blob: d232fc0651d5ab68fcb3aaa1dc17c3bf2a411814 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- MapReduce.swift --------------------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import TestsUtils
import Foundation
public let MapReduce = [
BenchmarkInfo(name: "MapReduce", runFunction: run_MapReduce, tags: [.validation, .algorithm]),
BenchmarkInfo(name: "MapReduceAnyCollection", runFunction: run_MapReduceAnyCollection, tags: [.validation, .algorithm]),
BenchmarkInfo(name: "MapReduceAnyCollectionShort", runFunction: run_MapReduceAnyCollectionShort, tags: [.validation, .algorithm]),
BenchmarkInfo(name: "MapReduceClass2", runFunction: run_MapReduceClass, tags: [.validation, .algorithm],
setUpFunction: { boxedNumbers(1000) }, tearDownFunction: releaseDecimals),
BenchmarkInfo(name: "MapReduceClassShort2", runFunction: run_MapReduceClassShort, tags: [.validation, .algorithm],
setUpFunction: { boxedNumbers(10) }, tearDownFunction: releaseDecimals),
BenchmarkInfo(name: "MapReduceNSDecimalNumber", runFunction: run_MapReduceNSDecimalNumber, tags: [.validation, .algorithm],
setUpFunction: { decimals(1000) }, tearDownFunction: releaseDecimals),
BenchmarkInfo(name: "MapReduceNSDecimalNumberShort", runFunction: run_MapReduceNSDecimalNumberShort, tags: [.validation, .algorithm],
setUpFunction: { decimals(10) }, tearDownFunction: releaseDecimals),
BenchmarkInfo(name: "MapReduceLazyCollection", runFunction: run_MapReduceLazyCollection, tags: [.validation, .algorithm]),
BenchmarkInfo(name: "MapReduceLazyCollectionShort", runFunction: run_MapReduceLazyCollectionShort, tags: [.validation, .algorithm]),
BenchmarkInfo(name: "MapReduceLazySequence", runFunction: run_MapReduceLazySequence, tags: [.validation, .algorithm]),
BenchmarkInfo(name: "MapReduceSequence", runFunction: run_MapReduceSequence, tags: [.validation, .algorithm]),
BenchmarkInfo(name: "MapReduceShort", runFunction: run_MapReduceShort, tags: [.validation, .algorithm]),
BenchmarkInfo(name: "MapReduceShortString", runFunction: run_MapReduceShortString, tags: [.validation, .algorithm, .String]),
BenchmarkInfo(name: "MapReduceString", runFunction: run_MapReduceString, tags: [.validation, .algorithm, .String]),
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
var decimals : [NSDecimalNumber]!
func decimals(_ n: Int) {
decimals = (0..<n).map { NSDecimalNumber(value: $0) }
func releaseDecimals() { decimals = nil }
func decimals(_ n: Int) {}
func releaseDecimals() {}
class Box {
var v: Int
init(_ v: Int) { self.v = v }
var boxedNumbers : [Box]!
func boxedNumbers(_ n: Int) { boxedNumbers = (0..<n).map { Box($0) } }
func releaseboxedNumbers() { boxedNumbers = nil }
public func run_MapReduce(_ N: Int) {
var numbers = [Int](0..<1000)
var c = 0
for _ in 1...N*100 {
numbers = { $0 &+ 5 }
c += numbers.reduce(0, &+)
CheckResults(c != 0)
public func run_MapReduceAnyCollection(_ N: Int) {
let numbers = AnyCollection([Int](0..<1000))
var c = 0
for _ in 1...N*100 {
let mapped = { $0 &+ 5 }
c += mapped.reduce(0, &+)
CheckResults(c != 0)
public func run_MapReduceAnyCollectionShort(_ N: Int) {
let numbers = AnyCollection([Int](0..<10))
var c = 0
for _ in 1...N*10000 {
let mapped = { $0 &+ 5 }
c += mapped.reduce(0, &+)
CheckResults(c != 0)
public func run_MapReduceShort(_ N: Int) {
var numbers = [Int](0..<10)
var c = 0
for _ in 1...N*10000 {
numbers = { $0 &+ 5 }
c += numbers.reduce(0, &+)
CheckResults(c != 0)
public func run_MapReduceSequence(_ N: Int) {
let numbers = sequence(first: 0) { $0 < 1000 ? $0 &+ 1 : nil }
var c = 0
for _ in 1...N*100 {
let mapped = { $0 &+ 5 }
c += mapped.reduce(0, &+)
CheckResults(c != 0)
public func run_MapReduceLazySequence(_ N: Int) {
let numbers = sequence(first: 0) { $0 < 1000 ? $0 &+ 1 : nil }
var c = 0
for _ in 1...N*100 {
let mapped = { $0 &+ 5 }
c += mapped.reduce(0, &+)
CheckResults(c != 0)
public func run_MapReduceLazyCollection(_ N: Int) {
let numbers = [Int](0..<1000)
var c = 0
for _ in 1...N*100 {
let mapped = { $0 &+ 5 }
c += mapped.reduce(0, &+)
CheckResults(c != 0)
public func run_MapReduceLazyCollectionShort(_ N: Int) {
let numbers = [Int](0..<10)
var c = 0
for _ in 1...N*10000 {
let mapped = { $0 &+ 5 }
c += mapped.reduce(0, &+)
CheckResults(c != 0)
public func run_MapReduceString(_ N: Int) {
let s = "thequickbrownfoxjumpsoverthelazydogusingasmanycharacteraspossible123456789"
var c: UInt64 = 0
for _ in 1...N*100 {
c += { UInt64($0 &+ 5) }.reduce(0, &+)
CheckResults(c != 0)
public func run_MapReduceShortString(_ N: Int) {
let s = "12345"
var c: UInt64 = 0
for _ in 1...N*100 {
c += { UInt64($0 &+ 5) }.reduce(0, &+)
CheckResults(c != 0)
public func run_MapReduceNSDecimalNumber(_ N: Int) {
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
let numbers: [NSDecimalNumber] = decimals
var c = 0
for _ in 1...N*10 {
let mapped = { $0.intValue &+ 5 }
c += mapped.reduce(0, &+)
CheckResults(c != 0)
public func run_MapReduceNSDecimalNumberShort(_ N: Int) {
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
let numbers: [NSDecimalNumber] = decimals
var c = 0
for _ in 1...N*1_000 {
let mapped = { $0.intValue &+ 5 }
c += mapped.reduce(0, &+)
CheckResults(c != 0)
public func run_MapReduceClass(_ N: Int) {
let numbers: [Box] = boxedNumbers
var c = 0
for _ in 1...N*10 {
let mapped = { $0.v &+ 5 }
c += mapped.reduce(0, &+)
CheckResults(c != 0)
public func run_MapReduceClassShort(_ N: Int) {
let numbers: [Box] = boxedNumbers
var c = 0
for _ in 1...N*1_000 {
let mapped = { $0.v &+ 5 }
c += mapped.reduce(0, &+)
CheckResults(c != 0)