blob: 26dcbdeeb618cfecda6662281373ad8a07ed7ad5 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- GenObjC.h - Swift IR generation for Objective-C --------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file provides the private interface to Objective-C emission code.
namespace llvm {
class Type;
class Value;
namespace swift {
class CanType;
class FuncDecl;
struct SILDeclRef;
class SILFunction;
class SILType;
class Substitution;
namespace irgen {
class CallEmission;
class IRGenFunction;
class IRGenModule;
/// The kind of message to send through the Objective-C runtime.
enum class ObjCMessageKind {
/// A normally-dispatched call.
/// A call to a superclass method.
/// A call to a peer method.
CallEmission prepareObjCMethodRootCall(IRGenFunction &IGF,
SILDeclRef method,
CanSILFunctionType origFnType,
CanSILFunctionType substFnType,
ArrayRef<Substitution> subs,
ObjCMessageKind kind);
void addObjCMethodCallImplicitArguments(IRGenFunction &IGF,
Explosion &emission,
SILDeclRef method,
llvm::Value *self,
SILType superSearchType);
/// Emit a partial application of an Objective-C method to its 'self'
/// argument.
void emitObjCPartialApplication(IRGenFunction &IGF,
SILDeclRef method,
CanSILFunctionType origType,
CanSILFunctionType partialAppliedType,
llvm::Value *self,
SILType selfType,
Explosion &out);
/// Reclaim an autoreleased return value.
llvm::Value *emitObjCRetainAutoreleasedReturnValue(IRGenFunction &IGF,
llvm::Value *value);
/// Autorelease a return value.
llvm::Value *emitObjCAutoreleaseReturnValue(IRGenFunction &IGF,
llvm::Value *value);
/// Build the components of an Objective-C method descriptor for the given
/// method or constructor implementation.
void emitObjCMethodDescriptorParts(IRGenModule &IGM,
AbstractFunctionDecl *method,
bool extendedEncoding,
bool concrete,
llvm::Constant *&selectorRef,
llvm::Constant *&atEncoding,
llvm::Constant *&impl);
/// Build the components of an Objective-C method descriptor for the given
/// property's method implementations.
void emitObjCGetterDescriptorParts(IRGenModule &IGM,
VarDecl *property,
llvm::Constant *&selectorRef,
llvm::Constant *&atEncoding,
llvm::Constant *&impl);
/// Build the components of an Objective-C method descriptor for the given
/// subscript's method implementations.
void emitObjCGetterDescriptorParts(IRGenModule &IGM,
SubscriptDecl *subscript,
llvm::Constant *&selectorRef,
llvm::Constant *&atEncoding,
llvm::Constant *&impl);
void emitObjCGetterDescriptorParts(IRGenModule &IGM,
AbstractStorageDecl *subscript,
llvm::Constant *&selectorRef,
llvm::Constant *&atEncoding,
llvm::Constant *&impl);
/// Build the components of an Objective-C method descriptor for the given
/// property's method implementations.
void emitObjCSetterDescriptorParts(IRGenModule &IGM,
VarDecl *property,
llvm::Constant *&selectorRef,
llvm::Constant *&atEncoding,
llvm::Constant *&impl);
/// Build the components of an Objective-C method descriptor for the given
/// subscript's method implementations.
void emitObjCSetterDescriptorParts(IRGenModule &IGM,
SubscriptDecl *subscript,
llvm::Constant *&selectorRef,
llvm::Constant *&atEncoding,
llvm::Constant *&impl);
void emitObjCSetterDescriptorParts(IRGenModule &IGM,
AbstractStorageDecl *subscript,
llvm::Constant *&selectorRef,
llvm::Constant *&atEncoding,
llvm::Constant *&impl);
/// Build an Objective-C method descriptor for the given method,
/// constructor, or destructor implementation.
llvm::Constant *emitObjCMethodDescriptor(IRGenModule &IGM,
AbstractFunctionDecl *method);
/// Build an Objective-C method descriptor for the ivar initializer
/// or destroyer of a class (-.cxx_construct or -.cxx_destruct).
/// \returns the method destructor, or an empty optional if there is
/// no corresponding SIL function.
Optional<llvm::Constant*> emitObjCIVarInitDestroyDescriptor(IRGenModule &IGM,
ClassDecl *cd,
bool isDestroyer);
/// Get the type encoding for an ObjC property.
void getObjCEncodingForPropertyType(IRGenModule &IGM, VarDecl *property,
std::string &s);
/// Produces extended encoding of ObjC block signature.
/// \returns the encoded type.
llvm::Constant *getBlockTypeExtendedEncoding(IRGenModule &IGM,
CanSILFunctionType invokeTy);
/// Produces extended encoding of method type.
/// \returns the encoded type.
llvm::Constant *getMethodTypeExtendedEncoding(IRGenModule &IGM,
AbstractFunctionDecl *method);
/// Build an Objective-C method descriptor for the given property's
/// getter and setter methods.
std::pair<llvm::Constant *, llvm::Constant *>
emitObjCPropertyMethodDescriptors(IRGenModule &IGM, VarDecl *property);
/// Build an Objective-C method descriptor for the given subscript's
/// getter and setter methods.
std::pair<llvm::Constant *, llvm::Constant *>
emitObjCSubscriptMethodDescriptors(IRGenModule &IGM,
SubscriptDecl *subscript);
/// True if the FuncDecl requires an ObjC method descriptor.
bool requiresObjCMethodDescriptor(FuncDecl *method);
/// True if the ConstructorDecl requires an ObjC method descriptor.
bool requiresObjCMethodDescriptor(ConstructorDecl *constructor);
/// True if the VarDecl requires ObjC accessor methods and a property
/// descriptor.
bool requiresObjCPropertyDescriptor(IRGenModule &IGM,
VarDecl *property);
/// True if the SubscriptDecl requires ObjC accessor methods.
bool requiresObjCSubscriptDescriptor(IRGenModule &IGM,
SubscriptDecl *subscript);
/// Allocate an Objective-C object.
llvm::Value *emitObjCAllocObjectCall(IRGenFunction &IGF,
llvm::Value *classPtr,
CanType resultType);
} // end namespace irgen
} // end namespace swift