blob: 31e42ece54471c47aa66221bf3744d049497d680 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- ToolChain.cpp - Collections of tools for one platform ------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
/// \file This file defines the base implementation of the ToolChain class.
/// The platform-specific subclasses are implemented in ToolChains.cpp.
/// For organizational purposes, the platform-independent logic for
/// constructing job invocations is also located in ToolChains.cpp.
#include "swift/Driver/ToolChain.h"
#include "swift/Driver/Compilation.h"
#include "swift/Driver/Driver.h"
#include "swift/Driver/Job.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SetVector.h"
#include "llvm/Option/ArgList.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Program.h"
using namespace swift;
using namespace swift::driver;
using namespace llvm::opt;
ToolChain::JobContext::JobContext(Compilation &C, ArrayRef<const Job *> Inputs,
ArrayRef<const Action *> InputActions,
const CommandOutput &Output,
const OutputInfo &OI)
: C(C), Inputs(Inputs), InputActions(InputActions), Output(Output), OI(OI),
Args(C.getArgs()) {}
ArrayRef<InputPair> ToolChain::JobContext::getTopLevelInputFiles() const {
return C.getInputFiles();
const char *ToolChain::JobContext::getAllSourcesPath() const {
return C.getAllSourcesPath();
const char *
ToolChain::JobContext::getTemporaryFilePath(const llvm::Twine &name,
StringRef suffix) const {
SmallString<128> buffer;
std::error_code EC =
llvm::sys::fs::createTemporaryFile(name, suffix, buffer);
if (EC) {
// FIXME: This should not take down the entire process.
llvm::report_fatal_error("unable to create temporary file for filelist");
C.addTemporaryFile(buffer.str(), PreserveOnSignal::Yes);
// We can't just reference the data in the TemporaryFiles vector because
// that could theoretically get copied to a new address.
return C.getArgs().MakeArgString(buffer.str());
ToolChain::constructJob(const JobAction &JA,
Compilation &C,
SmallVectorImpl<const Job *> &&inputs,
ArrayRef<const Action *> inputActions,
std::unique_ptr<CommandOutput> output,
const OutputInfo &OI) const {
JobContext context{C, inputs, inputActions, *output, OI};
auto invocationInfo = [&]() -> InvocationInfo {
switch (JA.getKind()) {
#define CASE(K) \
case Action::Kind::K: \
return constructInvocation(cast<K##Action>(JA), context);
#undef CASE
case Action::Kind::Input:
llvm_unreachable("not a JobAction");
// Work around MSVC warning: not all control paths return a value
llvm_unreachable("All switch cases are covered");
// Special-case the Swift frontend.
const char *executablePath = nullptr;
if (StringRef(SWIFT_EXECUTABLE_NAME) == invocationInfo.ExecutableName) {
executablePath = getDriver().getSwiftProgramPath().c_str();
} else {
std::string relativePath =
if (!relativePath.empty()) {
executablePath = C.getArgs().MakeArgString(relativePath);
} else {
auto systemPath =
if (systemPath) {
executablePath = C.getArgs().MakeArgString(systemPath.get());
} else {
// For debugging purposes.
executablePath = invocationInfo.ExecutableName;
const char *responseFilePath = nullptr;
const char *responseFileArg = nullptr;
if (invocationInfo.allowsResponseFiles &&
executablePath, invocationInfo.Arguments)) {
responseFilePath = context.getTemporaryFilePath("arguments", "resp");
responseFileArg = C.getArgs().MakeArgString(Twine("@") + responseFilePath);
return llvm::make_unique<Job>(JA, std::move(inputs), std::move(output),
ToolChain::findProgramRelativeToSwift(StringRef executableName) const {
auto insertionResult =
ProgramLookupCache.insert(std::make_pair(executableName, ""));
if (insertionResult.second) {
std::string path = findProgramRelativeToSwiftImpl(executableName);
return insertionResult.first->getValue();
ToolChain::findProgramRelativeToSwiftImpl(StringRef executableName) const {
StringRef swiftPath = getDriver().getSwiftProgramPath();
StringRef swiftBinDir = llvm::sys::path::parent_path(swiftPath);
auto result = llvm::sys::findProgramByName(executableName, {swiftBinDir});
if (result)
return result.get();
return {};
file_types::ID ToolChain::lookupTypeForExtension(StringRef Ext) const {
return file_types::lookupTypeForExtension(Ext);
/// Return a _single_ TY_Swift InputAction, if one exists;
/// if 0 or >1 such inputs exist, return nullptr.
static const InputAction*
findSingleSwiftInput(const CompileJobAction *CJA) {
auto Inputs = CJA->getInputs();
const InputAction *IA = nullptr;
for (auto const *I : Inputs) {
if (auto const *S = dyn_cast<InputAction>(I)) {
if (S->getType() == file_types::TY_Swift) {
if (IA == nullptr) {
IA = S;
} else {
// Already found one, two is too many.
return nullptr;
return IA;
static bool
jobsHaveSameExecutableNames(const Job *A, const Job *B) {
// Jobs that get here (that are derived from CompileJobActions) should always
// have the same executable name -- it should always be SWIFT_EXECUTABLE_NAME
// -- but we check here just to be sure / fail gracefully in non-assert
// builds.
assert(strcmp(A->getExecutable(), B->getExecutable()) == 0);
if (strcmp(A->getExecutable(), B->getExecutable()) != 0) {
return false;
return true;
static bool
jobsHaveSameOutputTypes(const Job *A, const Job *B) {
if (A->getOutput().getPrimaryOutputType() !=
return false;
return A->getOutput().hasSameAdditionalOutputTypes(B->getOutput());
static bool
jobsHaveSameEnvironment(const Job *A, const Job *B) {
auto AEnv = A->getExtraEnvironment();
auto BEnv = B->getExtraEnvironment();
if (AEnv.size() != BEnv.size())
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < AEnv.size(); ++i) {
if (strcmp(AEnv[i].first, BEnv[i].first) != 0)
return false;
if (strcmp(AEnv[i].second, BEnv[i].second) != 0)
return false;
return true;
ToolChain::jobIsBatchable(const Compilation &C, const Job *A) const {
// FIXME: There might be a tighter criterion to use here?
if (C.getOutputInfo().CompilerMode != OutputInfo::Mode::StandardCompile)
return false;
auto const *CJActA = dyn_cast<const CompileJobAction>(&A->getSource());
if (!CJActA)
return false;
return findSingleSwiftInput(CJActA) != nullptr;
ToolChain::jobsAreBatchCombinable(const Compilation &C,
const Job *A, const Job *B) const {
assert(jobIsBatchable(C, A));
assert(jobIsBatchable(C, B));
return (jobsHaveSameExecutableNames(A, B) &&
jobsHaveSameOutputTypes(A, B) &&
jobsHaveSameEnvironment(A, B));
/// Form a synthetic \c CommandOutput for a \c BatchJob by merging together the
/// \c CommandOutputs of all the jobs passed.
static std::unique_ptr<CommandOutput>
makeBatchCommandOutput(ArrayRef<const Job *> jobs, Compilation &C,
file_types::ID outputType) {
auto output =
llvm::make_unique<CommandOutput>(outputType, C.getDerivedOutputFileMap());
for (auto const *J : jobs) {
return output;
/// Set-union the \c Inputs and \c InputActions from each \c Job in \p jobs into
/// the provided \p inputJobs and \p inputActions vectors, further adding all \c
/// Actions in the \p jobs -- InputActions or otherwise -- to \p batchCJA. Do
/// set-union rather than concatenation here to avoid mentioning the same input
/// multiple times.
static bool
mergeBatchInputs(ArrayRef<const Job *> jobs,
llvm::SmallSetVector<const Job *, 16> &inputJobs,
llvm::SmallSetVector<const Action *, 16> &inputActions,
CompileJobAction *batchCJA) {
llvm::SmallSetVector<const Action *, 16> allActions;
for (auto const *J : jobs) {
for (auto const *I : J->getInputs()) {
auto const *CJA = dyn_cast<CompileJobAction>(&J->getSource());
if (!CJA)
return true;
for (auto const *I : CJA->getInputs()) {
// Capture _all_ input actions -- whether or not they are InputActions --
// in allActions, to set as the inputs for batchCJA below.
// Only collect input actions that _are InputActions_ in the inputActions
// array, to load into the JobContext in our caller.
if (auto const *IA = dyn_cast<InputAction>(I)) {
for (auto const *I : allActions) {
return false;
/// Unfortunately the success or failure of a Swift compilation is currently
/// sensitive to the order in which files are processed, at least in terms of
/// the order of processing extensions (and likely other ways we haven't
/// discovered yet). So long as this is true, we need to make sure any batch job
/// we build names its inputs in an order that's a subsequence of the sequence
/// of inputs the driver was initially invoked with.
static void sortJobsToMatchCompilationInputs(ArrayRef<const Job *> unsortedJobs,
SmallVectorImpl<const Job *> &sortedJobs,
Compilation &C) {
llvm::StringMap<const Job *> jobsByInput;
for (const Job *J : unsortedJobs) {
const CompileJobAction *CJA = cast<CompileJobAction>(&J->getSource());
const InputAction* IA = findSingleSwiftInput(CJA);
auto R = jobsByInput.insert(std::make_pair(IA->getInputArg().getValue(),
for (const InputPair &P : C.getInputFiles()) {
auto I = jobsByInput.find(P.second->getValue());
if (I != jobsByInput.end()) {
/// Construct a \c BatchJob by merging the constituent \p jobs' CommandOutput,
/// input \c Job and \c Action members. Call through to \c constructInvocation
/// on \p BatchJob, to build the \c InvocationInfo.
ToolChain::constructBatchJob(ArrayRef<const Job *> unsortedJobs,
Job::PID &NextQuasiPID,
Compilation &C) const {
if (unsortedJobs.empty())
return nullptr;
llvm::SmallVector<const Job *, 16> sortedJobs;
sortJobsToMatchCompilationInputs(unsortedJobs, sortedJobs, C);
// Synthetic OutputInfo is a slightly-modified version of the initial
// compilation's OI.
auto OI = C.getOutputInfo();
OI.CompilerMode = OutputInfo::Mode::BatchModeCompile;
auto const *executablePath = sortedJobs[0]->getExecutable();
auto outputType = sortedJobs[0]->getOutput().getPrimaryOutputType();
auto output = makeBatchCommandOutput(sortedJobs, C, outputType);
llvm::SmallSetVector<const Job *, 16> inputJobs;
llvm::SmallSetVector<const Action *, 16> inputActions;
auto *batchCJA = C.createAction<CompileJobAction>(outputType);
if (mergeBatchInputs(sortedJobs, inputJobs, inputActions, batchCJA))
return nullptr;
JobContext context{C, inputJobs.getArrayRef(), inputActions.getArrayRef(),
*output, OI};
auto invocationInfo = constructInvocation(*batchCJA, context);
return llvm::make_unique<BatchJob>(
*batchCJA, inputJobs.takeVector(), std::move(output), executablePath,
std::move(invocationInfo.FilelistInfos), sortedJobs, NextQuasiPID);
ToolChain::sanitizerRuntimeLibExists(const ArgList &args,
StringRef sanitizerName,
bool shared) const {
// Assume no sanitizers are supported by default.
// This method should be overriden by a platform-specific subclass.
return false;