blob: ef8a3c2b512618831816ecf4c136ffec124639cd [file] [log] [blame]
//===----------- SyntaxParsingContext.h -==============----------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "llvm/ADT/PointerUnion.h"
#include "swift/Basic/SourceLoc.h"
#include "swift/Syntax/Syntax.h"
#include "swift/Syntax/TokenSyntax.h"
namespace swift {
using namespace swift::syntax;
/// Cache node for RawSyntax.
class RawSyntaxCacheNode : public llvm::FoldingSetNode {
friend llvm::FoldingSetTrait<RawSyntaxCacheNode>;
/// Associated RawSyntax.
RC<RawSyntax> Obj;
/// FoldingSet node identifier of the associated RawSyntax.
llvm::FoldingSetNodeIDRef IDRef;
RawSyntaxCacheNode(RC<RawSyntax> Obj, const llvm::FoldingSetNodeIDRef IDRef)
: Obj(Obj), IDRef(IDRef) {}
/// Retrieve assciated RawSyntax.
RC<RawSyntax> get() { return Obj; }
// Only allow allocation of Node using the allocator in SyntaxArena.
void *operator new(size_t Bytes, RC<SyntaxArena> &Arena,
unsigned Alignment = alignof(RawSyntaxCacheNode)) {
return Arena->Allocate(Bytes, Alignment);
void *operator new(size_t Bytes) throw() = delete;
void operator delete(void *Data) throw() = delete;
class RawSyntaxTokenCache {
llvm::FoldingSet<RawSyntaxCacheNode> CachedTokens;
std::vector<RawSyntaxCacheNode *> CacheNodes;
RC<RawSyntax> getToken(RC<SyntaxArena> &Arena, tok TokKind, OwnedString Text,
llvm::ArrayRef<TriviaPiece> LeadingTrivia,
llvm::ArrayRef<TriviaPiece> TrailingTrivia);
} // namespace swift
namespace llvm {
using swift::RawSyntaxCacheNode;
/// FoldingSet traits for RawSyntax wrapper.
template <> struct FoldingSetTrait<RawSyntaxCacheNode> {
static inline void Profile(RawSyntaxCacheNode &X, FoldingSetNodeID &ID) {
static inline bool Equals(RawSyntaxCacheNode &X, const FoldingSetNodeID &ID,
unsigned, FoldingSetNodeID &) {
return ID == X.IDRef;
static inline unsigned ComputeHash(RawSyntaxCacheNode &X,
FoldingSetNodeID &) {
return X.IDRef.ComputeHash();
} // namespace llvm
namespace swift {
class SourceFile;
class SyntaxParsingCache;
class Token;
class DiagnosticEngine;
namespace syntax {
class RawSyntax;
enum class SyntaxKind;
using namespace swift::syntax;
enum class SyntaxContextKind {
constexpr size_t SyntaxAlignInBits = 3;
/// RAII object which receive RawSyntax parts. On destruction, this constructs
/// a specified syntax node from received parts and propagate it to the parent
/// context.
/// e.g.
/// parseExprParen() {
/// SyntaxParsingContext LocalCtxt(SyntaxKind::ParenExpr, SyntaxContext);
/// consumeToken(tok::l_paren) // In consumeToken(), a RawTokenSyntax is
/// // added to the context.
/// parseExpr(); // On returning from parseExpr(), a Expr Syntax node is
/// // created and added to the context.
/// consumeToken(tok::r_paren)
/// // Now the context holds { '(' Expr ')' }.
/// // From these parts, it creates ParenExpr node and add it to the parent.
/// }
class alignas(1 << SyntaxAlignInBits) SyntaxParsingContext {
/// The shared data for all syntax parsing contexts with the same root.
/// This should be accessible from the root context only.
struct alignas(1 << SyntaxAlignInBits) RootContextData {
// The source file under parsing.
SourceFile &SF;
// Where to issue diagnostics.
DiagnosticEngine &Diags;
SourceManager &SourceMgr;
unsigned BufferID;
// Storage for Collected parts.
std::vector<RC<RawSyntax>> Storage;
RC<SyntaxArena> Arena;
/// A cache of nodes that can be reused when creating the current syntax
/// tree
SyntaxParsingCache *SyntaxCache = nullptr;
/// Tokens nodes that have already been created and may be reused in other
/// parts of the syntax tree.
RawSyntaxTokenCache TokenCache;
RootContextData(SourceFile &SF, DiagnosticEngine &Diags,
SourceManager &SourceMgr, unsigned BufferID,
const RC<SyntaxArena> &Arena,
SyntaxParsingCache *SyntaxCache)
: SF(SF), Diags(Diags), SourceMgr(SourceMgr), BufferID(BufferID),
Arena(Arena), SyntaxCache(SyntaxCache) {}
/// Indicates what action should be performed on the destruction of
/// SyntaxParsingContext
enum class AccumulationMode {
// Coerece the result to one of ContextKind.
// E.g. for ContextKind::Expr, passthroug if the result is CallExpr, whereas
// <UnknownExpr><SomeDecl /></UnknownDecl> for non Exprs.
// Construct a result Syntax with specified SyntaxKind.
// Pass through all parts to the parent context.
// Discard all parts in the context.
// The node has been loaded from the cache and all parts shall be discarded.
// Construct SourceFile syntax to the specified SF.
// Invalid.
// When this context is a root, this points to an instance of RootContextData;
// When this context isn't a root, this points to the parent context.
const llvm::PointerUnion<RootContextData *, SyntaxParsingContext *>
// Reference to the
SyntaxParsingContext *&CtxtHolder;
RootContextData *RootData;
// Offet for 'Storage' this context owns from.
const size_t Offset;
// Operation on destruction.
AccumulationMode Mode = AccumulationMode::NotSet;
// Additional info depending on \c Mode.
union {
// For AccumulationMode::CreateSyntax; desired syntax node kind.
SyntaxKind SynKind;
// For AccumulationMode::CoerceKind; desired syntax node category.
SyntaxContextKind CtxtKind;
// If false, context does nothing.
bool Enabled;
/// Create a syntax node using the tail \c N elements of collected parts and
/// replace those parts with the single result.
void createNodeInPlace(SyntaxKind Kind, size_t N);
ArrayRef<RC<RawSyntax>> getParts() const {
return makeArrayRef(getStorage()).drop_front(Offset);
RC<RawSyntax> makeUnknownSyntax(SyntaxKind Kind,
ArrayRef<RC<RawSyntax>> Parts);
RC<RawSyntax> createSyntaxAs(SyntaxKind Kind, ArrayRef<RC<RawSyntax>> Parts);
RC<RawSyntax> bridgeAs(SyntaxContextKind Kind, ArrayRef<RC<RawSyntax>> Parts);
/// Construct root context.
SyntaxParsingContext(SyntaxParsingContext *&CtxtHolder, SourceFile &SF,
unsigned BufferID);
/// Designated constructor for child context.
SyntaxParsingContext(SyntaxParsingContext *&CtxtHolder)
: RootDataOrParent(CtxtHolder), CtxtHolder(CtxtHolder),
RootData(CtxtHolder->RootData), Offset(RootData->Storage.size()),
Enabled(CtxtHolder->isEnabled()) {
assert(CtxtHolder->isTopOfContextStack() &&
"SyntaxParsingContext cannot have multiple children");
assert(CtxtHolder->Mode != AccumulationMode::LoadedFromCache &&
"Cannot create child context for a node loaded from the cache");
CtxtHolder = this;
SyntaxParsingContext(SyntaxParsingContext *&CtxtHolder, SyntaxContextKind Kind)
: SyntaxParsingContext(CtxtHolder) {
SyntaxParsingContext(SyntaxParsingContext *&CtxtHolder, SyntaxKind Kind)
: SyntaxParsingContext(CtxtHolder) {
/// Try loading the current node from the \c SyntaxParsingCache by looking up
/// if an unmodified node exists at \p LexerOffset of the same kind. If a node
/// is found, replace the node that is currently being constructed by the
/// parsing context with the node from the cache and return the number of
/// bytes the loaded node took up in the original source. The lexer should
/// pretend it has read these bytes and continue from the advanced offset.
/// If nothing is found \c 0 is returned.
size_t loadFromCache(size_t LexerOffset);
void disable() { Enabled = false; }
bool isEnabled() const { return Enabled; }
bool isRoot() const { return<RootContextData*>(); }
bool isTopOfContextStack() const { return this == CtxtHolder; }
SyntaxParsingContext *getParent() const {
return RootDataOrParent.get<SyntaxParsingContext*>();
RootContextData *getRootData() { return RootData; }
const RootContextData *getRootData() const { return RootData; }
std::vector<RC<RawSyntax>> &getStorage() { return getRootData()->Storage; }
const std::vector<RC<RawSyntax>> &getStorage() const {
return getRootData()->Storage;
SyntaxParsingCache *getSyntaxParsingCache() const {
return getRootData()->SyntaxCache;
RawSyntaxTokenCache &getTokenCache() { return getRootData()->TokenCache; }
const RC<SyntaxArena> &getArena() const { return getRootData()->Arena; }
const SyntaxParsingContext *getRoot() const;
/// Add RawSyntax to the parts.
void addRawSyntax(RC<RawSyntax> Raw);
/// Add Token with Trivia to the parts.
void addToken(Token &Tok, Trivia &LeadingTrivia,
Trivia &TrailingTrivia);
/// Add Syntax to the parts.
void addSyntax(Syntax Node);
template<typename SyntaxNode>
llvm::Optional<SyntaxNode> popIf() {
auto &Storage = getStorage();
assert(Storage.size() > Offset);
if (auto Node = make<Syntax>(Storage.back()).getAs<SyntaxNode>()) {
return Node;
return None;
TokenSyntax popToken() {
auto &Storage = getStorage();
assert(Storage.size() > Offset);
assert(Storage.back()->getKind() == SyntaxKind::Token);
auto Node = make<TokenSyntax>(std::move(Storage.back()));
return Node;
/// Create a node using the tail of the collected parts. The number of parts
/// is automatically determined from \c Kind. Node: limited number of \c Kind
/// are supported. See the implementation.
void createNodeInPlace(SyntaxKind Kind);
/// Squashing nodes from the back of the pending syntax list to a given syntax
/// collection kind. If there're no nodes that can fit into the collection kind,
/// this function does nothing. Otherwise, it creates a collection node in place
/// to contain all sequential suitable nodes from back.
void collectNodesInPlace(SyntaxKind ColletionKind);
/// On destruction, construct a specified kind of RawSyntax node consuming the
/// collected parts, then append it to the parent context.
void setCreateSyntax(SyntaxKind Kind) {
Mode = AccumulationMode::CreateSyntax;
SynKind = Kind;
/// On destruction, if the parts size is 1 and it's kind of \c Kind, just
/// append it to the parent context. Otherwise, create Unknown{Kind} node from
/// the collected parts.
void setCoerceKind(SyntaxContextKind Kind) {
Mode = AccumulationMode::CoerceKind;
CtxtKind = Kind;
/// Move the collected parts to the tail of parent context.
void setTransparent() { Mode = AccumulationMode::Transparent; }
/// This context is a back tracking context, so we should discard collected
/// parts on this context.
void setBackTracking() { Mode = AccumulationMode::Discard; }
/// Explicitly finalizing syntax tree creation.
/// This function will be called during the destroying of a root syntax
/// parsing context. However, we can explicitly call this function to get
/// the syntax tree before closing the root context.
void finalizeRoot();
/// Make a missing node corresponding to the given token kind and text, and
/// push this node into the context. The synthesized node can help
/// the creation of valid syntax nodes.
void synthesize(tok Kind, StringRef Text = "");
/// Make a missing node corresponding to the given node kind, and
/// push this node into the context.
void synthesize(SyntaxKind Kind);
/// Dump the nodes that are in the storage stack of the SyntaxParsingContext
"Only meant for use in the debugger");
} // namespace swift