blob: ca43ee45b259c9ef10cb39e79c85c101b3d1a8e9 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
class A {
init(int i: Int) { }
init(double d: Double) { }
convenience init(float f: Float) {
self.init(double: Double(f))
// Implicit overriding of subobject initializers
class B : A {
var x = "Hello"
var (y, z) = (1, 2)
func testB() {
_ = B(int: 5)
_ = B(double: 2.71828)
_ = B(float: 3.14159)
// Okay to have nothing
class C : B {
func testC() {
_ = C(int: 5)
_ = C(double: 2.71828)
_ = C(float: 3.14159)
// Okay to add convenience initializers.
class D : C {
convenience init(string s: String) {
self.init(int: Int(s)!)
func testD() {
_ = D(int: 5)
_ = D(double: 2.71828)
_ = D(float: 3.14159)
_ = D(string: "3.14159")
// Adding a subobject initializer prevents inheritance of subobject
// initializers.
class NotInherited1 : D {
override init(int i: Int) {
super.init(int: i)
convenience init(float f: Float) {
self.init(int: Int(f))
func testNotInherited1() {
var n1 = NotInherited1(int: 5)
var n2 = NotInherited1(double: 2.71828) // expected-error{{argument labels '(double:)' do not match any available overloads}}
// expected-note @-1 {{overloads for 'NotInherited1' exist with these partially matching parameter lists: (int: Int), (float: Float)}}
class NotInherited1Sub : NotInherited1 {
override init(int i: Int) {
super.init(int: i)
func testNotInherited1Sub() {
var n1 = NotInherited1Sub(int: 5)
var n2 = NotInherited1Sub(float: 3.14159)
var n3 = NotInherited1Sub(double: 2.71828) // expected-error{{argument labels '(double:)' do not match any available overloads}}
// expected-note @-1 {{overloads for 'NotInherited1Sub' exist with these partially matching parameter lists: (int: Int), (float: Float)}}
// Having a stored property without an initial value prevents
// inheritance of initializers.
class NotInherited2 : D { // expected-error{{class 'NotInherited2' has no initializers}}
var a: Int // expected-note{{stored property 'a' without initial value prevents synthesized initializers}}{{13-13= = 0}}
var b: Int // expected-note{{stored property 'b' without initial value prevents synthesized initializers}}{{13-13= = 0}}
, c: Int // expected-note{{stored property 'c' without initial value prevents synthesized initializers}}{{13-13= = 0}}
var (d, e): (Int, String) // expected-note{{stored properties 'd' and 'e' without initial values prevent synthesized initializers}}{{28-28= = (0, "")}}
var (f, (g, h)): (Int?, (Float, String)) // expected-note{{stored properties 'f', 'g', and 'h' without initial values prevent synthesized initializers}}{{43-43= = (nil, (0.0, ""))}}
var (w, i, (j, k)): (Int?, Float, (String, D)) // expected-note{{stored properties 'w', 'i', 'j', and others without initial values prevent synthesized initializers}}
func testNotInherited2() {
var n1 = NotInherited2(int: 5) // expected-error{{'NotInherited2' cannot be constructed because it has no accessible initializers}}
var n2 = NotInherited2(double: 2.72828) // expected-error{{'NotInherited2' cannot be constructed because it has no accessible initializers}}
// FIXME: <rdar://problem/16331406> Implement inheritance of variadic designated initializers
class SuperVariadic {
init(ints: Int...) { } // expected-note{{variadic superclass initializer defined here}}
init(_ : Double...) { } // expected-note{{variadic superclass initializer defined here}}
init(s: String, ints: Int...) { } // expected-note{{variadic superclass initializer defined here}}
init(s: String, _ : Double...) { } // expected-note{{variadic superclass initializer defined here}}
class SubVariadic : SuperVariadic { } // expected-warning 4{{synthesizing a variadic inherited initializer for subclass 'SubVariadic' is unsupported}}
// Don't crash with invalid nesting of class in generic function
func testClassInGenericFunc<T>(t: T) {
class A { init(t: T) {} } // expected-error {{type 'A' cannot be nested in generic function 'testClassInGenericFunc(t:)'}}
class B : A {} // expected-error {{type 'B' cannot be nested in generic function 'testClassInGenericFunc(t:)'}}
_ = B(t: t)