blob: 4500018a24f7e2f0b3788ba8ac1758bc168d5d3e [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: %gyb %s -o %t/AnyHashableCasts.swift
// RUN: %line-directive %t/AnyHashableCasts.swift -- %target-build-swift -g -module-name a %t/AnyHashableCasts.swift -o %t.out
// RUN: %target-codesign %t.out
// RUN: %line-directive %t/AnyHashableCasts.swift -- %target-run %t.out
// RUN: %line-directive %t/AnyHashableCasts.swift -- %target-build-swift -g -O -module-name a %t/AnyHashableCasts.swift -o %t.out.optimized
// RUN: %target-codesign %t.out.optimized
// RUN: %line-directive %t/AnyHashableCasts.swift -- %target-run %t.out.optimized
// REQUIRES: executable_test
import StdlibUnittest
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
import Foundation
var AnyHashableCasts = TestSuite("AnyHashableCasts")
protocol Implemented {}
protocol Unimplemented {}
extension Int : Implemented {}
struct HashableStruct : Hashable {
var value : Int
static func ==(lhs: HashableStruct, rhs: HashableStruct) -> Bool {
return lhs.value == rhs.value
var hashValue : Int { return value }
class HashableClass : Hashable {
var value : Int
init(value v: Int) { self.value = v }
static func ==(lhs: HashableClass, rhs: HashableClass) -> Bool {
return lhs.value == rhs.value
var hashValue : Int { return value }
enum HashableEnum : Hashable {
case value(Int)
static func ==(lhs: HashableEnum, rhs: HashableEnum) -> Bool {
switch (lhs, rhs) {
case (.value(let l), .value(let r)): return l == r
var hashValue : Int {
switch self {
case .value(let v): return v
func opaqueCast<T, U>(_ lhs: T, _ rhs: U.Type) -> U? {
return lhs as? U
func matches<T: Equatable>(_ lhs: T, _ rhs: T) -> Bool {
return lhs == rhs
func matches<T: Equatable, U>(_ lhs: U, _ rhs: T) -> Bool {
if let x = lhs as? T {
return x == rhs
} else {
return false
testCases = [
("5", "AnyHashable", "Int", "5"),
("5", "AnyHashable", "Any", "5"),
("5", "AnyHashable", "Implemented", "5"),
("5", "AnyHashable", "Unimplemented", False),
("5", "Int", "AnyHashable", "5"),
("5", "Any", "AnyHashable", "5"),
("AnyHashable(5)", "Any", "Int", "5"),
("HashableStruct(value: 5)", "HashableStruct", "AnyHashable",
"AnyHashable(HashableStruct(value: 5))"),
("HashableStruct(value: 5)", "AnyHashable", "HashableStruct",
"AnyHashable(HashableStruct(value: 5))"),
("HashableClass(value: 5)", "HashableClass", "AnyHashable",
"AnyHashable(HashableClass(value: 5))"),
("HashableClass(value: 5)", "AnyHashable", "HashableClass",
"AnyHashable(HashableClass(value: 5))"),
("HashableEnum.value(5)", "HashableEnum", "AnyHashable",
("HashableEnum.value(5)", "AnyHashable", "HashableEnum",
% for valueExpr, coercedType, castType, expected in testCases:
AnyHashableCasts.test("${valueExpr} as ${coercedType} as? ${castType}") {
do {
let x = ${valueExpr}
let y : ${coercedType} = x
if let z = y as? ${castType} {
%if expected:
expectTrue(matches(z, ${expected}))
} else {
%if expected:
if let z = opaqueCast(y, (${castType}).self) {
%if expected:
expectTrue(matches(z, ${expected}))
} else {
%if expected:
% end
AnyHashableCasts.test("Casting to AnyHashable doesn't leak") {
do {
let tracked = LifetimeTracked(42)
let anyHashable = AnyHashable(tracked)
let anyObject = anyHashable as AnyObject
_ = anyObject as? AnyHashable
expectEqual(LifetimeTracked.instances, 0)
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
// A wrapper type around Int that bridges to NSNumber.
struct IntWrapper1: _SwiftNewtypeWrapper, Hashable, _ObjectiveCBridgeable {
let rawValue: Int
// A wrapper type around Int that bridges to NSNumber.
struct IntWrapper2: _SwiftNewtypeWrapper, Hashable, _ObjectiveCBridgeable {
let rawValue: Int
AnyHashableCasts.test("Wrappers around bridged integers") {
let wrapper1: AnyHashable = IntWrapper1(rawValue: 42)
let wrapper2: AnyHashable = IntWrapper2(rawValue: 42)
let integer: AnyHashable = 42 as Int
let byte: AnyHashable = 42 as UInt8
let double: AnyHashable = 42.0 as Double
let number: AnyHashable = 42 as NSNumber
// Wrappers compare equal to their wrapped value as AnyHashable.
expectEqual(wrapper1, wrapper2)
expectEqual(wrapper1, integer)
expectEqual(wrapper1, byte)
expectEqual(wrapper1, double)
expectEqual(wrapper1, number)
// Original types are preserved in the base property.
expectTrue(wrapper1.base is IntWrapper1)
expectTrue(wrapper2.base is IntWrapper2)
expectTrue(integer.base is Int)
expectTrue(byte.base is UInt8)
expectTrue(double.base is Double)
expectTrue(number.base is NSNumber) // Through bridging
// AnyHashable forms can be casted to any standard numeric type that can hold
// their value.
expectNotNil(wrapper1 as? IntWrapper1)
expectNotNil(wrapper1 as? IntWrapper2)
expectNotNil(wrapper1 as? Int)
expectNotNil(wrapper1 as? UInt8)
expectNotNil(wrapper1 as? Double)
expectNotNil(wrapper1 as? NSNumber)
expectNotNil(byte as? IntWrapper1)
expectNotNil(byte as? IntWrapper2)
expectNotNil(byte as? Int)
expectNotNil(byte as? UInt8)
expectNotNil(byte as? Double)
expectNotNil(byte as? NSNumber)
expectNotNil(integer as? IntWrapper1)
expectNotNil(integer as? IntWrapper2)
expectNotNil(integer as? Int)
expectNotNil(integer as? UInt8)
expectNotNil(integer as? Double)
expectNotNil(integer as? NSNumber)
expectNotNil(double as? IntWrapper1)
expectNotNil(double as? IntWrapper2)
expectNotNil(double as? Int)
expectNotNil(double as? UInt8)
expectNotNil(double as? Double)
expectNotNil(double as? NSNumber)
expectNotNil(number as? IntWrapper1)
expectNotNil(number as? IntWrapper2)
expectNotNil(number as? Int)
expectNotNil(number as? UInt8)
expectNotNil(number as? Double)
expectNotNil(number as? NSNumber)
// We can't cast to a numeric type that can't hold the value.
let big: AnyHashable = Int32.max
expectNotNil(big as? IntWrapper1)
expectNotNil(big as? IntWrapper2)
expectNotNil(big as? Int)
expectNil(big as? UInt8) // <--
expectNotNil(big as? Double)
expectNotNil(big as? NSNumber)
// A wrapper type around a String that bridges to NSString.
struct StringWrapper1: _SwiftNewtypeWrapper, Hashable, _ObjectiveCBridgeable {
let rawValue: String
// A wrapper type around a String that bridges to NSString.
struct StringWrapper2: _SwiftNewtypeWrapper, Hashable, _ObjectiveCBridgeable {
let rawValue: String
AnyHashableCasts.test("Wrappers around bridged strings") {
let wrapper1Hello: AnyHashable = StringWrapper1(rawValue: "hello")
let wrapper2Hello: AnyHashable = StringWrapper2(rawValue: "hello")
let stringHello: AnyHashable = "hello" as String
let nsStringHello: AnyHashable = "hello" as NSString
// Wrappers compare equal to their wrapped value as AnyHashable.
expectEqual(wrapper1Hello, wrapper2Hello)
expectEqual(wrapper1Hello, stringHello)
expectEqual(wrapper1Hello, nsStringHello)
expectEqual(wrapper2Hello, stringHello)
expectEqual(wrapper2Hello, nsStringHello)
expectEqual(stringHello, nsStringHello)
// Type identity is maintained through the base property.
expectTrue(wrapper1Hello.base is StringWrapper1)
expectTrue(wrapper2Hello.base is StringWrapper2)
expectTrue(stringHello.base is String)
expectTrue(nsStringHello.base is NSString) // Through bridging
// Swift wrapper's AnyHashable form doesn't enfore type identity.
expectNotNil(wrapper1Hello as? StringWrapper1)
expectNotNil(wrapper1Hello as? StringWrapper2)
expectNotNil(wrapper1Hello as? String)
expectNotNil(wrapper1Hello as? NSString)
// String's AnyHashable form doesn't enfore type identity.
expectNotNil(stringHello as? StringWrapper1)
expectNotNil(stringHello as? StringWrapper2)
expectNotNil(stringHello as? String)
expectNotNil(stringHello as? NSString)
// NSString's AnyHashable form doesn't enfore type identity.
expectNotNil(nsStringHello as? StringWrapper1)
expectNotNil(nsStringHello as? StringWrapper2)
expectNotNil(nsStringHello as? String)
expectNotNil(nsStringHello as? NSString)