blob: b13f288308dad798be3d596d5ecb4693afe4ccbf [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-run-simple-swiftgyb
// REQUIRES: executable_test
// FIXME: No simd module on linux rdar://problem/20795411
// XFAIL: linux
import simd
import StdlibUnittest
% scalar_types = ['Float', 'Double', 'Int32', 'UInt32']
% float_types = ['Float', 'Double']
% ctype = { 'Float':'float', 'Double':'double', 'Int32':'int', 'UInt32':'uint'}
% component = ['.x','.y','.z','.w']
% for type in scalar_types:
% for cols in [2,3,4]:
// Workaround <rdar://problem/18900352>
% vectype = ctype[type] + str(cols)
func same(_ x: ${vectype}, _ y: ${vectype}) -> Bool {
for i in 0..<${cols} {
// Workaround <rdar://problem/18900352>
% if type in float_types:
if x[i] != y[i] && !(x[i].isNaN && y[i].isNaN) { return false }
% else:
if x[i] != y[i] { return false }
% end
return true
% if type in float_types:
// Workaround <rdar://problem/18900352>
% for rows in [2,3,4]:
// Workaround <rdar://problem/18900352>
% mattype = ctype[type] + str(cols) + 'x' + str(rows)
func same(_ x: ${mattype}, _ y: ${mattype}) -> Bool {
for i in 0..<${cols} {
if !same(x[i], y[i]) { return false }
return true
% end # for rows in [2,3,4]
% end # if type in float_types
% end # for cols in [2,3,4]
% end # for type in scalar_types
func same<M: SIMDMatrixType>(_ x:M, _ y:M) -> Bool {
for i in 0 ..< x.columns {
if (!same(x[i], y[i])) { return false }
return true
var simdTestSuite = TestSuite("simd")
simdTestSuite.test("sizes") {
// C interop requires that vector be the right size.
expectEqual(8, sizeof(float2.self))
expectEqual(16, sizeof(float3.self))
expectEqual(16, sizeof(float4.self))
expectEqual(8, sizeof(int2.self))
expectEqual(16, sizeof(int3.self))
expectEqual(16, sizeof(int4.self))
expectEqual(16, sizeof(double2.self))
expectEqual(32, sizeof(double3.self))
expectEqual(32, sizeof(double4.self))
expectEqual(16, sizeof(float2x2.self))
expectEqual(32, sizeof(float2x3.self))
expectEqual(32, sizeof(float2x4.self))
expectEqual(24, sizeof(float3x2.self))
expectEqual(48, sizeof(float3x3.self))
expectEqual(48, sizeof(float3x4.self))
expectEqual(32, sizeof(float4x2.self))
expectEqual(64, sizeof(float4x3.self))
expectEqual(64, sizeof(float4x4.self))
expectEqual(32, sizeof(double2x2.self))
expectEqual(64, sizeof(double2x3.self))
expectEqual(64, sizeof(double2x4.self))
expectEqual(48, sizeof(double3x2.self))
expectEqual(96, sizeof(double3x3.self))
expectEqual(96, sizeof(double3x4.self))
expectEqual(64, sizeof(double4x2.self))
expectEqual(128, sizeof(double4x3.self))
expectEqual(128, sizeof(double4x4.self))
simdTestSuite.test("vector init") {
% for type in scalar_types:
% for size in [2,3,4]:
// Workaround <rdar://problem/18900352>
% vectype = ctype[type] + str(size)
% vec = 'v_' + vectype
// Check empty initializer.
var ${vec} = ${vectype}()
expectEqualTest(${[0]*size}, ${vec}, sameValue: same)
// Check literal initializer.
${vec} = ${vectype}(2)
expectEqualTest(${[2]*size}, ${vec}, sameValue: same)
// Check scalar initializer.
expectEqualTest(${vectype}(${type}(2)), ${vec}, sameValue: same)
// Check elementwise initializer.
${vec} = ${vectype}(${', '.join(map(lambda i: str(i), range(size)))})
expectEqualTest(${range(size)}, ${vec}, sameValue: same)
// Check labeled elementwise initializer.
${vec} = ${vectype}(${', '.join(map(lambda i:
component[i][1:] + ':' + str(i),
expectEqualTest(${range(size)}, ${vec}, sameValue: same)
// Previous checks implicitly use the array initializer, so we're good
// with that one already.
% end # for size in [2,3,4]
% end # for type in scalar_types
simdTestSuite.test("vector elements") {
% for type in scalar_types:
% for size in [2,3,4]:
// Workaround <rdar://problem/18900352>
% vectype = ctype[type] + str(size)
% vec = 'v_' + vectype
var ${vec} = ${vectype}()
// Check getting and setting .xyzw
% for i in range(size):
${vec + component[i]} = ${2*i}
expectEqual(${vec + component[i]}, ${2*i})
% end
// Check getting and setting [i]
for i in 0..<${size} { ${vec}[i] = ${vec}[i]/2 }
expectEqualTest(${vec}, ${range(size)}, sameValue: same)
% end # for size in [2,3,4]
% end # for type in scalar_types
% for type in scalar_types:
// ----
% if type not in float_types:
// ----
% for size in [2,3,4]:
// ----
% vectype = ctype[type] + str(size)
extension ${vectype}: Equatable {}
public func ==(a: ${vectype}, b: ${vectype}) -> Bool {
% for i in xrange(0, size):
if (a${component[i]} != b${component[i]}) { return false }
% end
return true
simdTestSuite.test("${vectype} wrapping arithmetic") {
expectEqual(${vectype}(.max) &+ ${vectype}(1),
expectEqual(${vectype}(.min) &- ${vectype}(1),
expectEqual(${vectype}(.max) &* ${vectype}(.max),
expectEqual(${vectype}(.max) &* .max,
expectEqual(.max &* ${vectype}(.max),
% end
% end
% end
simdTestSuite.test("vector debugDescription") {
var f2 = float2(1, 2)
expectEqual("float2(1.0, 2.0)", f2.debugDescription)
var f3 = float3(1, 2, 3)
expectEqual("float3(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)", f3.debugDescription)
var f4 = float4(1, 2, 3, 4)
expectEqual("float4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)", f4.debugDescription)
var d2 = double2(1, 2)
expectEqual("double2(1.0, 2.0)", d2.debugDescription)
var d3 = double3(1, 2, 3)
expectEqual("double3(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)", d3.debugDescription)
var d4 = double4(1, 2, 3, 4)
expectEqual("double4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)", d4.debugDescription)
var i2 = int2(1, 2)
expectEqual("int2(1, 2)", i2.debugDescription)
var i3 = int3(1, 2, 3)
expectEqual("int3(1, 2, 3)", i3.debugDescription)
var i4 = int4(1, 2, 3, 4)
expectEqual("int4(1, 2, 3, 4)", i4.debugDescription)
simdTestSuite.test("vector distance") {
% for type in float_types:
let ${ctype[type]}2_x = ${ctype[type]}2(0,5)
let ${ctype[type]}2_y = ${ctype[type]}2(3,1)
expectEqual(5, distance(${ctype[type]}2_x, ${ctype[type]}2_y))
expectEqual(0, distance(${ctype[type]}2_x, ${ctype[type]}2_x))
expectEqual(25, distance_squared(${ctype[type]}2_x, ${ctype[type]}2_y))
expectEqual(0, distance_squared(${ctype[type]}2_x, ${ctype[type]}2_x))
let ${ctype[type]}3_x = ${ctype[type]}3(-1,-2,-4)
let ${ctype[type]}3_y = ${ctype[type]}3( 1, 1, 2)
expectEqual(7, distance(${ctype[type]}3_x, ${ctype[type]}3_y))
expectEqual(0, distance(${ctype[type]}3_x, ${ctype[type]}3_x))
expectEqual(49, distance_squared(${ctype[type]}3_x, ${ctype[type]}3_y))
expectEqual(0, distance_squared(${ctype[type]}3_x, ${ctype[type]}3_x))
let ${ctype[type]}4_x = ${ctype[type]}4(-1, 0, 1, 1)
let ${ctype[type]}4_y = ${ctype[type]}4( 0, 1, 0, 2)
expectEqual(2, distance(${ctype[type]}4_x, ${ctype[type]}4_y))
expectEqual(0, distance(${ctype[type]}4_x, ${ctype[type]}4_x))
expectEqual(4, distance_squared(${ctype[type]}4_x, ${ctype[type]}4_y))
expectEqual(0, distance_squared(${ctype[type]}4_x, ${ctype[type]}4_x))
% end # for type in float_types
simdTestSuite.test("matrix init") {
% for type in float_types:
% for cols in [2,3,4]:
// Workaround <rdar://problem/18900352>
% for rows in [2,3,4]:
// Workaround <rdar://problem/18900352>
% mattype = ctype[type] + str(cols) + 'x' + str(rows)
% coltype = ctype[type] + str(rows)
% mat = 'm_' + mattype
% diagsize = rows if rows < cols else cols
// Check empty initializer.
var ${mat} = ${mattype}()
expectEqualTest(${mat}, ${mattype}(${[[0]*rows]*cols}), sameValue: same)
// Check scalar initializer.
${mat} = ${mattype}(2)
for i in 0..<${rows} {
for j in 0..<${cols} {
if i == j { expectEqual(${mat}[i, i], 2) }
else { expectEqual(${mat}[j, i], 0) }
// Check diagonal initializer.
${mat} = ${mattype}(diagonal: ${range(diagsize)})
for i in 0..<${rows} {
for j in 0..<${cols} {
if i == j { expectEqual(${mat}[i, i], ${type}(i)) }
else { expectEqual(${mat}[j, i], 0) }
// All the previous checks implicitly used the column initializer.
// Check row initializer.
${mat} = ${mattype}(rows:[
% for i in range(rows):
${range(i*cols, (i+1)*cols)},
% end # for i
for i in 0..<${rows} {
for j in 0..<${cols} {
expectEqual(${mat}[j, i], ${type}(${cols}*i + j))
// Round-trip through C matrix type.
expectEqualTest(${mat}, ${mattype}(${mat}.cmatrix), sameValue: same)
% end # for rows
% end # for cols
% end # for type
simdTestSuite.test("matrix elements") {
% for type in float_types:
% for cols in [2,3,4]:
// Workaround <rdar://problem/18900352>
% for rows in [2,3,4]:
// Workaround <rdar://problem/18900352>
% mattype = ctype[type] + str(cols) + 'x' + str(rows)
% coltype = ctype[type] + str(rows)
% mat = 'm_' + mattype
% basis = type.lower() + 'basis' + str(cols) + 'x' + str(rows)
% diagsize = rows if rows < cols else cols
// Check getting and setting columns.
let ${basis} : [${coltype}] = [
% for i in range(cols):
[${', '.join(map(lambda j:
'1' if i == j else '0',
% end
var ${mat} = ${mattype}()
for i in 0..<${cols} {
${mat}[i] = ${type}(i+1)*${basis}[i]
${mat}, ${mattype}(diagonal:${range(1, diagsize + 1)}), sameValue: same)
for i in 0..<${cols} {
expectEqualTest(${mat}[i], ${type}(i + 1)*${basis}[i], sameValue: same)
// Check getting and setting elements (and transpose).
${mat} = ${mattype}()
for i in 0..<${rows} {
for j in 0..<${cols} {
${mat}[j, i] = ${type}(${cols}*i + j)
var ${'trans'+mat} = ${mat}.transpose
for j in 0..<${cols} {
for i in 0..<${rows} {
expectEqual(${'trans'+mat}[i, j], ${type}(${cols}*i + j))
% end # for rows
% end # for cols
% end # for type