blob: fdd1bc9f540a73c1003a838435d71375116c2c68 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
protocol Fooable { func foo() }
protocol Barable { func bar() }
extension Int : Fooable, Barable {
func foo() {}
func bar() {}
extension Float32 : Barable {
func bar() {}
func f0(_: Barable) {}
func f1(_ x: Fooable & Barable) {}
func f2(_: Float) {}
let nilFunc: Optional<(Barable) -> ()> = nil
func g(_: (Barable & Fooable) -> ()) {}
protocol Classable : AnyObject {}
class SomeArbitraryClass {}
func fc0(_: Classable) {}
func fc1(_: Fooable & Classable) {}
func fc2(_: AnyObject) {}
func fc3(_: SomeArbitraryClass) {}
func gc(_: (Classable & Fooable) -> ()) {}
var i : Int
var f : Float
var b : Barable
// Conversion to and among existential types
f1(f) // expected-error{{argument type 'Float' does not conform to expected type 'Barable & Fooable'}}
f1(b) // expected-error{{argument type 'Barable' does not conform to expected type 'Barable & Fooable'}}
// Subtyping
g(f0) // okay (subtype)
g(f1) // okay (exact match)
g(f2) // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type '(Float) -> ()' to expected argument type '(Barable & Fooable) -> ()'}}
// FIXME: Workaround for ?? not playing nice with function types.
infix operator ??*
func ??*<T>(lhs: T?, rhs: T) -> T { return lhs ?? rhs }
g(nilFunc ??* f0)
gc(fc0) // okay
gc(fc1) // okay
gc(fc2) // okay
gc(fc3) // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type '(SomeArbitraryClass) -> ()' to expected argument type '(Classable & Fooable) -> ()'}}
// rdar://problem/19600325
func getAnyObject() -> AnyObject? {
return SomeArbitraryClass()
func castToClass(_ object: Any) -> SomeArbitraryClass? {
return object as? SomeArbitraryClass
_ = getAnyObject().map(castToClass)
_ = { (_: Any) -> Void in
} as ((Int) -> Void)
let _: (Int) -> Void = {
(_: Any) -> Void in
let _: () -> Any = {
() -> Int in
return 0
let _: () -> Int = {
() -> String in // expected-error {{declared closure result 'String' is incompatible with contextual type 'Int'}}
return ""
// Members of archetypes
func id<T>(_ t: T) -> T { return t }
protocol Initable {
protocol P : Initable {
func bar(_ x: Int)
mutating func mut(_ x: Int)
static func tum()
protocol ClassP : class {
func bas(_ x: Int)
func quux(_ x: Int)
class ClassC : ClassP {
func bas(_ x: Int) {}
extension ClassP {
func quux(_ x: Int) {}
func bing(_ x: Int) {}
func generic<T: P>(_ t: T) {
var t = t
// Instance member of archetype
let _: (Int) -> () = id(
let _: () = id(
// Static member of archetype metatype
let _: () -> () = id(T.tum)
// Instance member of archetype metatype
let _: (T) -> (Int) -> () = id(
let _: (Int) -> () = id(
_ = t.mut // expected-error{{partial application of 'mutating' method is not allowed}}
_ = t.tum // expected-error{{static member 'tum' cannot be used on instance of type 'T'}}
func genericClassP<T: ClassP>(_ t: T) {
// Instance member of archetype)
let _: (Int) -> () = id(t.bas)
let _: () = id(t.bas(0))
// Instance member of archetype metatype)
let _: (T) -> (Int) -> () = id(T.bas)
let _: (Int) -> () = id(T.bas(t))
let _: () = id(T.bas(t)(1))
func genericClassC<C : ClassC>(_ c: C) {
// Make sure that we can find members of protocol extensions
// on a class-bound archetype
let _ = c.bas(123)
let _ = c.quux(123)
let _ =
// Members of existentials
func existential(_ p: P) {
var p = p
// Fully applied mutating method
_ = p.mut // expected-error{{partial application of 'mutating' method is not allowed}}
// Instance member of existential)
let _: (Int) -> () = id(
let _: () = id(
// Static member of existential metatype)
let _: () -> () = id(type(of: p).tum)
func staticExistential(_ p: P.Type, pp: P.Protocol) {
let _ = p() // expected-error{{initializing from a metatype value must reference 'init' explicitly}}
let _ = p().bar // expected-error{{initializing from a metatype value must reference 'init' explicitly}}
let _ = p().bar(1) // expected-error{{initializing from a metatype value must reference 'init' explicitly}}
let ppp: P = p.init()
_ = pp() // expected-error{{value of type 'P.Protocol' is a protocol; it cannot be instantiated}}
_ = pp().bar // expected-error{{value of type 'P.Protocol' is a protocol; it cannot be instantiated}}
_ = pp().bar(2) // expected-error{{value of type 'P.Protocol' is a protocol; it cannot be instantiated}}
_ = pp.init() // expected-error{{value of type 'P.Protocol' is a protocol; it cannot be instantiated}}
_ = pp.init().bar // expected-error{{value of type 'P.Protocol' is a protocol; it cannot be instantiated}}
_ = pp.init().bar(3) // expected-error{{value of type 'P.Protocol' is a protocol; it cannot be instantiated}}
_ = P() // expected-error{{protocol type 'P' cannot be instantiated}}
_ = P().bar // expected-error{{protocol type 'P' cannot be instantiated}}
_ = P().bar(4) // expected-error{{protocol type 'P' cannot be instantiated}}
// Instance member of metatype
let _: (P) -> (Int) -> () =
let _: (Int) -> () =
// Instance member of metatype value
let _: (P) -> (Int) -> () =
let _: (Int) -> () =
// Static member of existential metatype value
let _: () -> () = p.tum
// Instance member of existential metatype -- not allowed
_ = // expected-error{{instance member 'bar' cannot be used on type 'P'}}
_ = p.mut // expected-error{{instance member 'mut' cannot be used on type 'P'}}
// Static member of metatype -- not allowed
_ = pp.tum // expected-error{{static member 'tum' cannot be used on protocol metatype 'P.Protocol'}}
_ = P.tum // expected-error{{static member 'tum' cannot be used on protocol metatype 'P.Protocol'}}
protocol StaticP {
static func foo(a: Int)
extension StaticP {
func bar() {
_ = // expected-error{{static member 'foo(a:)' cannot be used on protocol metatype 'StaticP.Protocol'}} {{9-16=Self}}
func nested() {
_ = // expected-error{{static member 'foo(a:)' cannot be used on protocol metatype 'StaticP.Protocol'}} {{11-18=Self}}
func existentialClassP(_ p: ClassP) {
// Instance member of existential)
let _: (Int) -> () = id(p.bas)
let _: () = id(p.bas(0))
// Instance member of existential metatype)
let _: (ClassP) -> (Int) -> () = id(ClassP.bas)
let _: (Int) -> () = id(ClassP.bas(p))
let _: () = id(ClassP.bas(p)(1))
// Partial application of curried protocol methods
protocol Scalar {}
protocol Vector {
func scale(_ c: Scalar) -> Self
protocol Functional {
func apply(_ v: Vector) -> Scalar
protocol Coalgebra {
func coproduct(_ f: Functional) -> (_ v1: Vector, _ v2: Vector) -> Scalar
// Make sure existential is closed early when we partially apply
func wrap<T>(_ t: T) -> T {
return t
func exercise(_ c: Coalgebra, f: Functional, v: Vector) {
let _: (Vector, Vector) -> Scalar = wrap(c.coproduct(f))
let _: (Scalar) -> Vector = v.scale
// Make sure existential isn't closed too late
protocol Copyable {
func copy() -> Self
func copyTwice(_ c: Copyable) -> Copyable {
return c.copy().copy()
// Dynamic self
protocol Clonable {
func maybeClone() -> Self?
func doubleMaybeClone() -> Self??
func subdivideClone() -> (Self, Self)
func metatypeOfClone() -> Self.Type
func goodClonerFn() -> (() -> Self)
extension Clonable {
func badClonerFn() -> ((Self) -> Self) { }
func veryBadClonerFn() -> ((inout Self) -> ()) { }
func extClone() -> Self { }
func extMaybeClone(_ b: Bool) -> Self? { }
func extProbablyClone(_ b: Bool) -> Self! { }
static func returnSelfStatic() -> Self { }
static func returnSelfOptionalStatic(_ b: Bool) -> Self? { }
static func returnSelfIUOStatic(_ b: Bool) -> Self! { }
func testClonableArchetype<T : Clonable>(_ t: T) {
// Instance member of extension returning Self)
let _: (T) -> () -> T = id(T.extClone)
let _: () -> T = id(T.extClone(t))
let _: T = id(T.extClone(t)())
let _: () -> T = id(t.extClone)
let _: T = id(t.extClone())
let _: (T) -> (Bool) -> T? = id(T.extMaybeClone)
let _: (Bool) -> T? = id(T.extMaybeClone(t))
let _: T? = id(T.extMaybeClone(t)(false))
let _: (Bool) -> T? = id(t.extMaybeClone)
let _: T? = id(t.extMaybeClone(true))
let _: (T) -> (Bool) -> T! = id(T.extProbablyClone)
let _: (Bool) -> T! = id(T.extProbablyClone(t))
let _: T! = id(T.extProbablyClone(t)(true))
let _: (Bool) -> T! = id(t.extProbablyClone)
let _: T! = id(t.extProbablyClone(true))
// Static member of extension returning Self)
let _: () -> T = id(T.returnSelfStatic)
let _: T = id(T.returnSelfStatic())
let _: (Bool) -> T? = id(T.returnSelfOptionalStatic)
let _: T? = id(T.returnSelfOptionalStatic(false))
let _: (Bool) -> T! = id(T.returnSelfIUOStatic)
let _: T! = id(T.returnSelfIUOStatic(true))
func testClonableExistential(_ v: Clonable, _ vv: Clonable.Type) {
let _: Clonable? = v.maybeClone()
let _: Clonable?? = v.doubleMaybeClone()
// FIXME: Tuple-to-tuple conversions are not implemented
let _: (Clonable, Clonable) = v.subdivideClone()
// expected-error@-1{{cannot express tuple conversion '(Clonable, Clonable)' to '(Clonable, Clonable)'}}
let _: Clonable.Type = v.metatypeOfClone()
let _: () -> Clonable = v.goodClonerFn()
// Instance member of extension returning Self
let _: () -> Clonable = id(v.extClone)
let _: Clonable = id(v.extClone())
let _: Clonable? = id(v.extMaybeClone(true))
let _: Clonable! = id(v.extProbablyClone(true))
// Static member of extension returning Self)
let _: () -> Clonable = id(vv.returnSelfStatic)
let _: Clonable = id(vv.returnSelfStatic())
let _: (Bool) -> Clonable? = id(vv.returnSelfOptionalStatic)
let _: Clonable? = id(vv.returnSelfOptionalStatic(false))
let _: (Bool) -> Clonable! = id(vv.returnSelfIUOStatic)
let _: Clonable! = id(vv.returnSelfIUOStatic(true))
let _ = v.badClonerFn() // expected-error {{member 'badClonerFn' cannot be used on value of protocol type 'Clonable'; use a generic constraint instead}}
let _ = v.veryBadClonerFn() // expected-error {{member 'veryBadClonerFn' cannot be used on value of protocol type 'Clonable'; use a generic constraint instead}}