blob: ec974f72f890d8b04c1fac79c8901adfb40c5c2f [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-run-simple-swift
// REQUIRES: executable_test
// Tests for error handling in standard library APIs.
import StdlibUnittest
var NoisyCount = 0
class Noisy {
init() { NoisyCount += 1 }
deinit { NoisyCount -= 1 }
enum SillyError : Error { case JazzHands }
var ErrorHandlingTests = TestSuite("ErrorHandling")
ErrorHandlingTests.test("ErrorHandling/withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer restores array on throw") {
var x = [1, 2, 3]
do {
// Check that the array buffer is restored when an error is thrown
// inside withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer
try x.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { p in
p[0] = 4
p[1] = 5
p[2] = 6
// FIXME: Seems to have recently regressed
// Buffer should be swapped out of the original array.
// expectEqual(x, [])
throw SillyError.JazzHands
} catch {}
// Mutated buffer should be restored to the array.
expectEqual(x, [4, 5, 6])
ErrorHandlingTests.test("ErrorHandling/withUnsafeBufferPointer extends lifetime") {
let initialCount = NoisyCount
do {
let x = [Noisy(), Noisy(), Noisy()]
let countBeforeWithUBP = NoisyCount
do {
// Don't use x anywhere in this test after this point.
try x.withUnsafeBufferPointer { p in
expectEqual(NoisyCount, countBeforeWithUBP)
throw SillyError.JazzHands
} catch {}
expectEqual(NoisyCount, initialCount)
ErrorHandlingTests.test("ErrorHandling/ and .flatMap") {
var x: Int? = 222
do {
let y: String? = try {(n: Int) -> String in
throw SillyError.JazzHands
return "\(n)"
} catch {}
do {
let y: String? = try x.flatMap {(n: Int) -> String? in
throw SillyError.JazzHands
return .some("\(n)")
} catch {}
ErrorHandlingTests.test("ErrorHandling/withCString extends lifetime") {
do {
let x = "ad astra per aspera"
do {
// Don't use x anywhere in this test after this point.
try x.withCString { p in
expectEqual(p[0], Int8(("a" as UnicodeScalar).value))
expectEqual(p[1], Int8(("d" as UnicodeScalar).value))
throw SillyError.JazzHands
} catch {}
// TODO: Some way to check string was deallocated?
ErrorHandlingTests.test("ErrorHandling/index(where:)") {
do {
let _: Int? = try [1, 2, 3].index {
throw SillyError.JazzHands
return $0 == $0
} catch {}
ErrorHandlingTests.test("ErrorHandling/split") {
do {
let _: [String.CharacterView] = try "foo".characters.split { _ in
throw SillyError.JazzHands
return false
} catch {}
do {
let _: [AnySequence<Character>]
= try AnySequence("foo".characters).split { _ in
throw SillyError.JazzHands
return false
} catch {}
ErrorHandlingTests.test("ErrorHandling/forEach") {
var loopCount = 0
do {
try [1, 2, 3].forEach {
loopCount += 1
if $0 == 2 {
throw SillyError.JazzHands
} catch {}
expectEqual(loopCount, 2)
ErrorHandlingTests.test("ErrorHandling/Optional flatMap") {
var loopCount = 0
do {
let _: [Int] = try [1, 2, 3].flatMap {
loopCount += 1
if $0 == 2 {
throw SillyError.JazzHands
return .some($0)
} catch {}
expectEqual(loopCount, 2)
ErrorHandlingTests.test("ErrorHandling/Array flatMap") {
var loopCount = 0
do {
let _: [Int] = try [1, 2, 3].flatMap {(x) -> [Int] in
loopCount += 1
if x == 2 {
throw SillyError.JazzHands
return Array(repeating: x, count: x)
} catch {}
expectEqual(loopCount, 2)
ErrorHandlingTests.test("ErrorHandling/min") {
do {
let _: Int? = try [1, 2, 3].min { _, _ in
throw SillyError.JazzHands
return false
} catch {}
do {
let _: Int? = try [1, 2, 3].max { _, _ in
throw SillyError.JazzHands
return false
} catch {}
ErrorHandlingTests.test("ErrorHandling/starts(with:)") {
do {
let x: Bool = try [1, 2, 3].starts(with: [1, 2]) { _, _ in
throw SillyError.JazzHands
return false
} catch {}
ErrorHandlingTests.test("ErrorHandling/elementsEqual") {
do {
let x: Bool = try [1, 2, 3].elementsEqual([1, 2, 3]) { _, _ in
throw SillyError.JazzHands
return false
} catch {}
ErrorHandlingTests.test("ErrorHandling/lexicographicallyPrecedes(_:)") {
do {
let x: Bool = try [1, 2, 3].lexicographicallyPrecedes([0, 2, 3]) { _, _ in
throw SillyError.JazzHands
return false
} catch {}
ErrorHandlingTests.test("ErrorHandling/contains") {
do {
let x: Bool = try [1, 2, 3].contains { _ in
throw SillyError.JazzHands
return false
} catch {}
ErrorHandlingTests.test("ErrorHandling/reduce") {
var loopCount = 0
do {
let x: Int = try [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].reduce(0) {
(x: Int, y: Int) -> Int
loopCount += 1
var total = x + y
if total > 5 {
throw SillyError.JazzHands
return total
} catch {}
expectEqual(loopCount, 3)
func explosiveBoolean() throws -> Bool {
throw SillyError.JazzHands
func explosiveInt() throws -> Int {
throw SillyError.JazzHands
ErrorHandlingTests.test("ErrorHandling/operators") {
do {
if try true && explosiveBoolean() {
} catch {}
do {
if try false || explosiveBoolean() {
} catch {}
do {
if try nil ?? explosiveInt() == 0 {
} catch {}
ErrorHandlingTests.test("ErrorHandling/Sequence map") {
let initialCount = NoisyCount
let sequence = AnySequence([1, 2, 3])
for throwAtCount in 0...3 {
var loopCount = 0
do {
let result: [Noisy] = try { _ in
if loopCount == throwAtCount {
throw SillyError.JazzHands
loopCount += 1
return Noisy()
expectEqual(NoisyCount, initialCount + 3)
expectEqual(result.count, 3)
} catch {}
expectEqual(NoisyCount, initialCount)
ErrorHandlingTests.test("ErrorHandling/Sequence filter") {
let initialCount = NoisyCount
for condition in [true, false] {
for throwAtCount in 0...3 {
let sequence = [Noisy(), Noisy(), Noisy()]
var loopCount = 0
do {
let result: [Noisy] = try sequence.filter { _ in
if loopCount == throwAtCount {
throw SillyError.JazzHands
loopCount += 1
return condition
expectEqual(NoisyCount, initialCount + sequence.count)
expectEqual(result.count, condition ? 3 : 0)
} catch {}
expectEqual(NoisyCount, initialCount)
ErrorHandlingTests.test("ErrorHandling/Collection map") {
let initialCount = NoisyCount
let collection = [1, 2, 3]
for throwAtCount in 0...3 {
var loopCount = 0
do {
let result: [Noisy] = try { _ in
if loopCount == throwAtCount {
throw SillyError.JazzHands
loopCount += 1
return Noisy()
expectEqual(NoisyCount, initialCount + 3)
expectEqual(result.count, 3)
} catch {}
expectEqual(NoisyCount, initialCount)
ErrorHandlingTests.test("ErrorHandling/sort") {
var collection = Array(1...5)
forAllPermutations(collection) { sequence in
for i in 0..<sequence.count {
var s = sequence
let throwElment = sequence[i]
do {
try s.sort { (a, b) throws -> Bool in
if b == throwElment {
throw SillyError.JazzHands
return a < b
} catch {}
//Check no element should lost and added
expectEqualsUnordered(collection, s)
ErrorHandlingTests.test("ErrorHandling/sorted") {
var collection = Array(1...5)
forAllPermutations(collection) { sequence in
for i in 0..<sequence.count {
var s = sequence
var thrown = false
let throwElment = sequence[i]
var result: [Int] = []
do {
result = try s.sorted { (a, b) throws -> Bool in
if b == throwElment {
thrown = true
throw SillyError.JazzHands
return a < b
} catch {}
//Check actual sequence should not mutate
expectEqualSequence(sequence, s)
if thrown {
//Check result should be empty when thrown
expectEqualSequence([], result)
} else {
//Check result should be sorted when not thrown
expectEqualSequence(collection, result)
ErrorHandlingTests.test("ErrorHandling/sort") {
var collection = Array(1...5)
forAllPermutations(collection) { sequence in
for i in 0..<sequence.count {
var s = sequence
let throwElment = sequence[i]
do {
try s.sort { (a, b) throws -> Bool in
if b == throwElment {
throw SillyError.JazzHands
return a < b
} catch {}
//Check no element should lost and added
expectEqualsUnordered(collection, s)
ErrorHandlingTests.test("ErrorHandling/sorted") {
var collection = Array(1...5)
forAllPermutations(collection) { sequence in
for i in 0..<sequence.count {
var s = sequence
var thrown = false
let throwElment = sequence[i]
var result: [Int] = []
do {
result = try s.sorted { (a, b) throws -> Bool in
if b == throwElment {
thrown = true
throw SillyError.JazzHands
return a < b
} catch {}
//Check actual sequence should not mutate
expectEqualSequence(sequence, s)
if thrown {
//Check result should be empty when thrown
expectEqualSequence([], result)
} else {
//Check result should be sorted when not thrown
expectEqualSequence(collection, result)