blob: 98ca77e3790531b4a600867d92da31b4d856fcaf [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %swift -typecheck -parse-as-library -target x86_64-apple-macosx10.51 %clang-importer-sdk -I %S/Inputs/custom-modules %s -verify
// RUN: %swift -typecheck -parse-as-library -target x86_64-apple-macosx10.51 %clang-importer-sdk -I %S/Inputs/custom-modules %s 2>&1 | %FileCheck %s '--implicit-check-not=<unknown>:0'
// This test requires a target of OS X 10.51 or later to test deprecation
// diagnostics because (1) we only emit deprecation warnings if a symbol is
// deprecated on all deployment targets and (2) symbols deprecated on 10.9 and
// earlier are imported as unavailable.
// We run this test with FileCheck, as well, because the DiagnosticVerifier
// swallows diagnostics from buffers with unknown filenames, which is
// how diagnostics with invalid source locations appear. The
// --implicit-check-not checks to make sure we do not emit any such
// diagnostics with invalid source locations.
// REQUIRES: OS=macosx
import Foundation
func useClassThatTriggersImportOfDeprecatedEnum() {
// Check to make sure that the bodies of enum methods that are synthesized
// when importing deprecated enums do not themselves trigger deprecation
// warnings in the synthesized code.
_ = NSClassWithDeprecatedOptionsInMethodSignature.sharedInstance()
_ = NSClassWithExplicitlyUnavailableOptionsInMethodSignature.sharedInstance()
func directUseShouldStillTriggerDeprecationWarning() {
_ = NSDeprecatedOptions.first // expected-warning {{'NSDeprecatedOptions' was deprecated in OS X 10.51: Use a different API}}
_ = NSDeprecatedEnum.first // expected-warning {{'NSDeprecatedEnum' was deprecated in OS X 10.51: Use a different API}}
func useInSignature(options: NSDeprecatedOptions) { // expected-warning {{'NSDeprecatedOptions' was deprecated in OS X 10.51: Use a different API}}
class Super {
@available(OSX, introduced: 10.9, deprecated: 10.51)
init() { }
class Sub : Super {
// The synthesized call to super.init() calls a deprecated constructor, so we
// really should emit a warning. We lost such a warning (with no source
// location) as part of the quick fix for rdar://problem/20007266,
// which involved spurious warnings in synthesized code.
// rdar://problem/20024980 tracks adding a proper warning in this and similar
/// cases.
@available(OSX, introduced: 10.9, deprecated: 10.51)
func functionDeprecatedIn10_51() {
_ = ClassDeprecatedIn10_51()
@available(OSX, introduced: 10.9, deprecated: 10.9)
class ClassDeprecatedIn10_9 {
@available(OSX, introduced: 10.8, deprecated: 10.51)
class ClassDeprecatedIn10_51 {
var other10_51: ClassDeprecatedIn10_51 = ClassDeprecatedIn10_51()
func usingDeprecatedIn10_9() {
// Following clang, we don't warn here even though we are using a class
// that was deprecated before the containing class was deprecated. The
// policy is to not warn if the use is inside a declaration that
// is deprecated on all deployment targets. We can revisit this policy
// if needed.
_ = ClassDeprecatedIn10_9()
class ClassWithComputedPropertyDeprecatedIn10_51 {
@available(OSX, introduced: 10.8, deprecated: 10.51)
var annotatedPropertyDeprecatedIn10_51 : ClassDeprecatedIn10_51 {
get {
return ClassDeprecatedIn10_51()
set(newValue) {
_ = ClassDeprecatedIn10_51()
// We really shouldn't be emitting three warnings here. It looks like
// we are emitting one for each of the setter and getter, as well.
var unannotatedPropertyDeprecatedIn10_51 : ClassDeprecatedIn10_51 { // expected-warning 3{{ClassDeprecatedIn10_51' was deprecated in OS X 10.51}}
get {
return ClassDeprecatedIn10_51() // expected-warning {{ClassDeprecatedIn10_51' was deprecated in OS X 10.51}}
set(newValue) {
_ = ClassDeprecatedIn10_51() // expected-warning {{ClassDeprecatedIn10_51' was deprecated in OS X 10.51}}
var unannotatedStoredPropertyOfTypeDeprecatedIn10_51 : ClassDeprecatedIn10_51? = nil // expected-warning {{ClassDeprecatedIn10_51' was deprecated in OS X 10.51}}
func usesFunctionDeprecatedIn10_51() {
_ = ClassDeprecatedIn10_51() // expected-warning {{ClassDeprecatedIn10_51' was deprecated in OS X 10.51}}
@available(OSX, introduced: 10.8, deprecated: 10.51)
func annotatedUsesFunctionDeprecatedIn10_51() {
_ = ClassDeprecatedIn10_51()
func hasParameterDeprecatedIn10_51(p: ClassDeprecatedIn10_51) { // expected-warning {{ClassDeprecatedIn10_51' was deprecated in OS X 10.51}}
@available(OSX, introduced: 10.8, deprecated: 10.51)
func annotatedHasParameterDeprecatedIn10_51(p: ClassDeprecatedIn10_51) {
func hasReturnDeprecatedIn10_51() -> ClassDeprecatedIn10_51 { // expected-warning {{ClassDeprecatedIn10_51' was deprecated in OS X 10.51}}
@available(OSX, introduced: 10.8, deprecated: 10.51)
func annotatedHasReturnDeprecatedIn10_51() -> ClassDeprecatedIn10_51 {
var globalWithDeprecatedType : ClassDeprecatedIn10_51? = nil // expected-warning {{ClassDeprecatedIn10_51' was deprecated in OS X 10.51}}
@available(OSX, introduced: 10.8, deprecated: 10.51)
var annotatedGlobalWithDeprecatedType : ClassDeprecatedIn10_51?
enum EnumWithDeprecatedCasePayload {
case WithDeprecatedPayload(p: ClassDeprecatedIn10_51) // expected-warning {{ClassDeprecatedIn10_51' was deprecated in OS X 10.51}}
@available(OSX, introduced: 10.8, deprecated: 10.51)
case AnnotatedWithDeprecatedPayload(p: ClassDeprecatedIn10_51)
extension ClassDeprecatedIn10_51 { // expected-warning {{'ClassDeprecatedIn10_51' was deprecated in OS X 10.51}}
@available(OSX, introduced: 10.8, deprecated: 10.51)
extension ClassDeprecatedIn10_51 {
func methodInExtensionOfClassDeprecatedIn10_51() {
func callMethodInDeprecatedExtension() {
let o = ClassDeprecatedIn10_51() // expected-warning {{'ClassDeprecatedIn10_51' was deprecated in OS X 10.51}}
o.methodInExtensionOfClassDeprecatedIn10_51() // expected-warning {{'methodInExtensionOfClassDeprecatedIn10_51()' was deprecated in OS X 10.51}}
func functionWithDeprecatedMethodInDeadElseBranch() {
if #available(iOS 8.0, *) {
} else {
// This branch is dead on OS X, so we shouldn't emit a deprecation warning in it.
let _ = ClassDeprecatedIn10_9() // no-warning
if #available(OSX 10.9, *) { // no-warning
} else {
// This branch is dead because our minimum deployment target is 10.51.
let _ = ClassDeprecatedIn10_9() // no-warning
guard #available(iOS 8.0, *) else {
// This branch is dead because our platform is OS X, so the wildcard always matches.
let _ = ClassDeprecatedIn10_9() // no-warning