blob: 8cf81f0bf4331627cf0359456ebc75baa79ca390 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- RemoteAST.h - Relating remote metadata to local ASTs ---*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// The RemoteAST library defines interfaces for exploring the
// relationships between a remote process and a local AST which provides
// a (static and incomplete) picture of the code running in that process.
#include "swift/Remote/Failure.h"
#include "swift/Remote/MemoryReader.h"
#include "swift/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "swift/ABI/MetadataValues.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include <memory>
namespace swift {
class ASTContext;
class NominalTypeDecl;
class Type;
namespace remoteAST {
template <class T>
class Result {
union Storage {
remote::Failure Failure;
T Success;
Storage() {}
Storage(const Storage &) = delete;
Storage &operator=(const Storage &) = delete;
~Storage() {}
Storage S;
bool IsSuccess;
Result(bool isSuccess) : IsSuccess(isSuccess) {}
/*implicit*/ Result(const T &value) : IsSuccess(true) {
new (&S.Success) T(value);
/*implicit*/ Result(T &&value) : IsSuccess(true) {
new (&S.Success) T(std::move(value));
/*implicit*/ Result(remote::Failure &&failure) : IsSuccess(false) {
new (&S.Failure) remote::Failure(std::move(failure));
Result(const Result &other) : IsSuccess(other.IsSuccess) {
if (IsSuccess) {
::new (&S.Success) T(other.S.Success);
} else {
::new (&S.Failure) remote::Failure(other.S.Failure);
Result(Result &&other) : IsSuccess(other.IsSuccess) {
if (IsSuccess) {
::new (&S.Success) T(std::move(other.S.Success));
} else {
::new (&S.Failure) remote::Failure(std::move(other.S.Failure));
Result &operator=(const Result &other) {
::new (this) Result(other);
return *this;
Result &operator=(Result &&other) {
::new (this) Result(std::move(other));
return *this;
~Result() {
if (IsSuccess) {
} else {
template <class... ArgTys>
static Result emplaceSuccess(ArgTys &&...args) {
Result result(true);
::new (&result.S.Success) T(std::forward<ArgTys>(args)...);
return result;
template <class KindTy, class... ArgTys>
static Result emplaceFailure(KindTy kind, ArgTys &&...args) {
Result result(false);
::new (&result.S.Failure)
remote::Failure(kind, std::forward<ArgTys>(args)...);
return result;
explicit operator bool() const { return isSuccess(); }
bool isSuccess() const { return IsSuccess; }
bool isFailure() const { return !IsSuccess; }
const remote::Failure &getFailure() const {
return S.Failure;
const T &getValue() const & {
return S.Success;
T &&getValue() && {
return std::move(S.Success);
/// A context for performing an operation relating the remote process with
/// the AST. This may be discarded and recreated at any time without danger,
/// but reusing a context across multiple calls may allow some redundant work
/// to be avoided.
/// The operations on this type must not assert or crash for any of the
/// following reasons:
/// - the parameters do not satisfy preconditions
/// - the memory reader fails for any reason
/// - the remote address is invalid
/// - the remote address space is corrupt
/// - the remote address space contains valid-seeming constructs that
/// somehow violate local well-formedness rules
/// - the local AST does not contain information for the remote construct
/// The operations on this type *may* misbehave if the invariants of
/// the local AST have been violated. This should not be a problem if the
/// local AST is the result of ordinary type-checking.
class RemoteASTContext {
void *Impl;
explicit RemoteASTContext(ASTContext &ctx,
std::shared_ptr<remote::MemoryReader> reader);
RemoteASTContext(const RemoteASTContext &) = delete;
RemoteASTContext &operator=(const RemoteASTContext &) = delete;
/// Given an address which is supposedly of type metadata, try to
/// resolve it to a specific type in the local AST.
/// \param skipArtificial If true, the address may be an artificial type
/// wrapper that should be ignored. For example, it could be a
/// dynamic subclass created by (e.g.) CoreData or KVO; if so, and this
/// flag is set, this method will implicitly ignore the subclass
/// and instead attempt to resolve a type for the first non-artificial
/// superclass.
getTypeForRemoteTypeMetadata(remote::RemoteAddress address,
bool skipArtificial = false);
/// Given an address which is supposedly of type metadata, try to
/// resolve it to a specific MetadataKind value for its backing type.
getKindForRemoteTypeMetadata(remote::RemoteAddress address);
/// Given an address which is supposedly of a nominal type descriptor,
/// try to resolve it to a specific nominal type declaration in the
/// local AST.
Result<NominalTypeDecl *>
getDeclForRemoteNominalTypeDescriptor(remote::RemoteAddress address);
/// Given a type in the local AST, try to resolve the offset of its
/// member with the given name. This supports:
/// - stored properties of structs
/// - stored properties of classes
/// - elements of tuples
/// Failure may indicate that an offset for the property could not be
/// resolved, or it may simply indicate that the property is not laid
/// out at a known offset.
/// If the caller has the address of type metadata for the type, it may
/// pass it in; this may allow the implementation to compute an offset in
/// situations where it otherwise cannot.
Result<uint64_t> getOffsetOfMember(Type type,
remote::RemoteAddress optMetadataAddress,
StringRef memberName);
/// Given a heap object, resolve its heap metadata.
getHeapMetadataForObject(remote::RemoteAddress address);
/// Given an existential and its static type, resolve its dynamic
/// type and address. A single step of unwrapping is performed, i.e. if the
/// value stored inside the existential is itself an existential, the
/// caller can decide whether to iterate itself.
Result<std::pair<Type, remote::RemoteAddress>>
getDynamicTypeAndAddressForExistential(remote::RemoteAddress address,
Type staticType);
} // end namespace remoteAST
} // end namespace swift