blob: 4a49023d98249012fe227addcd88c9f169e73d53 [file] [log] [blame]
// LuhnAlgoEager benchmark
// Description: Performs a Luhn checksum eagerly
// Source:
import TestsUtils
public var LuhnAlgoEager = BenchmarkInfo(
name: "LuhnAlgoEager",
runFunction: run_LuhnAlgoEager,
tags: [.algorithm]
public func run_LuhnAlgoEager(_ N: Int) {
let resultRef = true
var result = false
for _ in 1...100*N {
result = eagerchecksum(ccnum)
if result != resultRef {
CheckResults(result == resultRef)
// Another version of the Luhn algorithm, similar to the one found here:
// This time, trying to keep two versions, one eager one lazy,
// as similar as possible. Only adding "lazy" to the start of
// the expression to switch between the two.
// Much of the same code as the previous version at the top,
// Skip down to line 110 for the different par
// mapSome is my Swift version of Haskell's mapMaybe, which
// is a map that takes a transform function that returns an
// optional, and returns a collection of only those values
// that weren't nil
// first we need a lazy view that holds the original
// sequence and the transform function
struct MapSomeSequenceView<Base: Sequence, T> {
fileprivate let _base: Base
fileprivate let _transform: (Base.Element) -> T?
// extend it to implement Sequence
extension MapSomeSequenceView: Sequence {
typealias Iterator = AnyIterator<T>
func makeIterator() -> Iterator {
var g = _base.makeIterator()
// AnyIterator is a helper that takes a
// closure and calls it to generate each
// element
return AnyIterator {
while let element = {
if let some = self._transform(element) {
return some
return nil
// now extend a lazy collection to return that view
// from a call to mapSome. In pracice, when doing this,
// you should do it for all the lazy wrappers
// (i.e. random-access, forward and sequence)
extension LazyCollectionProtocol {
// I might be missing a trick with this super-ugly return type, is there a
// better way?
func mapSome<U>(
_ transform: @escaping (Elements.Element) -> U?
) -> LazySequence<MapSomeSequenceView<Elements, U>> {
return MapSomeSequenceView(_base: elements, _transform: transform).lazy
// curried function - call with 1 argument to get a function
// that tells you if i is a multiple of a given number
// e.g.
// let isEven = isMultipleOf(2)
// isEven(4) // true
func isMultipleOf<T: FixedWidthInteger>(_ of: T)->(T)->Bool {
return { $0 % of == 0 }
// extend LazySequence to map only every nth element, with all
// other elements untransformed.
extension LazySequenceProtocol {
func mapEveryN(
_ n: Int,
_ transform: @escaping (Element) -> Element
) -> LazyMapSequence<EnumeratedSequence<Self>, Element> {
let isNth = isMultipleOf(n)
func transform2(
_ pair: EnumeratedSequence<Self>.Element
) -> Element {
return isNth(pair.0 + 1) ? transform(pair.1) : pair.1
return self.enumerated()
infix operator |> : PipeRightPrecedence
precedencegroup PipeRightPrecedence {
associativity: left
func |><T,U>(t: T, f: (T)->U) -> U {
return f(t)
infix operator : DotPrecedence
precedencegroup DotPrecedence {
associativity: left
func <T, U, V> (g: @escaping (U) -> V, f: @escaping (T) -> U) -> (T) -> V {
return { x in g(f(x)) }
// function to free a method from the shackles
// of it's owner
func freeMemberFunc<T,U>(_ f: @escaping (T)->()->U)->(T)->U {
return { (t: T)->U in f(t)() }
extension String {
func toInt() -> Int? { return Int(self) }
// stringToInt can now be pipelined or composed
let stringToInt = freeMemberFunc(String.toInt)
// if only Character also had a toInt method
let charToString = { (c: Character) -> String in String(c) }
let charToInt = stringToInt charToString
func sum<S: Sequence>(_ nums: S)->S.Element where S.Element: FixedWidthInteger {
return nums.reduce(0, +)
func reverse<C: LazyCollectionProtocol>(
_ source: C
) -> LazyCollection<ReversedCollection<C.Elements>> {
return source.elements.reversed().lazy
func map<S: LazySequenceProtocol, U>(
_ source: S, _ transform: @escaping (S.Elements.Element)->U
) -> LazyMapSequence<S.Elements,U> {
func mapSome<C: LazyCollectionProtocol, U>(
_ source: C,
_ transform: @escaping (C.Elements.Element)->U?
) -> LazySequence<MapSomeSequenceView<C.Elements, U>> {
return source.mapSome(transform)
func mapEveryN<S: LazySequenceProtocol>(
_ source: S, _ n: Int,
_ transform: @escaping (S.Element)->S.Element
) -> LazyMapSequence<EnumeratedSequence<S>, S.Element> {
return source.mapEveryN(n, transform)
// Non-lazy version of mapSome:
func mapSome<S: Sequence, C: RangeReplaceableCollection>(
_ source: S,
_ transform: @escaping (S.Element)->C.Element?
) -> C {
var result = C()
for x in source {
if let y = transform(x) {
return result
// Specialized default version of mapSome that returns an array, to avoid
// forcing the user having to specify:
func mapSome<S: Sequence,U>(
_ source: S,
_ transform: @escaping (S.Element
)->U?)->[U] {
// just calls the more generalized version
return mapSome(source, transform)
// Non-lazy version of mapEveryN:
func mapEveryN<S: Sequence>(
_ source: S, _ n: Int,
_ transform: @escaping (S.Element) -> S.Element
) -> [S.Element] {
let isNth = isMultipleOf(n)
return source.enumerated().map {
(pair: (index: Int, elem: S.Element)) in
? transform(pair.elem)
: pair.elem
let double = { $0*2 }
let combineDoubleDigits = {
(10...18).contains($0) ? $0-9 : $0
// removing lazy at start of pipeline
// switches to array-based version
let eagerchecksum = { (ccnum: String) -> Bool in
ccnum //.lazy
|> { $0.reversed().lazy }
|> { mapSome($0, charToInt) }
|> { mapEveryN($0, 2, double) }
|> { map($0, combineDoubleDigits) }
|> sum
|> isMultipleOf(10)
let ccnum = "4012 8888 8888 1881"