then there was an upstream
// error that was already reported.
return Type();
Type visitArrowExpr(ArrowExpr *expr) {
// If an ArrowExpr survived until CSGen, then there was an upstream
// error that was already reported.
return Type();
Type visitIdentityExpr(IdentityExpr *expr) {
return expr->getType();
Type visitAnyTryExpr(AnyTryExpr *expr) {
return expr->getType();
Type visitOptionalTryExpr(OptionalTryExpr *expr) {
auto valueTy = CS.createTypeVariable(CS.getConstraintLocator(expr),
Type optTy = getOptionalType(expr->getSubExpr()->getLoc(), valueTy);
if (!optTy)
return Type();
optTy, expr->getSubExpr()->getType(),
return optTy;
virtual Type visitParenExpr(ParenExpr *expr) {
auto &ctx = CS.getASTContext();
expr->setType(ParenType::get(ctx, expr->getSubExpr()->getType()));
if (auto favoredTy = CS.getFavoredType(expr->getSubExpr())) {
CS.setFavoredType(expr, favoredTy);
return expr->getType();
virtual Type visitTupleExpr(TupleExpr *expr) {
// The type of a tuple expression is simply a tuple of the types of
// its subexpressions.
SmallVector<TupleTypeElt, 4> elements;
for (unsigned i = 0, n = expr->getNumElements(); i != n; ++i) {
return TupleType::get(elements, CS.getASTContext());
Type visitSubscriptExpr(SubscriptExpr *expr) {
ValueDecl *decl = nullptr;
if (expr->hasDecl()) {
decl = expr->getDecl().getDecl();
if (decl->isInvalid())
return Type();
return addSubscriptConstraints(expr, expr->getBase(), expr->getIndex(),
Type visitArrayExpr(ArrayExpr *expr) {
// An array expression can be of a type T that conforms to the
// ExpressibleByArrayLiteral protocol.
auto &tc = CS.getTypeChecker();
ProtocolDecl *arrayProto
= tc.getProtocol(expr->getLoc(),
if (!arrayProto) {
return Type();
// Assume that ExpressibleByArrayLiteral contains a single associated type.
AssociatedTypeDecl *elementAssocTy = nullptr;
for (auto decl : arrayProto->getMembers()) {
if ((elementAssocTy = dyn_cast<AssociatedTypeDecl>(decl)))
if (!elementAssocTy)
return Type();
auto locator = CS.getConstraintLocator(expr);
auto contextualType = CS.getContextualType(expr);
Type contextualArrayType = nullptr;
Type contextualArrayElementType = nullptr;
// If a contextual type exists for this expression, apply it directly.
if (contextualType && CS.isArrayType(contextualType)) {
// Is the array type a contextual type
contextualArrayType = contextualType;
contextualArrayElementType =
CS.addConstraint(ConstraintKind::ConformsTo, contextualType,
unsigned index = 0;
for (auto element : expr->getElements()) {
return contextualArrayType;
auto arrayTy = CS.createTypeVariable(locator, TVO_PrefersSubtypeBinding);
// The array must be an array literal type.
CS.addConstraint(ConstraintKind::ConformsTo, arrayTy,
// Its subexpression should be convertible to a tuple (T.Element...).
// FIXME: We should really go through the conformance above to extract
// the element type, rather than just looking for the element type.
// FIXME: Member constraint is still weird here.
ConstraintLocatorBuilder builder(locator);
auto arrayElementTy = CS.getMemberType(arrayTy, elementAssocTy,
// Introduce conversions from each element to the element type of the
// array.
unsigned index = 0;
for (auto element : expr->getElements()) {
// The array element type defaults to 'Any'.
if (auto elementTypeVar = arrayElementTy->getAs<TypeVariableType>()) {
CS.addConstraint(ConstraintKind::Defaultable, arrayElementTy,
tc.Context.TheAnyType, locator);
CS.ArrayElementTypeVariables[expr] = elementTypeVar;
return arrayTy;
static bool isMergeableValueKind(Expr *expr) {
return isa<StringLiteralExpr>(expr) || isa<IntegerLiteralExpr>(expr) ||
Type visitDictionaryExpr(DictionaryExpr *expr) {
ASTContext &C = CS.getASTContext();
// A dictionary expression can be of a type T that conforms to the
// ExpressibleByDictionaryLiteral protocol.
// FIXME: This isn't actually used for anything at the moment.
auto &tc = CS.getTypeChecker();
ProtocolDecl *dictionaryProto
= tc.getProtocol(expr->getLoc(),
if (!dictionaryProto) {
return Type();
// FIXME: Protect against broken standard library.
auto keyAssocTy = cast<AssociatedTypeDecl>(
auto valueAssocTy = cast<AssociatedTypeDecl>(
auto locator = CS.getConstraintLocator(expr);
auto dictionaryTy = CS.createTypeVariable(locator,
// The array must be a dictionary literal type.
CS.addConstraint(ConstraintKind::ConformsTo, dictionaryTy,
// Its subexpression should be convertible to a tuple ((T.Key,T.Value)...).
ConstraintLocatorBuilder locatorBuilder(locator);
auto dictionaryKeyTy = CS.getMemberType(dictionaryTy,
/// FIXME: ArrayElementType is a total hack here.
auto dictionaryValueTy = CS.getMemberType(dictionaryTy,
TupleTypeElt tupleElts[2] = { TupleTypeElt(dictionaryKeyTy),
TupleTypeElt(dictionaryValueTy) };
Type elementTy = TupleType::get(tupleElts, C);
// Keep track of which elements have been "merged". This way, we won't create
// needless conversion constraints for elements whose equivalence classes have
// been merged.
llvm::DenseSet<Expr *> mergedElements;
// If no contextual type is present, Merge equivalence classes of key
// and value types as necessary.
if (!CS.getContextualType(expr)) {
for (auto element1 : expr->getElements()) {
for (auto element2 : expr->getElements()) {
if (element1 == element2)
auto tty1 = element1->getType()->getAs<TupleType>();
auto tty2 = element2->getType()->getAs<TupleType>();
if (tty1 && tty2) {
auto mergedKey = false;
auto mergedValue = false;
auto keyTyvar1 = tty1->getElementTypes()[0]->
auto keyTyvar2 = tty2->getElementTypes()[0]->
auto keyExpr1 = cast<TupleExpr>(element1)->getElements()[0];
auto keyExpr2 = cast<TupleExpr>(element2)->getElements()[0];
if (keyExpr1->getKind() == keyExpr2->getKind() &&
isMergeableValueKind(keyExpr1)) {
mergedKey = mergeRepresentativeEquivalenceClasses(CS,
keyTyvar1, keyTyvar2);
auto valueTyvar1 = tty1->getElementTypes()[1]->
auto valueTyvar2 = tty2->getElementTypes()[1]->
auto elemExpr1 = cast<TupleExpr>(element1)->getElements()[1];
auto elemExpr2 = cast<TupleExpr>(element2)->getElements()[1];
if (elemExpr1->getKind() == elemExpr2->getKind() &&
isMergeableValueKind(elemExpr1)) {
mergedValue = mergeRepresentativeEquivalenceClasses(CS,
valueTyvar1, valueTyvar2);
if (mergedKey && mergedValue)
// Introduce conversions from each element to the element type of the
// dictionary. (If the equivalence class of an element has already been
// merged with a previous one, skip it.)
unsigned index = 0;
for (auto element : expr->getElements()) {
if (!mergedElements.count(element))
// The dictionary key type defaults to 'AnyHashable'.
auto keyTypeVar = dictionaryKeyTy->getAs<TypeVariableType>();
if (keyTypeVar && tc.Context.getAnyHashableDecl()) {
auto anyHashable = tc.Context.getAnyHashableDecl();
CS.addConstraint(ConstraintKind::Defaultable, dictionaryKeyTy,
anyHashable->getDeclaredInterfaceType(), locator);
// The dictionary value type defaults to 'Any'.
auto valueTypeVar = dictionaryValueTy->getAs<TypeVariableType>();
if (valueTypeVar) {
CS.addConstraint(ConstraintKind::Defaultable, dictionaryValueTy,
tc.Context.TheAnyType, locator);
// Record key/value type variables.
if (keyTypeVar || valueTypeVar)
CS.DictionaryElementTypeVariables[expr] = { keyTypeVar, valueTypeVar };
return dictionaryTy;
Type visitDynamicSubscriptExpr(DynamicSubscriptExpr *expr) {
return addSubscriptConstraints(expr, expr->getBase(), expr->getIndex(),
Type visitTupleElementExpr(TupleElementExpr *expr) {
ASTContext &context = CS.getASTContext();
Identifier name
= context.getIdentifier(llvm::utostr(expr->getFieldNumber()));
return addMemberRefConstraints(expr, expr->getBase(), name,
/// Give each parameter in a ClosureExpr a fresh type variable if parameter
/// types were not specified, and return the eventual function type.
Type getTypeForParameterList(ParameterList *params,
ConstraintLocatorBuilder locator) {
for (auto param : *params) {
// If a type was explicitly specified, use its opened type.
if (auto type = param->getTypeLoc().getType()) {
// FIXME: Need a better locator for a pattern as a base.
Type openedType = CS.openType(type, locator);
// Otherwise, create a fresh type variable.
Type ty = CS.createTypeVariable(CS.getConstraintLocator(locator),
return params->getType(CS.getASTContext());
/// \brief Produces a type for the given pattern, filling in any missing
/// type information with fresh type variables.
/// \param pattern The pattern.
Type getTypeForPattern(Pattern *pattern, ConstraintLocatorBuilder locator) {
switch (pattern->getKind()) {
case PatternKind::Paren:
// Parentheses don't affect the type.
return getTypeForPattern(cast<ParenPattern>(pattern)->getSubPattern(),
case PatternKind::Var:
// Var doesn't affect the type.
return getTypeForPattern(cast<VarPattern>(pattern)->getSubPattern(),
case PatternKind::Any:
// For a pattern of unknown type, create a new type variable.
return CS.createTypeVariable(CS.getConstraintLocator(locator),
case PatternKind::Named: {
auto var = cast<NamedPattern>(pattern)->getDecl();
auto boundExpr = locator.trySimplifyToExpr();
auto haveBoundCollectionLiteral = boundExpr &&
!var->hasNonPatternBindingInit() &&
(isa<ArrayExpr>(boundExpr) ||
// For a named pattern without a type, create a new type variable
// and use it as the type of the variable.
// FIXME: For now, substitute in the bound type for literal collection
// exprs that would otherwise result in a simple conversion constraint
// being placed between two type variables. (The bound type and the
// collection type, which will always be the same in this case.)
// This will avoid exponential typecheck behavior in the case of nested
// array and dictionary literals.
Type ty = haveBoundCollectionLiteral ?
boundExpr->getType() :
// For weak variables, use Optional<T>.
if (auto *OA = var->getAttrs().getAttribute<OwnershipAttr>())
if (OA->get() == Ownership::Weak) {
ty = CS.getTypeChecker().getOptionalType(var->getLoc(), ty);
if (!ty) return Type();
return ty;
case PatternKind::Typed: {
auto typedPattern = cast<TypedPattern>(pattern);
// FIXME: Need a better locator for a pattern as a base.
Type openedType = CS.openType(typedPattern->getType(), locator);
if (auto weakTy = openedType->getAs<WeakStorageType>())
openedType = weakTy->getReferentType();
// For a typed pattern, simply return the opened type of the pattern.
// FIXME: Error recovery if the type is an error type?
return openedType;
case PatternKind::Tuple: {
auto tuplePat = cast<TuplePattern>(pattern);
SmallVector<TupleTypeElt, 4> tupleTypeElts;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = tuplePat->getNumElements(); i != e; ++i) {
auto &tupleElt = tuplePat->getElement(i);
Type eltTy = getTypeForPattern(tupleElt.getPattern(),
tupleTypeElts.push_back(TupleTypeElt(eltTy, tupleElt.getLabel()));
return TupleType::get(tupleTypeElts, CS.getASTContext());
// Refutable patterns occur when checking the PatternBindingDecls in an
// if/let or while/let condition. They always require an initial value,
// so they always allow unspecified types.
#define PATTERN(Id, Parent)
#define REFUTABLE_PATTERN(Id, Parent) case PatternKind::Id:
#include "swift/AST/PatternNodes.def"
// TODO: we could try harder here, e.g. for enum elements to provide the
// enum type.
return CS.createTypeVariable(CS.getConstraintLocator(locator),
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled pattern kind");
Type visitCaptureListExpr(CaptureListExpr *expr) {
// The type of the capture list is just the type of its closure.
return expr->getType();
/// \brief Walk a closure body to determine if it's possible for
/// it to return with a non-void result.
static bool closureHasNoResult(ClosureExpr *expr) {
// A walker that looks for 'return' statements that aren't
// nested within closures or nested declarations.
class FindReturns : public ASTWalker {
bool FoundResultReturn = false;
bool FoundNoResultReturn = false;
std::pair<bool, Expr *> walkToExprPre(Expr *expr) override {
return { false, expr };
bool walkToDeclPre(Decl *decl) override {
return false;
std::pair<bool, Stmt *> walkToStmtPre(Stmt *stmt) override {
// Record return statements.
if (auto ret = dyn_cast<ReturnStmt>(stmt)) {
// If it has a result, remember that we saw one, but keep
// traversing in case there's a no-result return somewhere.
if (ret->hasResult()) {
FoundResultReturn = true;
// Otherwise, stop traversing.
} else {
FoundNoResultReturn = true;
return { false, nullptr };
return { true, stmt };
bool hasNoResult() const {
return FoundNoResultReturn || !FoundResultReturn;
// Don't apply this to single-expression-body closures.
if (expr->hasSingleExpressionBody())
return false;
auto body = expr->getBody();
if (!body) return false;
FindReturns finder;
return finder.hasNoResult();
/// \brief Walk a closure AST to determine if it can throw.
bool closureCanThrow(ClosureExpr *expr) {
// A walker that looks for 'try' or 'throw' expressions
// that aren't nested within closures, nested declarations,
// or exhaustive catches.
class FindInnerThrows : public ASTWalker {
ConstraintSystem &CS;
bool FoundThrow = false;
std::pair<bool, Expr *> walkToExprPre(Expr *expr) override {
// If we've found a 'try', record it and terminate the traversal.
if (isa<TryExpr>(expr)) {
FoundThrow = true;
return { false, nullptr };
// Don't walk into a 'try!' or 'try?'.
if (isa<ForceTryExpr>(expr) || isa<OptionalTryExpr>(expr)) {
return { false, expr };
// Do not recurse into other closures.
if (isa<ClosureExpr>(expr))
return { false, expr };
return { true, expr };
bool walkToDeclPre(Decl *decl) override {
// Do not walk into function or type declarations.
if (!isa<PatternBindingDecl>(decl))
return false;
return true;
bool isSyntacticallyExhaustive(DoCatchStmt *stmt) {
for (auto catchClause : stmt->getCatches()) {
if (isSyntacticallyExhaustive(catchClause))
return true;
return false;
bool isSyntacticallyExhaustive(CatchStmt *clause) {
// If it's obviously non-exhaustive, great.
if (clause->getGuardExpr())
return false;
// If we can show that it's exhaustive without full
// type-checking, great.
if (clause->isSyntacticallyExhaustive())
return true;
// Okay, resolve the pattern.
Pattern *pattern = clause->getErrorPattern();
pattern = CS.TC.resolvePattern(pattern, CS.DC,
if (!pattern) return false;
// Save that aside while we explore the type.
// Require the pattern to have a particular shape: a number
// of is-patterns applied to an irrefutable pattern.
pattern = pattern->getSemanticsProvidingPattern();
while (auto isp = dyn_cast<IsPattern>(pattern)) {
if (CS.TC.validateType(isp->getCastTypeLoc(), CS.DC,
return false;
if (!isp->hasSubPattern()) {
pattern = nullptr;
} else {
pattern = isp->getSubPattern()->getSemanticsProvidingPattern();
if (pattern && pattern->isRefutablePattern()) {
return false;
// Okay, now it should be safe to coerce the pattern.
// Pull the top-level pattern back out.
pattern = clause->getErrorPattern();
Type exnType = CS.TC.getExceptionType(CS.DC, clause->getCatchLoc());
if (!exnType ||
CS.TC.coercePatternToType(pattern, CS.DC, exnType,
TR_InExpression)) {
return false;
return clause->isSyntacticallyExhaustive();
std::pair<bool, Stmt *> walkToStmtPre(Stmt *stmt) override {
// If we've found a 'throw', record it and terminate the traversal.
if (isa<ThrowStmt>(stmt)) {
FoundThrow = true;
return { false, nullptr };
// Handle do/catch differently.
if (auto doCatch = dyn_cast<DoCatchStmt>(stmt)) {
// Only walk into the 'do' clause of a do/catch statement
// if the catch isn't syntactically exhaustive.
if (!isSyntacticallyExhaustive(doCatch)) {
if (!doCatch->getBody()->walk(*this))
return { false, nullptr };
// Walk into all the catch clauses.
for (auto catchClause : doCatch->getCatches()) {
if (!catchClause->walk(*this))
return { false, nullptr };
// We've already walked all the children we care about.
return { false, stmt };
return { true, stmt };
FindInnerThrows(ConstraintSystem &cs) : CS(cs) {}
bool foundThrow() { return FoundThrow; }
if (expr->getThrowsLoc().isValid())
return true;
auto body = expr->getBody();
if (!body)
return false;
auto tryFinder = FindInnerThrows(CS);
return tryFinder.foundThrow();
Type visitClosureExpr(ClosureExpr *expr) {
// If a contextual function type exists, we can use that to obtain the
// expected return type, rather than allocating a fresh type variable.
auto contextualType = CS.getContextualType(expr);
Type crt;
if (contextualType) {
if (auto cft = contextualType->getAs<AnyFunctionType>()) {
crt = cft->getResult();
// Closure expressions always have function type. In cases where a
// parameter or return type is omitted, a fresh type variable is used to
// stand in for that parameter or return type, allowing it to be inferred
// from context.
Type funcTy;
if (expr->hasExplicitResultType() &&
expr->getExplicitResultTypeLoc().getType()) {
funcTy = expr->getExplicitResultTypeLoc().getType();
CS.setFavoredType(expr, funcTy.getPointer());
} else if (!crt.isNull()) {
funcTy = crt;
} else{
auto locator =
CS.getConstraintLocator(expr, ConstraintLocator::ClosureResult);
// If no return type was specified, create a fresh type
// variable for it.
funcTy = CS.createTypeVariable(locator, /*options=*/0);
// Allow it to default to () if there are no return statements.
if (closureHasNoResult(expr)) {
// Give each parameter in a ClosureExpr a fresh type variable if parameter
// types were not specified, and return the eventual function type.
auto paramTy = getTypeForParameterList(
auto extInfo = FunctionType::ExtInfo();
if (closureCanThrow(expr))
extInfo = extInfo.withThrows();
// FIXME: If we want keyword arguments for closures, add them here.
funcTy = FunctionType::get(paramTy, funcTy, extInfo);
return funcTy;
Type visitAutoClosureExpr(AutoClosureExpr *expr) {
// AutoClosureExpr is introduced by CSApply.
llvm_unreachable("Already type-checked");
Type visitInOutExpr(InOutExpr *expr) {
// The address-of operator produces an explicit inout T from an lvalue T.
// We model this with the constraint
// S < lvalue T
// where T is a fresh type variable.
auto lvalue = CS.createTypeVariable(CS.getConstraintLocator(expr),
auto bound = LValueType::get(lvalue);
auto result = InOutType::get(lvalue);
expr->getSubExpr()->getType(), bound,
return result;
Type visitDynamicTypeExpr(DynamicTypeExpr *expr) {
auto tv = CS.createTypeVariable(CS.getConstraintLocator(expr),
CS.addConstraint(ConstraintKind::DynamicTypeOf, tv,
CS.getConstraintLocator(expr, ConstraintLocator::RvalueAdjustment));
return tv;
Type visitOpaqueValueExpr(OpaqueValueExpr *expr) {
return expr->getType();
Type visitDefaultValueExpr(DefaultValueExpr *expr) {
return expr->getType();
Type visitApplyExpr(ApplyExpr *expr) {
Type outputTy;
auto fnExpr = expr->getFn();
if (isa<DeclRefExpr>(fnExpr)) {
if (auto fnType = fnExpr->getType()->getAs<AnyFunctionType>()) {
outputTy = fnType->getResult();
} else if (auto TE = dyn_cast<TypeExpr>(fnExpr)) {
outputTy = TE->getInstanceType();
NominalTypeDecl *NTD = nullptr;
if (auto nominalType = outputTy->getAs<NominalType>()) {
NTD = nominalType->getDecl();
} else if (auto bgT = outputTy->getAs<BoundGenericType>()) {
NTD = bgT->getDecl();
if (NTD) {
if (!(isa<ClassDecl>(NTD) || isa<StructDecl>(NTD)) ||
hasFailableInits(NTD, &CS)) {
outputTy = Type();
} else {
outputTy = Type();
} else if (auto OSR = dyn_cast<OverloadSetRefExpr>(fnExpr)) {
if (auto FD = dyn_cast<FuncDecl>(OSR->getDecls()[0])) {
// If we've already agreed upon an overloaded return type, use it.
if (FD->getHaveSearchedForCommonOverloadReturnType()) {
if (FD->getHaveFoundCommonOverloadReturnType()) {
outputTy = FD->getType()->getAs<AnyFunctionType>()->getResult();
} else {
// Determine if the overloads all share a common return type.
Type commonType;
Type resultType;
for (auto OD : OSR->getDecls()) {
if (auto OFD = dyn_cast<FuncDecl>(OD)) {
auto OFT = OFD->getType()->getAs<AnyFunctionType>();
if (!OFT) {
commonType = Type();
resultType = OFT->getResult();
if (commonType.isNull()) {
commonType = resultType;
} else if (!commonType->isEqual(resultType)) {
commonType = Type();
} else {
// TODO: unreachable?
commonType = Type();
// TODO: For now, disallow tyvar, archetype and function types.
if (!(commonType.isNull() ||
commonType->getAs<TypeVariableType>() ||
commonType->getAs<ArchetypeType>() ||
commonType->getAs<AnyFunctionType>())) {
outputTy = commonType;
// Set the search bits appropriately.
for (auto OD : OSR->getDecls()) {
if (auto OFD = dyn_cast<FuncDecl>(OD)) {
if (!outputTy.isNull())
// The function subexpression has some rvalue type T1 -> T2 for fresh
// variables T1 and T2.
if (outputTy.isNull()) {
outputTy = CS.createTypeVariable(
} else {
// Since we know what the output type is, we can set it as the favored
// type of this expression.
CS.setFavoredType(expr, outputTy.getPointer());
// A direct call to a ClosureExpr makes it noescape.
FunctionType::ExtInfo extInfo;
if (isa<ClosureExpr>(fnExpr->getSemanticsProvidingExpr()))
extInfo = extInfo.withNoEscape();
auto funcTy = FunctionType::get(expr->getArg()->getType(), outputTy,
CS.addConstraint(ConstraintKind::ApplicableFunction, funcTy,
CS.getConstraintLocator(expr, ConstraintLocator::ApplyFunction));
return outputTy;
Type getSuperType(ValueDecl *selfDecl,
SourceLoc diagLoc,
Diag<> diag_not_in_class,
Diag<> diag_no_base_class) {
DeclContext *typeContext = selfDecl->getDeclContext()->getParent();
assert(typeContext && "constructor without parent context?!");
// A DC can fail to have a declared type in context when it's invalid.
Type declaredType = typeContext->getDeclaredTypeInContext();
if (!declaredType)
return Type();
auto &tc = CS.getTypeChecker();
ClassDecl *classDecl = declaredType->getClassOrBoundGenericClass();
if (!classDecl) {
tc.diagnose(diagLoc, diag_not_in_class);
return Type();
if (!classDecl->hasSuperclass()) {
tc.diagnose(diagLoc, diag_no_base_class);
return Type();
Type superclassTy = declaredType->getSuperclass(&tc);
if (selfDecl->hasType() && selfDecl->getType()->is<AnyMetatypeType>())
superclassTy = MetatypeType::get(superclassTy);
return superclassTy;
Type visitRebindSelfInConstructorExpr(RebindSelfInConstructorExpr *expr) {
// The result is void.
return TupleType::getEmpty(CS.getASTContext());
Type visitIfExpr(IfExpr *expr) {
// The conditional expression must conform to LogicValue.
auto boolDecl = CS.getASTContext().getBoolDecl();
if (!boolDecl)
return Type();
// Condition must convert to Bool.
// The branches must be convertible to a common type.
auto resultTy = CS.createTypeVariable(CS.getConstraintLocator(expr),
expr->getThenExpr()->getType(), resultTy,
expr->getElseExpr()->getType(), resultTy,
return resultTy;
virtual Type visitImplicitConversionExpr(ImplicitConversionExpr *expr) {
llvm_unreachable("Already type-checked");
Type visitForcedCheckedCastExpr(ForcedCheckedCastExpr *expr) {
auto &tc = CS.getTypeChecker();
// Validate the resulting type.
TypeResolutionOptions options = TR_AllowUnboundGenerics;
options |= TR_InExpression;
if (tc.validateType(expr->getCastTypeLoc(), CS.DC, options))
return nullptr;
// Open the type we're casting to.
auto toType = CS.openType(expr->getCastTypeLoc().getType(),
expr->getCastTypeLoc().setType(toType, /*validated=*/true);
auto fromType = expr->getSubExpr()->getType();
auto locator = CS.getConstraintLocator(expr->getSubExpr());
// The source type can be checked-cast to the destination type.
CS.addConstraint(ConstraintKind::CheckedCast, fromType, toType, locator);
return toType;
Type visitCoerceExpr(CoerceExpr *expr) {
auto &tc = CS.getTypeChecker();
// Validate the resulting type.
TypeResolutionOptions options = TR_AllowUnboundGenerics;
options |= TR_InExpression;
if (tc.validateType(expr->getCastTypeLoc(), CS.DC, options))
return nullptr;
// Open the type we're casting to.
auto toType = CS.openType(expr->getCastTypeLoc().getType(),
expr->getCastTypeLoc().setType(toType, /*validated=*/true);
auto fromType = expr->getSubExpr()->getType();
auto locator = CS.getConstraintLocator(expr);
if (CS.shouldAttemptFixes()) {
Constraint *coerceConstraint =
Constraint::create(CS, ConstraintKind::ExplicitConversion,
fromType, toType, DeclName(),
Constraint *downcastConstraint =
Constraint::createFixed(CS, ConstraintKind::CheckedCast,
FixKind::CoerceToCheckedCast, fromType,
toType, locator);
auto constraints = { coerceConstraint, downcastConstraint };
CS.addConstraint(Constraint::createDisjunction(CS, constraints,
} else {
// The source type can be explicitly converted to the destination type.
CS.addConstraint(ConstraintKind::ExplicitConversion, fromType, toType,
return toType;
Type visitConditionalCheckedCastExpr(ConditionalCheckedCastExpr *expr) {
auto &tc = CS.getTypeChecker();
// Validate the resulting type.
TypeResolutionOptions options = TR_AllowUnboundGenerics;
options |= TR_InExpression;
if (tc.validateType(expr->getCastTypeLoc(), CS.DC, options))
return nullptr;
// Open the type we're casting to.
auto toType = CS.openType(expr->getCastTypeLoc().getType(),
expr->getCastTypeLoc().setType(toType, /*validated=*/true);
auto fromType = expr->getSubExpr()->getType();
auto locator = CS.getConstraintLocator(expr->getSubExpr());
CS.addConstraint(ConstraintKind::CheckedCast, fromType, toType, locator);
return OptionalType::get(toType);
Type visitIsExpr(IsExpr *expr) {
// Validate the type.
auto &tc = CS.getTypeChecker();
TypeResolutionOptions options = TR_AllowUnboundGenerics;
options |= TR_InExpression;
if (tc.validateType(expr->getCastTypeLoc(), CS.DC, options))
return nullptr;
// Open up the type we're checking.
// FIXME: Locator for the cast type?
auto toType = CS.openType(expr->getCastTypeLoc().getType(),
expr->getCastTypeLoc().setType(toType, /*validated=*/true);
// Add a checked cast constraint.
auto fromType = expr->getSubExpr()->getType();
CS.addConstraint(ConstraintKind::CheckedCast, fromType, toType,
// The result is Bool.
return CS.getTypeChecker().lookupBoolType(CS.DC);
Type visitDiscardAssignmentExpr(DiscardAssignmentExpr *expr) {
auto locator = CS.getConstraintLocator(expr);
auto typeVar = CS.createTypeVariable(locator, /*options=*/0);
return LValueType::get(typeVar);
Type visitAssignExpr(AssignExpr *expr) {
// Handle invalid code.
if (!expr->getDest() || !expr->getSrc())
return Type();
// Compute the type to which the source must be converted to allow
// assignment to the destination.
auto destTy = CS.computeAssignDestType(expr->getDest(), expr->getLoc());
if (!destTy)
return Type();
// The source must be convertible to the destination.
expr->getSrc()->getType(), destTy,
return expr->getType();
Type visitUnresolvedPatternExpr(UnresolvedPatternExpr *expr) {
// If there are UnresolvedPatterns floating around after name binding,
// they are pattern productions in invalid positions.
return ErrorType::get(CS.getASTContext());
/// Get the type T?
/// This is not the ideal source location, but it's only used for
/// diagnosing ill-formed standard libraries, so it really isn't
/// worth QoI efforts.
Type getOptionalType(SourceLoc optLoc, Type valueTy) {
auto optTy = CS.getTypeChecker().getOptionalType(optLoc, valueTy);
if (!optTy || CS.getTypeChecker().requireOptionalIntrinsics(optLoc))
return Type();
return optTy;
Type visitBindOptionalExpr(BindOptionalExpr *expr) {
// The operand must be coercible to T?, and we will have type T.
auto locator = CS.getConstraintLocator(expr);
auto objectTy = CS.createTypeVariable(locator,
| TVO_CanBindToLValue);
// The result is the object type of the optional subexpression.
expr->getSubExpr()->getType(), objectTy,
return objectTy;
Type visitOptionalEvaluationExpr(OptionalEvaluationExpr *expr) {
// The operand must be coercible to T? for some type T. We'd
// like this to be the smallest possible nesting level of
// optional types, e.g. T? over T??; otherwise we don't really
// have a preference.
auto valueTy = CS.createTypeVariable(CS.getConstraintLocator(expr),
Type optTy = getOptionalType(expr->getSubExpr()->getLoc(), valueTy);
if (!optTy)
return Type();
expr->getSubExpr()->getType(), optTy,
return optTy;
Type visitForceValueExpr(ForceValueExpr *expr) {
// Force-unwrap an optional of type T? to produce a T.
auto locator = CS.getConstraintLocator(expr);
auto objectTy = CS.createTypeVariable(locator,
| TVO_CanBindToLValue);
// The result is the object type of the optional subexpression.
expr->getSubExpr()->getType(), objectTy,
return objectTy;
Type visitOpenExistentialExpr(OpenExistentialExpr *expr) {
llvm_unreachable("Already type-checked");
Type visitEnumIsCaseExpr(EnumIsCaseExpr *expr) {
// Should already be type-checked.
return expr->getType();
Type visitEditorPlaceholderExpr(EditorPlaceholderExpr *E) {
if (E->getTypeLoc().isNull()) {
auto locator = CS.getConstraintLocator(E);
auto placeholderTy = CS.createTypeVariable(locator, /*options*/0);
// A placeholder may have any type, but default to Void type if
// otherwise unconstrained.
placeholderTy, TupleType::getEmpty(CS.getASTContext()),
// NOTE: The type loc may be there but have failed to validate, in which
// case we return the null type.
return E->getType();
Type visitObjCSelectorExpr(ObjCSelectorExpr *E) {
// #selector only makes sense when we have the Objective-C
// runtime.
auto &tc = CS.getTypeChecker();
if (!tc.Context.LangOpts.EnableObjCInterop) {
tc.diagnose(E->getLoc(), diag::expr_selector_no_objc_runtime);
return nullptr;
// Make sure we can reference ObjectiveC.Selector.
// FIXME: Fix-It to add the import?
auto type = CS.getTypeChecker().getObjCSelectorType(CS.DC);
if (!type) {
tc.diagnose(E->getLoc(), diag::expr_selector_module_missing);
return nullptr;
return type;
Type visitObjCKeyPathExpr(ObjCKeyPathExpr *E) {
return E->getSemanticExpr()->getType();
/// \brief AST walker that "sanitizes" an expression for the
/// constraint-based type checker.
/// This is only necessary because Sema fills in too much type information
/// before the type-checker runs, causing redundant work.
class SanitizeExpr : public ASTWalker {
TypeChecker &TC;
SanitizeExpr(TypeChecker &tc) : TC(tc) { }
std::pair<bool, Expr *> walkToExprPre(Expr *expr) override {
// Don't recurse into default-value expressions.
return { !isa<DefaultValueExpr>(expr), expr };
Expr *walkToExprPost(Expr *expr) override {
if (auto implicit = dyn_cast<ImplicitConversionExpr>(expr)) {
// Skip implicit conversions completely.
return implicit->getSubExpr();
if (auto dotCall = dyn_cast<DotSyntaxCallExpr>(expr)) {
// A DotSyntaxCallExpr is a member reference that has already been
// type-checked down to a call; turn it back into an overloaded
// member reference expression.
DeclNameLoc memberLoc;
auto memberAndFunctionRef = findReferencedDecl(dotCall->getFn(),
if (memberAndFunctionRef.first) {
auto base = skipImplicitConversions(dotCall->getArg());
return new (TC.Context) MemberRefExpr(base,
if (auto dotIgnored = dyn_cast<DotSyntaxBaseIgnoredExpr>(expr)) {
// A DotSyntaxBaseIgnoredExpr is a static member reference that has
// already been type-checked down to a call where the argument doesn't
// actually matter; turn it back into an overloaded member reference
// expression.
DeclNameLoc memberLoc;
auto memberAndFunctionRef = findReferencedDecl(dotIgnored->getRHS(),
if (memberAndFunctionRef.first) {
auto base = skipImplicitConversions(dotIgnored->getLHS());
return new (TC.Context) MemberRefExpr(base,
memberLoc, expr->isImplicit());
return expr;
/// \brief Ignore declarations.
bool walkToDeclPre(Decl *decl) override { return false; }
class ConstraintWalker : public ASTWalker {
ConstraintGenerator &CG;
ConstraintWalker(ConstraintGenerator &CG) : CG(CG) { }
std::pair<bool, Expr *> walkToExprPre(Expr *expr) override {
// Note that the subexpression of a #selector expression is
// unevaluated.
if (auto sel = dyn_cast<ObjCSelectorExpr>(expr)) {
// Check a key-path expression, which fills in its semantic
// expression as a string literal.
if (auto keyPath = dyn_cast<ObjCKeyPathExpr>(expr)) {
auto &cs = CG.getConstraintSystem();
(void)cs.getTypeChecker().checkObjCKeyPathExpr(cs.DC, keyPath);
// For closures containing only a single expression, the body participates
// in type checking.
if (auto closure = dyn_cast<ClosureExpr>(expr)) {
if (closure->hasSingleExpressionBody()) {
// Visit the closure itself, which produces a function type.
auto funcTy = CG.visit(expr)->castTo<FunctionType>();
return { true, expr };
// We don't visit default value expressions; they've already been
// type-checked.
if (isa<DefaultValueExpr>(expr)) {
return { false, expr };
// Don't visit CoerceExpr with an empty sub expression. They may occur
// if the body of a closure was not visited while pre-checking because
// of an error in the closure's signature
if (auto coerceExpr = dyn_cast<CoerceExpr>(expr)) {
if (!coerceExpr->getSubExpr()) {
return { false, expr };
return { true, expr };
/// \brief Once we've visited the children of the given expression,
/// generate constraints from the expression.
Expr *walkToExprPost(Expr *expr) override {
if (auto closure = dyn_cast<ClosureExpr>(expr)) {
if (closure->hasSingleExpressionBody()) {
// Visit the body. It's type needs to be convertible to the function's
// return type.
auto resultTy = closure->getResultType();
auto bodyTy = closure->getSingleExpressionBody()->getType();
CG.getConstraintSystem().setFavoredType(expr, bodyTy.getPointer());
.addConstraint(ConstraintKind::Conversion, bodyTy,
return expr;
if (auto type = CG.visit(expr)) {
return expr;
return nullptr;
/// \brief Ignore statements.
std::pair<bool, Stmt *> walkToStmtPre(Stmt *stmt) override {
return { false, stmt };
/// \brief Ignore declarations.
bool walkToDeclPre(Decl *decl) override { return false; }
/// AST walker that records the keyword arguments provided at each
/// call site.
class ArgumentLabelWalker : public ASTWalker {
ConstraintSystem &CS;
llvm::DenseMap<Expr *, Expr *> ParentMap;
ArgumentLabelWalker(ConstraintSystem &cs, Expr *expr)
: CS(cs), ParentMap(expr->getParentMap()) { }
using State = ConstraintSystem::ArgumentLabelState;
void associateArgumentLabels(Expr *fn, State labels,
bool labelsArePermanent) {
// Dig out the function, looking through, parentheses, ?, and !.
do {
fn = fn->getSemanticsProvidingExpr();
if (auto force = dyn_cast<ForceValueExpr>(fn)) {
fn = force->getSubExpr();
if (auto bind = dyn_cast<BindOptionalExpr>(fn)) {
fn = bind->getSubExpr();
} while (true);
// Record the labels.
if (!labelsArePermanent)
labels.Labels = CS.allocateCopy(labels.Labels);
CS.ArgumentLabels[CS.getConstraintLocator(fn)] = labels;
std::pair<bool, Expr *> walkToExprPre(Expr *expr) override {
if (auto call = dyn_cast<CallExpr>(expr)) {
{ call->getArgumentLabels(),
call->hasTrailingClosure() },
return { true, expr };
// FIXME: other expressions have argument labels, but this is an
// optimization, so stage it in later.
return { true, expr };
} // end anonymous namespace
Expr *ConstraintSystem::generateConstraints(Expr *expr) {
// Remove implicit conversions from the expression.
expr = expr->walk(SanitizeExpr(getTypeChecker()));
// Walk the expression to associate labeled arguments.
expr->walk(ArgumentLabelWalker(*this, expr));
// Walk the expression, generating constraints.
ConstraintGenerator cg(*this);
ConstraintWalker cw(cg);
Expr* result = expr->walk(cw);
if (result)
return result;
Expr *ConstraintSystem::generateConstraintsShallow(Expr *expr) {
// Sanitize the expression.
expr = SanitizeExpr(getTypeChecker()).walkToExprPost(expr);
// Visit the top-level expression generating constraints.
ConstraintGenerator cg(*this);
auto type = cg.visit(expr);
if (!type)
return nullptr;
return expr;
Type ConstraintSystem::generateConstraints(Pattern *pattern,
ConstraintLocatorBuilder locator) {
ConstraintGenerator cg(*this);
return cg.getTypeForPattern(pattern, locator);
void ConstraintSystem::optimizeConstraints(Expr *e) {
SmallVector<Expr *, 16> linkedExprs;
// Collect any linked expressions.
LinkedExprCollector collector(linkedExprs);
// Favor types, as appropriate.
for (auto linkedExpr : linkedExprs) {
computeFavoredTypeForExpr(linkedExpr, *this);
// Optimize the constraints.
ConstraintOptimizer optimizer(*this);
class InferUnresolvedMemberConstraintGenerator : public ConstraintGenerator {
Expr *Target;
TypeVariableType *VT;
TypeVariableType *createFreeTypeVariableType(Expr *E) {
auto &CS = getConstraintSystem();
return CS.createTypeVariable(CS.getConstraintLocator(nullptr),
InferUnresolvedMemberConstraintGenerator(Expr *Target, ConstraintSystem &CS) :
ConstraintGenerator(CS), Target(Target), VT(nullptr) {};
virtual ~InferUnresolvedMemberConstraintGenerator() = default;
Type visitUnresolvedMemberExpr(UnresolvedMemberExpr *Expr) override {
if (Target != Expr) {
// If expr is not the target, do the default constraint generation.
return ConstraintGenerator::visitUnresolvedMemberExpr(Expr);
// Otherwise, create a type variable saying we know nothing about this expr.
assert(!VT && "cannot reassign type variable.");
return VT = createFreeTypeVariableType(Expr);
Type visitParenExpr(ParenExpr *Expr) override {
if (Target != Expr) {
// If expr is not the target, do the default constraint generation.
return ConstraintGenerator::visitParenExpr(Expr);
// Otherwise, create a type variable saying we know nothing about this expr.
assert(!VT && "cannot reassign type variable.");
return VT = createFreeTypeVariableType(Expr);
Type visitTupleExpr(TupleExpr *Expr) override {
if (Target != Expr) {
// If expr is not the target, do the default constraint generation.
return ConstraintGenerator::visitTupleExpr(Expr);
// Otherwise, create a type variable saying we know nothing about this expr.
assert(!VT && "cannot reassign type variable.");
return VT = createFreeTypeVariableType(Expr);
Type visitErrorExpr(ErrorExpr *Expr) override {
return createFreeTypeVariableType(Expr);
Type visitCodeCompletionExpr(CodeCompletionExpr *Expr) override {
return createFreeTypeVariableType(Expr);
Type visitImplicitConversionExpr(ImplicitConversionExpr *Expr) override {
// We override this function to avoid assertion failures. Typically, we do have
// a type-checked AST when trying to infer the types of unresolved members.
return Expr->getType();
bool collectResolvedType(Solution &S, SmallVectorImpl<Type> &PossibleTypes) {
if (auto Bind = S.typeBindings[VT]) {
// We allow type variables in the overall solution, but must skip any
// type variables in the binding for VT; these types must outlive the
// constraint solver memory arena.
if (!Bind->hasTypeVariable()) {
return true;
return false;
bool swift::typeCheckUnresolvedExpr(DeclContext &DC,
Expr *E, Expr *Parent,
SmallVectorImpl<Type> &PossibleTypes) {
PrettyStackTraceExpr stackTrace(DC.getASTContext(),
"type-checking unresolved member", Parent);
ConstraintSystemOptions Options = ConstraintSystemFlags::AllowFixes;
auto *TC = static_cast<TypeChecker*>(DC.getASTContext().getLazyResolver());
ConstraintSystem CS(*TC, &DC, Options);
CleanupIllFormedExpressionRAII cleanup(TC->Context, Parent);
InferUnresolvedMemberConstraintGenerator MCG(E, CS);
ConstraintWalker cw(MCG);
if (TC->getLangOpts().DebugConstraintSolver) {
auto &log = DC.getASTContext().TypeCheckerDebug->getStream();
log << "---Initial constraints for the given expression---\n";
log << "\n";
SmallVector<Solution, 3> solutions;
if (CS.solve(solutions, FreeTypeVariableBinding::Allow)) {
return false;
for (auto &S : solutions) {
bool resolved = MCG.collectResolvedType(S, PossibleTypes);
if (TC->getLangOpts().DebugConstraintSolver) {
auto &log = DC.getASTContext().TypeCheckerDebug->getStream();
log << "--- Solution ---\n";
if (resolved)
log << "--- Resolved target type ---\n" << PossibleTypes.back() << "\n";
return !PossibleTypes.empty();
Type swift::checkMemberType(DeclContext &DC, Type BaseTy,
ArrayRef<Identifier> Names) {
if (Names.empty())
return BaseTy;
ConstraintSystemOptions Options = ConstraintSystemFlags::AllowFixes;
std::unique_ptr<TypeChecker> CreatedTC;
// If the current ast context has no type checker, create one for it.
auto *TC = static_cast<TypeChecker*>(DC.getASTContext().getLazyResolver());
if (!TC) {
CreatedTC.reset(new TypeChecker(DC.getASTContext()));
TC = CreatedTC.get();
ConstraintSystem CS(*TC, &DC, Options);
auto Loc = CS.getConstraintLocator(nullptr);
Type Ty = BaseTy;
for (auto Id : Names) {
auto TV = CS.createTypeVariable(CS.getConstraintLocator(nullptr),
CS.addConstraint(Constraint::createDisjunction(CS, {
Constraint::create(CS, ConstraintKind::TypeMember, Ty,
TV, DeclName(Id), FunctionRefKind::Compound, Loc),
Constraint::create(CS, ConstraintKind::ValueMember, Ty,
TV, DeclName(Id), FunctionRefKind::DoubleApply, Loc)
}, Loc));
Ty = TV;
assert(Ty->getKind() == TypeKind::TypeVariable && "Type is not variable");
if (auto OS = CS.solveSingle()) {
return OS.getValue().typeBindings[Ty->getAs<TypeVariableType>()];
return Type();
static ArrayRef<Identifier> getSubstitutableTypeNames(SubstitutableType *Ty,
std::vector<Identifier> &Scratch,
bool &IsSelfDependent) {
IsSelfDependent = false;
for (auto Cur = Ty; Cur; Cur = Cur->getParent()) {
if (Cur->getName().str() == "Self") {
IsSelfDependent = true;
Scratch.insert(Scratch.begin(), Cur->getName());
return llvm::makeArrayRef(Scratch);
static ArrayRef<Identifier> getDependentMemberNames(DependentMemberType *Dep,
std::vector<Identifier> &Scratch,
bool &IsSelfDependent) {
DependentMemberType *Prev = nullptr;
IsSelfDependent = false;
for (DependentMemberType *Cur = Dep; Cur;
Prev = Cur, Cur = Cur->getBase()->getAs<DependentMemberType>()) {
Scratch.insert(Scratch.begin(), Cur->getName());
Prev = Cur;
if (Type Base = Prev->getBase()) {
if (SubstitutableType *Sub = Base->getAs<SubstitutableType>()) {
getSubstitutableTypeNames(Sub, Scratch, IsSelfDependent);
return llvm::makeArrayRef(Scratch);
bool swift::isExtensionApplied(DeclContext &DC, Type BaseTy,
const ExtensionDecl *ED) {
ConstraintSystemOptions Options;
NominalTypeDecl *Nominal = BaseTy->getNominalOrBoundGenericNominal();
if (!Nominal || !BaseTy->isSpecialized() ||
return true;
std::unique_ptr<TypeChecker> CreatedTC;
// If the current ast context has no type checker, create one for it.
auto *TC = static_cast<TypeChecker*>(DC.getASTContext().getLazyResolver());
if (!TC) {
CreatedTC.reset(new TypeChecker(DC.getASTContext()));
TC = CreatedTC.get();
if (ED->getAsProtocolExtensionContext())
return TC->isProtocolExtensionUsable(&DC, BaseTy, const_cast<ExtensionDecl*>(ED));
ConstraintSystem CS(*TC, &DC, Options);
auto Loc = CS.getConstraintLocator(nullptr);
std::vector<Identifier> Scratch;
bool Failed = false;
SmallVector<Type, 3> TypeScratch;
// Prepare type substitution map.
auto GenericArgs = BaseTy->getAllGenericArgs(TypeScratch);
TypeSubstitutionMap Substitutions;
auto GenericParams = Nominal->getInnermostGenericParamTypes();
assert(GenericParams.size() == GenericArgs.size());
for (unsigned I = 0, N = GenericParams.size(); I != N; ++I) {
auto GP = GenericParams[I]->getCanonicalType()->castTo<GenericTypeParamType>();
Substitutions[GP] = GenericArgs[I];
auto resolveType = [&](Type Ty) {
ArrayRef<Identifier> Names;
bool IsSelfDependent = false;
if (SubstitutableType *Sub = Ty->getAs<SubstitutableType>()) {
Names = getSubstitutableTypeNames(Sub, Scratch, IsSelfDependent);
} else if (DependentMemberType *Dep = Ty->getAs<DependentMemberType>()) {
Names = getDependentMemberNames(Dep, Scratch, IsSelfDependent);
} else
return Ty;
return IsSelfDependent ? checkMemberType(DC, BaseTy, Names)
:Ty.subst(DC.getParentModule(), Substitutions,
auto createMemberConstraint = [&](Requirement &Req, ConstraintKind Kind) {
auto First = resolveType(Req.getFirstType());
auto Second = resolveType(Req.getSecondType());
if (First.isNull() || Second.isNull()) {
Failed = true;
// Add constraints accordingly.
CS.addConstraint(Constraint::create(CS, Kind, First, Second, DeclName(),
FunctionRefKind::Compound, Loc));
// For every requirement, add a constraint.
for (auto Req : ED->getGenericRequirements()) {
switch(Req.getKind()) {
case RequirementKind::Conformance:
createMemberConstraint(Req, ConstraintKind::ConformsTo);
case RequirementKind::Superclass:
createMemberConstraint(Req, ConstraintKind::Subtype);
case RequirementKind::SameType:
createMemberConstraint(Req, ConstraintKind::Equal);
case RequirementKind::WitnessMarker:
if (Failed)
return true;
// Having a solution implies the extension's requirements have been fulfilled.
return CS.solveSingle().hasValue();
static bool canSatisfy(Type T1, Type T2, DeclContext &DC, ConstraintKind Kind,
bool ReplaceArchetypeWithVariables,
bool AllowFreeVariables) {
std::unique_ptr<TypeChecker> CreatedTC;
// If the current ast context has no type checker, create one for it.
auto *TC = static_cast<TypeChecker*>(DC.getASTContext().getLazyResolver());
if (!TC) {
CreatedTC.reset(new TypeChecker(DC.getASTContext()));
TC = CreatedTC.get();
ConstraintSystem CS(*TC, &DC, None);
if (ReplaceArchetypeWithVariables) {
std::function<Type(Type)> Trans = [&](Type Base) {
if (Base->getKind() == TypeKind::Archetype) {
return Type(CS.createTypeVariable(CS.getConstraintLocator(nullptr),
return Base;
T1 = T1.transform(Trans);
T2 = T2.transform(Trans);
CS.addConstraint(Constraint::create(CS, Kind, T1, T2, DeclName(),
SmallVector<Solution, 4> Solutions;
return AllowFreeVariables ?
!CS.solve(Solutions, FreeTypeVariableBinding::Allow) :
bool swift::canPossiblyEqual(Type T1, Type T2, DeclContext &DC) {
return canSatisfy(T1, T2, DC, ConstraintKind::Equal, true, true);
bool swift::canPossiblyConvertTo(Type T1, Type T2, DeclContext &DC) {
return canSatisfy(T1, T2, DC, ConstraintKind::Conversion, true, true);
bool swift::isEqual(Type T1, Type T2, DeclContext &DC) {
return canSatisfy(T1, T2, DC, ConstraintKind::Equal, false, false);
swift::resolveValueMember(DeclContext &DC, Type BaseTy, DeclName Name) {
ResolveMemberResult Result;
std::unique_ptr<TypeChecker> CreatedTC;
// If the current ast context has no type checker, create one for it.
auto *TC = static_cast<TypeChecker*>(DC.getASTContext().getLazyResolver());
if (!TC) {
CreatedTC.reset(new TypeChecker(DC.getASTContext()));
TC = CreatedTC.get();
ConstraintSystem CS(*TC, &DC, None);
MemberLookupResult LookupResult = CS.performMemberLookup(
ConstraintKind::ValueMember, Name, BaseTy, FunctionRefKind::DoubleApply,
nullptr, false);
if (LookupResult.ViableCandidates.empty())
return Result;
ConstraintLocator *Locator = CS.getConstraintLocator(nullptr);
TypeVariableType *TV = CS.createTypeVariable(Locator, TVO_CanBindToLValue);
CS.addOverloadSet(TV, LookupResult.ViableCandidates, Locator);
Optional<Solution> OpSolution = CS.solveSingle();
if (!OpSolution.hasValue())
return Result;
SelectedOverload Selected = OpSolution.getValue().overloadChoices[Locator];
Result.Favored = Selected.choice.getDecl();
for (OverloadChoice& Choice : LookupResult.ViableCandidates) {
ValueDecl *VD = Choice.getDecl();
if (VD != Result.Favored)
return Result;
void swift::collectDefaultImplementationForProtocolMembers(ProtocolDecl *PD,
llvm::SmallDenseMap<ValueDecl*, ValueDecl*> &DefaultMap) {
Type BaseTy = PD->getDeclaredTypeInContext();
DeclContext *DC = PD->getDeclContext();
auto *TC = static_cast<TypeChecker*>(DC->getASTContext().getLazyResolver());
if (!TC) {
TC = new TypeChecker(DC->getASTContext());
for (Decl *D : PD->getMembers()) {
ValueDecl *VD = dyn_cast<ValueDecl>(D);
if (!VD)
ResolveMemberResult Result = resolveValueMember(*DC, BaseTy,
if (Result.OtherViables.empty())
if (!Result.Favored->getDeclContext()->isGenericContext())
for (ValueDecl *Default : Result.OtherViables) {
if (Default->getDeclContext()->isExtensionContext()) {
DefaultMap.insert({Default, VD});