blob: 8af92788329b96954c697ff0831bda92f9774257 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- ErrorObject.h - Cocoa-interoperable recoverable error object -----===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This implements the object representation of the standard Error
// protocol type, which represents recoverable errors in the language. This
// implementation is designed to interoperate efficiently with Cocoa libraries
// by:
// - allowing for NSError and CFError objects to "toll-free bridge" to
// Error existentials, which allows for cheap Cocoa to Swift interop
// - allowing a native Swift error to lazily "become" an NSError when
// passed into Cocoa, allowing for cheap Swift to Cocoa interop
#include "swift/Runtime/Metadata.h"
#include "swift/Runtime/HeapObject.h"
#include "SwiftHashableSupport.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
#include <atomic>
# include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
# include <objc/objc.h>
namespace swift {
// Copied from CoreFoundation/CFRuntime.h.
struct CFRuntimeBase {
void *opaque1;
void *opaque2;
/// When ObjC interop is enabled, SwiftError uses an NSError-layout-compatible
/// header.
struct SwiftErrorHeader {
// CFError has a CF refcounting header. NSError reserves a word after the
// 'isa' in order to be layout-compatible.
CFRuntimeBase base;
// The NSError part of the object is lazily initialized, so we need atomic
// semantics.
std::atomic<CFIndex> code;
std::atomic<CFStringRef> domain;
std::atomic<CFDictionaryRef> userInfo;
/// When ObjC interop is disabled, SwiftError uses a normal Swift heap object
/// header.
using SwiftErrorHeader = HeapObject;
/// The layout of the Swift Error box.
struct SwiftError : SwiftErrorHeader {
// By inheriting OpaqueNSError, the SwiftError structure reserves enough
// space within itself to lazily emplace an NSError instance, and gets
// Core Foundation's refcounting scheme.
/// The type of Swift error value contained in the box.
/// This member is only available for native Swift errors.
const Metadata *type;
/// The witness table for `Error` conformance.
/// This member is only available for native Swift errors.
const WitnessTable *errorConformance;
/// The base type that introduces the `Hashable` conformance.
/// This member is only available for native Swift errors.
/// This member is lazily-initialized.
/// Instead of using it directly, call `getHashableBaseType()`.
mutable std::atomic<const Metadata *> hashableBaseType;
/// The witness table for `Hashable` conformance.
/// This member is only available for native Swift errors.
/// This member is lazily-initialized.
/// Instead of using it directly, call `getHashableConformance()`.
mutable std::atomic<const hashable_support::HashableWitnessTable *> hashableConformance;
/// Get a pointer to the value contained inside the indirectly-referenced
/// box reference.
static const OpaqueValue *getIndirectValue(const SwiftError * const *ptr) {
// If the box is a bridged NSError, then the box's address is itself the
// value.
if ((*ptr)->isPureNSError())
return reinterpret_cast<const OpaqueValue *>(ptr);
return (*ptr)->getValue();
static OpaqueValue *getIndirectValue(SwiftError * const *ptr) {
return const_cast<OpaqueValue *>(getIndirectValue(
const_cast<const SwiftError * const *>(ptr)));
/// Get a pointer to the value, which is tail-allocated after
/// the fixed header.
const OpaqueValue *getValue() const {
// If the box is a bridged NSError, then the box's address is itself the
// value. We can't provide an address for that; getIndirectValue must be
// used if we haven't established this as an NSError yet..
auto baseAddr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(this + 1);
// Round up to the value's alignment.
unsigned alignMask = type->getValueWitnesses()->getAlignmentMask();
baseAddr = (baseAddr + alignMask) & ~(uintptr_t)alignMask;
return reinterpret_cast<const OpaqueValue *>(baseAddr);
OpaqueValue *getValue() {
return const_cast<OpaqueValue*>(
const_cast<const SwiftError *>(this)->getValue());
// True if the object is really an NSError or CFError instance.
// The type and errorConformance fields don't exist in an NSError.
bool isPureNSError() const;
bool isPureNSError() const { return false; }
/// Get the type of the contained value.
const Metadata *getType() const;
/// Get the Error protocol witness table for the contained type.
const WitnessTable *getErrorConformance() const;
/// Get the type of the contained value.
const Metadata *getType() const { return type; }
/// Get the Error protocol witness table for the contained type.
const WitnessTable *getErrorConformance() const { return errorConformance; }
/// Get the base type that conforms to `Hashable`.
/// Returns NULL if the type does not conform.
const Metadata *getHashableBaseType() const;
/// Get the `Hashable` protocol witness table for the contained type.
/// Returns NULL if the type does not conform.
const hashable_support::HashableWitnessTable *getHashableConformance() const;
// Don't copy or move, please.
SwiftError(const SwiftError &) = delete;
SwiftError(SwiftError &&) = delete;
SwiftError &operator=(const SwiftError &) = delete;
SwiftError &operator=(SwiftError &&) = delete;
/// Allocate a catchable error object.
/// If value is nonnull, it should point to a value of \c type, which will be
/// copied (or taken if \c isTake is true) into the newly-allocated error box.
/// If value is null, the box's contents will be left uninitialized, and
/// \c isTake should be false.
BoxPair swift_allocError(const Metadata *type,
const WitnessTable *errorConformance,
OpaqueValue *value, bool isTake);
/// Deallocate an error object whose contained object has already been
/// destroyed.
void swift_deallocError(SwiftError *error, const Metadata *type);
struct ErrorValueResult {
const OpaqueValue *value;
const Metadata *type;
const WitnessTable *errorConformance;
/// Extract a pointer to the value, the type metadata, and the Error
/// protocol witness from an error object.
/// The "scratch" pointer should point to an uninitialized word-sized
/// temporary buffer. The implementation may write a reference to itself to
/// that buffer if the error object is a toll-free-bridged NSError instead of
/// a native Swift error, in which case the object itself is the "boxed" value.
void swift_getErrorValue(const SwiftError *errorObject,
void **scratch,
ErrorValueResult *out);
/// Retain and release SwiftError boxes.
SwiftError *swift_errorRetain(SwiftError *object);
void swift_errorRelease(SwiftError *object);
/// Breakpoint hook for debuggers.
void swift_willThrow(SwiftError *object);
/// Halt in response to an error.
void swift_errorInMain(SwiftError *object);
void swift_unexpectedError(SwiftError *object);
/// Initialize an Error box to make it usable as an NSError instance.
id _swift_stdlib_bridgeErrorToNSError(SwiftError *errorObject);
/// Attempt to dynamically cast an NSError object to a Swift ErrorType
/// implementation using the _ObjectiveCBridgeableErrorType protocol or by
/// putting it directly into an Error existential.
bool tryDynamicCastNSErrorObjectToValue(HeapObject *object,
OpaqueValue *dest,
const Metadata *destType,
DynamicCastFlags flags);
/// Attempt to dynamically cast an NSError instance to a Swift ErrorType
/// implementation using the _ObjectiveCBridgeableErrorType protocol or by
/// putting it directly into an Error existential.
/// srcType must be some kind of class metadata.
bool tryDynamicCastNSErrorToValue(OpaqueValue *dest,
OpaqueValue *src,
const Metadata *srcType,
const Metadata *destType,
DynamicCastFlags flags);
/// Get the NSError Objective-C class.
Class getNSErrorClass();
/// Get the NSError metadata.
const Metadata *getNSErrorMetadata();
const size_t _swift_lldb_offsetof_SwiftError_typeMetadata;
const size_t _swift_lldb_sizeof_SwiftError;
} // namespace swift