blob: 23c746a544c498dcbed601fd61ff217681ddf45e [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-silgen -enable-sil-ownership %s -verify
// We just want to SILGen this and ensure it doesn't crash. Don't particularly
// care about the generated SIL.
// Inheritance of unnamed parameters.
class SuperUnnamed {
init(int _: Int) { }
init(_ : Double) { }
init(string _: String) { }
init(_ : Float) { }
class SubUnnamed : SuperUnnamed { }
func testSubUnnamed(_ i: Int, d: Double, s: String, f: Float) {
_ = SubUnnamed(int: i)
_ = SubUnnamed(d)
_ = SubUnnamed(string: s)
_ = SubUnnamed(f)
// rdar://problem/17960407 - Inheritance of initializers for generic types
class ConcreteBase {
required init(i: Int) {}
class GenericDerived<T> : ConcreteBase {}
class GenericBase<T> {
required init(t: T) {}
class GenericDerived2<U> : GenericBase<(U, U)> {}
class ConcreteDerived : GenericBase<Int> {}
func testGenericInheritance() {
_ = GenericDerived<Int>(i: 10)
_ = GenericDerived2<Int>(t: (10, 100))
_ = ConcreteDerived(t: 1000)
// rdar://problem/34789779 - Inheritance of initializers with inout parameters
public class Node {
var data : Data
public struct Data {
var index: Int32 = 0// for helpers
init(data: inout Data/*, context: Context*/) { = data
public required init(node: Node) {
data =
class SubNode : Node {
var a: Int
required init(node: Node) {
a = 1
super.init(node: node)
init(data: inout Data, additionalParam: Int) {
a = additionalParam
super.init(data: &data)
class GenericSubNode<T> : SubNode {
required init(node: Node) {
super.init(node: node)
init(data: inout Data, value: T) {
super.init(data: &data, additionalParam: 1)
protocol HasValue {
associatedtype Value
func getValue() -> Value
class GenericWrapperNode<T : HasValue> : GenericSubNode<T.Value> {
required init(node: Node) {
super.init(node: node)
init(data: inout Data, otherValue: T) {
super.init(data: &data, value: otherValue.getValue())
// - Initializer with generic parameter
protocol P {
associatedtype T
struct S<T> : P {}
class Outer<T> {
class Inner<U> where U : P {
init<V>(_: V) where V : P, V.T == U {}
class Derived<X> : Outer<X>.Inner<S<X>> {}
protocol Q {
associatedtype A
associatedtype B
class Twice<X, Y> {
init<Z>(_: Z) where Z : Q, Z.A == X, Z.B == Y, X == Y {}
class Pair<T, U> : Twice<T, U> {}
class Once<T> : Twice<T, T> {}