blob: 526c62151bc1d70728906b9e769b1d2d29aceb6a [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-module -parse-stdlib -o %t -module-name someModule -module-link-name module %S/../Inputs/empty.swift
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-ir -lmagic %s -I %t > %t/out.txt
// RUN: %FileCheck %s < %t/out.txt
// RUN: %FileCheck -check-prefix=NO-FORCE-LOAD %s < %t/out.txt
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t/someModule.framework/Modules/someModule.swiftmodule)
// RUN: mv %t/someModule.swiftmodule %t/someModule.framework/Modules/someModule.swiftmodule/%target-swiftmodule-name
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-ir -lmagic %s -F %t > %t/framework.txt
// RUN: %FileCheck -check-prefix=FRAMEWORK %s < %t/framework.txt
// RUN: %FileCheck -check-prefix=NO-FORCE-LOAD %s < %t/framework.txt
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-module -parse-stdlib -o %t -module-name someModule -module-link-name module %S/../Inputs/empty.swift -autolink-force-load
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-ir -lmagic %s -I %t > %t/force-load.txt
// RUN: %FileCheck %s < %t/force-load.txt
// RUN: %FileCheck -check-prefix=FORCE-LOAD-CLIENT %s < %t/force-load.txt
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-ir -parse-stdlib -module-name someModule -module-link-name module %S/../Inputs/empty.swift | %FileCheck --check-prefix=NO-FORCE-LOAD %s
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-ir -parse-stdlib -module-name someModule -module-link-name module %S/../Inputs/empty.swift -autolink-force-load | %FileCheck --check-prefix=FORCE-LOAD %s
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-ir -parse-stdlib -module-name someModule -module-link-name 0module %S/../Inputs/empty.swift -autolink-force-load | %FileCheck --check-prefix=FORCE-LOAD-HEX %s
// Linux uses a different autolinking mechanism, based on
// swift-autolink-extract. This file tests the Darwin mechanism.
// UNSUPPORTED: OS=linux-gnu
// UNSUPPORTED: OS=linux-gnueabihf
// UNSUPPORTED: OS=freebsd
// UNSUPPORTED: OS=linux-androideabi
import someModule
// CHECK: !llvm.linker.options = !{
// CHECK-DAG: !{{[0-9]+}} = !{!"-lmagic"}
// CHECK-DAG: !{{[0-9]+}} = !{!"-lmodule"}
// FRAMEWORK: !llvm.linker.options = !{
// FRAMEWORK-DAG: !{{[0-9]+}} = !{!"-lmagic"}
// FRAMEWORK-DAG: !{{[0-9]+}} = !{!"-lmodule"}
// FRAMEWORK-DAG: !{{[0-9]+}} = !{!"-framework", !"someModule"}
// FORCE-LOAD: @"_swift_FORCE_LOAD_$_module" = common global i1 false
// FORCE-LOAD-HEX: @"_swift_FORCE_LOAD_$306d6f64756c65" = common global i1 false
// FORCE-LOAD-CLIENT: @"_swift_FORCE_LOAD_$_module" = external global i1
// FORCE-LOAD-CLIENT: @"_swift_FORCE_LOAD_$_module_$_autolinking" = weak hidden constant i1* @"_swift_FORCE_LOAD_$_module"
// FORCE-LOAD-CLIENT: @llvm.used = appending global [{{[0-9]+}} x i8*] [
// FORCE-LOAD-CLIENT: i8* bitcast (i1** @"_swift_FORCE_LOAD_$_module_$_autolinking" to i8*)
// FORCE-LOAD-CLIENT: ], section "llvm.metadata"