blob: 866a8d8b55631dd6a2a4bf6c81d16bbdaa711f11 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- GenType.h - Auxiliary Interface for Type IR Generation -*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file defines the private interface used for turning AST types
// into LLVM IR types.
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/FoldingSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ilist.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ilist_node.h"
#include "IRGenModule.h"
#include "IRGenFunction.h"
namespace swift {
class GenericSignatureBuilder;
class ArchetypeType;
class CanType;
class ClassDecl;
class AnyFunctionType;
class InOutType;
class MetatypeType;
class ModuleType;
class NominalTypeDecl;
class EnumDecl;
class ProtocolCompositionType;
class ProtocolDecl;
class ProtocolType;
class SILFunctionType;
class StructDecl;
class TupleType;
class TypeBase;
class Type;
class EnumDecl;
class UnownedStorageType;
class WeakStorageType;
enum IsTake_t : bool;
namespace irgen {
class Alignment;
class ProtocolInfo;
class Size;
class FixedTypeInfo;
class LoadableTypeInfo;
class TypeInfo;
class UnownedTypeInfo;
class WeakTypeInfo;
/// Either a type or a forward-declaration.
using TypeCacheEntry = llvm::PointerUnion<const TypeInfo *, llvm::Type *>;
/// The helper class for generating types.
class TypeConverter {
IRGenModule &IGM;
bool CompletelyFragile = false;
llvm::DenseMap<ProtocolDecl*, const ProtocolInfo*> Protocols;
const TypeInfo *FirstType;
const ProtocolInfo *FirstProtocol;
const LoadableTypeInfo *NativeObjectTI = nullptr;
const LoadableTypeInfo *UnknownObjectTI = nullptr;
const LoadableTypeInfo *BridgeObjectTI = nullptr;
const LoadableTypeInfo *RawPointerTI = nullptr;
const LoadableTypeInfo *WitnessTablePtrTI = nullptr;
const LoadableTypeInfo *TypeMetadataPtrTI = nullptr;
const LoadableTypeInfo *ObjCClassPtrTI = nullptr;
const LoadableTypeInfo *EmptyTI = nullptr;
const TypeInfo *AccessibleResilientStructTI = nullptr;
const TypeInfo *InaccessibleResilientStructTI = nullptr;
llvm::DenseMap<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>, const LoadableTypeInfo *>
const LoadableTypeInfo *NonFixedBoxTI = nullptr;
const LoadableTypeInfo *EmptyBoxTI = nullptr;
llvm::DenseMap<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>, const LoadableTypeInfo *>
const LoadableTypeInfo *SwiftRetainablePointerBoxTI = nullptr,
*UnknownRetainablePointerBoxTI = nullptr;
const LoadableTypeInfo *createPrimitive(llvm::Type *T,
Size size, Alignment align);
const LoadableTypeInfo *createPrimitiveForAlignedPointer(llvm::PointerType *T,
Size size, Alignment align,
Alignment pointerAlignment);
const FixedTypeInfo *createImmovable(llvm::Type *T,
Size size, Alignment align);
void addForwardDecl(TypeBase *key, llvm::Type *type);
TypeCacheEntry convertType(CanType T);
TypeCacheEntry convertAnyNominalType(CanType T, NominalTypeDecl *D);
const TypeInfo *convertTupleType(TupleType *T);
const TypeInfo *convertClassType(CanType type, ClassDecl *D);
const TypeInfo *convertEnumType(TypeBase *key, CanType type, EnumDecl *D);
const TypeInfo *convertStructType(TypeBase *key, CanType type, StructDecl *D);
const TypeInfo *convertFunctionType(SILFunctionType *T);
const TypeInfo *convertBlockStorageType(SILBlockStorageType *T);
const TypeInfo *convertBoxType(SILBoxType *T);
const TypeInfo *convertArchetypeType(ArchetypeType *T);
const TypeInfo *convertInOutType(InOutType *T);
const TypeInfo *convertExistentialMetatypeType(ExistentialMetatypeType *T);
const TypeInfo *convertMetatypeType(MetatypeType *T);
const TypeInfo *convertModuleType(ModuleType *T);
const TypeInfo *convertProtocolType(ProtocolType *T);
const TypeInfo *convertProtocolCompositionType(ProtocolCompositionType *T);
const LoadableTypeInfo *convertBuiltinNativeObject();
const LoadableTypeInfo *convertBuiltinUnknownObject();
const LoadableTypeInfo *convertBuiltinBridgeObject();
const TypeInfo *convertResilientStruct(IsABIAccessible_t abiAccessible);
const TypeInfo *convertUnmanagedStorageType(UnmanagedStorageType *T);
const TypeInfo *convertUnownedStorageType(UnownedStorageType *T);
const TypeInfo *convertWeakStorageType(WeakStorageType *T);
TypeConverter(IRGenModule &IGM);
bool isCompletelyFragile() const {
return CompletelyFragile;
TypeCacheEntry getTypeEntry(CanType type);
const TypeInfo &getCompleteTypeInfo(CanType type);
const TypeInfo *tryGetCompleteTypeInfo(CanType type);
const LoadableTypeInfo &getNativeObjectTypeInfo();
const LoadableTypeInfo &getUnknownObjectTypeInfo();
const LoadableTypeInfo &getBridgeObjectTypeInfo();
const LoadableTypeInfo &getRawPointerTypeInfo();
const LoadableTypeInfo &getTypeMetadataPtrTypeInfo();
const LoadableTypeInfo &getObjCClassPtrTypeInfo();
const LoadableTypeInfo &getWitnessTablePtrTypeInfo();
const LoadableTypeInfo &getEmptyTypeInfo();
const TypeInfo &getResilientStructTypeInfo(IsABIAccessible_t abiAccessible);
const ProtocolInfo &getProtocolInfo(ProtocolDecl *P);
const LoadableTypeInfo &getOpaqueStorageTypeInfo(Size storageSize,
Alignment storageAlign);
const LoadableTypeInfo &getMetatypeTypeInfo(MetatypeRepresentation representation);
const WeakTypeInfo *createWeakStorageType(llvm::Type *valueType,
ReferenceCounting style);
const TypeInfo *createUnownedStorageType(llvm::Type *valueType,
ReferenceCounting style);
const LoadableTypeInfo *createUnmanagedStorageType(llvm::Type *valueType);
/// Enter a generic context for lowering the parameters of a generic function
/// type.
void pushGenericContext(CanGenericSignature signature);
/// Exit a generic context.
void popGenericContext(CanGenericSignature signature);
/// Enter a scope where all types are lowered bypassing resilience.
void pushCompletelyFragile();
/// Exit a completely fragile scope.
void popCompletelyFragile();
/// Retrieve the generic environment for the current generic context.
/// Fails if there is no generic context.
GenericEnvironment *getGenericEnvironment();
// Debugging aids.
#ifndef NDEBUG
bool isExemplarArchetype(ArchetypeType *arch) const;
ArchetypeType *getExemplarArchetype(ArchetypeType *t);
CanType getExemplarType(CanType t);
class Types_t {
llvm::DenseMap<TypeBase*, TypeCacheEntry> IndependentCache;
llvm::DenseMap<TypeBase*, TypeCacheEntry> DependentCache;
llvm::DenseMap<TypeBase*, TypeCacheEntry> FragileIndependentCache;
llvm::DenseMap<TypeBase*, TypeCacheEntry> FragileDependentCache;
llvm::DenseMap<TypeBase*, TypeCacheEntry> &getCacheFor(bool isDependent,
bool completelyFragile);
Types_t Types;
/// An RAII interface for entering a generic context for type conversion in
/// a scope.
class GenericContextScope {
TypeConverter &TC;
CanGenericSignature sig;
GenericContextScope(TypeConverter &TC, CanGenericSignature sig)
: TC(TC), sig(sig)
GenericContextScope(IRGenModule &IGM, CanGenericSignature sig)
: GenericContextScope(IGM.Types, sig)
~GenericContextScope() {
/// An RAII interface for forcing types to be lowered bypassing resilience.
class CompletelyFragileScope {
bool State;
TypeConverter &TC;
CompletelyFragileScope(TypeConverter &TC) : TC(TC) {
State = TC.isCompletelyFragile();
if (!State)
CompletelyFragileScope(IRGenModule &IGM)
: CompletelyFragileScope(IGM.Types) {}
~CompletelyFragileScope() {
if (!State)
/// If a type is visibly a singleton aggregate (a tuple with one element, a
/// struct with one field, or an enum with a single payload case), return the
/// type of its field, which it is guaranteed to have identical layout to.
SILType getSingletonAggregateFieldType(IRGenModule &IGM,
SILType t,
ResilienceExpansion expansion);
/// An IRGenFunction interface for generating type layout verifiers.
class IRGenTypeVerifierFunction : public IRGenFunction {
llvm::Constant *VerifierFn;
struct VerifierArgumentBuffers {
Address runtimeBuf, staticBuf;
llvm::DenseMap<llvm::Type *, VerifierArgumentBuffers> VerifierArgBufs;
IRGenTypeVerifierFunction(IRGenModule &IGM, llvm::Function *f);
void emit(ArrayRef<CanType> typesToVerify);
/// Call a runtime function that verifies that the two LLVM values are
/// equivalent, logging a detailed error if they differ.
void verifyValues(llvm::Value *typeMetadata,
llvm::Value *runtimeValue,
llvm::Value *compilerValue,
const llvm::Twine &description);
/// Call a runtime function that verifies that the contents of the two
/// memory buffers are equivalent, logging a detailed error if they differ.
void verifyBuffers(llvm::Value *typeMetadata,
Address runtimeValue,
Address compilerValue,
Size size,
const llvm::Twine &description);
} // end namespace irgen
} // end namespace swift