blob: fdee276417911897aa85d118a4d060baea13cddb [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- ClosureSpecializer.cpp - Performs Closure Specialization ---------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
/// \file
/// Closure Specialization
/// ----------------------
/// The purpose of the algorithm in this file is to perform the following
/// transformation: given a closure passed into a function which the closure is
/// then invoked in, clone the function and create a copy of the closure inside
/// the function. This closure will be able to be eliminated easily and the
/// overhead is gone. We then try to remove the original closure.
/// There are some complications. They are listed below and how we work around
/// them:
/// 1. If we support the specialization of closures with multiple user callsites
/// that can be specialized, we need to ensure that any captured values have
/// their reference counts adjusted properly. This implies for every
/// specialized call site, we insert an additional retain for each captured
/// argument with reference semantics. We will pass them in as extra @owned
/// to the specialized function. This @owned will be consumed by the "copy"
/// partial apply that is in the specialized function. Now the partial apply
/// will own those ref counts. This is unapplicable to thin_to_thick_function
/// since they do not have any captured args.
/// 2. If the closure was passed in @owned vs if the closure was passed in
/// @guaranteed. If the original closure was passed in @owned, then we know
/// that there is a balancing release for the new "copy" partial apply. But
/// since the original partial apply no longer will have that corresponding
/// -1, we need to insert a release for the old partial apply. We do this
/// right after the old call site where the original partial apply was
/// called. This ensures we do not shrink the lifetime of the old partial
/// apply. In the case where the old partial_apply was passed in at +0, we
/// know that the old partial_apply does not need to have any ref count
/// adjustments. On the other hand, the new "copy" partial apply in the
/// specialized function now needs to be balanced lest we leak. Thus we
/// insert a release right before any exit from the function. This ensures
/// that the release occurs in the epilog after any retains associated with
/// @owned return values.
/// 3. In !useLoweredAddresses mode, we do not support specialization of closures
/// with arguments passed using any indirect calling conventions besides
/// @inout and @inout_aliasable. This is a temporary limitation that goes
/// away with sil-opaque-values.
#define DEBUG_TYPE "closure-specialization"
#include "swift/Basic/Range.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILCloner.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILFunction.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILInstruction.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILModule.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/BasicCalleeAnalysis.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/CFG.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/FunctionOrder.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/ValueTracking.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/PassManager/Passes.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/PassManager/Transforms.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Utils/SILInliner.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Utils/SpecializationMangler.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
using namespace swift;
"Number of functions with closures specialized");
"Number of closures propagated and then eliminated");
"Number of closures propagated but not eliminated");
llvm::cl::opt<bool> EliminateDeadClosures(
"closure-specialize-eliminate-dead-closures", llvm::cl::init(true),
llvm::cl::desc("Do not eliminate dead closures after closure "
"specialization. This is meant ot be used when testing."));
// Utility
static bool isSupportedClosureKind(const SILInstruction *I) {
return isa<ThinToThickFunctionInst>(I) || isa<PartialApplyInst>(I);
// Closure Spec Cloner Interface
namespace {
class CallSiteDescriptor;
/// \brief A SILCloner subclass which clones a function that takes a closure
/// argument. We update the parameter list to remove the parameter for the
/// closure argument and to append the variables captured in the closure.
/// We also need to replace the closure parameter with the partial apply
/// on the closure. We need to update the callsite to pass in the correct
/// arguments.
class ClosureSpecCloner : public SILClonerWithScopes<ClosureSpecCloner> {
using SuperTy = SILClonerWithScopes<ClosureSpecCloner>;
friend class SILInstructionVisitor<ClosureSpecCloner>;
friend class SILCloner<ClosureSpecCloner>;
ClosureSpecCloner(const CallSiteDescriptor &CallSiteDesc,
StringRef ClonedName)
: SuperTy(*initCloned(CallSiteDesc, ClonedName)),
CallSiteDesc(CallSiteDesc) {}
void populateCloned();
SILValue cloneCalleeConversion(SILValue calleeValue, SILValue NewClosure,
SILBuilder &Builder);
SILFunction *getCloned() { return &getBuilder().getFunction(); }
static SILFunction *cloneFunction(const CallSiteDescriptor &CallSiteDesc,
StringRef NewName) {
ClosureSpecCloner C(CallSiteDesc, NewName);
return C.getCloned();
static SILFunction *initCloned(const CallSiteDescriptor &CallSiteDesc,
StringRef ClonedName);
const CallSiteDescriptor &CallSiteDesc;
} // end anonymous namespace
// Call Site Descriptor
namespace {
struct ClosureInfo;
class CallSiteDescriptor {
ClosureInfo *CInfo;
FullApplySite AI;
unsigned ClosureIndex;
SILParameterInfo ClosureParamInfo;
// This is only needed if we have guaranteed parameters. In most cases it will
// have only one element, a return inst.
llvm::TinyPtrVector<SILBasicBlock *> NonFailureExitBBs;
CallSiteDescriptor(ClosureInfo *CInfo, FullApplySite AI,
unsigned ClosureIndex, SILParameterInfo ClosureParamInfo,
llvm::TinyPtrVector<SILBasicBlock *> &&NonFailureExitBBs)
: CInfo(CInfo), AI(AI), ClosureIndex(ClosureIndex),
NonFailureExitBBs(NonFailureExitBBs) {}
CallSiteDescriptor(CallSiteDescriptor&&) =default;
CallSiteDescriptor &operator=(CallSiteDescriptor &&) =default;
SILFunction *getApplyCallee() const {
return cast<FunctionRefInst>(AI.getCallee())->getReferencedFunction();
SILFunction *getClosureCallee() const {
if (auto *PAI = dyn_cast<PartialApplyInst>(getClosure()))
return cast<FunctionRefInst>(PAI->getCallee())->getReferencedFunction();
auto *TTTFI = cast<ThinToThickFunctionInst>(getClosure());
return cast<FunctionRefInst>(TTTFI->getCallee())->getReferencedFunction();
bool closureHasRefSemanticContext() const {
return isa<PartialApplyInst>(getClosure());
unsigned getClosureIndex() const { return ClosureIndex; }
// Get the closure value passed to the apply (on the caller side).
SILValue getClosureCallerArg() const {
return getApplyInst().getArgument(ClosureIndex);
SILParameterInfo getClosureParameterInfo() const { return ClosureParamInfo; }
SingleValueInstruction *
createNewClosure(SILBuilder &B, SILValue V,
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<SILValue> &Args) const {
if (isa<PartialApplyInst>(getClosure()))
return B.createPartialApply(getClosure()->getLoc(), V, {}, Args,
assert(isa<ThinToThickFunctionInst>(getClosure()) &&
"We only support partial_apply and thin_to_thick_function");
return B.createThinToThickFunction(getClosure()->getLoc(), V,
FullApplySite getApplyInst() const { return AI; }
IsSerialized_t isSerialized() const;
std::string createName() const;
OperandValueArrayRef getArguments() const {
if (auto *PAI = dyn_cast<PartialApplyInst>(getClosure()))
return PAI->getArguments();
// Thin to thick function has no non-callee arguments.
assert(isa<ThinToThickFunctionInst>(getClosure()) &&
"We only support partial_apply and thin_to_thick_function");
return OperandValueArrayRef(ArrayRef<Operand>());
inline SingleValueInstruction *getClosure() const;
unsigned getNumArguments() const {
if (auto *PAI = dyn_cast<PartialApplyInst>(getClosure()))
return PAI->getNumArguments();
// Thin to thick function has no non-callee arguments.
assert(isa<ThinToThickFunctionInst>(getClosure()) &&
"We only support partial_apply and thin_to_thick_function");
return 0;
bool isClosureGuaranteed() const {
return getClosureParameterInfo().isGuaranteed();
bool isClosureConsumed() const {
return getClosureParameterInfo().isConsumed();
SILLocation getLoc() const { return getClosure()->getLoc(); }
SILModule &getModule() const { return AI.getModule(); }
ArrayRef<SILBasicBlock *> getNonFailureExitBBs() const {
return NonFailureExitBBs;
/// Extend the lifetime of 'Arg' to the lifetime of the closure.
void extendArgumentLifetime(SILValue Arg,
SILArgumentConvention ArgConvention) const;
} // end anonymous namespace
namespace {
struct ClosureInfo {
SingleValueInstruction *Closure;
ValueLifetimeAnalysis::Frontier LifetimeFrontier;
llvm::SmallVector<CallSiteDescriptor, 8> CallSites;
ClosureInfo(SingleValueInstruction *Closure): Closure(Closure) {}
ClosureInfo(ClosureInfo &&) =default;
ClosureInfo &operator=(ClosureInfo &&) =default;
} // end anonymous namespace
SingleValueInstruction *CallSiteDescriptor::getClosure() const {
return CInfo->Closure;
static bool isNonInoutIndirectSILArgument(SILValue Arg,
SILArgumentConvention ArgConvention) {
return !Arg->getType().isObject() && ArgConvention.isIndirectConvention() &&
ArgConvention != SILArgumentConvention::Indirect_Inout &&
ArgConvention != SILArgumentConvention::Indirect_InoutAliasable;
/// Update the callsite to pass in the correct arguments.
static void rewriteApplyInst(const CallSiteDescriptor &CSDesc,
SILFunction *NewF) {
FullApplySite AI = CSDesc.getApplyInst();
SingleValueInstruction *Closure = CSDesc.getClosure();
SILBuilderWithScope Builder(Closure);
FunctionRefInst *FRI = Builder.createFunctionRef(AI.getLoc(), NewF);
// Create the args for the new apply by removing the closure argument...
llvm::SmallVector<SILValue, 8> NewArgs;
unsigned Index = 0;
for (auto Arg : AI.getArguments()) {
if (Index != CSDesc.getClosureIndex())
// ... and appending the captured arguments. We also insert retains here at
// the location of the original closure. This is needed to balance the
// implicit release of all captured arguments that occurs when the partial
// apply is destroyed.
SILModule &M = NewF->getModule();
auto ClosureCalleeConv = CSDesc.getClosureCallee()->getConventions();
unsigned ClosureArgIdx =
ClosureCalleeConv.getNumSILArguments() - CSDesc.getNumArguments();
for (auto Arg : CSDesc.getArguments()) {
SILType ArgTy = Arg->getType();
// If our argument is of trivial type, continue...
if (ArgTy.isTrivial(M)) {
auto ArgConvention =
// Non-inout indirect arguments are not supported yet.
assert(ArgTy.isObject() ||
!isNonInoutIndirectSILArgument(Arg, ArgConvention));
// If argument is not an object and it is an inout parameter,
// continue...
if (!ArgTy.isObject() &&
!isNonInoutIndirectSILArgument(Arg, ArgConvention)) {
// TODO: When we support address types, this code path will need to be
// updated.
// We need to balance the consumed argument of the new partial_apply in the
// specialized callee by a retain. If both the original partial_apply and
// the apply of the callee are in the same basic block we can assume they
// are executed the same number of times. Therefore it is sufficient to just
// retain the argument at the site of the original partial_apply.
// %closure = partial_apply (%arg)
// = apply %callee(%closure)
// =>
// retain %arg
// %closure = partial_apply (%arg)
// apply %specialized_callee(..., %arg)
// However, if they are not in the same basic block the callee might be
// executed more frequently than the closure (for example, if the closure is
// created in a loop preheader and the callee taking the closure is executed
// in the loop). In such a case we must keep the argument live across the
// call site of the callee and emit a matching retain for every invocation
// of the callee.
// %closure = partial_apply (%arg)
// while () {
// = %callee(%closure)
// }
// =>
// retain %arg
// %closure = partial_apply (%arg)
// while () {
// retain %arg
// apply %specialized_callee(.., %arg)
// }
// release %arg
if (AI.getParent() != Closure->getParent()) {
// Emit the retain and release that keeps the argument life across the
// callee using the closure.
CSDesc.extendArgumentLifetime(Arg, ArgConvention);
// Emit the retain that matches the captured argument by the
// partial_apply
// in the callee that is consumed by the partial_apply.
Builder.createRetainValue(Closure->getLoc(), Arg,
} else {
Builder.createRetainValue(Closure->getLoc(), Arg,
FullApplySite NewAI;
if (auto *TAI = dyn_cast<TryApplyInst>(AI)) {
NewAI = Builder.createTryApply(AI.getLoc(), FRI,
SubstitutionList(), NewArgs,
TAI->getNormalBB(), TAI->getErrorBB());
// If we passed in the original closure as @owned, then insert a release
// right after NewAI. This is to balance the +1 from being an @owned
// argument to AI.
if (CSDesc.isClosureConsumed() && CSDesc.closureHasRefSemanticContext()) {
Builder.createReleaseValue(Closure->getLoc(), Closure, Builder.getDefaultAtomicity());
Builder.createReleaseValue(Closure->getLoc(), Closure, Builder.getDefaultAtomicity());
} else {
auto oldApply = cast<ApplyInst>(AI);
auto newApply = Builder.createApply(oldApply->getLoc(), FRI,
NewArgs, oldApply->isNonThrowing());
// If we passed in the original closure as @owned, then insert a release
// right after NewAI. This is to balance the +1 from being an @owned
// argument to AI.
if (CSDesc.isClosureConsumed() && CSDesc.closureHasRefSemanticContext())
Builder.createReleaseValue(Closure->getLoc(), Closure,
// Replace all uses of the old apply with the new apply.
// Erase the old apply.
// TODO: Maybe include invalidation code for CallSiteDescriptor after we erase
// AI from parent?
IsSerialized_t CallSiteDescriptor::isSerialized() const {
if (getClosure()->getFunction()->isSerialized() &&
return IsSerializable;
return IsNotSerialized;
std::string CallSiteDescriptor::createName() const {
auto P = Demangle::SpecializationPass::ClosureSpecializer;
Mangle::FunctionSignatureSpecializationMangler Mangler(P, isSerialized(),
if (auto *PAI = dyn_cast<PartialApplyInst>(getClosure())) {
Mangler.setArgumentClosureProp(getClosureIndex(), PAI);
} else {
auto *TTTFI = cast<ThinToThickFunctionInst>(getClosure());
Mangler.setArgumentClosureProp(getClosureIndex(), TTTFI);
return Mangler.mangle();
void CallSiteDescriptor::extendArgumentLifetime(
SILValue Arg, SILArgumentConvention ArgConvention) const {
assert(!CInfo->LifetimeFrontier.empty() &&
"Need a post-dominating release(s)");
auto ArgTy = Arg->getType();
// Extend the lifetime of a captured argument to cover the callee.
SILBuilderWithScope Builder(getClosure());
// Indirect non-inout arguments are not supported yet.
assert(!isNonInoutIndirectSILArgument(Arg, ArgConvention));
if (ArgTy.isObject()) {
Builder.createRetainValue(getClosure()->getLoc(), Arg,
for (auto *I : CInfo->LifetimeFrontier) {
Builder.createReleaseValue(getClosure()->getLoc(), Arg,
static bool isSupportedClosure(const SILInstruction *Closure) {
if (!isSupportedClosureKind(Closure))
return false;
// We only support simple closures where a partial_apply or
// thin_to_thick_function is passed a function_ref. This will be stored here
// so the checking of the Callee can use the same code in both cases.
SILValue Callee;
// If Closure is a partial apply...
if (auto *PAI = dyn_cast<PartialApplyInst>(Closure)) {
// And it has substitutions, return false.
if (PAI->hasSubstitutions())
return false;
// Ok, it is a closure we support, set Callee.
Callee = PAI->getCallee();
} else {
// Otherwise closure must be a thin_to_thick_function.
Callee = cast<ThinToThickFunctionInst>(Closure)->getCallee();
// Make sure that it is a simple partial apply (i.e. its callee is a
// function_ref).
// TODO: We can probably handle other partial applies here.
auto *FRI = dyn_cast<FunctionRefInst>(Callee);
if (!FRI)
return false;
if (auto *PAI = dyn_cast<PartialApplyInst>(Closure)) {
// Bail if any of the arguments are passed by address and
// are not @inout.
// This is a temporary limitation.
auto ClosureCallee = FRI->getReferencedFunction();
auto ClosureCalleeConv = ClosureCallee->getConventions();
unsigned ClosureArgIdx =
ClosureCalleeConv.getNumSILArguments() - PAI->getNumArguments();
for (auto Arg : PAI->getArguments()) {
SILType ArgTy = Arg->getType();
// If our argument is an object, continue...
if (ArgTy.isObject()) {
auto ArgConvention =
if (ArgConvention != SILArgumentConvention::Indirect_Inout &&
ArgConvention != SILArgumentConvention::Indirect_InoutAliasable)
return false;
// Otherwise, we do support specializing this closure.
return true;
// Closure Spec Cloner Implementation
/// In this function we create the actual cloned function and its proper cloned
/// type. But we do not create any body. This implies that the creation of the
/// actual arguments in the function is in populateCloned.
/// \arg PAUser The function that is being passed the partial apply.
/// \arg PAI The partial apply that is being passed to PAUser.
/// \arg ClosureIndex The index of the partial apply in PAUser's function
/// signature.
/// \arg ClonedName The name of the cloned function that we will create.
SILFunction *
ClosureSpecCloner::initCloned(const CallSiteDescriptor &CallSiteDesc,
StringRef ClonedName) {
SILFunction *ClosureUser = CallSiteDesc.getApplyCallee();
// This is the list of new interface parameters of the cloned function.
llvm::SmallVector<SILParameterInfo, 4> NewParameterInfoList;
// First add to NewParameterInfoList all of the SILParameterInfo in the
// original function except for the closure.
CanSILFunctionType ClosureUserFunTy = ClosureUser->getLoweredFunctionType();
auto ClosureUserConv = ClosureUser->getConventions();
unsigned Index = ClosureUserConv.getSILArgIndexOfFirstParam();
for (auto &param : ClosureUserConv.getParameters()) {
if (Index != CallSiteDesc.getClosureIndex())
// Then add any arguments that are captured in the closure to the function's
// argument type. Since they are captured, we need to pass them directly into
// the new specialized function.
SILFunction *ClosedOverFun = CallSiteDesc.getClosureCallee();
auto ClosedOverFunConv = ClosedOverFun->getConventions();
SILModule &M = ClosureUser->getModule();
// Captured parameters are always appended to the function signature. If the
// type of the captured argument is:
// - direct and trivial, pass the argument as Direct_Unowned.
// - direct and non-trivial, pass the argument as Direct_Owned.
// - indirect, pass the argument using the same parameter convention as in the
// original closure.
// We use the type of the closure here since we allow for the closure to be an
// external declaration.
unsigned NumTotalParams = ClosedOverFunConv.getNumParameters();
unsigned NumNotCaptured = NumTotalParams - CallSiteDesc.getNumArguments();
for (auto &PInfo : ClosedOverFunConv.getParameters().slice(NumNotCaptured)) {
ParameterConvention ParamConv;
if (PInfo.isFormalIndirect()) {
ParamConv = PInfo.getConvention();
|| ParamConv == ParameterConvention::Indirect_Inout
|| ParamConv == ParameterConvention::Indirect_InoutAliasable);
} else {
ParamConv = ClosedOverFunConv.getSILType(PInfo).isTrivial(M)
? ParameterConvention::Direct_Unowned
: ParameterConvention::Direct_Owned;
SILParameterInfo NewPInfo(PInfo.getType(), ParamConv);
// The specialized function is always a thin function. This is important
// because we may add additional parameters after the Self parameter of
// witness methods. In this case the new function is not a method anymore.
auto ExtInfo = ClosureUserFunTy->getExtInfo();
ExtInfo = ExtInfo.withRepresentation(SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Thin);
auto ClonedTy = SILFunctionType::get(
ClosureUserFunTy->getGenericSignature(), ExtInfo,
ClosureUserFunTy->getCalleeConvention(), NewParameterInfoList,
ClosureUserFunTy->getYields(), ClosureUserFunTy->getResults(),
ClosureUserFunTy->getOptionalErrorResult(), M.getASTContext());
// We make this function bare so we don't have to worry about decls in the
// SILArgument.
auto *Fn = M.createFunction(
// It's important to use a shared linkage for the specialized function
// and not the original linkage.
// Otherwise the new function could have an external linkage (in case the
// original function was de-serialized) and would not be code-gen'd.
getSpecializedLinkage(ClosureUser, ClosureUser->getLinkage()), ClonedName,
ClonedTy, ClosureUser->getGenericEnvironment(),
ClosureUser->getLocation(), IsBare, ClosureUser->isTransparent(),
CallSiteDesc.isSerialized(), ClosureUser->getEntryCount(),
ClosureUser->isThunk(), ClosureUser->getClassSubclassScope(),
ClosureUser->getInlineStrategy(), ClosureUser->getEffectsKind(),
ClosureUser, ClosureUser->getDebugScope());
if (!ClosureUser->hasQualifiedOwnership()) {
for (auto &Attr : ClosureUser->getSemanticsAttrs())
return Fn;
// Clone a chain of ConvertFunctionInsts.
SILValue ClosureSpecCloner::cloneCalleeConversion(SILValue calleeValue,
SILValue NewClosure,
SILBuilder &Builder) {
if (calleeValue == CallSiteDesc.getClosure())
return NewClosure;
auto *CFI = cast<ConvertFunctionInst>(calleeValue);
calleeValue = cloneCalleeConversion(CFI->getOperand(), NewClosure, Builder);
return Builder.createConvertFunction(CallSiteDesc.getLoc(), calleeValue,
/// \brief Populate the body of the cloned closure, modifying instructions as
/// necessary. This is where we create the actual specialized BB Arguments.
void ClosureSpecCloner::populateCloned() {
SILFunction *Cloned = getCloned();
SILFunction *ClosureUser = CallSiteDesc.getApplyCallee();
// Create arguments for the entry block.
SILBasicBlock *ClosureUserEntryBB = &*ClosureUser->begin();
SILBasicBlock *ClonedEntryBB = Cloned->createBasicBlock();
// Remove the closure argument.
SILArgument *ClosureArg = nullptr;
for (size_t i = 0, e = ClosureUserEntryBB->args_size(); i != e; ++i) {
SILArgument *Arg = ClosureUserEntryBB->getArgument(i);
if (i == CallSiteDesc.getClosureIndex()) {
ClosureArg = Arg;
// Otherwise, create a new argument which copies the original argument
SILValue MappedValue =
ClonedEntryBB->createFunctionArgument(Arg->getType(), Arg->getDecl());
ValueMap.insert(std::make_pair(Arg, MappedValue));
// Next we need to add in any arguments that are not captured as arguments to
// the cloned function.
// We do not insert the new mapped arguments into the value map since there by
// definition is nothing in the partial apply user function that references
// such arguments. After this pass is done the only thing that will reference
// the arguments is the partial apply that we will create.
SILFunction *ClosedOverFun = CallSiteDesc.getClosureCallee();
auto ClosedOverFunConv = ClosedOverFun->getConventions();
unsigned NumTotalParams = ClosedOverFunConv.getNumParameters();
unsigned NumNotCaptured = NumTotalParams - CallSiteDesc.getNumArguments();
llvm::SmallVector<SILValue, 4> NewPAIArgs;
for (auto &PInfo : ClosedOverFunConv.getParameters().slice(NumNotCaptured)) {
auto paramTy = ClosedOverFunConv.getSILType(PInfo);
SILValue MappedValue = ClonedEntryBB->createFunctionArgument(paramTy);
SILBuilder &Builder = getBuilder();
// Clone FRI and PAI, and replace usage of the removed closure argument
// with result of cloned PAI.
SILValue FnVal =
Builder.createFunctionRef(CallSiteDesc.getLoc(), ClosedOverFun);
auto *NewClosure = CallSiteDesc.createNewClosure(Builder, FnVal, NewPAIArgs);
// Clone a chain of ConvertFunctionInsts.
SILValue ConvertedCallee = cloneCalleeConversion(
CallSiteDesc.getClosureCallerArg(), NewClosure, Builder);
ValueMap.insert(std::make_pair(ClosureArg, ConvertedCallee));
BBMap.insert(std::make_pair(ClosureUserEntryBB, ClonedEntryBB));
// Recursively visit original BBs in depth-first preorder, starting with the
// entry block, cloning all instructions other than terminators.
// Now iterate over the BBs and fix up the terminators.
for (auto BI = BBMap.begin(), BE = BBMap.end(); BI != BE; ++BI) {
// Then insert a release in all non failure exit BBs if our partial apply was
// guaranteed. This is b/c it was passed at +0 originally and we need to
// balance the initial increment of the newly created closure.
if (CallSiteDesc.isClosureGuaranteed() &&
CallSiteDesc.closureHasRefSemanticContext()) {
for (SILBasicBlock *BB : CallSiteDesc.getNonFailureExitBBs()) {
SILBasicBlock *OpBB = BBMap[BB];
TermInst *TI = OpBB->getTerminator();
auto Loc = CleanupLocation::get(NewClosure->getLoc());
// If we have a return, we place the release right before it so we know
// that it will be executed at the end of the epilogue.
if (isa<ReturnInst>(TI)) {
Builder.createReleaseValue(Loc, SILValue(NewClosure),
// We use casts where findAllNonFailureExitBBs should have made sure that
// this is true. This will ensure that the code is updated when we hit the
// cast failure in debug builds.
auto *Unreachable = cast<UnreachableInst>(TI);
auto PrevIter = std::prev(SILBasicBlock::iterator(Unreachable));
auto NoReturnApply = FullApplySite::isa(&*PrevIter);
// We insert the release value right before the no return apply so that if
// the partial apply is passed into the no-return function as an @owned
// value, we will retain the partial apply before we release it and
// potentially eliminate it.
Builder.createReleaseValue(Loc, SILValue(NewClosure), Builder.getDefaultAtomicity());
// Closure Specializer
namespace {
class SILClosureSpecializerTransform : public SILFunctionTransform {
void gatherCallSites(SILFunction *Caller,
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<ClosureInfo*> &ClosureCandidates,
llvm::DenseSet<FullApplySite> &MultipleClosureAI);
bool specialize(SILFunction *Caller,
std::vector<SingleValueInstruction *> &PropagatedClosures);
SILClosureSpecializerTransform() {}
void run() override;
void SILClosureSpecializerTransform::run() {
SILFunction *F = getFunction();
// Don't optimize functions that are marked with the opt.never
// attribute.
if (!F->shouldOptimize())
// If F is an external declaration, there is nothing to specialize.
if (F->isExternalDeclaration())
std::vector<SingleValueInstruction *> PropagatedClosures;
if (!specialize(F, PropagatedClosures))
// If for testing purposes we were asked to not eliminate dead closures,
// return.
if (EliminateDeadClosures) {
// Otherwise, remove any local dead closures that are now dead since we
// specialized all of their uses.
DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Trying to remove dead closures!\n");
for (auto *Closure : PropagatedClosures) {
DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Visiting: " << *Closure);
if (!tryDeleteDeadClosure(Closure)) {
DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Failed to delete closure!\n");
DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Deleted closure!\n");
// Invalidate everything since we delete calls as well as add new
// calls and branches.
void SILClosureSpecializerTransform::gatherCallSites(
SILFunction *Caller,
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<ClosureInfo*> &ClosureCandidates,
llvm::DenseSet<FullApplySite> &MultipleClosureAI) {
// A set of apply inst that we have associated with a closure. We use this to
// make sure that we do not handle call sites with multiple closure arguments.
llvm::DenseSet<FullApplySite> VisitedAI;
// For each basic block BB in Caller...
for (auto &BB : *Caller) {
// For each instruction II in BB...
for (auto &II : BB) {
// If II is not a closure that we support specializing, skip it...
if (!isSupportedClosure(&II))
auto ClosureInst = cast<SingleValueInstruction>(&II);
ClosureInfo *CInfo = nullptr;
// Go through all uses of our closure.
// Worklist of operands.
SmallVector<Operand *, 8> Uses(ClosureInst->getUses());
// Live range end points.
SmallVector<SILInstruction *, 8> UsePoints;
// Uses may grow in this loop.
for (size_t UseIndex = 0; UseIndex < Uses.size(); ++UseIndex) {
auto *Use = Uses[UseIndex];
// Recurse through conversions.
if (auto *CFI = dyn_cast<ConvertFunctionInst>(Use->getUser())) {
// Push Uses in reverse order so they are visited in forward order.
Uses.append(CFI->getUses().begin(), CFI->getUses().end());
// If this use is not an apply inst or an apply inst with
// substitutions, there is nothing interesting for us to do, so
// continue...
auto AI = FullApplySite::isa(Use->getUser());
if (!AI || AI.hasSubstitutions())
// Check if we have already associated this apply inst with a closure to
// be specialized. We do not handle applies that take in multiple
// closures at this time.
if (!VisitedAI.insert(AI).second) {
// If AI does not have a function_ref definition as its callee, we can
// not do anything here... so continue...
SILFunction *ApplyCallee = AI.getReferencedFunction();
if (!ApplyCallee || ApplyCallee->isExternalDeclaration())
// Don't specialize non-fragile callees if the caller is fragile;
// the specialized callee will have shared linkage, and thus cannot
// be referenced from the fragile caller.
if (Caller->isSerialized() &&
// If the callee uses a dynamic Self, we cannot specialize it,
// since the resulting specialization might longer has 'self' as the
// last parameter.
// We could fix this by inserting new arguments more carefully, or
// changing how we model dynamic Self altogether.
if (mayBindDynamicSelf(ApplyCallee))
// Ok, we know that we can perform the optimization but not whether or
// not the optimization is profitable. Find the index of the argument
// corresponding to our partial apply.
Optional<unsigned> ClosureIndex;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = AI.getNumArguments(); i != e; ++i) {
if (AI.getArgument(i) != Use->get())
ClosureIndex = i;
DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Found callsite with closure argument at "
<< i << ": " << *AI.getInstruction());
// If we did not find an index, there is nothing further to do,
// continue.
if (!ClosureIndex.hasValue())
// Make sure that the Closure is invoked in the Apply's callee. We only
// want to perform closure specialization if we know that we will be
// able to change a partial_apply into an apply.
// TODO: Maybe just call the function directly instead of moving the
// partial apply?
SILValue Arg = ApplyCallee->getArgument(ClosureIndex.getValue());
if (std::none_of(Arg->use_begin(), Arg->use_end(),
[&Arg](Operand *Op) -> bool {
auto UserAI = FullApplySite::isa(Op->getUser());
return UserAI && UserAI.getCallee() == Arg;
})) {
unsigned firstParamArgIdx =
assert(ClosureIndex.getValue() >= firstParamArgIdx);
auto ClosureParamIndex = ClosureIndex.getValue() - firstParamArgIdx;
auto ParamInfo = AI.getSubstCalleeType()->getParameters();
SILParameterInfo ClosureParamInfo = ParamInfo[ClosureParamIndex];
// Get all non-failure exit BBs in the Apply Callee if our partial apply
// is guaranteed. If we do not understand one of the exit BBs, bail.
// We need this to make sure that we insert a release in the appropriate
// locations to balance the +1 from the creation of the partial apply.
// However, thin_to_thick_function closures don't have a context and
// don't need to be released.
llvm::TinyPtrVector<SILBasicBlock *> NonFailureExitBBs;
if (ClosureParamInfo.isGuaranteed() &&
!isa<ThinToThickFunctionInst>(ClosureInst) &&
!findAllNonFailureExitBBs(ApplyCallee, NonFailureExitBBs)) {
// Compute the final release points of the closure. We will insert
// release of the captured arguments here.
if (!CInfo)
CInfo = new ClosureInfo(ClosureInst);
// Now we know that CSDesc is profitable to specialize. Add it to our
// call site list.
CallSiteDescriptor(CInfo, AI, ClosureIndex.getValue(),
ClosureParamInfo, std::move(NonFailureExitBBs)));
if (CInfo) {
ValueLifetimeAnalysis VLA(CInfo->Closure, UsePoints);
bool SILClosureSpecializerTransform::specialize(SILFunction *Caller,
std::vector<SingleValueInstruction *> &PropagatedClosures) {
DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Optimizing callsites that take closure argument in "
<< Caller->getName() << '\n');
// Collect all of the PartialApplyInsts that are used as arguments to
// ApplyInsts. Check the profitability of specializing the closure argument.
llvm::SmallVector<ClosureInfo*, 8> ClosureCandidates;
llvm::DenseSet<FullApplySite> MultipleClosureAI;
gatherCallSites(Caller, ClosureCandidates, MultipleClosureAI);
bool Changed = false;
for (auto *CInfo : ClosureCandidates) {
for (auto &CSDesc : CInfo->CallSites) {
// Do not specialize apply insts that take in multiple closures. This pass
// does not know how to do this yet.
if (MultipleClosureAI.count(CSDesc.getApplyInst()))
auto NewFName = CSDesc.createName();
DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Perform optimizations with new name "
<< NewFName << '\n');
// Then see if we already have a specialized version of this function in
// our module.
SILFunction *NewF = CInfo->Closure->getModule().lookUpFunction(NewFName);
// If not, create a specialized version of ApplyCallee calling the closure
// directly.
if (!NewF) {
NewF = ClosureSpecCloner::cloneFunction(CSDesc, NewFName);
notifyAddFunction(NewF, CSDesc.getApplyCallee());
// Rewrite the call
rewriteApplyInst(CSDesc, NewF);
Changed = true;
delete CInfo;
return Changed;
} // end anonymous namespace
SILTransform *swift::createClosureSpecializer() {
return new SILClosureSpecializerTransform();