blob: 690d01b95ad31e6abf6176ac956f4ac8ea7f7d31 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- StringWalk.swift -------------------------------------*- swift -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
% # Ignore the following warning. This _is_ the correct file to edit.
// WARNING: This file is manually generated from .gyb template and should not
// be directly modified. Instead, make changes to StringWalk.swift.gyb and run
// scripts/generate_harness/ to regenerate this file.
// Test String subscript performance.
// Subscript has a slow path that initializes a global variable:
// Swift._cocoaStringSubscript.addressor. Global optimization would
// normally hoist the initializer outside the inner loop (over
// unicodeScalars), forcing the initializer to be called on each
// lap. However, no that the cocoa code is properly marked "slowPath",
// no hoisting should occur.
import TestsUtils
var count: Int = 0
// Helper functionality
@inline(never) func count_unicodeScalars(_ s: String.UnicodeScalarView) {
for _ in s {
count += 1
@inline(never) func count_characters(_ s: String.CharacterView) {
for _ in s {
count += 1
@inline(never) func count_unicodeScalars_rev(
_ s: ReversedCollection<String.UnicodeScalarView>
) {
for _ in s {
count += 1
@inline(never) func count_characters_rev(
_ s: ReversedCollection<String.CharacterView>
) {
for _ in s {
count += 1
// Workloads
let ascii =
let emoji = "👍👩‍👩‍👧‍👧👨‍👨‍👦‍👦🇺🇸🇨🇦🇲🇽👍🏻👍🏼👍🏽👍🏾👍🏿"
let utf16 = emoji + "the quick brown fox" + String(emoji.reversed() as Array<Character>)
let japanese = "今回のアップデートでSwiftに大幅な改良が施され、安定していてしかも直感的に使うことができるAppleプラットフォーム向けプログラミング言語になりました。"
let chinese = "Swift 是面向 Apple 平台的编程语言,功能强大且直观易用,而本次更新对其进行了全面优化。"
let korean = "이번 업데이트에서는 강력하면서도 직관적인 Apple 플랫폼용 프로그래밍 언어인 Swift를 완벽히 개선하였습니다."
let russian = "в чащах юга жил-был цитрус? да, но фальшивый экземпляр"
// A workload that's mostly Latin characters, with occasional emoji
// interspersed. Common for tweets.
let tweet = "Worst thing about working on String is that it breaks *everything*. Asserts, debuggers, and *especially* printf-style debugging 😭"
// Benchmarks
// Pre-commit benchmark: simple scalar walk
public func run_StringWalk(_ N: Int) {
return run_StringWalk_ascii_unicodeScalars(N)
// Extended String benchmarks:
let baseMultiplier = 10_000
let unicodeScalarsMultiplier = baseMultiplier
let charactersMultiplier = baseMultiplier / 5
% for Name in ["ascii", "utf16", "tweet", "japanese", "chinese", "korean", "russian"]:
% for Kind in ["unicodeScalars", "characters"]:
public func run_StringWalk_${Name}_${Kind}(_ N: Int) {
for _ in 1...${Kind}Multiplier*N {
public func run_StringWalk_${Name}_${Kind}_Backwards(_ N: Int) {
for _ in 1...${Kind}Multiplier*N {
% end
% end