blob: 834eff8098f3b45fad5df2621ae0fa29e4fd3f50 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
struct X {
var i : Int, j : Int
struct Y {
init (_ x : Int, _ y : Float, _ z : String) {}
enum Z {
case none
case char(UnicodeScalar)
case string(String)
case point(Int, Int)
init() { self = .none }
init(_ c: UnicodeScalar) { self = .char(c) }
init(_ s: String) { self = .string(s) }
init(_ x: Int, _ y: Int) { self = .point(x, y) }
enum Optional<T> { // expected-note {{'T' declared as parameter to type 'Optional'}}
case none
case value(T)
init() { self = .none }
init(_ t: T) { self = .value(t) }
class Base { }
class Derived : Base { }
var d : Derived
typealias Point = (x : Int, y : Int)
var hello : String = "hello";
var world : String = "world";
var i : Int
var z : Z = .none
func acceptZ(_ z: Z) {}
func acceptString(_ s: String) {}
Point(1, 2) // expected-warning {{expression of type '(x: Int, y: Int)' is unused}}
var db : Base = d
X(i: 1, j: 2) // expected-warning{{unused}}
Y(1, 2, "hello") // expected-warning{{unused}}
// Unions
Z(UnicodeScalar("a")) // expected-warning{{unused}}
Z(1, 2) // expected-warning{{unused}}
acceptString("\(hello), \(world) #\(i)!")
Optional<Int>(1) // expected-warning{{unused}}
Optional(1) // expected-warning{{unused}}
_ = .none as Optional<Int>
Optional(.none) // expected-error{{generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred}} expected-note {{explicitly specify the generic arguments to fix this issue}} {{9-9=<Any>}}
// Interpolation
_ = "\(hello), \(world) #\(i)!"
class File {
init() {
fd = 0
body = ""
var fd : Int32, body : String
func replPrint() {
print("File{\n fd=\(fd)\n body=\"\(body)\"\n}", terminator: "")
// Non-trivial references to metatypes.
struct Foo {
struct Inner { }
extension Foo {
func getInner() -> Inner {
return Inner()
// Downcasting
var b : Base
_ = b as! Derived
// Construction doesn't permit conversion.
// NOTE: Int and other integer-literal convertible types
// are special cased in the library.
Int(i) // expected-warning{{unused}}
_ = i as Int
Z(z) // expected-error{{cannot invoke initializer for type 'Z' with an argument list of type '(Z)'}}
// expected-note @-1 {{overloads for 'Z' exist with these partially matching parameter lists: (UnicodeScalar), (String)}}
Z.init(z) // expected-error {{cannot invoke 'Z.Type.init' with an argument list of type '(Z)'}}
// expected-note @-1 {{overloads for 'Z.Type.init' exist with these partially matching parameter lists: (UnicodeScalar), (String)}}
_ = z as Z
// Construction from inouts.
struct FooRef { }
struct BarRef {
init(x: inout FooRef) {}
init(x: inout Int) {}
var f = FooRef()
var x = 0
BarRef(x: &f) // expected-warning{{unused}}
BarRef(x: &x) // expected-warning{{unused}}
// Construction from a Type value not immediately resolved.
struct S1 {
init(i: Int) { }
struct S2 {
init(i: Int) { }
func getMetatype(_ i: Int) -> S1.Type { return S1.self }
func getMetatype(_ d: Double) -> S2.Type { return S2.self }
var s1 = getMetatype(1).init(i: 5)
s1 = S1(i: 5)
var s2 = getMetatype(3.14).init(i: 5)
s2 = S2(i: 5)
// rdar://problem/19254404
let i32 = Int32(123123123)
Int(i32 - 2 + 1) // expected-warning{{unused}}
// rdar://problem/19459079
let xx: UInt64 = 100
let yy = ((xx + 10) - 5) / 5
let zy = (xx + (10 - 5)) / 5
// rdar://problem/30588177
struct S3 {
init() { }
let s3a = S3()
extension S3 {
init?(maybe: S3) { return nil }
let s3b = S3(maybe: s3a)