blob: 76416450d4a308e0847de7c533743a5437c3323d [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-run-simple-swift
// REQUIRES: executable_test
// Tests for the non-Foundation CString-oriented API of String
import StdlibUnittest
var CStringTests = TestSuite("CStringTests")
func getNullUTF8() -> UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>? {
return nil
func getASCIIUTF8() -> (UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>, dealloc: () -> ()) {
let up = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>.allocate(capacity: 100)
up[0] = 0x61
up[1] = 0x62
up[2] = 0
return (up, { up.deallocate() })
func getNonASCIIUTF8() -> (UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>, dealloc: () -> ()) {
let up = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>.allocate(capacity: 100)
up[0] = 0xd0
up[1] = 0xb0
up[2] = 0xd0
up[3] = 0xb1
up[4] = 0
return (UnsafeMutablePointer(up), { up.deallocate() })
func getIllFormedUTF8String1(
) -> (UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>, dealloc: () -> ()) {
let up = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>.allocate(capacity: 100)
up[0] = 0x41
up[1] = 0xed
up[2] = 0xa0
up[3] = 0x80
up[4] = 0x41
up[5] = 0
return (UnsafeMutablePointer(up), { up.deallocate() })
func getIllFormedUTF8String2(
) -> (UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>, dealloc: () -> ()) {
let up = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>.allocate(capacity: 100)
up[0] = 0x41
up[0] = 0x41
up[1] = 0xed
up[2] = 0xa0
up[3] = 0x81
up[4] = 0x41
up[5] = 0
return (UnsafeMutablePointer(up), { up.deallocate() })
func asCCharArray(_ a: [UInt8]) -> [CChar] {
return { CChar(bitPattern: $0) }
func getUTF8Length(_ cString: UnsafePointer<UInt8>) -> Int {
var length = 0
while cString[length] != 0 {
length += 1
return length
func bindAsCChar(_ utf8: UnsafePointer<UInt8>) -> UnsafePointer<CChar> {
return UnsafeRawPointer(utf8).bindMemory(to: CChar.self,
capacity: getUTF8Length(utf8))
func expectEqualCString(_ lhs: UnsafePointer<UInt8>,
_ rhs: UnsafePointer<UInt8>) {
var index = 0
while lhs[index] != 0 {
expectEqual(lhs[index], rhs[index])
index += 1
expectEqual(0, rhs[index])
func expectEqualCString(_ lhs: UnsafePointer<UInt8>,
_ rhs: ContiguousArray<UInt8>) {
rhs.withUnsafeBufferPointer {
expectEqualCString(lhs, $0.baseAddress!)
func expectEqualCString(_ lhs: UnsafePointer<UInt8>,
_ rhs: ContiguousArray<CChar>) {
rhs.withUnsafeBufferPointer {
to: UInt8.self, capacity: rhs.count) {
expectEqualCString(lhs, $0)
CStringTests.test("String.init(validatingUTF8:)") {
do {
let (s, dealloc) = getASCIIUTF8()
expectOptionalEqual("ab", String(validatingUTF8: bindAsCChar(s)))
do {
let (s, dealloc) = getNonASCIIUTF8()
expectOptionalEqual("аб", String(validatingUTF8: bindAsCChar(s)))
do {
let (s, dealloc) = getIllFormedUTF8String1()
expectNil(String(validatingUTF8: bindAsCChar(s)))
CStringTests.test("String(cString:)") {
do {
let (s, dealloc) = getASCIIUTF8()
let result = String(cString: s)
expectEqual("ab", result)
let su = bindAsCChar(s)
expectEqual("ab", String(cString: su))
do {
let (s, dealloc) = getNonASCIIUTF8()
let result = String(cString: s)
expectEqual("аб", result)
let su = bindAsCChar(s)
expectEqual("аб", String(cString: su))
do {
let (s, dealloc) = getIllFormedUTF8String1()
let result = String(cString: s)
expectEqual("\u{41}\u{fffd}\u{fffd}\u{fffd}\u{41}", result)
let su = bindAsCChar(s)
expectEqual("\u{41}\u{fffd}\u{fffd}\u{fffd}\u{41}", String(cString: su))
CStringTests.test("String.decodeCString") {
do {
let s = getNullUTF8()
let result = String.decodeCString(s, as: UTF8.self)
do { // repairing
let (s, dealloc) = getIllFormedUTF8String1()
if let (result, repairsMade) = String.decodeCString(
s, as: UTF8.self, repairingInvalidCodeUnits: true) {
expectOptionalEqual("\u{41}\u{fffd}\u{fffd}\u{fffd}\u{41}", result)
} else {
expectUnreachable("Expected .some()")
do { // non repairing
let (s, dealloc) = getIllFormedUTF8String1()
let result = String.decodeCString(
s, as: UTF8.self, repairingInvalidCodeUnits: false)
CStringTests.test("String.utf8CString") {
do {
let (cstr, dealloc) = getASCIIUTF8()
defer { dealloc() }
let str = String(cString: cstr)
expectEqualCString(cstr, str.utf8CString)
do {
let (cstr, dealloc) = getNonASCIIUTF8()
defer { dealloc() }
let str = String(cString: cstr)
expectEqualCString(cstr, str.utf8CString)
CStringTests.test("String.withCString") {
do {
let (cstr, dealloc) = getASCIIUTF8()
defer { dealloc() }
let str = String(cString: cstr)
str.withCString {
expectEqual(str, String(cString: $0))
do {
let (cstr, dealloc) = getASCIIUTF8()
defer { dealloc() }
let str = String(cString: cstr)
str.withCString {
expectEqual(str, String(cString: $0))
CStringTests.test("Substring.withCString") {
do {
let (cstr, dealloc) = getASCIIUTF8()
defer { dealloc() }
let str = String(cString: cstr).dropFirst()
str.withCString {
expectEqual(str, String(cString: $0))
do {
let (cstr, dealloc) = getASCIIUTF8()
defer { dealloc() }
let str = String(cString: cstr).dropFirst()
str.withCString {
expectEqual(str, String(cString: $0))