blob: f8b55f2be3d21fee11bc4922ceab1a72795aed0f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// RUN: rm -rf %t
// RUN: mkdir -p %t
// RUN: %target-clang %S/Inputs/FoundationBridge/FoundationBridge.m -c -o %t/FoundationBridgeObjC.o -g
// RUN: %target-build-swift %s -I %S/Inputs/FoundationBridge/ -Xlinker %t/FoundationBridgeObjC.o -o %t/TestDecimal
// RUN: %target-run %t/TestDecimal > %t.txt
// REQUIRES: executable_test
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
import Foundation
import FoundationBridgeObjC
import XCTest
class TestDecimalSuper : XCTestCase { }
import StdlibUnittest
class TestDecimalSuper { }
class TestDecimal : TestDecimalSuper {
func test_AdditionWithNormalization() {
let biggie = Decimal(65536)
let smallee = Decimal(65536)
let answer = biggie/smallee
var one = Decimal(1)
var addend = Decimal(1)
var expected = Decimal()
var result = Decimal()
expected._isNegative = 0;
expected._isCompact = 0;
// 2 digits -- certain to work
addend._exponent = -1;
expectEqual(.noError, NSDecimalAdd(&result, &one, &addend, .plain), "1 + 0.1")
expected._exponent = -1;
expected._length = 1;
expected._mantissa.0 = 11;
expectEqual(.orderedSame, NSDecimalCompare(&expected, &result), "1.1 == 1 + 0.1")
// 38 digits -- guaranteed by NSDecimal to work
addend._exponent = -37;
expectEqual(.noError, NSDecimalAdd(&result, &one, &addend, .plain), "1 + 1e-37")
expected._exponent = -37;
expected._length = 8;
expected._mantissa.0 = 0x0001;
expected._mantissa.1 = 0x0000;
expected._mantissa.2 = 0x36a0;
expected._mantissa.3 = 0x00f4;
expected._mantissa.4 = 0x46d9;
expected._mantissa.5 = 0xd5da;
expected._mantissa.6 = 0xee10;
expected._mantissa.7 = 0x0785;
expectEqual(.orderedSame, NSDecimalCompare(&expected, &result), "1 + 1e-37")
// 39 digits -- not guaranteed to work but it happens to, so we make the test work either way
addend._exponent = -38;
let error = NSDecimalAdd(&result, &one, &addend, .plain)
expectTrue(error == .noError || error == .lossOfPrecision, "1 + 1e-38")
if error == .noError {
expected._exponent = -38;
expected._length = 8;
expected._mantissa.0 = 0x0001;
expected._mantissa.1 = 0x0000;
expected._mantissa.2 = 0x2240;
expected._mantissa.3 = 0x098a;
expected._mantissa.4 = 0xc47a;
expected._mantissa.5 = 0x5a86;
expected._mantissa.6 = 0x4ca8;
expected._mantissa.7 = 0x4b3b;
expectEqual(.orderedSame, NSDecimalCompare(&expected, &result), "1 + 1e-38")
} else {
expectEqual(.orderedSame, NSDecimalCompare(&one, &result), "1 + 1e-38")
// 40 digits -- doesn't work; need to make sure it's rounding for us
addend._exponent = -39;
expectEqual(.lossOfPrecision, NSDecimalAdd(&result, &one, &addend, .plain), "1 + 1e-39")
expectEqual("1", result.description)
expectEqual(.orderedSame, NSDecimalCompare(&one, &result), "1 + 1e-39")
func test_BasicConstruction() {
let zero = Decimal()
expectEqual(20, MemoryLayout<Decimal>.size)
expectEqual(0, zero._exponent)
expectEqual(0, zero._length)
expectEqual(0, zero._isNegative)
expectEqual(0, zero._isCompact)
expectEqual(0, zero._reserved)
let (m0, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7) = zero._mantissa
expectEqual(0, m0)
expectEqual(0, m1)
expectEqual(0, m2)
expectEqual(0, m3)
expectEqual(0, m4)
expectEqual(0, m5)
expectEqual(0, m6)
expectEqual(0, m7)
expectEqual(8, NSDecimalMaxSize)
expectEqual(32767, NSDecimalNoScale)
func test_Constants() {
expectEqual(8, NSDecimalMaxSize)
expectEqual(32767, NSDecimalNoScale)
let smallest = Decimal(_exponent: 127, _length: 8, _isNegative: 1, _isCompact: 1, _reserved: 0, _mantissa: (UInt16.max, UInt16.max, UInt16.max, UInt16.max, UInt16.max, UInt16.max, UInt16.max, UInt16.max))
expectEqual(smallest, Decimal.leastFiniteMagnitude)
let biggest = Decimal(_exponent: 127, _length: 8, _isNegative: 0, _isCompact: 1, _reserved: 0, _mantissa: (UInt16.max, UInt16.max, UInt16.max, UInt16.max, UInt16.max, UInt16.max, UInt16.max, UInt16.max))
expectEqual(biggest, Decimal.greatestFiniteMagnitude)
let leastNormal = Decimal(_exponent: -127, _length: 1, _isNegative: 0, _isCompact: 1, _reserved: 0, _mantissa: (1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
expectEqual(leastNormal, Decimal.leastNormalMagnitude)
let leastNonzero = Decimal(_exponent: -127, _length: 1, _isNegative: 0, _isCompact: 1, _reserved: 0, _mantissa: (1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
expectEqual(leastNonzero, Decimal.leastNonzeroMagnitude)
let pi = Decimal(_exponent: -38, _length: 8, _isNegative: 0, _isCompact: 1, _reserved: 0, _mantissa: (0x6623, 0x7d57, 0x16e7, 0xad0d, 0xaf52, 0x4641, 0xdfa7, 0xec58))
expectEqual(pi, Decimal.pi)
expectEqual(10, Decimal.radix)
expectEqual(.quietNaN, Decimal.nan.floatingPointClass)
expectEqual(.positiveZero, Decimal().floatingPointClass)
expectEqual(.negativeNormal, smallest.floatingPointClass)
expectEqual(.positiveNormal, biggest.floatingPointClass)
func test_Description() {
expectEqual("0", Decimal().description)
expectEqual("0", Decimal(0).description)
expectEqual("10", Decimal(_exponent: 1, _length: 1, _isNegative: 0, _isCompact: 1, _reserved: 0, _mantissa: (1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)).description)
expectEqual("10", Decimal(10).description)
expectEqual("123.458", Decimal(_exponent: -3, _length: 2, _isNegative: 0, _isCompact:1, _reserved: 0, _mantissa: (57922, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)).description)
expectEqual("123.458", Decimal(123.458).description)
expectEqual("123", Decimal(UInt8(123)).description)
expectEqual("45", Decimal(Int8(45)).description)
expectEqual("3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419", Decimal.pi.description)
expectEqual("-30000000000", Decimal(sign: .minus, exponent: 10, significand: Decimal(3)).description)
expectEqual("300000", Decimal(sign: .plus, exponent: 5, significand: Decimal(3)).description)
expectEqual("5", Decimal(signOf: Decimal(3), magnitudeOf: Decimal(5)).description)
expectEqual("-5", Decimal(signOf: Decimal(-3), magnitudeOf: Decimal(5)).description)
expectEqual("5", Decimal(signOf: Decimal(3), magnitudeOf: Decimal(-5)).description)
expectEqual("-5", Decimal(signOf: Decimal(-3), magnitudeOf: Decimal(-5)).description)
func test_ExplicitConstruction() {
var explicit = Decimal(
_exponent: 0x17f,
_length: 0xff,
_isNegative: 3,
_isCompact: 4,
_reserved: UInt32(1<<18 + 1<<17 + 1),
_mantissa: (6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13)
expectEqual(0x7f, explicit._exponent)
expectEqual(0x7f, explicit.exponent)
expectEqual(0x0f, explicit._length)
expectEqual(1, explicit._isNegative)
expectEqual(FloatingPointSign.minus, explicit.sign)
expectEqual(0, explicit._isCompact)
expectEqual(UInt32(1<<17 + 1), explicit._reserved)
let (m0, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7) = explicit._mantissa
expectEqual(6, m0)
expectEqual(7, m1)
expectEqual(8, m2)
expectEqual(9, m3)
expectEqual(10, m4)
expectEqual(11, m5)
expectEqual(12, m6)
expectEqual(13, m7)
explicit._isCompact = 5
explicit._isNegative = 6
expectEqual(0, explicit._isNegative)
expectEqual(1, explicit._isCompact)
expectEqual(, explicit.sign)
let significand = explicit.significand
expectEqual(0, significand._exponent)
expectEqual(0, significand.exponent)
expectEqual(0x0f, significand._length)
expectEqual(0, significand._isNegative)
expectEqual(1, significand._isCompact)
expectEqual(0, significand._reserved)
let (sm0, sm1, sm2, sm3, sm4, sm5, sm6, sm7) = significand._mantissa
expectEqual(6, sm0)
expectEqual(7, sm1)
expectEqual(8, sm2)
expectEqual(9, sm3)
expectEqual(10, sm4)
expectEqual(11, sm5)
expectEqual(12, sm6)
expectEqual(13, sm7)
let ulp = explicit.ulp
expectEqual(0x7f, ulp.exponent)
expectEqual(8, ulp._length)
expectEqual(0, ulp._isNegative)
expectEqual(1, ulp._isCompact)
expectEqual(0, ulp._reserved)
expectEqual(1, ulp._mantissa.0)
expectEqual(0, ulp._mantissa.1)
expectEqual(0, ulp._mantissa.2)
expectEqual(0, ulp._mantissa.3)
expectEqual(0, ulp._mantissa.4)
expectEqual(0, ulp._mantissa.5)
expectEqual(0, ulp._mantissa.6)
expectEqual(0, ulp._mantissa.7)
func test_Maths() {
for i in -2...10 {
for j in 0...5 {
expectEqual(Decimal(i*j), Decimal(i) * Decimal(j), "\(Decimal(i*j)) == \(i) * \(j)")
expectEqual(Decimal(i+j), Decimal(i) + Decimal(j), "\(Decimal(i+j)) == \(i)+\(j)")
expectEqual(Decimal(i-j), Decimal(i) - Decimal(j), "\(Decimal(i-j)) == \(i)-\(j)")
if j != 0 {
let approximation = Decimal(Double(i)/Double(j))
let answer = Decimal(i) / Decimal(j)
let answerDescription = answer.description
let approximationDescription = approximation.description
var failed: Bool = false
var count = 0
let SIG_FIG = 14
for (a, b) in zip(answerDescription.characters, approximationDescription.characters) {
if a != b {
failed = true
if count == 0 && (a == "-" || a == "0" || a == ".") {
continue // don't count these as significant figures
if count >= SIG_FIG {
count += 1
expectFalse(failed, "\(Decimal(i/j)) == \(i)/\(j)")
func test_Misc() {
expectEqual(.minus, Decimal(-5.2).sign)
expectEqual(.plus, Decimal(5.2).sign)
var d = Decimal(5.2)
expectEqual(.plus, d.sign)
expectEqual(.minus, d.sign)
expectEqual(.plus, d.sign)
var e = Decimal(0)
expectEqual(e, 0)
expectTrue(Decimal(3.5).isEqual(to: Decimal(3.5)))
expectTrue(Decimal.nan.isEqual(to: Decimal.nan))
expectTrue(Decimal(1.28).isLess(than: Decimal(2.24)))
expectFalse(Decimal(2.28).isLess(than: Decimal(2.24)))
expectTrue(Decimal(1.28).isTotallyOrdered(belowOrEqualTo: Decimal(2.24)))
expectFalse(Decimal(2.28).isTotallyOrdered(belowOrEqualTo: Decimal(2.24)))
expectTrue(Decimal(1.2).isTotallyOrdered(belowOrEqualTo: Decimal(1.2)))
expectTrue(Decimal.nan.isEqual(to: Decimal.nan))
expectTrue(Decimal.nan.isLess(than: Decimal(0)))
expectFalse(Decimal.nan.isLess(than: Decimal.nan))
expectFalse(Decimal.nan.isTotallyOrdered(belowOrEqualTo: Decimal.nan))
expectFalse(Decimal.nan.isTotallyOrdered(belowOrEqualTo: Decimal(2.3)))
expectTrue(Decimal(2) < Decimal(3))
expectTrue(Decimal(3) > Decimal(2))
expectEqual(Decimal(-9), Decimal(1) - Decimal(10))
expectEqual(Decimal(3), Decimal(2).nextUp)
expectEqual(Decimal(2), Decimal(3).nextDown)
expectEqual(Decimal(-476), Decimal(1024).distance(to: Decimal(1500)))
expectEqual(Decimal(68040), Decimal(386).advanced(by: Decimal(67654)))
expectEqual(Decimal(1.234), abs(Decimal(1.234)))
expectEqual(Decimal(1.234), abs(Decimal(-1.234)))
var a = Decimal(1234)
expectEqual(.noError, NSDecimalMultiplyByPowerOf10(&a, &a, 1, .plain))
expectEqual(Decimal(12340), a)
a = Decimal(1234)
expectEqual(.noError, NSDecimalMultiplyByPowerOf10(&a, &a, 2, .plain))
expectEqual(Decimal(123400), a)
expectEqual(.overflow, NSDecimalMultiplyByPowerOf10(&a, &a, 128, .plain))
a = Decimal(1234)
expectEqual(.noError, NSDecimalMultiplyByPowerOf10(&a, &a, -2, .plain))
expectEqual(Decimal(12.34), a)
expectEqual(.underflow, NSDecimalMultiplyByPowerOf10(&a, &a, -128, .plain))
a = Decimal(1234)
expectEqual(.noError, NSDecimalPower(&a, &a, 0, .plain))
expectEqual(Decimal(1), a)
a = Decimal(8)
expectEqual(.noError, NSDecimalPower(&a, &a, 2, .plain))
expectEqual(Decimal(64), a)
a = Decimal(-2)
expectEqual(.noError, NSDecimalPower(&a, &a, 3, .plain))
expectEqual(Decimal(-8), a)
for i in -2...10 {
for j in 0...5 {
var actual = Decimal(i)
expectEqual(.noError, NSDecimalPower(&actual, &actual, j, .plain))
let expected = Decimal(pow(Double(i), Double(j)))
expectEqual(expected, actual, "\(actual) == \(i)^\(j)")
func test_MultiplicationOverflow() {
var multiplicand = Decimal(_exponent: 0, _length: 8, _isNegative: 0, _isCompact: 0, _reserved: 0, _mantissa: ( 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff ))
var result = Decimal()
var multiplier = Decimal(1)
multiplier._mantissa.0 = 2
expectEqual(.noError, NSDecimalMultiply(&result, &multiplicand, &multiplier, .plain), "2 * max mantissa")
expectEqual(.noError, NSDecimalMultiply(&result, &multiplier, &multiplicand, .plain), "max mantissa * 2")
multiplier._exponent = 0x7f
expectEqual(.overflow, NSDecimalMultiply(&result, &multiplicand, &multiplier, .plain), "2e127 * max mantissa")
expectEqual(.overflow, NSDecimalMultiply(&result, &multiplier, &multiplicand, .plain), "max mantissa * 2e127")
func test_NaNInput() {
var NaN = Decimal.nan
var one = Decimal(1)
var result = Decimal()
expectNotEqual(.noError, NSDecimalAdd(&result, &NaN, &one, .plain))
expectTrue(NSDecimalIsNotANumber(&result), "NaN + 1")
expectNotEqual(.noError, NSDecimalAdd(&result, &one, &NaN, .plain))
expectTrue(NSDecimalIsNotANumber(&result), "1 + NaN")
expectNotEqual(.noError, NSDecimalSubtract(&result, &NaN, &one, .plain))
expectTrue(NSDecimalIsNotANumber(&result), "NaN - 1")
expectNotEqual(.noError, NSDecimalSubtract(&result, &one, &NaN, .plain))
expectTrue(NSDecimalIsNotANumber(&result), "1 - NaN")
expectNotEqual(.noError, NSDecimalMultiply(&result, &NaN, &one, .plain))
expectTrue(NSDecimalIsNotANumber(&result), "NaN * 1")
expectNotEqual(.noError, NSDecimalMultiply(&result, &one, &NaN, .plain))
expectTrue(NSDecimalIsNotANumber(&result), "1 * NaN")
expectNotEqual(.noError, NSDecimalDivide(&result, &NaN, &one, .plain))
expectTrue(NSDecimalIsNotANumber(&result), "NaN / 1")
expectNotEqual(.noError, NSDecimalDivide(&result, &one, &NaN, .plain))
expectTrue(NSDecimalIsNotANumber(&result), "1 / NaN")
expectNotEqual(.noError, NSDecimalPower(&result, &NaN, 0, .plain))
expectTrue(NSDecimalIsNotANumber(&result), "NaN ^ 0")
expectNotEqual(.noError, NSDecimalPower(&result, &NaN, 4, .plain))
expectTrue(NSDecimalIsNotANumber(&result), "NaN ^ 4")
expectNotEqual(.noError, NSDecimalPower(&result, &NaN, 5, .plain))
expectTrue(NSDecimalIsNotANumber(&result), "NaN ^ 5")
expectNotEqual(.noError, NSDecimalMultiplyByPowerOf10(&result, &NaN, 0, .plain))
expectTrue(NSDecimalIsNotANumber(&result), "NaN e0")
expectNotEqual(.noError, NSDecimalMultiplyByPowerOf10(&result, &NaN, 4, .plain))
expectTrue(NSDecimalIsNotANumber(&result), "NaN e4")
expectNotEqual(.noError, NSDecimalMultiplyByPowerOf10(&result, &NaN, 5, .plain))
expectTrue(NSDecimalIsNotANumber(&result), "NaN e5")
func test_NegativeAndZeroMultiplication() {
var one = Decimal(1)
var zero = Decimal(0)
var negativeOne = Decimal(-1)
var result = Decimal()
expectEqual(.noError, NSDecimalMultiply(&result, &one, &one, .plain), "1 * 1")
expectEqual(.orderedSame, NSDecimalCompare(&one, &result), "1 * 1")
expectEqual(.noError, NSDecimalMultiply(&result, &one, &negativeOne, .plain), "1 * -1")
expectEqual(.orderedSame, NSDecimalCompare(&negativeOne, &result), "1 * -1")
expectEqual(.noError, NSDecimalMultiply(&result, &negativeOne, &one, .plain), "-1 * 1")
expectEqual(.orderedSame, NSDecimalCompare(&negativeOne, &result), "-1 * 1")
expectEqual(.noError, NSDecimalMultiply(&result, &negativeOne, &negativeOne, .plain), "-1 * -1")
expectEqual(.orderedSame, NSDecimalCompare(&one, &result), "-1 * -1")
expectEqual(.noError, NSDecimalMultiply(&result, &one, &zero, .plain), "1 * 0")
expectEqual(.orderedSame, NSDecimalCompare(&zero, &result), "1 * 0")
expectEqual(0, result._isNegative, "1 * 0")
expectEqual(.noError, NSDecimalMultiply(&result, &zero, &one, .plain), "0 * 1")
expectEqual(.orderedSame, NSDecimalCompare(&zero, &result), "0 * 1")
expectEqual(0, result._isNegative, "0 * 1")
expectEqual(.noError, NSDecimalMultiply(&result, &negativeOne, &zero, .plain), "-1 * 0")
expectEqual(.orderedSame, NSDecimalCompare(&zero, &result), "-1 * 0")
expectEqual(0, result._isNegative, "-1 * 0")
expectEqual(.noError, NSDecimalMultiply(&result, &zero, &negativeOne, .plain), "0 * -1")
expectEqual(.orderedSame, NSDecimalCompare(&zero, &result), "0 * -1")
expectEqual(0, result._isNegative, "0 * -1")
func test_Normalize() {
var one = Decimal(1)
var ten = Decimal(-10)
expectEqual(.noError, NSDecimalNormalize(&one, &ten, .plain))
expectEqual(Decimal(1), one)
expectEqual(Decimal(-10), ten)
expectEqual(1, one._length)
expectEqual(1, ten._length)
one = Decimal(1)
ten = Decimal(10)
expectEqual(.noError, NSDecimalNormalize(&one, &ten, .plain))
expectEqual(Decimal(1), one)
expectEqual(Decimal(10), ten)
expectEqual(1, one._length)
expectEqual(1, ten._length)
func test_NSDecimal() {
var nan = Decimal.nan
var zero = Decimal()
var three = Decimal(3)
var guess = Decimal()
NSDecimalCopy(&guess, &three)
expectEqual(three, guess)
var f = Decimal(_exponent: 0, _length: 2, _isNegative: 0, _isCompact: 0, _reserved: 0, _mantissa: (0x0000, 0x0001, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000))
let before = f.description
expectEqual(0, f._isCompact)
expectEqual(1, f._isCompact)
let after = f.description
expectEqual(before, after)
func test_RepeatingDivision() {
let repeatingNumerator = Decimal(16)
let repeatingDenominator = Decimal(9)
let repeating = repeatingNumerator / repeatingDenominator
let numerator = Decimal(1010)
var result = numerator / repeating
var expected = Decimal()
expected._exponent = -35;
expected._length = 8;
expected._isNegative = 0;
expected._isCompact = 1;
expected._reserved = 0;
expected._mantissa.0 = 51946;
expected._mantissa.1 = 3;
expected._mantissa.2 = 15549;
expected._mantissa.3 = 55864;
expected._mantissa.4 = 57984;
expected._mantissa.5 = 55436;
expected._mantissa.6 = 45186;
expected._mantissa.7 = 10941;
expectEqual(.orderedSame, NSDecimalCompare(&expected, &result), "568.12500000000000000000000000000248554: \(expected.description) != \(result.description)");
func test_Round() {
let testCases = [
// expected, start, scale, round
( 0, 0.5, 0, Decimal.RoundingMode.down ),
( 1, 0.5, 0, Decimal.RoundingMode.up ),
( 2, 2.5, 0, Decimal.RoundingMode.bankers ),
( 4, 3.5, 0, Decimal.RoundingMode.bankers ),
( 5, 5.2, 0, Decimal.RoundingMode.plain ),
( 4.5, 4.5, 1, Decimal.RoundingMode.down ),
( 5.5, 5.5, 1, Decimal.RoundingMode.up ),
( 6.5, 6.5, 1, Decimal.RoundingMode.plain ),
( 7.5, 7.5, 1, Decimal.RoundingMode.bankers ),
( -1, -0.5, 0, Decimal.RoundingMode.down ),
( -2, -2.5, 0, Decimal.RoundingMode.up ),
( -3, -2.5, 0, Decimal.RoundingMode.bankers ),
( -4, -3.5, 0, Decimal.RoundingMode.bankers ),
( -5, -5.2, 0, Decimal.RoundingMode.plain ),
( -4.5, -4.5, 1, Decimal.RoundingMode.down ),
( -5.5, -5.5, 1, Decimal.RoundingMode.up ),
( -6.5, -6.5, 1, Decimal.RoundingMode.plain ),
( -7.5, -7.5, 1, Decimal.RoundingMode.bankers ),
for testCase in testCases {
let (expected, start, scale, mode) = testCase
var num = Decimal(start)
NSDecimalRound(&num, &num, scale, mode)
expectEqual(Decimal(expected), num)
let numnum = NSDecimalNumber(decimal:Decimal(start))
let behavior = NSDecimalNumberHandler(roundingMode: mode, scale: Int16(scale), raiseOnExactness: false, raiseOnOverflow: true, raiseOnUnderflow: true, raiseOnDivideByZero: true)
let result = numnum.rounding(accordingToBehavior:behavior)
expectEqual(Double(expected), result.doubleValue)
func test_ScanDecimal() {
let testCases = [
// expected, value
( 123.456e78, "123.456e78" ),
( -123.456e78, "-123.456e78" ),
( 123.456, " 123.456 " ),
( 3.14159, " 3.14159e0" ),
( 3.14159, " 3.14159e-0" ),
( 0.314159, " 3.14159e-1" ),
( 3.14159, " 3.14159e+0" ),
( 31.4159, " 3.14159e+1" ),
( 12.34, " 01234e-02"),
for testCase in testCases {
let (expected, string) = testCase
let decimal = Decimal(string:string)!
let aboutOne = Decimal(expected) / decimal
let approximatelyRight = aboutOne >= Decimal(0.99999) && aboutOne <= Decimal(1.00001)
expectTrue(approximatelyRight, "\(expected) ~= \(decimal) : \(aboutOne) \(aboutOne >= Decimal(0.99999)) \(aboutOne <= Decimal(1.00001))" )
guard let ones = Decimal(string:"111111111111111111111111111111111111111") else {
expectUnreachable("Unable to parse Decimal(string:'111111111111111111111111111111111111111')")
let num = ones / Decimal(9)
guard let answer = Decimal(string:"12345679012345679012345679012345679012.3") else {
expectUnreachable("Unable to parse Decimal(string:'12345679012345679012345679012345679012.3')")
expectEqual(answer,num,"\(ones) / 9 = \(answer) \(num)")
func test_SimpleMultiplication() {
var multiplicand = Decimal()
multiplicand._isNegative = 0
multiplicand._isCompact = 0
multiplicand._length = 1
multiplicand._exponent = 1
var multiplier = multiplicand
multiplier._exponent = 2
var expected = multiplicand
expected._isNegative = 0
expected._isCompact = 0
expected._exponent = 3
expected._length = 1
var result = Decimal()
for i in 1..<UInt8.max {
multiplicand._mantissa.0 = UInt16(i)
for j in 1..<UInt8.max {
multiplier._mantissa.0 = UInt16(j)
expected._mantissa.0 = UInt16(i) * UInt16(j)
expectEqual(.noError, NSDecimalMultiply(&result, &multiplicand, &multiplier, .plain), "\(i) * \(j)")
expectEqual(.orderedSame, NSDecimalCompare(&expected, &result), "\(expected._mantissa.0) == \(i) * \(j)");
func test_unconditionallyBridgeFromObjectiveC() {
expectEqual(Decimal(), Decimal._unconditionallyBridgeFromObjectiveC(nil))
var DecimalTests = TestSuite("TestDecimal")
DecimalTests.test("test_AdditionWithNormalization") { TestDecimal().test_AdditionWithNormalization() }
DecimalTests.test("test_BasicConstruction") { TestDecimal().test_BasicConstruction() }
DecimalTests.test("test_Constants") { TestDecimal().test_Constants() }
DecimalTests.test("test_Description") { TestDecimal().test_Description() }
DecimalTests.test("test_ExplicitConstruction") { TestDecimal().test_ExplicitConstruction() }
DecimalTests.test("test_Maths") { TestDecimal().test_Maths() }
DecimalTests.test("test_Misc") { TestDecimal().test_Misc() }
DecimalTests.test("test_MultiplicationOverflow") { TestDecimal().test_MultiplicationOverflow() }
DecimalTests.test("test_NaNInput") { TestDecimal().test_NaNInput() }
DecimalTests.test("test_NegativeAndZeroMultiplication") { TestDecimal().test_NegativeAndZeroMultiplication() }
DecimalTests.test("test_Normalize") { TestDecimal().test_Normalize() }
DecimalTests.test("test_NSDecimal") { TestDecimal().test_NSDecimal() }
DecimalTests.test("test_RepeatingDivision") { TestDecimal().test_RepeatingDivision() }
DecimalTests.test("test_Round") { TestDecimal().test_Round() }
DecimalTests.test("test_ScanDecimal") { TestDecimal().test_ScanDecimal() }
DecimalTests.test("test_SimpleMultiplication") { TestDecimal().test_SimpleMultiplication() }
DecimalTests.test("test_unconditionallyBridgeFromObjectiveC") { TestDecimal().test_unconditionallyBridgeFromObjectiveC() }