blob: 7a429f76c3ea9aed78be1563495fc63af30f701e [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
var t1 : Int
var t2 = 10
var t3 = 10, t4 = 20.0
var (t5, t6) = (10, 20.0)
var t7, t8 : Int
var t9, t10 = 20 // expected-error {{type annotation missing in pattern}}
var t11, t12 : Int = 20 // expected-error {{type annotation missing in pattern}}
var t13 = 2.0, t14 : Int
var (x = 123, // expected-error {{expected ',' separator}} {{7-7=,}} expected-error {{expected pattern}}
y = 456) : (Int,Int)
var bfx : Int, bfy : Int
_ = 10
var self1 = self1 // expected-error {{variable used within its own initial value}}
var self2 : Int = self2 // expected-error {{variable used within its own initial value}}
var (self3) : Int = self3 // expected-error {{variable used within its own initial value}}
var (self4) : Int = self4 // expected-error {{variable used within its own initial value}}
var self5 = self5 + self5 // expected-error 2 {{variable used within its own initial value}}
var self6 = !self6 // expected-error {{variable used within its own initial value}}
var (self7a, self7b) = (self7b, self7a) // expected-error 2 {{variable used within its own initial value}}
var self8 = 0
func testShadowing() {
var self8 = self8 // expected-error {{variable used within its own initial value}}
var (paren) = 0
var paren2: Int = paren
struct Broken {
var b : Bool = True // expected-error{{use of unresolved identifier 'True'}}
// rdar://16252090 - Warning when inferring empty tuple type for declarations
var emptyTuple = testShadowing() // expected-warning {{variable 'emptyTuple' inferred to have type '()'}} \
// expected-note {{add an explicit type annotation to silence this warning}}
// rdar://15263687 - Diagnose variables inferenced to 'AnyObject'
var ao1 : AnyObject
var ao2 = ao1
var aot1 : AnyObject.Type
var aot2 = aot1 // expected-warning {{variable 'aot2' inferred to have type 'AnyObject.Type', which may be unexpected}} \
// expected-note {{add an explicit type annotation to silence this warning}}
for item in [AnyObject]() { // No warning in for-each loop.
_ = item
// <rdar://problem/16574105> Type inference of _Nil very coherent but kind of useless
var ptr = nil // expected-error {{'nil' requires a contextual type}}
func testAnyObjectOptional() -> AnyObject? {
let x = testAnyObjectOptional()
return x
class SomeClass {}
// <rdar://problem/16877304> weak let's should be rejected
weak let V = SomeClass() // expected-error {{'weak' must be a mutable variable, because it may change at runtime}}
let a = b ; let b = a // expected-error{{could not infer type for 'a'}}
// expected-error@-1 {{'a' used within its own type}}
// FIXME: That second error is bogus.
// <rdar://problem/17501765> Swift should warn about immutable default initialized values
let uselessValue : String?
func tuplePatternDestructuring(_ x : Int, y : Int) {
let (b: _, a: h) = (b: x, a: y)
_ = h
// <rdar://problem/20392122> Destructuring tuple with labels doesn't work
let (i, j) = (b: x, a: y)
_ = i+j
// <rdar://problem/20395243> QoI: type variable reconstruction failing for tuple types
let (x: g1, a: h1) = (b: x, a: y) // expected-error {{tuple type '(b: Int, a: Int)' is not convertible to tuple '(x: _, a: _)'}}
// <rdar://problem/21057425> Crash while compiling attached test-app.
func test21057425() -> (Int, Int) {
let x: Int = "not an int!", y = 0 // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type 'String' to specified type 'Int'}}
return (x, y)
// rdar://problem/21081340
func test21081340() {
let (x: a, y: b): () = foo() // expected-error{{tuple pattern has the wrong length for tuple type '()'}}
// <rdar://problem/22322266> Swift let late initialization in top level control flow statements
if true {
let s : Int
s = 42 // should be valid.
_ = s