blob: d0c23d4ec401e7265fb11260de9019542e6715c6 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend %s -emit-silgen | %FileCheck %s
sil_stage raw
import Builtin
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @foo : $@convention(thin) <T> (@in T) -> @out T {
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : @trivial $*T, %1 : @trivial $*T):
// CHECK: copy_addr [take] %1 to [initialization] %0 : $*T
// CHECK: return undef : $()
// CHECK: }
sil @foo : $@convention(thin) <T> (@in T) -> @out T {
entry(%o : @trivial $*T, %i : @trivial $*T):
copy_addr [take] %i to [initialization] %o : $*T
return undef : $()
struct Bar {}
struct Bas {}
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @ref_foo_1 : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
// CHECK: %2 = function_ref @foo : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0> (@in τ_0_0) -> @out τ_0_0
// CHECK: %3 = apply %2<Bar>(%1, %0) : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0> (@in τ_0_0) -> @out τ_0_0
sil @ref_foo_1 : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
%i = alloc_stack $Bar
%o = alloc_stack $Bar
%f = function_ref @foo : $@convention(thin) <XYZ> (@in XYZ) -> @out XYZ
%z = apply %f<Bar>(%o, %i) : $@convention(thin) <ZYX> (@in ZYX) -> @out ZYX
dealloc_stack %o : $*Bar
dealloc_stack %i : $*Bar
return %z : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @ref_foo_2 : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
// CHECK: %2 = function_ref @foo : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0> (@in τ_0_0) -> @out τ_0_0
// CHECK: %3 = apply %2<Bas>(%1, %0) : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0> (@in τ_0_0) -> @out τ_0_0
sil @ref_foo_2 : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
%i = alloc_stack $Bas
%o = alloc_stack $Bas
%f = function_ref @foo : $@convention(thin) <ABC> (@in ABC) -> @out ABC
%z = apply %f<Bas>(%o, %i) : $@convention(thin) <CBA> (@in CBA) -> @out CBA
dealloc_stack %o : $*Bas
dealloc_stack %i : $*Bas
return %z : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @ref_foo_partial_apply : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned @callee_owned () -> @out Bas {
// CHECK: %1 = function_ref @foo : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0> (@in τ_0_0) -> @out τ_0_0
// CHECK: %2 = partial_apply %1<Bas>(%0) : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0> (@in τ_0_0) -> @out τ_0_0
// CHECK: return %2 : $@callee_owned () -> @out Bas
sil @ref_foo_partial_apply : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned @callee_owned () -> @out Bas {
%i = alloc_stack $Bas
%f = function_ref @foo : $@convention(thin) <Z> (@in Z) -> @out Z
%g = partial_apply %f<Bas>(%i) : $@convention(thin) <Y> (@in Y) -> @out Y
dealloc_stack %i : $*Bas
return %g : $@callee_owned () -> @out Bas
sil_global @zero: $Builtin.Int64
sil_global @f: $@callee_owned (Builtin.Int32) -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @test_apply
sil @test_apply : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
%0 = global_addr @zero : $*Builtin.Int64
%1 = mark_uninitialized [var] %0 : $*Builtin.Int64
%2 = global_addr @f : $*@callee_owned (Builtin.Int32) -> ()
%3 = function_ref @_TF16generic_closures24generic_curried_functionU___FT1xQ__FT1yQ0__T_ : $@convention(thin) _0_0, τ_0_1> (@in τ_0_0) -> @owned @callee_owned (@in τ_0_1) -> ()
%4 = load [trivial] %1 : $*Builtin.Int64
%5 = alloc_stack $Builtin.Int64
store %4 to [trivial] %5 : $*Builtin.Int64
// CHECK: apply %{{[0-9]+}}<{{.*}}Int64, {{.*}}Int32>(%{{.*}}) : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0, τ_0_1> (@in τ_0_0) -> @owned @callee_owned (@in τ_0_1) -> ()
%7 = apply %3<Builtin.Int64, Builtin.Int32>(%5) : $@convention(thin) _0_0, τ_0_1> (@in τ_0_0) -> @owned @callee_owned (@in τ_0_1) -> ()
%8 = function_ref @_TTRXFo_iBi32__dT__XFo_dBi32__dT__ : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int32, @owned @callee_owned (@in Builtin.Int32) -> ()) -> ()
// CHECK: partial_apply %{{[0-9]+}}(%{{[0-9]+}}) : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int32, @owned @callee_owned (@in Builtin.Int32) -> ()) -> ()
%9 = partial_apply %8(%7) : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int32, @owned @callee_owned (@in Builtin.Int32) -> ()) -> ()
store %9 to [init] %2 : $*@callee_owned (Builtin.Int32) -> ()
dealloc_stack %5 : $*Builtin.Int64
%12 = tuple ()
return %12 : $()
// generic_closures.generic_curried_function <A, B>(x : A) -> (y : B) -> ()
sil @_TF16generic_closures24generic_curried_functionU___FT1xQ__FT1yQ0__T_ : $@convention(thin) _0_0, τ_0_1> (@in τ_0_0) -> @owned @callee_owned (@in τ_0_1) -> ()
// reabstraction thunk helper from @callee_owned (@in Builtin.Int32) -> (@unowned ()) to @callee_owned (@unowned Builtin.Int32) -> (@unowned ())
sil [transparent] @_TTRXFo_iBi32__dT__XFo_dBi32__dT__ : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int32, @owned @callee_owned (@in Builtin.Int32) -> ()) -> ()
protocol FooProtoHelper {}
protocol FooProto {
associatedtype Assoc : FooProtoHelper
var value: Assoc { get }
// These generic parameters used to crash the compiler.
sil @protocol_extension_with_constrained_associated_type : $@convention(method) <Self where Self : FooProto, Self.Assoc : FooProtoHelper><I where I : FooProto, I.Assoc == Self.Assoc> (@in I, @in_guaranteed Self) -> () {
bb0(%0 : @trivial $*I, %1 : @trivial $*Self):
%2 = alloc_stack $I // users: %3, %6, %7, %9
copy_addr %0 to [initialization] %2 : $*I // id: %3
%4 = witness_method $I, #FooProto.value!getter.1 : $@convention(witness_method: FooProto) <τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : FooProto, τ_0_0.Assoc : FooProtoHelper> (@in_guaranteed τ_0_0) -> @out τ_0_0.Assoc // user: %6
%5 = alloc_stack $Self.Assoc // users: %6, %8
%6 = apply %4<I>(%5, %2) : $@convention(witness_method: FooProto) _0_0 where τ_0_0 : FooProto, τ_0_0.Assoc : FooProtoHelper> (@in_guaranteed τ_0_0) -> @out τ_0_0.Assoc
destroy_addr %2 : $*I // id: %7
dealloc_stack %5 : $*Self.Assoc // id: %8
dealloc_stack %2 : $*I // id: %9
destroy_addr %0 : $*I // id: %10
%11 = tuple () // user: %12
return %11 : $() // id: %12