blob: 8cab27cede900697c385551fc11266c14ea4179c [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-run-stdlib-swift
// REQUIRES: executable_test
// Some targetted tests for the breadcrumbs path. There is some overlap with
// UTF16View tests for huge strings, but we want a simpler suite that targets
// some corner cases specifically.
import Swift
import StdlibUnittest
let smallASCII = "abcdefg"
let smallUnicode = "abรฉร๐“€€"
let largeASCII = "012345678901234567890"
let largeUnicode = "abรฉร012345678901234567890๐“€€"
let emoji = "๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿฟโ€๐ŸŽค๐Ÿง›๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿง›๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ‘ฆโ€๐Ÿ‘ฆ"
let chinese = "Swift ๆ˜ฏ้ขๅ‘ Apple ๅนณๅฐ็š„็ผ–็จ‹่ฏญ่จ€๏ผŒๅŠŸ่ƒฝๅผบๅคงไธ”็›ด่ง‚ๆ˜“็”จ๏ผŒ่€Œๆœฌๆฌกๆ›ดๆ–ฐๅฏนๅ…ถ่ฟ›่กŒไบ†ๅ…จ้ขไผ˜ๅŒ–ใ€‚"
let nonBMP = String(repeating: "๐“€€", count: 1 + (64 / 2))
let largeString: String = {
var result = ""
result += smallASCII
result += smallUnicode
result += largeASCII
result += chinese
result += largeUnicode
result += emoji
result += smallASCII
result += result.reversed()
return result
extension FixedWidthInteger {
var hexStr: String { return "0x\(String(self, radix: 16, uppercase: true))" }
let StringBreadcrumbsTests = TestSuite("StringBreadcrumbsTests")
func validateBreadcrumbs(_ str: String) {
var utf16CodeUnits = Array(str.utf16)
var outputBuffer = Array<UInt16>(repeating: 0, count: utf16CodeUnits.count)
// Include the endIndex, so we can test end conversions
var utf16Indices = Array(str.utf16.indices) + [str.utf16.endIndex]
for i in 0...utf16CodeUnits.count {
for j in i...utf16CodeUnits.count {
let range = Range(uncheckedBounds: (i, j))
let indexRange = str._toUTF16Indices(range)
// Range<String.Index> <=> Range<Int>
expectEqual(utf16Indices[i], indexRange.lowerBound)
expectEqual(utf16Indices[j], indexRange.upperBound)
utf16CodeUnits[i..<j], str.utf16[indexRange])
let roundTripOffsets = str._toUTF16Offsets(indexRange)
expectEqualSequence(range, roundTripOffsets)
// Single Int <=> String.Index
expectEqual(indexRange.lowerBound, str._toUTF16Index(i))
expectEqual(indexRange.upperBound, str._toUTF16Index(j))
expectEqual(i, str._toUTF16Offset(indexRange.lowerBound))
expectEqual(j, str._toUTF16Offset(indexRange.upperBound))
// Copy characters
outputBuffer.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer {
str._copyUTF16CodeUnits(into: $0, range: range)
expectEqualSequence(utf16CodeUnits[i..<j], outputBuffer[..<range.count])
StringBreadcrumbsTests.test("uniform strings") {
StringBreadcrumbsTests.test("largeString") {
// Test various boundary conditions with surrogate pairs aligning or not
// aligning
StringBreadcrumbsTests.test("surrogates-heavy") {
// Mis-align the hieroglyphics by 1,2,3 UTF-8 and UTF-16 code units
validateBreadcrumbs("a" + nonBMP)
validateBreadcrumbs("ab" + nonBMP)
validateBreadcrumbs("abc" + nonBMP)
validateBreadcrumbs("รฉ" + nonBMP)
validateBreadcrumbs("ๆ˜ฏ" + nonBMP)
validateBreadcrumbs("aรฉ" + nonBMP)
// Test bread-crumb invalidation
StringBreadcrumbsTests.test("stale breadcrumbs") {
var str = nonBMP + "๐“€€"
let oldLen = str.utf16.count
expectEqual(oldLen - 2, str.utf16.count)
str += "a"
expectEqual(oldLen - 1, str.utf16.count)
str += "๐“€€"
expectEqual(oldLen + 1, str.utf16.count)