blob: fb895c1995cdc2bff35b3af8acbd33671409d77a [file] [log] [blame]
# ==-- jobstats - support for reading the contents of stats dirs --==#
# This source file is part of the open source project
# Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
# Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
# See for license information
# See for the list of Swift project authors
# ==------------------------------------------------------------------------==#
# This file contains subroutines for loading object-representations of one or
# more directories generated by `swiftc -stats-output-dir`.
import datetime
import itertools
import json
import os
import random
import re
class JobStats(object):
"""Object holding the stats of a single job run during a compilation,
corresponding to a single JSON file produced by a single job process
passed -stats-output-dir."""
def __init__(self, jobkind, jobid, module, start_usec, dur_usec,
jobargs, stats):
self.jobkind = jobkind
self.jobid = jobid
self.module = module
self.start_usec = start_usec
self.dur_usec = dur_usec
self.jobargs = jobargs
self.stats = stats
def is_driver_job(self):
"""Return true iff self measures a driver job"""
return self.jobkind == 'driver'
def is_frontend_job(self):
"""Return true iff self measures a frontend job"""
return self.jobkind == 'frontend'
def driver_jobs_ran(self):
"""Return the count of a driver job's ran sub-jobs"""
return self.stats.get("Driver.NumDriverJobsRun", 0)
def driver_jobs_skipped(self):
"""Return the count of a driver job's skipped sub-jobs"""
return self.stats.get("Driver.NumDriverJobsSkipped", 0)
def driver_jobs_total(self):
"""Return the total count of a driver job's ran + skipped sub-jobs"""
return self.driver_jobs_ran() + self.driver_jobs_skipped()
def merged_with(self, other, merge_by="sum"):
"""Return a new JobStats, holding the merger of self and other"""
merged_stats = {}
ops = {"sum": lambda a, b: a + b,
# Because 0 is also a sentinel on counters we do a modified
# "nonzero-min" here. Not ideal but best we can do.
"min": lambda a, b: (min(a, b)
if a != 0 and b != 0
else max(a, b)),
"max": lambda a, b: max(a, b)}
op = ops[merge_by]
for k, v in self.stats.items() + other.stats.items():
if k in merged_stats:
merged_stats[k] = op(v, merged_stats[k])
merged_stats[k] = v
merged_kind = self.jobkind
if other.jobkind != merged_kind:
merged_kind = "<merged>"
merged_module = self.module
if other.module != merged_module:
merged_module = "<merged>"
merged_start = min(self.start_usec, other.start_usec)
merged_end = max(self.start_usec + self.dur_usec,
other.start_usec + other.dur_usec)
merged_dur = merged_end - merged_start
return JobStats(merged_kind, random.randint(0, 1000000000),
merged_module, merged_start, merged_dur,
self.jobargs + other.jobargs, merged_stats)
def prefixed_by(self, prefix):
prefixed_stats = dict([((prefix + "." + k), v)
for (k, v) in self.stats.items()])
return JobStats(self.jobkind, random.randint(0, 1000000000),
self.module, self.start_usec, self.dur_usec,
self.jobargs, prefixed_stats)
def divided_by(self, n):
divided_stats = dict([(k, v / n)
for (k, v) in self.stats.items()])
return JobStats(self.jobkind, random.randint(0, 1000000000),
self.module, self.start_usec, self.dur_usec,
self.jobargs, divided_stats)
def incrementality_percentage(self):
"""Assuming the job is a driver job, return the amount of
jobs that actually ran, as a percentage of the total number."""
ran = self.driver_jobs_ran()
total = self.driver_jobs_total()
return round((float(ran) / float(total)) * 100.0, 2)
def to_catapult_trace_obj(self):
"""Return a JSON-formattable object fitting chrome's
'catapult' trace format"""
return {"name": self.module,
"cat": self.jobkind,
"ph": "X", # "X" == "complete event"
"pid": self.jobid,
"tid": 1,
"ts": self.start_usec,
"dur": self.dur_usec,
"args": self.jobargs}
def start_timestr(self):
"""Return a formatted timestamp of the job's start-time"""
t = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.start_usec / 1000000.0)
return t.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
def end_timestr(self):
"""Return a formatted timestamp of the job's end-time"""
t = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp((self.start_usec +
self.dur_usec) / 1000000.0)
return t.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
def pick_lnt_metric_suffix(self, metric_name):
"""Guess an appropriate LNT metric type for a given metric name"""
if "BytesOutput" in metric_name:
return "code_size"
if "RSS" in metric_name or "BytesAllocated" in metric_name:
return "mem"
return "compile"
def to_lnt_test_obj(self, args):
"""Return a JSON-formattable object fitting LNT's 'submit' format"""
run_info = {
"run_order": str(args.lnt_order),
"tag": str(args.lnt_tag),
stats = self.stats
return {
"Name": args.lnt_machine,
"Info": dict(args.lnt_machine_info)
"Start Time": self.start_timestr(),
"End Time": self.end_timestr(),
"Info": run_info
"Data": [v],
"Info": {},
"Name": "%s.%s.%s.%s" % (args.lnt_tag, self.module,
k, self.pick_lnt_metric_suffix(k))
for (k, v) in stats.items()
AUXPATSTR = (r"(?P<module>[^-]+)-(?P<input>[^-]+)-(?P<triple>[^-]+)" +
AUXPAT = re.compile(AUXPATSTR)
TIMERPATSTR = (r"time\.swift-(?P<jobkind>\w+)\." + AUXPATSTR +
FILEPATSTR = (r"^stats-(?P<start>\d+)-swift-(?P<kind>\w+)-" +
def match_auxpat(s):
m = AUXPAT.match(s)
if m is not None:
return m.groupdict()
return None
def match_timerpat(s):
m = TIMERPAT.match(s)
if m is not None:
return m.groupdict()
return None
def match_filepat(s):
m = FILEPAT.match(s)
if m is not None:
return m.groupdict()
return None
def load_stats_dir(path, select_module=[], select_stat=[],
exclude_timers=False, merge_timers=False, **kwargs):
"""Loads all stats-files found in path into a list of JobStats objects"""
jobstats = []
sre = re.compile('.*' if len(select_stat) == 0 else
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
for f in files:
mg = match_filepat(f)
if not mg:
# NB: "pid" in fpat is a random number, not unix pid.
jobkind = mg['kind']
jobid = int(mg['pid'])
start_usec = int(mg['start'])
module = mg["module"]
if len(select_module) != 0 and module not in select_module:
jobargs = [mg["input"], mg["triple"], mg["out"], mg["opt"]]
with open(os.path.join(root, f)) as fp:
j = json.load(fp)
dur_usec = 1
stats = dict()
for (k, v) in j.items():
if is None:
if k.startswith('time.') and exclude_timers:
tm = match_timerpat(k)
if tm:
v = int(1000000.0 * float(v))
if tm['jobkind'] == jobkind and \
tm['timerkind'] == 'wall':
dur_usec = v
if merge_timers:
k = "time.swift-%s.%s" % (tm['jobkind'],
stats[k] = v
e = JobStats(jobkind=jobkind, jobid=jobid,
module=module, start_usec=start_usec,
dur_usec=dur_usec, jobargs=jobargs,
return jobstats
def merge_all_jobstats(jobstats, select_module=[], group_by_module=False,
merge_by="sum", divide_by=1, **kwargs):
"""Does a pairwise merge of the elements of list of jobs"""
m = None
if len(select_module) > 0:
jobstats = filter(lambda j: j.module in select_module, jobstats)
if group_by_module:
def keyfunc(j):
return j.module
jobstats = list(jobstats)
prefixed = []
for mod, group in itertools.groupby(jobstats, keyfunc):
groupmerge = merge_all_jobstats(group, merge_by=merge_by,
jobstats = prefixed
for j in jobstats:
if m is None:
m = j
m = m.merged_with(j, merge_by=merge_by)
if m is None:
return m
return m.divided_by(divide_by)