blob: 66960e39a5ee9dcab600185e2002c02db5d69bfa [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
enum MSV : Error {
case Foo, Bar, Baz
case CarriesInt(Int)
var domain: String { return "" }
var code: Int { return 0 }
func opaque_error() -> Error { return MSV.Foo }
func one() {
do {
true ? () : throw opaque_error() // expected-error {{expected expression after '? ... :' in ternary expression}}
} catch _ {
do {
} catch { // expected-warning {{'catch' block is unreachable because no errors are thrown in 'do' block}}
let error2 = error
do {
} catch where true { // expected-warning {{'catch' block is unreachable because no errors are thrown in 'do' block}}
let error2 = error
} catch {
// <rdar://problem/20985280> QoI: improve diagnostic on improper pattern match on type
do {
throw opaque_error()
} catch MSV { // expected-error {{'is' keyword required to pattern match against type name}} {{11-11=is }}
} catch {
do {
throw opaque_error()
} catch is Error { // expected-warning {{'is' test is always true}}
func foo() throws {}
do {
#if false
try foo()
} catch { // don't warn, #if code should be scanned.
do {
#if false
throw opaque_error()
} catch { // don't warn, #if code should be scanned.
func takesAutoclosure(_ fn : @autoclosure () -> Int) {}
func takesThrowingAutoclosure(_ fn : @autoclosure () throws -> Int) {}
func genError() throws -> Int { throw MSV.Foo }
func genNoError() -> Int { return 0 }
func testAutoclosures() throws {
takesAutoclosure(genError()) // expected-error {{call can throw, but it is not marked with 'try' and it is executed in a non-throwing autoclosure}}
try takesAutoclosure(genError()) // expected-error {{call can throw, but it is executed in a non-throwing autoclosure}}
try takesAutoclosure(genNoError()) // expected-warning {{no calls to throwing functions occur within 'try' expression}}
takesAutoclosure(try genError()) // expected-error {{call can throw, but it is executed in a non-throwing autoclosure}}
takesAutoclosure(try genNoError()) // expected-warning {{no calls to throwing functions occur within 'try' expression}}
takesThrowingAutoclosure(try genError())
takesThrowingAutoclosure(try genNoError()) // expected-warning {{no calls to throwing functions occur within 'try' expression}}
try takesThrowingAutoclosure(genError())
try takesThrowingAutoclosure(genNoError()) // expected-warning {{no calls to throwing functions occur within 'try' expression}}
takesThrowingAutoclosure(genError()) // expected-error {{call can throw but is not marked with 'try'}}
struct IllegalContext {
var x: Int = genError() // expected-error {{call can throw, but errors cannot be thrown out of a property initializer}}
func foo(_ x: Int = genError()) {} // expected-error {{call can throw, but errors cannot be thrown out of a default argument}}
func catcher() throws {
do {
_ = try genError()
} catch MSV.CarriesInt(genError()) { // expected-error {{call can throw, but errors cannot be thrown out of a catch pattern}}
} catch MSV.CarriesInt(let i) where i == genError() { // expected-error {{call can throw, but errors cannot be thrown out of a catch guard expression}}
func illformed() throws {
do {
_ = try genError()
// TODO: this recovery is terrible
} catch MSV.CarriesInt(let i) where i == genError()) { // expected-error {{call can throw, but errors cannot be thrown out of a catch guard expression}} expected-error {{expected '{'}} expected-error {{closure expression is unused}} expected-note {{did you mean to use a 'do' statement?}} {{58-58=do }}
func postThrows() -> Int throws { // expected-error{{'throws' may only occur before '->'}}{{19-19=throws }}{{25-32=}}
return 5
func postThrows2() -> throws Int { // expected-error{{'throws' may only occur before '->'}}{{20-22=throws}}{{23-29=->}}
return try postThrows()
func postRethrows(_ f: () throws -> Int) -> Int rethrows { // expected-error{{'rethrows' may only occur before '->'}}{{42-42=rethrows }}{{48-57=}}
return try f()
func postRethrows2(_ f: () throws -> Int) -> rethrows Int { // expected-error{{'rethrows' may only occur before '->'}}{{43-45=rethrows}}{{46-54=->}}
return try f()
func incompleteThrowType() {
// FIXME: Bad recovery for incomplete function type.
let _: () throws
// expected-error @-1 {{consecutive statements on a line must be separated by ';'}}
// expected-error @-2 {{expected expression}}
// rdar://21328447
func fixitThrow0() throw {} // expected-error{{expected throwing specifier; did you mean 'throws'?}} {{20-25=throws}}
func fixitThrow1() throw -> Int {} // expected-error{{expected throwing specifier; did you mean 'throws'?}} {{20-25=throws}}
func fixitThrow2() throws {
var _: (Int)
throw MSV.Foo
var _: (Int) throw -> Int // expected-error{{expected throwing specifier; did you mean 'throws'?}} {{16-21=throws}}