blob: 1706b3940d3c9b604ccfa4e33357eeab20707d2e [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -typecheck -verify -swift-version 3 %s
let s = "Hello"
let ss = s[s.startIndex..<s.endIndex]
// CTP_Initialization
do {
let s1: String = { return ss }()
_ = s1
// CTP_ReturnStmt
do {
func returnsAString() -> String {
return ss
// CTP_ThrowStmt
// Doesn't really make sense for this fix-it - see case in diagnoseContextualConversionError:
// The conversion destination of throw is always ErrorType (at the moment)
// if this ever expands, this should be a specific form like () is for
// return.
// CTP_EnumCaseRawValue
// Substrings can't be raw values because they aren't literals.
// CTP_DefaultParameter
do {
func foo(x: String = ss) {}
// CTP_CalleeResult
do {
func getSubstring() -> Substring { return ss } // expected-error {{cannot convert return expression of type 'String' to return type 'Substring'}}
let gottenString : String = getSubstring() // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'Substring' to specified type 'String'}} {{31-31=String(}} {{45-45=)}}
_ = gottenString
// CTP_CallArgument
do {
func takesAString(_ s: String) {}
// CTP_ClosureResult
do {
[ss].map { (x: Substring) -> String in x } // expected-error {{declared closure result 'String' is incompatible with contextual type '_'}}
// CTP_ArrayElement
do {
let a: [String] = [ ss ]
_ = a
// CTP_DictionaryKey
do {
let d: [ String : String ] = [ ss : s ]
_ = d
// CTP_DictionaryValue
do {
let d: [ String : String ] = [ s : ss ]
_ = d
// CTP_CoerceOperand
do {
let s1: String = ss as String
_ = s1
// CTP_AssignSource
do {
let s1: String = ss
_ = s1
func takesString(_ s: String) {}
func apply(_ fn: (String) -> (), _ s: String) {
let _: String = s[s.startIndex..<s.endIndex]
_ = s[s.startIndex..<s.endIndex] as String