blob: a21beedc7100529d977ea4c26cb28a7e1aa856fa [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: rm -rf %t
// RUN: mkdir -p %t
// RUN: %gyb %s -o %t/main.swift
// RUN: if [ %target-runtime == "objc" ]; then \
// RUN: %target-clang -fobjc-arc %S/Inputs/SlurpFastEnumeration/SlurpFastEnumeration.m -c -o %t/SlurpFastEnumeration.o; \
// RUN: %line-directive %t/main.swift -- %target-build-swift %S/Inputs/DictionaryKeyValueTypes.swift %S/Inputs/DictionaryKeyValueTypesObjC.swift %t/main.swift -I %S/Inputs/SlurpFastEnumeration/ -Xlinker %t/SlurpFastEnumeration.o -o %t/Dictionary -Xfrontend -disable-access-control; \
// RUN: else \
// RUN: %line-directive %t/main.swift -- %target-build-swift %S/Inputs/DictionaryKeyValueTypes.swift %t/main.swift -o %t/Dictionary -Xfrontend -disable-access-control; \
// RUN: fi
// RUN: %line-directive %t/main.swift -- %target-run %t/Dictionary
// REQUIRES: executable_test
#if os(OSX) || os(iOS) || os(tvOS) || os(watchOS)
import Darwin
import Glibc
import StdlibUnittest
import StdlibCollectionUnittest
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
import Foundation
import StdlibUnittestFoundationExtras
extension Dictionary {
func _rawIdentifier() -> Int {
return unsafeBitCast(self, to: Int.self)
// Check that the generic parameters are called 'Key' and 'Value'.
protocol TestProtocol1 {}
extension Dictionary where Key : TestProtocol1, Value : TestProtocol1 {
var _keyValueAreTestProtocol1: Bool {
fatalError("not implemented")
extension DictionaryIndex where Key : TestProtocol1, Value : TestProtocol1 {
var _keyValueAreTestProtocol1: Bool {
fatalError("not implemented")
extension DictionaryIterator
where Key : TestProtocol1, Value : TestProtocol1 {
var _keyValueAreTestProtocol1: Bool {
fatalError("not implemented")
var DictionaryTestSuite = TestSuite("Dictionary")
DictionaryTestSuite.test("AssociatedTypes") {
typealias Collection = Dictionary<MinimalHashableValue, OpaqueValue<Int>>
collectionType: Collection.self,
iteratorType: DictionaryIterator<MinimalHashableValue, OpaqueValue<Int>>.self,
subSequenceType: Slice<Collection>.self,
indexType: DictionaryIndex<MinimalHashableValue, OpaqueValue<Int>>.self,
indexDistanceType: Int.self,
indicesType: DefaultIndices<Collection>.self)
DictionaryTestSuite.test("sizeof") {
var dict = [1: "meow", 2: "meow"]
#if arch(i386) || arch(arm)
expectEqual(4, MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: dict))
expectEqual(8, MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: dict))
DictionaryTestSuite.test("valueDestruction") {
var d1 = Dictionary<Int, TestValueTy>()
for i in 100...110 {
d1[i] = TestValueTy(i)
var d2 = Dictionary<TestKeyTy, TestValueTy>()
for i in 100...110 {
d2[TestKeyTy(i)] = TestValueTy(i)
DictionaryTestSuite.test("COW.Smoke") {
var d1 = Dictionary<TestKeyTy, TestValueTy>(minimumCapacity: 10)
var identity1 = d1._rawIdentifier()
d1[TestKeyTy(10)] = TestValueTy(1010)
d1[TestKeyTy(20)] = TestValueTy(1020)
d1[TestKeyTy(30)] = TestValueTy(1030)
var d2 = d1
assert(identity1 == d2._rawIdentifier())
d2[TestKeyTy(40)] = TestValueTy(2040)
assert(identity1 != d2._rawIdentifier())
d1[TestKeyTy(50)] = TestValueTy(1050)
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
// Keep variables alive.
func getCOWFastDictionary() -> Dictionary<Int, Int> {
var d = Dictionary<Int, Int>(minimumCapacity: 10)
d[10] = 1010
d[20] = 1020
d[30] = 1030
return d
func getCOWSlowDictionary() -> Dictionary<TestKeyTy, TestValueTy> {
var d = Dictionary<TestKeyTy, TestValueTy>(minimumCapacity: 10)
d[TestKeyTy(10)] = TestValueTy(1010)
d[TestKeyTy(20)] = TestValueTy(1020)
d[TestKeyTy(30)] = TestValueTy(1030)
return d
func getCOWSlowEquatableDictionary()
-> Dictionary<TestKeyTy, TestEquatableValueTy> {
var d = Dictionary<TestKeyTy, TestEquatableValueTy>(minimumCapacity: 10)
d[TestKeyTy(10)] = TestEquatableValueTy(1010)
d[TestKeyTy(20)] = TestEquatableValueTy(1020)
d[TestKeyTy(30)] = TestEquatableValueTy(1030)
return d
DictionaryTestSuite.test("COW.Fast.IndexesDontAffectUniquenessCheck") {
var d = getCOWFastDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
var startIndex = d.startIndex
var endIndex = d.endIndex
assert(startIndex != endIndex)
assert(startIndex < endIndex)
assert(startIndex <= endIndex)
assert(!(startIndex >= endIndex))
assert(!(startIndex > endIndex))
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
d[40] = 2040
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
// Keep indexes alive during the calls above.
DictionaryTestSuite.test("COW.Slow.IndexesDontAffectUniquenessCheck") {
var d = getCOWSlowDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
var startIndex = d.startIndex
var endIndex = d.endIndex
assert(startIndex != endIndex)
assert(startIndex < endIndex)
assert(startIndex <= endIndex)
assert(!(startIndex >= endIndex))
assert(!(startIndex > endIndex))
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
d[TestKeyTy(40)] = TestValueTy(2040)
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
// Keep indexes alive during the calls above.
DictionaryTestSuite.test("COW.Fast.SubscriptWithIndexDoesNotReallocate") {
var d = getCOWFastDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
var startIndex = d.startIndex
let empty = startIndex == d.endIndex
assert((d.startIndex < d.endIndex) == !empty)
assert(d.startIndex <= d.endIndex)
assert((d.startIndex >= d.endIndex) == empty)
assert(!(d.startIndex > d.endIndex))
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
assert(d[startIndex].1 != 0)
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
DictionaryTestSuite.test("COW.Slow.SubscriptWithIndexDoesNotReallocate") {
var d = getCOWSlowDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
var startIndex = d.startIndex
let empty = startIndex == d.endIndex
assert((d.startIndex < d.endIndex) == !empty)
assert(d.startIndex <= d.endIndex)
assert((d.startIndex >= d.endIndex) == empty)
assert(!(d.startIndex > d.endIndex))
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
assert(d[startIndex].1.value != 0)
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
DictionaryTestSuite.test("COW.Fast.SubscriptWithKeyDoesNotReallocate") {
var d = getCOWFastDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
assert(d[10]! == 1010)
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
// Insert a new key-value pair.
d[40] = 2040
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
assert(d.count == 4)
assert(d[10]! == 1010)
assert(d[20]! == 1020)
assert(d[30]! == 1030)
assert(d[40]! == 2040)
// Overwrite a value in existing binding.
d[10] = 2010
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
assert(d.count == 4)
assert(d[10]! == 2010)
assert(d[20]! == 1020)
assert(d[30]! == 1030)
assert(d[40]! == 2040)
// Delete an existing key.
d[10] = nil
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
assert(d.count == 3)
assert(d[20]! == 1020)
assert(d[30]! == 1030)
assert(d[40]! == 2040)
// Try to delete a key that does not exist.
d[42] = nil
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
assert(d.count == 3)
assert(d[20]! == 1020)
assert(d[30]! == 1030)
assert(d[40]! == 2040)
do {
var d2: [MinimalHashableValue : OpaqueValue<Int>] = [:]
MinimalHashableValue.timesEqualEqualWasCalled = 0
MinimalHashableValue.timesHashValueWasCalled = 0
// If the dictionary is empty, we shouldn't be computing the hash value of
// the provided key.
expectEqual(0, MinimalHashableValue.timesEqualEqualWasCalled)
expectEqual(0, MinimalHashableValue.timesHashValueWasCalled)
DictionaryTestSuite.test("COW.Slow.SubscriptWithKeyDoesNotReallocate") {
var d = getCOWSlowDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
assert(d[TestKeyTy(10)]!.value == 1010)
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
// Insert a new key-value pair.
d[TestKeyTy(40)] = TestValueTy(2040)
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
assert(d.count == 4)
assert(d[TestKeyTy(10)]!.value == 1010)
assert(d[TestKeyTy(20)]!.value == 1020)
assert(d[TestKeyTy(30)]!.value == 1030)
assert(d[TestKeyTy(40)]!.value == 2040)
// Overwrite a value in existing binding.
d[TestKeyTy(10)] = TestValueTy(2010)
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
assert(d.count == 4)
assert(d[TestKeyTy(10)]!.value == 2010)
assert(d[TestKeyTy(20)]!.value == 1020)
assert(d[TestKeyTy(30)]!.value == 1030)
assert(d[TestKeyTy(40)]!.value == 2040)
// Delete an existing key.
d[TestKeyTy(10)] = nil
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
assert(d.count == 3)
assert(d[TestKeyTy(20)]!.value == 1020)
assert(d[TestKeyTy(30)]!.value == 1030)
assert(d[TestKeyTy(40)]!.value == 2040)
// Try to delete a key that does not exist.
d[TestKeyTy(42)] = nil
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
assert(d.count == 3)
assert(d[TestKeyTy(20)]!.value == 1020)
assert(d[TestKeyTy(30)]!.value == 1030)
assert(d[TestKeyTy(40)]!.value == 2040)
do {
var d2: [MinimalHashableClass : OpaqueValue<Int>] = [:]
MinimalHashableClass.timesEqualEqualWasCalled = 0
MinimalHashableClass.timesHashValueWasCalled = 0
// If the dictionary is empty, we shouldn't be computing the hash value of
// the provided key.
expectEqual(0, MinimalHashableClass.timesEqualEqualWasCalled)
expectEqual(0, MinimalHashableClass.timesHashValueWasCalled)
DictionaryTestSuite.test("COW.Fast.UpdateValueForKeyDoesNotReallocate") {
do {
var d1 = getCOWFastDictionary()
var identity1 = d1._rawIdentifier()
// Insert a new key-value pair.
assert(d1.updateValue(2040, forKey: 40) == .none)
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
assert(d1[40]! == 2040)
// Overwrite a value in existing binding.
assert(d1.updateValue(2010, forKey: 10)! == 1010)
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
assert(d1[10]! == 2010)
do {
var d1 = getCOWFastDictionary()
var identity1 = d1._rawIdentifier()
var d2 = d1
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
assert(identity1 == d2._rawIdentifier())
// Insert a new key-value pair.
d2.updateValue(2040, forKey: 40)
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
assert(identity1 != d2._rawIdentifier())
assert(d1.count == 3)
assert(d1[10]! == 1010)
assert(d1[20]! == 1020)
assert(d1[30]! == 1030)
assert(d1[40] == .none)
assert(d2.count == 4)
assert(d2[10]! == 1010)
assert(d2[20]! == 1020)
assert(d2[30]! == 1030)
assert(d2[40]! == 2040)
// Keep variables alive.
do {
var d1 = getCOWFastDictionary()
var identity1 = d1._rawIdentifier()
var d2 = d1
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
assert(identity1 == d2._rawIdentifier())
// Overwrite a value in existing binding.
d2.updateValue(2010, forKey: 10)
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
assert(identity1 != d2._rawIdentifier())
assert(d1.count == 3)
assert(d1[10]! == 1010)
assert(d1[20]! == 1020)
assert(d1[30]! == 1030)
assert(d2.count == 3)
assert(d2[10]! == 2010)
assert(d2[20]! == 1020)
assert(d2[30]! == 1030)
// Keep variables alive.
DictionaryTestSuite.test("COW.Slow.AddDoesNotReallocate") {
do {
var d1 = getCOWSlowDictionary()
var identity1 = d1._rawIdentifier()
// Insert a new key-value pair.
assert(d1.updateValue(TestValueTy(2040), forKey: TestKeyTy(40)) == nil)
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
assert(d1.count == 4)
assert(d1[TestKeyTy(40)]!.value == 2040)
// Overwrite a value in existing binding.
assert(d1.updateValue(TestValueTy(2010), forKey: TestKeyTy(10))!.value == 1010)
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
assert(d1.count == 4)
assert(d1[TestKeyTy(10)]!.value == 2010)
do {
var d1 = getCOWSlowDictionary()
var identity1 = d1._rawIdentifier()
var d2 = d1
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
assert(identity1 == d2._rawIdentifier())
// Insert a new key-value pair.
d2.updateValue(TestValueTy(2040), forKey: TestKeyTy(40))
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
assert(identity1 != d2._rawIdentifier())
assert(d1.count == 3)
assert(d1[TestKeyTy(10)]!.value == 1010)
assert(d1[TestKeyTy(20)]!.value == 1020)
assert(d1[TestKeyTy(30)]!.value == 1030)
assert(d1[TestKeyTy(40)] == nil)
assert(d2.count == 4)
assert(d2[TestKeyTy(10)]!.value == 1010)
assert(d2[TestKeyTy(20)]!.value == 1020)
assert(d2[TestKeyTy(30)]!.value == 1030)
assert(d2[TestKeyTy(40)]!.value == 2040)
// Keep variables alive.
do {
var d1 = getCOWSlowDictionary()
var identity1 = d1._rawIdentifier()
var d2 = d1
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
assert(identity1 == d2._rawIdentifier())
// Overwrite a value in existing binding.
d2.updateValue(TestValueTy(2010), forKey: TestKeyTy(10))
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
assert(identity1 != d2._rawIdentifier())
assert(d1.count == 3)
assert(d1[TestKeyTy(10)]!.value == 1010)
assert(d1[TestKeyTy(20)]!.value == 1020)
assert(d1[TestKeyTy(30)]!.value == 1030)
assert(d2.count == 3)
assert(d2[TestKeyTy(10)]!.value == 2010)
assert(d2[TestKeyTy(20)]!.value == 1020)
assert(d2[TestKeyTy(30)]!.value == 1030)
// Keep variables alive.
DictionaryTestSuite.test("COW.Fast.IndexForKeyDoesNotReallocate") {
var d = getCOWFastDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
// Find an existing key.
do {
var foundIndex1 = d.index(forKey: 10)!
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
var foundIndex2 = d.index(forKey: 10)!
assert(foundIndex1 == foundIndex2)
assert(d[foundIndex1].0 == 10)
assert(d[foundIndex1].1 == 1010)
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
// Try to find a key that is not present.
do {
var foundIndex1 = d.index(forKey: 1111)
assert(foundIndex1 == nil)
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
do {
var d2: [MinimalHashableValue : OpaqueValue<Int>] = [:]
MinimalHashableValue.timesEqualEqualWasCalled = 0
MinimalHashableValue.timesHashValueWasCalled = 0
expectNil(d2.index(forKey: MinimalHashableValue(42)))
// If the dictionary is empty, we shouldn't be computing the hash value of
// the provided key.
expectEqual(0, MinimalHashableValue.timesEqualEqualWasCalled)
expectEqual(0, MinimalHashableValue.timesHashValueWasCalled)
DictionaryTestSuite.test("COW.Slow.IndexForKeyDoesNotReallocate") {
var d = getCOWSlowDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
// Find an existing key.
do {
var foundIndex1 = d.index(forKey: TestKeyTy(10))!
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
var foundIndex2 = d.index(forKey: TestKeyTy(10))!
assert(foundIndex1 == foundIndex2)
assert(d[foundIndex1].0 == TestKeyTy(10))
assert(d[foundIndex1].1.value == 1010)
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
// Try to find a key that is not present.
do {
var foundIndex1 = d.index(forKey: TestKeyTy(1111))
assert(foundIndex1 == nil)
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
do {
var d2: [MinimalHashableClass : OpaqueValue<Int>] = [:]
MinimalHashableClass.timesEqualEqualWasCalled = 0
MinimalHashableClass.timesHashValueWasCalled = 0
expectNil(d2.index(forKey: MinimalHashableClass(42)))
// If the dictionary is empty, we shouldn't be computing the hash value of
// the provided key.
expectEqual(0, MinimalHashableClass.timesEqualEqualWasCalled)
expectEqual(0, MinimalHashableClass.timesHashValueWasCalled)
DictionaryTestSuite.test("COW.Fast.RemoveAtDoesNotReallocate") {
do {
var d = getCOWFastDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
let foundIndex1 = d.index(forKey: 10)!
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
assert(d[foundIndex1].0 == 10)
assert(d[foundIndex1].1 == 1010)
let removed = d.remove(at: foundIndex1)
assert(removed.0 == 10)
assert(removed.1 == 1010)
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
assert(d.index(forKey: 10) == nil)
do {
var d1 = getCOWFastDictionary()
var identity1 = d1._rawIdentifier()
var d2 = d1
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
assert(identity1 == d2._rawIdentifier())
var foundIndex1 = d2.index(forKey: 10)!
assert(d2[foundIndex1].0 == 10)
assert(d2[foundIndex1].1 == 1010)
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
assert(identity1 == d2._rawIdentifier())
let removed = d2.remove(at: foundIndex1)
assert(removed.0 == 10)
assert(removed.1 == 1010)
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
assert(identity1 != d2._rawIdentifier())
assert(d2.index(forKey: 10) == nil)
DictionaryTestSuite.test("COW.Slow.RemoveAtDoesNotReallocate") {
do {
var d = getCOWSlowDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
var foundIndex1 = d.index(forKey: TestKeyTy(10))!
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
assert(d[foundIndex1].0 == TestKeyTy(10))
assert(d[foundIndex1].1.value == 1010)
let removed = d.remove(at: foundIndex1)
assert(removed.0 == TestKeyTy(10))
assert(removed.1.value == 1010)
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
assert(d.index(forKey: TestKeyTy(10)) == nil)
do {
var d1 = getCOWSlowDictionary()
var identity1 = d1._rawIdentifier()
var d2 = d1
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
assert(identity1 == d2._rawIdentifier())
var foundIndex1 = d2.index(forKey: TestKeyTy(10))!
assert(d2[foundIndex1].0 == TestKeyTy(10))
assert(d2[foundIndex1].1.value == 1010)
let removed = d2.remove(at: foundIndex1)
assert(removed.0 == TestKeyTy(10))
assert(removed.1.value == 1010)
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
assert(identity1 != d2._rawIdentifier())
assert(d2.index(forKey: TestKeyTy(10)) == nil)
DictionaryTestSuite.test("COW.Fast.RemoveValueForKeyDoesNotReallocate") {
do {
var d1 = getCOWFastDictionary()
var identity1 = d1._rawIdentifier()
var deleted = d1.removeValue(forKey: 0)
assert(deleted == nil)
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
deleted = d1.removeValue(forKey: 10)
assert(deleted! == 1010)
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
// Keep variables alive.
do {
var d1 = getCOWFastDictionary()
var identity1 = d1._rawIdentifier()
var d2 = d1
var deleted = d2.removeValue(forKey: 0)
assert(deleted == nil)
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
assert(identity1 == d2._rawIdentifier())
deleted = d2.removeValue(forKey: 10)
assert(deleted! == 1010)
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
assert(identity1 != d2._rawIdentifier())
// Keep variables alive.
DictionaryTestSuite.test("COW.Slow.RemoveValueForKeyDoesNotReallocate") {
do {
var d1 = getCOWSlowDictionary()
var identity1 = d1._rawIdentifier()
var deleted = d1.removeValue(forKey: TestKeyTy(0))
assert(deleted == nil)
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
deleted = d1.removeValue(forKey: TestKeyTy(10))
assert(deleted!.value == 1010)
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
// Keep variables alive.
do {
var d1 = getCOWSlowDictionary()
var identity1 = d1._rawIdentifier()
var d2 = d1
var deleted = d2.removeValue(forKey: TestKeyTy(0))
assert(deleted == nil)
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
assert(identity1 == d2._rawIdentifier())
deleted = d2.removeValue(forKey: TestKeyTy(10))
assert(deleted!.value == 1010)
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
assert(identity1 != d2._rawIdentifier())
// Keep variables alive.
DictionaryTestSuite.test("COW.Fast.RemoveAllDoesNotReallocate") {
do {
var d = getCOWFastDictionary()
let originalCapacity = d._variantBuffer.asNative.capacity
assert(d.count == 3)
assert(d[10]! == 1010)
// We cannot assert that identity changed, since the new buffer of smaller
// size can be allocated at the same address as the old one.
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
assert(d._variantBuffer.asNative.capacity < originalCapacity)
assert(d.count == 0)
assert(d[10] == nil)
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
assert(d.count == 0)
assert(d[10] == nil)
do {
var d = getCOWFastDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
let originalCapacity = d._variantBuffer.asNative.capacity
assert(d.count == 3)
assert(d[10]! == 1010)
d.removeAll(keepingCapacity: true)
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
assert(d._variantBuffer.asNative.capacity == originalCapacity)
assert(d.count == 0)
assert(d[10] == nil)
d.removeAll(keepingCapacity: true)
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
assert(d._variantBuffer.asNative.capacity == originalCapacity)
assert(d.count == 0)
assert(d[10] == nil)
do {
var d1 = getCOWFastDictionary()
var identity1 = d1._rawIdentifier()
assert(d1.count == 3)
assert(d1[10]! == 1010)
var d2 = d1
var identity2 = d2._rawIdentifier()
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
assert(identity2 != identity1)
assert(d1.count == 3)
assert(d1[10]! == 1010)
assert(d2.count == 0)
assert(d2[10] == nil)
// Keep variables alive.
do {
var d1 = getCOWFastDictionary()
var identity1 = d1._rawIdentifier()
let originalCapacity = d1._variantBuffer.asNative.capacity
assert(d1.count == 3)
assert(d1[10] == 1010)
var d2 = d1
d2.removeAll(keepingCapacity: true)
var identity2 = d2._rawIdentifier()
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
assert(identity2 != identity1)
assert(d1.count == 3)
assert(d1[10]! == 1010)
assert(d2._variantBuffer.asNative.capacity == originalCapacity)
assert(d2.count == 0)
assert(d2[10] == nil)
// Keep variables alive.
DictionaryTestSuite.test("COW.Slow.RemoveAllDoesNotReallocate") {
do {
var d = getCOWSlowDictionary()
let originalCapacity = d._variantBuffer.asNative.capacity
assert(d.count == 3)
assert(d[TestKeyTy(10)]!.value == 1010)
// We cannot assert that identity changed, since the new buffer of smaller
// size can be allocated at the same address as the old one.
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
assert(d._variantBuffer.asNative.capacity < originalCapacity)
assert(d.count == 0)
assert(d[TestKeyTy(10)] == nil)
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
assert(d.count == 0)
assert(d[TestKeyTy(10)] == nil)
do {
var d = getCOWSlowDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
let originalCapacity = d._variantBuffer.asNative.capacity
assert(d.count == 3)
assert(d[TestKeyTy(10)]!.value == 1010)
d.removeAll(keepingCapacity: true)
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
assert(d._variantBuffer.asNative.capacity == originalCapacity)
assert(d.count == 0)
assert(d[TestKeyTy(10)] == nil)
d.removeAll(keepingCapacity: true)
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
assert(d._variantBuffer.asNative.capacity == originalCapacity)
assert(d.count == 0)
assert(d[TestKeyTy(10)] == nil)
do {
var d1 = getCOWSlowDictionary()
var identity1 = d1._rawIdentifier()
assert(d1.count == 3)
assert(d1[TestKeyTy(10)]!.value == 1010)
var d2 = d1
var identity2 = d2._rawIdentifier()
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
assert(identity2 != identity1)
assert(d1.count == 3)
assert(d1[TestKeyTy(10)]!.value == 1010)
assert(d2.count == 0)
assert(d2[TestKeyTy(10)] == nil)
// Keep variables alive.
do {
var d1 = getCOWSlowDictionary()
var identity1 = d1._rawIdentifier()
let originalCapacity = d1._variantBuffer.asNative.capacity
assert(d1.count == 3)
assert(d1[TestKeyTy(10)]!.value == 1010)
var d2 = d1
d2.removeAll(keepingCapacity: true)
var identity2 = d2._rawIdentifier()
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
assert(identity2 != identity1)
assert(d1.count == 3)
assert(d1[TestKeyTy(10)]!.value == 1010)
assert(d2._variantBuffer.asNative.capacity == originalCapacity)
assert(d2.count == 0)
assert(d2[TestKeyTy(10)] == nil)
// Keep variables alive.
DictionaryTestSuite.test("COW.Fast.CountDoesNotReallocate") {
var d = getCOWFastDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
assert(d.count == 3)
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
DictionaryTestSuite.test("COW.Slow.CountDoesNotReallocate") {
var d = getCOWSlowDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
assert(d.count == 3)
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
DictionaryTestSuite.test("COW.Fast.GenerateDoesNotReallocate") {
var d = getCOWFastDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
var iter = d.makeIterator()
var pairs = Array<(Int, Int)>()
while let (key, value) = {
pairs += [(key, value)]
assert(equalsUnordered(pairs, [ (10, 1010), (20, 1020), (30, 1030) ]))
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
DictionaryTestSuite.test("COW.Slow.GenerateDoesNotReallocate") {
var d = getCOWSlowDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
var iter = d.makeIterator()
var pairs = Array<(Int, Int)>()
while let (key, value) = {
// FIXME: This doesn't work (<rdar://problem/17751308> Can't +=
// with array literal of pairs)
// pairs += [(key.value, value.value)]
// FIXME: This doesn't work (<rdar://problem/17750582> generics over tuples)
// pairs.append((key.value, value.value))
// FIXME: This doesn't work (<rdar://problem/17751359>)
// pairs.append(key.value, value.value)
let kv = (key.value, value.value)
pairs += [kv]
assert(equalsUnordered(pairs, [ (10, 1010), (20, 1020), (30, 1030) ]))
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
DictionaryTestSuite.test("COW.Fast.EqualityTestDoesNotReallocate") {
var d1 = getCOWFastDictionary()
var identity1 = d1._rawIdentifier()
var d2 = getCOWFastDictionary()
var identity2 = d2._rawIdentifier()
assert(d1 == d2)
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
assert(identity2 == d2._rawIdentifier())
d2[40] = 2040
assert(d1 != d2)
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
assert(identity2 == d2._rawIdentifier())
DictionaryTestSuite.test("COW.Slow.EqualityTestDoesNotReallocate") {
var d1 = getCOWSlowEquatableDictionary()
var identity1 = d1._rawIdentifier()
var d2 = getCOWSlowEquatableDictionary()
var identity2 = d2._rawIdentifier()
assert(d1 == d2)
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
assert(identity2 == d2._rawIdentifier())
d2[TestKeyTy(40)] = TestEquatableValueTy(2040)
assert(d1 != d2)
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
assert(identity2 == d2._rawIdentifier())
// Native dictionary tests.
func helperDeleteThree(_ k1: TestKeyTy, _ k2: TestKeyTy, _ k3: TestKeyTy) {
var d1 = Dictionary<TestKeyTy, TestValueTy>(minimumCapacity: 10)
d1[k1] = TestValueTy(1010)
d1[k2] = TestValueTy(1020)
d1[k3] = TestValueTy(1030)
assert(d1[k1]!.value == 1010)
assert(d1[k2]!.value == 1020)
assert(d1[k3]!.value == 1030)
d1[k1] = nil
assert(d1[k2]!.value == 1020)
assert(d1[k3]!.value == 1030)
d1[k2] = nil
assert(d1[k3]!.value == 1030)
d1[k3] = nil
assert(d1.count == 0)
DictionaryTestSuite.test("deleteChainCollision") {
var k1 = TestKeyTy(value: 10, hashValue: 0)
var k2 = TestKeyTy(value: 20, hashValue: 0)
var k3 = TestKeyTy(value: 30, hashValue: 0)
helperDeleteThree(k1, k2, k3)
DictionaryTestSuite.test("deleteChainNoCollision") {
var k1 = TestKeyTy(value: 10, hashValue: 0)
var k2 = TestKeyTy(value: 20, hashValue: 1)
var k3 = TestKeyTy(value: 30, hashValue: 2)
helperDeleteThree(k1, k2, k3)
DictionaryTestSuite.test("deleteChainCollision2") {
var k1_0 = TestKeyTy(value: 10, hashValue: 0)
var k2_0 = TestKeyTy(value: 20, hashValue: 0)
var k3_2 = TestKeyTy(value: 30, hashValue: 2)
var k4_0 = TestKeyTy(value: 40, hashValue: 0)
var k5_2 = TestKeyTy(value: 50, hashValue: 2)
var k6_0 = TestKeyTy(value: 60, hashValue: 0)
var d = Dictionary<TestKeyTy, TestValueTy>(minimumCapacity: 10)
d[k1_0] = TestValueTy(1010) // in bucket 0
d[k2_0] = TestValueTy(1020) // in bucket 1
d[k3_2] = TestValueTy(1030) // in bucket 2
d[k4_0] = TestValueTy(1040) // in bucket 3
d[k5_2] = TestValueTy(1050) // in bucket 4
d[k6_0] = TestValueTy(1060) // in bucket 5
d[k3_2] = nil
assert(d[k1_0]!.value == 1010)
assert(d[k2_0]!.value == 1020)
assert(d[k3_2] == nil)
assert(d[k4_0]!.value == 1040)
assert(d[k5_2]!.value == 1050)
assert(d[k6_0]!.value == 1060)
func uniformRandom(_ max: Int) -> Int {
#if os(Linux)
// SR-685: Can't use arc4random on Linux
return Int(random() % (max + 1))
return Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(max)))
func pickRandom<T>(_ a: [T]) -> T {
return a[uniformRandom(a.count)]
func product<C1 : Collection, C2 : Collection>(
_ c1: C1, _ c2: C2
) -> [(C1.Iterator.Element, C2.Iterator.Element)] {
var result: [(C1.Iterator.Element, C2.Iterator.Element)] = []
for e1 in c1 {
for e2 in c2 {
result.append((e1, e2))
return result
.forEach(in: product(1...8, 0...5)) {
(collisionChains, chainOverlap) in
func check(_ d: Dictionary<TestKeyTy, TestValueTy>) {
var keys = Array(d.keys)
for i in 0..<keys.count {
for j in 0..<i {
assert(keys[i] != keys[j])
for k in keys {
assert(d[k] != nil)
let chainLength = 7
var knownKeys: [TestKeyTy] = []
func getKey(_ value: Int) -> TestKeyTy {
for k in knownKeys {
if k.value == value {
return k
let hashValue = uniformRandom(chainLength - chainOverlap) * collisionChains
let k = TestKeyTy(value: value, hashValue: hashValue)
knownKeys += [k]
return k
var d = Dictionary<TestKeyTy, TestValueTy>(minimumCapacity: 30)
for i in 1..<300 {
let key = getKey(uniformRandom(collisionChains * chainLength))
if uniformRandom(chainLength * 2) == 0 {
d[key] = nil
} else {
d[key] = TestValueTy(key.value * 10)
DictionaryTestSuite.test("init(dictionaryLiteral:)") {
do {
var empty = Dictionary<Int, Int>()
assert(empty.count == 0)
assert(empty[1111] == nil)
do {
var d = Dictionary(dictionaryLiteral: (10, 1010))
assert(d.count == 1)
assert(d[10]! == 1010)
assert(d[1111] == nil)
do {
var d = Dictionary(dictionaryLiteral:
(10, 1010), (20, 1020))
assert(d.count == 2)
assert(d[10]! == 1010)
assert(d[20]! == 1020)
assert(d[1111] == nil)
do {
var d = Dictionary(dictionaryLiteral:
(10, 1010), (20, 1020), (30, 1030))
assert(d.count == 3)
assert(d[10]! == 1010)
assert(d[20]! == 1020)
assert(d[30]! == 1030)
assert(d[1111] == nil)
do {
var d = Dictionary(dictionaryLiteral:
(10, 1010), (20, 1020), (30, 1030), (40, 1040))
assert(d.count == 4)
assert(d[10]! == 1010)
assert(d[20]! == 1020)
assert(d[30]! == 1030)
assert(d[40]! == 1040)
assert(d[1111] == nil)
do {
var d: Dictionary<Int, Int> = [ 10: 1010, 20: 1020, 30: 1030 ]
assert(d.count == 3)
assert(d[10]! == 1010)
assert(d[20]! == 1020)
assert(d[30]! == 1030)
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
// NSDictionary -> Dictionary bridging tests.
func getAsNSDictionary(_ d: Dictionary<Int, Int>) -> NSDictionary {
let keys = Array( { TestObjCKeyTy($0) })
let values = Array( { TestObjCValueTy($0) })
// Return an `NSMutableDictionary` to make sure that it has a unique
// pointer identity.
return NSMutableDictionary(objects: values, forKeys: keys)
func getAsEquatableNSDictionary(_ d: Dictionary<Int, Int>) -> NSDictionary {
let keys = Array( { TestObjCKeyTy($0) })
let values = Array( { TestObjCEquatableValueTy($0) })
// Return an `NSMutableDictionary` to make sure that it has a unique
// pointer identity.
return NSMutableDictionary(objects: values, forKeys: keys)
func getAsNSMutableDictionary(_ d: Dictionary<Int, Int>) -> NSMutableDictionary {
let keys = Array( { TestObjCKeyTy($0) })
let values = Array( { TestObjCValueTy($0) })
return NSMutableDictionary(objects: values, forKeys: keys)
func getBridgedVerbatimDictionary() -> Dictionary<NSObject, AnyObject> {
let nsd = getAsNSDictionary([10: 1010, 20: 1020, 30: 1030])
return convertNSDictionaryToDictionary(nsd)
func getBridgedVerbatimDictionary(_ d: Dictionary<Int, Int>) -> Dictionary<NSObject, AnyObject> {
let nsd = getAsNSDictionary(d)
return convertNSDictionaryToDictionary(nsd)
func getBridgedVerbatimDictionaryAndNSMutableDictionary()
-> (Dictionary<NSObject, AnyObject>, NSMutableDictionary) {
let nsd = getAsNSMutableDictionary([10: 1010, 20: 1020, 30: 1030])
return (convertNSDictionaryToDictionary(nsd), nsd)
func getBridgedNonverbatimDictionary() -> Dictionary<TestBridgedKeyTy, TestBridgedValueTy> {
let nsd = getAsNSDictionary([10: 1010, 20: 1020, 30: 1030 ])
return Swift._forceBridgeFromObjectiveC(nsd, Dictionary.self)
func getBridgedNonverbatimDictionary(_ d: Dictionary<Int, Int>) -> Dictionary<TestBridgedKeyTy, TestBridgedValueTy> {
let nsd = getAsNSDictionary(d)
return Swift._forceBridgeFromObjectiveC(nsd, Dictionary.self)
func getBridgedNonverbatimDictionaryAndNSMutableDictionary()
-> (Dictionary<TestBridgedKeyTy, TestBridgedValueTy>, NSMutableDictionary) {
let nsd = getAsNSMutableDictionary([10: 1010, 20: 1020, 30: 1030])
return (Swift._forceBridgeFromObjectiveC(nsd, Dictionary.self), nsd)
func getBridgedVerbatimEquatableDictionary(_ d: Dictionary<Int, Int>) -> Dictionary<NSObject, TestObjCEquatableValueTy> {
let nsd = getAsEquatableNSDictionary(d)
return convertNSDictionaryToDictionary(nsd)
func getBridgedNonverbatimEquatableDictionary(_ d: Dictionary<Int, Int>) -> Dictionary<TestBridgedKeyTy, TestBridgedEquatableValueTy> {
let nsd = getAsEquatableNSDictionary(d)
return Swift._forceBridgeFromObjectiveC(nsd, Dictionary.self)
func getHugeBridgedVerbatimDictionaryHelper() -> NSDictionary {
let keys = (1...32).map { TestObjCKeyTy($0) }
let values = (1...32).map { TestObjCValueTy(1000 + $0) }
return NSMutableDictionary(objects: values, forKeys: keys)
func getHugeBridgedVerbatimDictionary() -> Dictionary<NSObject, AnyObject> {
let nsd = getHugeBridgedVerbatimDictionaryHelper()
return convertNSDictionaryToDictionary(nsd)
func getHugeBridgedNonverbatimDictionary() -> Dictionary<TestBridgedKeyTy, TestBridgedValueTy> {
let nsd = getHugeBridgedVerbatimDictionaryHelper()
return Swift._forceBridgeFromObjectiveC(nsd, Dictionary.self)
/// A mock dictionary that stores its keys and values in parallel arrays, which
/// allows it to return inner pointers to the keys array in fast enumeration.
class ParallelArrayDictionary : NSDictionary {
struct Keys {
var key0: AnyObject = TestObjCKeyTy(10)
var key1: AnyObject = TestObjCKeyTy(20)
var key2: AnyObject = TestObjCKeyTy(30)
var key3: AnyObject = TestObjCKeyTy(40)
var keys = [ Keys() ]
var value: AnyObject = TestObjCValueTy(1111)
override init() {
override init(
objects: UnsafePointer<AnyObject>?,
forKeys keys: UnsafePointer<NSCopying>?,
count: Int) {
super.init(objects: objects, forKeys: keys, count: count)
required init(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) not implemented by ParallelArrayDictionary")
override func copy(with zone: NSZone?) -> Any {
// Ensure that copying this dictionary does not produce a CoreFoundation
// object.
return self
override func countByEnumerating(
with state: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSFastEnumerationState>,
objects: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject?>,
count: Int
) -> Int {
var theState = state.pointee
if theState.state == 0 {
theState.state = 1
theState.itemsPtr = AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer(keys._baseAddressIfContiguous)
theState.mutationsPtr = _fastEnumerationStorageMutationsPtr
state.pointee = theState
return 4
return 0
override func object(forKey aKey: Any) -> Any? {
return value
override var count: Int {
return 4
func getParallelArrayBridgedVerbatimDictionary() -> Dictionary<NSObject, AnyObject> {
let nsd: NSDictionary = ParallelArrayDictionary()
return convertNSDictionaryToDictionary(nsd)
func getParallelArrayBridgedNonverbatimDictionary() -> Dictionary<TestBridgedKeyTy, TestBridgedValueTy> {
let nsd: NSDictionary = ParallelArrayDictionary()
return Swift._forceBridgeFromObjectiveC(nsd, Dictionary.self)
class CustomImmutableNSDictionary : NSDictionary {
init(_privateInit: ()) {
override init() {
override init(
objects: UnsafePointer<AnyObject>?,
forKeys keys: UnsafePointer<NSCopying>?,
count: Int) {
super.init(objects: objects, forKeys: keys, count: count)
required init(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) not implemented by CustomImmutableNSDictionary")
override func copy(with zone: NSZone?) -> Any {
CustomImmutableNSDictionary.timesCopyWithZoneWasCalled += 1
return self
override func object(forKey aKey: Any) -> Any? {
CustomImmutableNSDictionary.timesObjectForKeyWasCalled += 1
return getAsNSDictionary([10: 1010, 20: 1020, 30: 1030]).object(forKey: aKey)
override func keyEnumerator() -> NSEnumerator {
CustomImmutableNSDictionary.timesKeyEnumeratorWasCalled += 1
return getAsNSDictionary([10: 1010, 20: 1020, 30: 1030]).keyEnumerator()
override var count: Int {
CustomImmutableNSDictionary.timesCountWasCalled += 1
return 3
static var timesCopyWithZoneWasCalled = 0
static var timesObjectForKeyWasCalled = 0
static var timesKeyEnumeratorWasCalled = 0
static var timesCountWasCalled = 0
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedFromObjC.Verbatim.DictionaryIsCopied") {
var (d, nsd) = getBridgedVerbatimDictionaryAndNSMutableDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
// Find an existing key.
do {
var kv = d[d.index(forKey: TestObjCKeyTy(10))!]
assert(kv.0 == TestObjCKeyTy(10))
assert((kv.1 as! TestObjCValueTy).value == 1010)
// Delete the key from the NSMutableDictionary.
assert(nsd[TestObjCKeyTy(10)] != nil)
nsd.removeObject(forKey: TestObjCKeyTy(10))
assert(nsd[TestObjCKeyTy(10)] == nil)
// Find an existing key, again.
do {
var kv = d[d.index(forKey: TestObjCKeyTy(10))!]
assert(kv.0 == TestObjCKeyTy(10))
assert((kv.1 as! TestObjCValueTy).value == 1010)
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedFromObjC.Nonverbatim.DictionaryIsCopied") {
var (d, nsd) = getBridgedNonverbatimDictionaryAndNSMutableDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
// Find an existing key.
do {
var kv = d[d.index(forKey: TestBridgedKeyTy(10))!]
assert(kv.0 == TestBridgedKeyTy(10))
assert(kv.1.value == 1010)
// Delete the key from the NSMutableDictionary.
assert(nsd[TestBridgedKeyTy(10) as NSCopying] != nil)
nsd.removeObject(forKey: TestBridgedKeyTy(10) as NSCopying)
assert(nsd[TestBridgedKeyTy(10) as NSCopying] == nil)
// Find an existing key, again.
do {
var kv = d[d.index(forKey: TestBridgedKeyTy(10))!]
assert(kv.0 == TestBridgedKeyTy(10))
assert(kv.1.value == 1010)
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedFromObjC.Verbatim.NSDictionaryIsRetained") {
var nsd: NSDictionary = autoreleasepool {
getAsNSDictionary([10: 1010, 20: 1020, 30: 1030]))
var d: [NSObject : AnyObject] = convertNSDictionaryToDictionary(nsd)
var bridgedBack: NSDictionary = convertDictionaryToNSDictionary(d)
unsafeBitCast(nsd, to: Int.self),
unsafeBitCast(bridgedBack, to: Int.self))
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedFromObjC.Nonverbatim.NSDictionaryIsCopied") {
var nsd: NSDictionary = autoreleasepool {
getAsNSDictionary([10: 1010, 20: 1020, 30: 1030]))
var d: [TestBridgedKeyTy : TestBridgedValueTy] =
var bridgedBack: NSDictionary = convertDictionaryToNSDictionary(d)
unsafeBitCast(nsd, to: Int.self),
unsafeBitCast(bridgedBack, to: Int.self))
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedFromObjC.Verbatim.ImmutableDictionaryIsRetained") {
var nsd: NSDictionary = CustomImmutableNSDictionary(_privateInit: ())
CustomImmutableNSDictionary.timesCopyWithZoneWasCalled = 0
CustomImmutableNSDictionary.timesObjectForKeyWasCalled = 0
CustomImmutableNSDictionary.timesKeyEnumeratorWasCalled = 0
CustomImmutableNSDictionary.timesCountWasCalled = 0
var d: [NSObject : AnyObject] = convertNSDictionaryToDictionary(nsd)
expectEqual(1, CustomImmutableNSDictionary.timesCopyWithZoneWasCalled)
expectEqual(0, CustomImmutableNSDictionary.timesObjectForKeyWasCalled)
expectEqual(0, CustomImmutableNSDictionary.timesKeyEnumeratorWasCalled)
expectEqual(0, CustomImmutableNSDictionary.timesCountWasCalled)
var bridgedBack: NSDictionary = convertDictionaryToNSDictionary(d)
unsafeBitCast(nsd, to: Int.self),
unsafeBitCast(bridgedBack, to: Int.self))
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedFromObjC.Nonverbatim.ImmutableDictionaryIsCopied") {
var nsd: NSDictionary = CustomImmutableNSDictionary(_privateInit: ())
CustomImmutableNSDictionary.timesCopyWithZoneWasCalled = 0
CustomImmutableNSDictionary.timesObjectForKeyWasCalled = 0
CustomImmutableNSDictionary.timesKeyEnumeratorWasCalled = 0
CustomImmutableNSDictionary.timesCountWasCalled = 0
TestBridgedValueTy.bridgeOperations = 0
var d: [TestBridgedKeyTy : TestBridgedValueTy] =
expectEqual(0, CustomImmutableNSDictionary.timesCopyWithZoneWasCalled)
expectEqual(3, CustomImmutableNSDictionary.timesObjectForKeyWasCalled)
expectEqual(1, CustomImmutableNSDictionary.timesKeyEnumeratorWasCalled)
expectNotEqual(0, CustomImmutableNSDictionary.timesCountWasCalled)
expectEqual(3, TestBridgedValueTy.bridgeOperations)
var bridgedBack: NSDictionary = convertDictionaryToNSDictionary(d)
unsafeBitCast(nsd, to: Int.self),
unsafeBitCast(bridgedBack, to: Int.self))
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedFromObjC.Verbatim.IndexForKey") {
var d = getBridgedVerbatimDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
// Find an existing key.
do {
var kv = d[d.index(forKey: TestObjCKeyTy(10))!]
assert(kv.0 == TestObjCKeyTy(10))
assert((kv.1 as! TestObjCValueTy).value == 1010)
kv = d[d.index(forKey: TestObjCKeyTy(20))!]
assert(kv.0 == TestObjCKeyTy(20))
assert((kv.1 as! TestObjCValueTy).value == 1020)
kv = d[d.index(forKey: TestObjCKeyTy(30))!]
assert(kv.0 == TestObjCKeyTy(30))
assert((kv.1 as! TestObjCValueTy).value == 1030)
// Try to find a key that does not exist.
assert(d.index(forKey: TestObjCKeyTy(40)) == nil)
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedFromObjC.Nonverbatim.IndexForKey") {
var d = getBridgedNonverbatimDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
// Find an existing key.
do {
var kv = d[d.index(forKey: TestBridgedKeyTy(10))!]
assert(kv.0 == TestBridgedKeyTy(10))
assert(kv.1.value == 1010)
kv = d[d.index(forKey: TestBridgedKeyTy(20))!]
assert(kv.0 == TestBridgedKeyTy(20))
assert(kv.1.value == 1020)
kv = d[d.index(forKey: TestBridgedKeyTy(30))!]
assert(kv.0 == TestBridgedKeyTy(30))
assert(kv.1.value == 1030)
// Try to find a key that does not exist.
assert(d.index(forKey: TestBridgedKeyTy(40)) == nil)
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedFromObjC.Verbatim.SubscriptWithIndex") {
var d = getBridgedVerbatimDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
var startIndex = d.startIndex
var endIndex = d.endIndex
assert(startIndex != endIndex)
assert(startIndex < endIndex)
assert(startIndex <= endIndex)
assert(!(startIndex >= endIndex))
assert(!(startIndex > endIndex))
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
var pairs = Array<(Int, Int)>()
for i in d.indices {
var (key, value) = d[i]
let kv = ((key as! TestObjCKeyTy).value, (value as! TestObjCValueTy).value)
pairs += [kv]
assert(equalsUnordered(pairs, [ (10, 1010), (20, 1020), (30, 1030) ]))
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
// Keep indexes alive during the calls above.
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedFromObjC.Nonverbatim.SubscriptWithIndex") {
var d = getBridgedNonverbatimDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
var startIndex = d.startIndex
var endIndex = d.endIndex
assert(startIndex != endIndex)
assert(startIndex < endIndex)
assert(startIndex <= endIndex)
assert(!(startIndex >= endIndex))
assert(!(startIndex > endIndex))
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
var pairs = Array<(Int, Int)>()
for i in d.indices {
var (key, value) = d[i]
let kv = (key.value, value.value)
pairs += [kv]
assert(equalsUnordered(pairs, [ (10, 1010), (20, 1020), (30, 1030) ]))
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
// Keep indexes alive during the calls above.
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedFromObjC.Verbatim.SubscriptWithIndex_Empty") {
var d = getBridgedVerbatimDictionary([:])
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
var startIndex = d.startIndex
var endIndex = d.endIndex
assert(startIndex == endIndex)
assert(!(startIndex < endIndex))
assert(startIndex <= endIndex)
assert(startIndex >= endIndex)
assert(!(startIndex > endIndex))
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
// Keep indexes alive during the calls above.
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedFromObjC.Nonverbatim.SubscriptWithIndex_Empty") {
var d = getBridgedNonverbatimDictionary([:])
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
var startIndex = d.startIndex
var endIndex = d.endIndex
assert(startIndex == endIndex)
assert(!(startIndex < endIndex))
assert(startIndex <= endIndex)
assert(startIndex >= endIndex)
assert(!(startIndex > endIndex))
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
// Keep indexes alive during the calls above.
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedFromObjC.Verbatim.SubscriptWithKey") {
var d = getBridgedVerbatimDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
// Read existing key-value pairs.
var v = d[TestObjCKeyTy(10)] as! TestObjCValueTy
assert(v.value == 1010)
v = d[TestObjCKeyTy(20)] as! TestObjCValueTy
assert(v.value == 1020)
v = d[TestObjCKeyTy(30)] as! TestObjCValueTy
assert(v.value == 1030)
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
// Insert a new key-value pair.
d[TestObjCKeyTy(40)] = TestObjCValueTy(2040)
var identity2 = d._rawIdentifier()
assert(identity1 != identity2)
assert(d.count == 4)
v = d[TestObjCKeyTy(10)] as! TestObjCValueTy
assert(v.value == 1010)
v = d[TestObjCKeyTy(20)] as! TestObjCValueTy
assert(v.value == 1020)
v = d[TestObjCKeyTy(30)] as! TestObjCValueTy
assert(v.value == 1030)
v = d[TestObjCKeyTy(40)] as! TestObjCValueTy
assert(v.value == 2040)
// Overwrite value in existing binding.
d[TestObjCKeyTy(10)] = TestObjCValueTy(2010)
assert(identity2 == d._rawIdentifier())
assert(d.count == 4)
v = d[TestObjCKeyTy(10)] as! TestObjCValueTy
assert(v.value == 2010)
v = d[TestObjCKeyTy(20)] as! TestObjCValueTy
assert(v.value == 1020)
v = d[TestObjCKeyTy(30)] as! TestObjCValueTy
assert(v.value == 1030)
v = d[TestObjCKeyTy(40)] as! TestObjCValueTy
assert(v.value == 2040)
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedFromObjC.Nonverbatim.SubscriptWithKey") {
var d = getBridgedNonverbatimDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
// Read existing key-value pairs.
var v = d[TestBridgedKeyTy(10)]
assert(v!.value == 1010)
v = d[TestBridgedKeyTy(20)]
assert(v!.value == 1020)
v = d[TestBridgedKeyTy(30)]
assert(v!.value == 1030)
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
// Insert a new key-value pair.
d[TestBridgedKeyTy(40)] = TestBridgedValueTy(2040)
var identity2 = d._rawIdentifier()
assert(identity1 != identity2)
assert(d.count == 4)
v = d[TestBridgedKeyTy(10)]
assert(v!.value == 1010)
v = d[TestBridgedKeyTy(20)]
assert(v!.value == 1020)
v = d[TestBridgedKeyTy(30)]
assert(v!.value == 1030)
v = d[TestBridgedKeyTy(40)]
assert(v!.value == 2040)
// Overwrite value in existing binding.
d[TestBridgedKeyTy(10)] = TestBridgedValueTy(2010)
assert(identity2 == d._rawIdentifier())
assert(d.count == 4)
v = d[TestBridgedKeyTy(10)]
assert(v!.value == 2010)
v = d[TestBridgedKeyTy(20)]
assert(v!.value == 1020)
v = d[TestBridgedKeyTy(30)]
assert(v!.value == 1030)
v = d[TestBridgedKeyTy(40)]
assert(v!.value == 2040)
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedFromObjC.Verbatim.UpdateValueForKey") {
// Insert a new key-value pair.
do {
var d = getBridgedVerbatimDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
var oldValue: AnyObject? =
d.updateValue(TestObjCValueTy(2040), forKey: TestObjCKeyTy(40))
assert(oldValue == nil)
var identity2 = d._rawIdentifier()
assert(identity1 != identity2)
assert(d.count == 4)
assert((d[TestObjCKeyTy(10)] as! TestObjCValueTy).value == 1010)
assert((d[TestObjCKeyTy(20)] as! TestObjCValueTy).value == 1020)
assert((d[TestObjCKeyTy(30)] as! TestObjCValueTy).value == 1030)
assert((d[TestObjCKeyTy(40)] as! TestObjCValueTy).value == 2040)
// Overwrite a value in existing binding.
do {
var d = getBridgedVerbatimDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
var oldValue: AnyObject? =
d.updateValue(TestObjCValueTy(2010), forKey: TestObjCKeyTy(10))
assert((oldValue as! TestObjCValueTy).value == 1010)
var identity2 = d._rawIdentifier()
assert(identity1 != identity2)
assert(d.count == 3)
assert((d[TestObjCKeyTy(10)] as! TestObjCValueTy).value == 2010)
assert((d[TestObjCKeyTy(20)] as! TestObjCValueTy).value == 1020)
assert((d[TestObjCKeyTy(30)] as! TestObjCValueTy).value == 1030)
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedFromObjC.Nonverbatim.UpdateValueForKey") {
// Insert a new key-value pair.
do {
var d = getBridgedNonverbatimDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
var oldValue =
d.updateValue(TestBridgedValueTy(2040), forKey: TestBridgedKeyTy(40))
assert(oldValue == nil)
var identity2 = d._rawIdentifier()
assert(identity1 != identity2)
assert(d.count == 4)
assert(d[TestBridgedKeyTy(10)]!.value == 1010)
assert(d[TestBridgedKeyTy(20)]!.value == 1020)
assert(d[TestBridgedKeyTy(30)]!.value == 1030)
assert(d[TestBridgedKeyTy(40)]!.value == 2040)
// Overwrite a value in existing binding.
do {
var d = getBridgedNonverbatimDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
var oldValue =
d.updateValue(TestBridgedValueTy(2010), forKey: TestBridgedKeyTy(10))!
assert(oldValue.value == 1010)
var identity2 = d._rawIdentifier()
assert(identity1 == identity2)
assert(d.count == 3)
assert(d[TestBridgedKeyTy(10)]!.value == 2010)
assert(d[TestBridgedKeyTy(20)]!.value == 1020)
assert(d[TestBridgedKeyTy(30)]!.value == 1030)
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedFromObjC.Verbatim.RemoveAt") {
var d = getBridgedVerbatimDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
let foundIndex1 = d.index(forKey: TestObjCKeyTy(10))!
assert(d[foundIndex1].0 == TestObjCKeyTy(10))
assert((d[foundIndex1].1 as! TestObjCValueTy).value == 1010)
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
let removedElement = d.remove(at: foundIndex1)
assert(identity1 != d._rawIdentifier())
assert(removedElement.0 == TestObjCKeyTy(10))
assert((removedElement.1 as! TestObjCValueTy).value == 1010)
assert(d.count == 2)
assert(d.index(forKey: TestObjCKeyTy(10)) == nil)
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedFromObjC.Nonverbatim.RemoveAt") {
var d = getBridgedNonverbatimDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
let foundIndex1 = d.index(forKey: TestBridgedKeyTy(10))!
assert(d[foundIndex1].0 == TestBridgedKeyTy(10))
assert(d[foundIndex1].1.value == 1010)
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
let removedElement = d.remove(at: foundIndex1)
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
assert(removedElement.0 == TestObjCKeyTy(10) as TestBridgedKeyTy)
assert(removedElement.1.value == 1010)
assert(d.count == 2)
assert(d.index(forKey: TestBridgedKeyTy(10)) == nil)
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedFromObjC.Verbatim.RemoveValueForKey") {
do {
var d = getBridgedVerbatimDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
var deleted: AnyObject? = d.removeValue(forKey: TestObjCKeyTy(0))
assert(deleted == nil)
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
deleted = d.removeValue(forKey: TestObjCKeyTy(10))
assert((deleted as! TestObjCValueTy).value == 1010)
var identity2 = d._rawIdentifier()
assert(identity1 != identity2)
assert(d.count == 2)
assert(d[TestObjCKeyTy(10)] == nil)
assert((d[TestObjCKeyTy(20)] as! TestObjCValueTy).value == 1020)
assert((d[TestObjCKeyTy(30)] as! TestObjCValueTy).value == 1030)
assert(identity2 == d._rawIdentifier())
do {
var d1 = getBridgedVerbatimDictionary()
var identity1 = d1._rawIdentifier()
var d2 = d1
var deleted: AnyObject? = d2.removeValue(forKey: TestObjCKeyTy(0))
assert(deleted == nil)
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
assert(identity1 == d2._rawIdentifier())
deleted = d2.removeValue(forKey: TestObjCKeyTy(10))
assert((deleted as! TestObjCValueTy).value == 1010)
var identity2 = d2._rawIdentifier()
assert(identity1 != identity2)
assert(d2.count == 2)
assert((d1[TestObjCKeyTy(10)] as! TestObjCValueTy).value == 1010)
assert((d1[TestObjCKeyTy(20)] as! TestObjCValueTy).value == 1020)
assert((d1[TestObjCKeyTy(30)] as! TestObjCValueTy).value == 1030)
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
assert(d2[TestObjCKeyTy(10)] == nil)
assert((d2[TestObjCKeyTy(20)] as! TestObjCValueTy).value == 1020)
assert((d2[TestObjCKeyTy(30)] as! TestObjCValueTy).value == 1030)
assert(identity2 == d2._rawIdentifier())
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedFromObjC.Nonverbatim.RemoveValueForKey") {
do {
var d = getBridgedNonverbatimDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
var deleted = d.removeValue(forKey: TestBridgedKeyTy(0))
assert(deleted == nil)
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
deleted = d.removeValue(forKey: TestBridgedKeyTy(10))
assert(deleted!.value == 1010)
var identity2 = d._rawIdentifier()
assert(identity1 == identity2)
assert(d.count == 2)
assert(d[TestBridgedKeyTy(10)] == nil)
assert(d[TestBridgedKeyTy(20)]!.value == 1020)
assert(d[TestBridgedKeyTy(30)]!.value == 1030)
assert(identity2 == d._rawIdentifier())
do {
var d1 = getBridgedNonverbatimDictionary()
var identity1 = d1._rawIdentifier()
var d2 = d1
var deleted = d2.removeValue(forKey: TestBridgedKeyTy(0))
assert(deleted == nil)
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
assert(identity1 == d2._rawIdentifier())
deleted = d2.removeValue(forKey: TestBridgedKeyTy(10))
assert(deleted!.value == 1010)
var identity2 = d2._rawIdentifier()
assert(identity1 != identity2)
assert(d2.count == 2)
assert(d1[TestBridgedKeyTy(10)]!.value == 1010)
assert(d1[TestBridgedKeyTy(20)]!.value == 1020)
assert(d1[TestBridgedKeyTy(30)]!.value == 1030)
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
assert(d2[TestBridgedKeyTy(10)] == nil)
assert(d2[TestBridgedKeyTy(20)]!.value == 1020)
assert(d2[TestBridgedKeyTy(30)]!.value == 1030)
assert(identity2 == d2._rawIdentifier())
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedFromObjC.Verbatim.RemoveAll") {
do {
var d = getBridgedVerbatimDictionary([:])
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
assert(d.count == 0)
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
assert(d.count == 0)
do {
var d = getBridgedVerbatimDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
let originalCapacity = d.count
assert(d.count == 3)
assert((d[TestObjCKeyTy(10)] as! TestObjCValueTy).value == 1010)
assert(identity1 != d._rawIdentifier())
assert(d._variantBuffer.asNative.capacity < originalCapacity)
assert(d.count == 0)
assert(d[TestObjCKeyTy(10)] == nil)
do {
var d = getBridgedVerbatimDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
let originalCapacity = d.count
assert(d.count == 3)
assert((d[TestObjCKeyTy(10)] as! TestObjCValueTy).value == 1010)
d.removeAll(keepingCapacity: true)
assert(identity1 != d._rawIdentifier())
assert(d._variantBuffer.asNative.capacity >= originalCapacity)
assert(d.count == 0)
assert(d[TestObjCKeyTy(10)] == nil)
do {
var d1 = getBridgedVerbatimDictionary()
var identity1 = d1._rawIdentifier()
let originalCapacity = d1.count
assert(d1.count == 3)
assert((d1[TestObjCKeyTy(10)] as! TestObjCValueTy).value == 1010)
var d2 = d1
var identity2 = d2._rawIdentifier()
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
assert(identity2 != identity1)
assert(d1.count == 3)
assert((d1[TestObjCKeyTy(10)] as! TestObjCValueTy).value == 1010)
assert(d2._variantBuffer.asNative.capacity < originalCapacity)
assert(d2.count == 0)
assert(d2[TestObjCKeyTy(10)] == nil)
do {
var d1 = getBridgedVerbatimDictionary()
var identity1 = d1._rawIdentifier()
let originalCapacity = d1.count
assert(d1.count == 3)
assert((d1[TestObjCKeyTy(10)] as! TestObjCValueTy).value == 1010)
var d2 = d1
d2.removeAll(keepingCapacity: true)
var identity2 = d2._rawIdentifier()
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
assert(identity2 != identity1)
assert(d1.count == 3)
assert((d1[TestObjCKeyTy(10)] as! TestObjCValueTy).value == 1010)
assert(d2._variantBuffer.asNative.capacity >= originalCapacity)
assert(d2.count == 0)
assert(d2[TestObjCKeyTy(10)] == nil)
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedFromObjC.Nonverbatim.RemoveAll") {
do {
var d = getBridgedNonverbatimDictionary([:])
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
assert(d.count == 0)
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
assert(d.count == 0)
do {
var d = getBridgedNonverbatimDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
let originalCapacity = d.count
assert(d.count == 3)
assert(d[TestBridgedKeyTy(10)]!.value == 1010)
assert(identity1 != d._rawIdentifier())
assert(d._variantBuffer.asNative.capacity < originalCapacity)
assert(d.count == 0)
assert(d[TestBridgedKeyTy(10)] == nil)
do {
var d = getBridgedNonverbatimDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
let originalCapacity = d.count
assert(d.count == 3)
assert(d[TestBridgedKeyTy(10)]!.value == 1010)
d.removeAll(keepingCapacity: true)
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
assert(d._variantBuffer.asNative.capacity >= originalCapacity)
assert(d.count == 0)
assert(d[TestBridgedKeyTy(10)] == nil)
do {
var d1 = getBridgedNonverbatimDictionary()
var identity1 = d1._rawIdentifier()
let originalCapacity = d1.count
assert(d1.count == 3)
assert(d1[TestBridgedKeyTy(10)]!.value == 1010)
var d2 = d1
var identity2 = d2._rawIdentifier()
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
assert(identity2 != identity1)
assert(d1.count == 3)
assert(d1[TestBridgedKeyTy(10)]!.value == 1010)
assert(d2._variantBuffer.asNative.capacity < originalCapacity)
assert(d2.count == 0)
assert(d2[TestBridgedKeyTy(10)] == nil)
do {
var d1 = getBridgedNonverbatimDictionary()
var identity1 = d1._rawIdentifier()
let originalCapacity = d1.count
assert(d1.count == 3)
assert(d1[TestBridgedKeyTy(10)]!.value == 1010)
var d2 = d1
d2.removeAll(keepingCapacity: true)
var identity2 = d2._rawIdentifier()
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
assert(identity2 != identity1)
assert(d1.count == 3)
assert(d1[TestBridgedKeyTy(10)]!.value == 1010)
assert(d2._variantBuffer.asNative.capacity >= originalCapacity)
assert(d2.count == 0)
assert(d2[TestBridgedKeyTy(10)] == nil)
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedFromObjC.Verbatim.Count") {
var d = getBridgedVerbatimDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
assert(d.count == 3)
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedFromObjC.Nonverbatim.Count") {
var d = getBridgedNonverbatimDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
assert(d.count == 3)
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedFromObjC.Verbatim.Generate") {
var d = getBridgedVerbatimDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
var iter = d.makeIterator()
var pairs = Array<(Int, Int)>()
while let (key, value) = {
let kv = ((key as! TestObjCKeyTy).value, (value as! TestObjCValueTy).value)
assert(equalsUnordered(pairs, [ (10, 1010), (20, 1020), (30, 1030) ]))
// The following is not required by the IteratorProtocol protocol, but
// it is a nice QoI.
assert( == nil)
assert( == nil)
assert( == nil)
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedFromObjC.Nonverbatim.Generate") {
var d = getBridgedNonverbatimDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
var iter = d.makeIterator()
var pairs = Array<(Int, Int)>()
while let (key, value) = {
let kv = (key.value, value.value)
assert(equalsUnordered(pairs, [ (10, 1010), (20, 1020), (30, 1030) ]))
// The following is not required by the IteratorProtocol protocol, but
// it is a nice QoI.
assert( == nil)
assert( == nil)
assert( == nil)
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedFromObjC.Verbatim.Generate_Empty") {
var d = getBridgedVerbatimDictionary([:])
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
var iter = d.makeIterator()
// Cannot write code below because of
// <rdar://problem/16811736> Optional tuples are broken as optionals regarding == comparison
// assert( == .none)
assert( == nil)
// The following is not required by the IteratorProtocol protocol, but
// it is a nice QoI.
assert( == nil)
assert( == nil)
assert( == nil)
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedFromObjC.Nonverbatim.Generate_Empty") {
var d = getBridgedNonverbatimDictionary([:])
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
var iter = d.makeIterator()
// Cannot write code below because of
// <rdar://problem/16811736> Optional tuples are broken as optionals regarding == comparison
// assert( == .none)
assert( == nil)
// The following is not required by the IteratorProtocol protocol, but
// it is a nice QoI.
assert( == nil)
assert( == nil)
assert( == nil)
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedFromObjC.Verbatim.Generate_Huge") {
var d = getHugeBridgedVerbatimDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
var iter = d.makeIterator()
var pairs = Array<(Int, Int)>()
while let (key, value) = {
let kv = ((key as! TestObjCKeyTy).value, (value as! TestObjCValueTy).value)
var expectedPairs = Array<(Int, Int)>()
for i in 1...32 {
expectedPairs += [(i, 1000 + i)]
assert(equalsUnordered(pairs, expectedPairs))
// The following is not required by the IteratorProtocol protocol, but
// it is a nice QoI.
assert( == nil)
assert( == nil)
assert( == nil)
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedFromObjC.Nonverbatim.Generate_Huge") {
var d = getHugeBridgedNonverbatimDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
var iter = d.makeIterator()
var pairs = Array<(Int, Int)>()
while let (key, value) = {
let kv = (key.value, value.value)
var expectedPairs = Array<(Int, Int)>()
for i in 1...32 {
expectedPairs += [(i, 1000 + i)]
assert(equalsUnordered(pairs, expectedPairs))
// The following is not required by the IteratorProtocol protocol, but
// it is a nice QoI.
assert( == nil)
assert( == nil)
assert( == nil)
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedFromObjC.Verbatim.Generate_ParallelArray") {
autoreleasepoolIfUnoptimizedReturnAutoreleased {
// Add an autorelease pool because ParallelArrayDictionary autoreleases
// values in objectForKey.
var d = getParallelArrayBridgedVerbatimDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
var iter = d.makeIterator()
var pairs = Array<(Int, Int)>()
while let (key, value) = {
let kv = ((key as! TestObjCKeyTy).value, (value as! TestObjCValueTy).value)
var expectedPairs = [ (10, 1111), (20, 1111), (30, 1111), (40, 1111) ]
assert(equalsUnordered(pairs, expectedPairs))
// The following is not required by the IteratorProtocol protocol, but
// it is a nice QoI.
assert( == nil)
assert( == nil)
assert( == nil)
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedFromObjC.Nonverbatim.Generate_ParallelArray") {
autoreleasepoolIfUnoptimizedReturnAutoreleased {
// Add an autorelease pool because ParallelArrayDictionary autoreleases
// values in objectForKey.
var d = getParallelArrayBridgedNonverbatimDictionary()
var identity1 = d._rawIdentifier()
var iter = d.makeIterator()
var pairs = Array<(Int, Int)>()
while let (key, value) = {
let kv = (key.value, value.value)
var expectedPairs = [ (10, 1111), (20, 1111), (30, 1111), (40, 1111) ]
assert(equalsUnordered(pairs, expectedPairs))
// The following is not required by the IteratorProtocol protocol, but
// it is a nice QoI.
assert( == nil)
assert( == nil)
assert( == nil)
assert(identity1 == d._rawIdentifier())
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedFromObjC.Verbatim.EqualityTest_Empty") {
var d1 = getBridgedVerbatimEquatableDictionary([:])
var identity1 = d1._rawIdentifier()
var d2 = getBridgedVerbatimEquatableDictionary([:])
var identity2 = d2._rawIdentifier()
// We can't check that `identity1 != identity2` because Foundation might be
// returning the same singleton NSDictionary for empty dictionaries.
assert(d1 == d2)
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
assert(identity2 == d2._rawIdentifier())
d2[TestObjCKeyTy(10)] = TestObjCEquatableValueTy(2010)
assert(identity2 != d2._rawIdentifier())
identity2 = d2._rawIdentifier()
assert(d1 != d2)
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
assert(identity2 == d2._rawIdentifier())
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedFromObjC.Nonverbatim.EqualityTest_Empty") {
var d1 = getBridgedNonverbatimEquatableDictionary([:])
var identity1 = d1._rawIdentifier()
var d2 = getBridgedNonverbatimEquatableDictionary([:])
var identity2 = d2._rawIdentifier()
assert(identity1 != identity2)
assert(d1 == d2)
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
assert(identity2 == d2._rawIdentifier())
d2[TestBridgedKeyTy(10)] = TestBridgedEquatableValueTy(2010)
assert(identity2 == d2._rawIdentifier())
assert(d1 != d2)
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
assert(identity2 == d2._rawIdentifier())
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedFromObjC.Verbatim.EqualityTest_Small") {
func helper(_ nd1: Dictionary<Int, Int>, _ nd2: Dictionary<Int, Int>, _ expectedEq: Bool) {
let d1 = getBridgedVerbatimEquatableDictionary(nd1)
let identity1 = d1._rawIdentifier()
var d2 = getBridgedVerbatimEquatableDictionary(nd2)
var identity2 = d2._rawIdentifier()
do {
let eq1 = (d1 == d2)
assert(eq1 == expectedEq)
let eq2 = (d2 == d1)
assert(eq2 == expectedEq)
let neq1 = (d1 != d2)
assert(neq1 != expectedEq)
let neq2 = (d2 != d1)
assert(neq2 != expectedEq)
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
assert(identity2 == d2._rawIdentifier())
d2[TestObjCKeyTy(1111)] = TestObjCEquatableValueTy(1111)
d2[TestObjCKeyTy(1111)] = nil
assert(identity2 != d2._rawIdentifier())
identity2 = d2._rawIdentifier()
do {
let eq1 = (d1 == d2)
assert(eq1 == expectedEq)
let eq2 = (d2 == d1)
assert(eq2 == expectedEq)
let neq1 = (d1 != d2)
assert(neq1 != expectedEq)
let neq2 = (d2 != d1)
assert(neq2 != expectedEq)
assert(identity1 == d1._rawIdentifier())
assert(identity2 == d2._rawIdentifier())
helper([:], [:], true)
helper([10: 1010],
[10: 1010],
helper([10: 1010, 20: 1020],
[10: 1010, 20: 1020],
helper([10: 1010, 20: 1020, 30: 1030],
[10: 1010, 20: 1020, 30: 1030],
helper([10: 1010, 20: 1020, 30: 1030],
[10: 1010, 20: 1020, 1111: 1030],
helper([10: 1010, 20: 1020, 30: 1030],
[10: 1010, 20: 1020, 30: 1111],
helper([10: 1010, 20: 1020, 30: 1030],
[10: 1010, 20: 1020],
helper([10: 1010, 20: 1020, 30: 1030],
[10: 1010],
helper([10: 1010, 20: 1020, 30: 1030],
helper([10: 1010, 20: 1020, 30: 1030],
[10: 1010, 20: 1020, 30: 1030, 40: 1040],
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedFromObjC.Verbatim.ArrayOfDictionaries") {
var nsa = NSMutableArray()
for i in 0..<3 {
getAsNSDictionary([10: 1010 + i, 20: 1020 + i, 30: 1030 + i]))
var a = nsa as [AnyObject] as! [Dictionary<NSObject, AnyObject>]
for i in 0..<3 {
var d = a[i]
var iter = d.makeIterator()
var pairs = Array<(Int, Int)>()
while let (key, value) = {
let kv = ((key as! TestObjCKeyTy).value, (value as! TestObjCValueTy).value)
var expectedPairs = [ (10, 1010 + i), (20, 1020 + i), (30, 1030 + i) ]
assert(equalsUnordered(pairs, expectedPairs))
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedFromObjC.Nonverbatim.ArrayOfDictionaries") {
var nsa = NSMutableArray()
for i in 0..<3 {
getAsNSDictionary([10: 1010 + i, 20: 1020 + i, 30: 1030 + i]))
var a = nsa as [AnyObject] as! [Dictionary<TestBridgedKeyTy, TestBridgedValueTy>]
for i in 0..<3 {
var d = a[i]
var iter = d.makeIterator()
var pairs = Array<(Int, Int)>()
while let (key, value) = {
let kv = (key.value, value.value)
var expectedPairs = [ (10, 1010 + i), (20, 1020 + i), (30, 1030 + i) ]
assert(equalsUnordered(pairs, expectedPairs))
// Dictionary -> NSDictionary bridging tests.
// Key and Value are bridged verbatim.
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedToObjC.Verbatim.Count") {
let d = getBridgedNSDictionaryOfRefTypesBridgedVerbatim()
assert(d.count == 3)
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedToObjC.Verbatim.ObjectForKey") {
let d = getBridgedNSDictionaryOfRefTypesBridgedVerbatim()
var v: AnyObject? = d.object(forKey: TestObjCKeyTy(10)).map { $0 as AnyObject }
expectEqual(1010, (v as! TestObjCValueTy).value)
let idValue10 = unsafeBitCast(v, to: UInt.self)
v = d.object(forKey: TestObjCKeyTy(20)).map { $0 as AnyObject }
expectEqual(1020, (v as! TestObjCValueTy).value)
let idValue20 = unsafeBitCast(v, to: UInt.self)
v = d.object(forKey: TestObjCKeyTy(30)).map { $0 as AnyObject }
expectEqual(1030, (v as! TestObjCValueTy).value)
let idValue30 = unsafeBitCast(v, to: UInt.self)
expectNil(d.object(forKey: TestObjCKeyTy(40)))
// NSDictionary can store mixed key types. Swift's Dictionary is typed, but
// when bridged to NSDictionary, it should behave like one, and allow queries
// for mismatched key types.
expectNil(d.object(forKey: TestObjCInvalidKeyTy()))
for i in 0..<3 {
expectEqual(idValue10, unsafeBitCast(
d.object(forKey: TestObjCKeyTy(10)).map { $0 as AnyObject }, to: UInt.self))
expectEqual(idValue20, unsafeBitCast(
d.object(forKey: TestObjCKeyTy(20)).map { $0 as AnyObject }, to: UInt.self))
expectEqual(idValue30, unsafeBitCast(
d.object(forKey: TestObjCKeyTy(30)).map { $0 as AnyObject }, to: UInt.self))
expectAutoreleasedKeysAndValues(unopt: (0, 3))
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedToObjC.Verbatim.KeyEnumerator.NextObject") {
let d = getBridgedNSDictionaryOfRefTypesBridgedVerbatim()
var capturedIdentityPairs = Array<(UInt, UInt)>()
for i in 0..<3 {
let enumerator = d.keyEnumerator()
var dataPairs = Array<(Int, Int)>()
var identityPairs = Array<(UInt, UInt)>()
while let key = enumerator.nextObject() {
let keyObj = key as AnyObject
let value: AnyObject = d.object(forKey: keyObj)! as AnyObject
let dataPair =
((keyObj as! TestObjCKeyTy).value, (value as! TestObjCValueTy).value)
let identityPair =
(unsafeBitCast(keyObj, to: UInt.self),
unsafeBitCast(value, to: UInt.self))
equalsUnordered(dataPairs, [ (10, 1010), (20, 1020), (30, 1030) ]))
if capturedIdentityPairs.isEmpty {
capturedIdentityPairs = identityPairs
} else {
expectTrue(equalsUnordered(capturedIdentityPairs, identityPairs))
assert(enumerator.nextObject() == nil)
assert(enumerator.nextObject() == nil)
assert(enumerator.nextObject() == nil)
expectAutoreleasedKeysAndValues(unopt: (3, 3))
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedToObjC.Verbatim.KeyEnumerator.NextObject_Empty") {
let d = getBridgedEmptyNSDictionary()
let enumerator = d.keyEnumerator()
assert(enumerator.nextObject() == nil)
assert(enumerator.nextObject() == nil)
assert(enumerator.nextObject() == nil)
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedToObjC.Verbatim.KeyEnumerator.FastEnumeration.UseFromSwift") {
let d = getBridgedNSDictionaryOfRefTypesBridgedVerbatim()
[ (10, 1010), (20, 1020), (30, 1030) ],
d, { d.keyEnumerator() },
{ ($0 as! TestObjCKeyTy).value },
{ ($0 as! TestObjCValueTy).value })
expectAutoreleasedKeysAndValues(unopt: (3, 3))
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedToObjC.Verbatim.KeyEnumerator.FastEnumeration.UseFromObjC") {
let d = getBridgedNSDictionaryOfRefTypesBridgedVerbatim()
[ (10, 1010), (20, 1020), (30, 1030) ],
d, { d.keyEnumerator() },
{ ($0 as! TestObjCKeyTy).value },
{ ($0 as! TestObjCValueTy).value })
expectAutoreleasedKeysAndValues(unopt: (3, 3))
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedToObjC.Verbatim.KeyEnumerator.FastEnumeration_Empty") {
let d = getBridgedEmptyNSDictionary()
[], d, { d.keyEnumerator() },
{ ($0 as! TestObjCKeyTy).value },
{ ($0 as! TestObjCValueTy).value })
[], d, { d.keyEnumerator() },
{ ($0 as! TestObjCKeyTy).value },
{ ($0 as! TestObjCValueTy).value })
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedToObjC.Verbatim.FastEnumeration.UseFromSwift") {
let d = getBridgedNSDictionaryOfRefTypesBridgedVerbatim()
[ (10, 1010), (20, 1020), (30, 1030) ],
d, { d },
{ ($0 as! TestObjCKeyTy).value },
{ ($0 as! TestObjCValueTy).value })
expectAutoreleasedKeysAndValues(unopt: (0, 3))
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedToObjC.Verbatim.FastEnumeration.UseFromObjC") {
let d = getBridgedNSDictionaryOfRefTypesBridgedVerbatim()
[ (10, 1010), (20, 1020), (30, 1030) ],
d, { d },
{ ($0 as! TestObjCKeyTy).value },
{ ($0 as! TestObjCValueTy).value })
expectAutoreleasedKeysAndValues(unopt: (0, 3))
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedToObjC.Verbatim.FastEnumeration_Empty") {
let d = getBridgedEmptyNSDictionary()
[], d, { d },
{ ($0 as! TestObjCKeyTy).value },
{ ($0 as! TestObjCValueTy).value })
[], d, { d },
{ ($0 as! TestObjCKeyTy).value },
{ ($0 as! TestObjCValueTy).value })
// Dictionary -> NSDictionary bridging tests.
// Key type and value type are bridged non-verbatim.
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedToObjC.KeyValue_ValueTypesCustomBridged") {
let d = getBridgedNSDictionaryOfKeyValue_ValueTypesCustomBridged()
let enumerator = d.keyEnumerator()
var pairs = Array<(Int, Int)>()
while let key = enumerator.nextObject() {
let value: AnyObject = d.object(forKey: key)! as AnyObject
let kv = ((key as! TestObjCKeyTy).value, (value as! TestObjCValueTy).value)
assert(equalsUnordered(pairs, [ (10, 1010), (20, 1020), (30, 1030) ]))
expectAutoreleasedKeysAndValues(unopt: (3, 3))
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedToObjC.Custom.KeyEnumerator.FastEnumeration.UseFromSwift") {
let d = getBridgedNSDictionaryOfKeyValue_ValueTypesCustomBridged()
[ (10, 1010), (20, 1020), (30, 1030) ],
d, { d.keyEnumerator() },
{ ($0 as! TestObjCKeyTy).value },
{ ($0 as! TestObjCValueTy).value })
expectAutoreleasedKeysAndValues(unopt: (3, 3))
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedToObjC.Custom.KeyEnumerator.FastEnumeration.UseFromSwift.Partial") {
let d = getBridgedNSDictionaryOfKeyValue_ValueTypesCustomBridged(
numElements: 9)
[ (10, 1010), (20, 1020), (30, 1030), (40, 1040), (50, 1050),
(60, 1060), (70, 1070), (80, 1080), (90, 1090) ],
d, maxFastEnumerationItems: 5,
{ ($0 as! TestObjCKeyTy).value },
{ ($0 as! TestObjCValueTy).value })
expectAutoreleasedKeysAndValues(unopt: (9, 9))
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedToObjC.Custom.KeyEnumerator.FastEnumeration.UseFromObjC") {
let d = getBridgedNSDictionaryOfKeyValue_ValueTypesCustomBridged()
[ (10, 1010), (20, 1020), (30, 1030) ],
d, { d.keyEnumerator() },
{ ($0 as! TestObjCKeyTy).value },
{ ($0 as! TestObjCValueTy).value })
expectAutoreleasedKeysAndValues(unopt: (3, 3))
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedToObjC.Custom.FastEnumeration.UseFromSwift") {
let d = getBridgedNSDictionaryOfKeyValue_ValueTypesCustomBridged()
[ (10, 1010), (20, 1020), (30, 1030) ],
d, { d },
{ ($0 as! TestObjCKeyTy).value },
{ ($0 as! TestObjCValueTy).value })
expectAutoreleasedKeysAndValues(unopt: (0, 3))
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedToObjC.Custom.FastEnumeration.UseFromObjC") {
let d = getBridgedNSDictionaryOfKeyValue_ValueTypesCustomBridged()
[ (10, 1010), (20, 1020), (30, 1030) ],
d, { d },
{ ($0 as! TestObjCKeyTy).value },
{ ($0 as! TestObjCValueTy).value })
expectAutoreleasedKeysAndValues(unopt: (0, 3))
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedToObjC.Custom.FastEnumeration_Empty") {
let d = getBridgedNSDictionaryOfKeyValue_ValueTypesCustomBridged(
numElements: 0)
[], d, { d },
{ ($0 as! TestObjCKeyTy).value },
{ ($0 as! TestObjCValueTy).value })
[], d, { d },
{ ($0 as! TestObjCKeyTy).value },
{ ($0 as! TestObjCValueTy).value })
func getBridgedNSDictionaryOfKey_ValueTypeCustomBridged() -> NSDictionary {
var d = Dictionary<TestBridgedKeyTy, TestObjCValueTy>()
d[TestBridgedKeyTy(10)] = TestObjCValueTy(1010)
d[TestBridgedKeyTy(20)] = TestObjCValueTy(1020)
d[TestBridgedKeyTy(30)] = TestObjCValueTy(1030)
let bridged = convertDictionaryToNSDictionary(d)
return bridged
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedToObjC.Key_ValueTypeCustomBridged") {
let d = getBridgedNSDictionaryOfKey_ValueTypeCustomBridged()
let enumerator = d.keyEnumerator()
var pairs = Array<(Int, Int)>()
while let key = enumerator.nextObject() {
let value: AnyObject = d.object(forKey: key)! as AnyObject
let kv = ((key as! TestObjCKeyTy).value, (value as! TestObjCValueTy).value)
assert(equalsUnordered(pairs, [ (10, 1010), (20, 1020), (30, 1030) ]))
expectAutoreleasedKeysAndValues(unopt: (3, 3))
func getBridgedNSDictionaryOfValue_ValueTypeCustomBridged() -> NSDictionary {
var d = Dictionary<TestObjCKeyTy, TestBridgedValueTy>()
d[TestObjCKeyTy(10)] = TestBridgedValueTy(1010)
d[TestObjCKeyTy(20)] = TestBridgedValueTy(1020)
d[TestObjCKeyTy(30)] = TestBridgedValueTy(1030)
let bridged = convertDictionaryToNSDictionary(d)
return bridged
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgedToObjC.Value_ValueTypeCustomBridged") {
let d = getBridgedNSDictionaryOfValue_ValueTypeCustomBridged()
let enumerator = d.keyEnumerator()
var pairs = Array<(Int, Int)>()
while let key = enumerator.nextObject() {
let value: AnyObject = d.object(forKey: key)! as AnyObject
let kv = ((key as! TestObjCKeyTy).value, (value as! TestObjCValueTy).value)
assert(equalsUnordered(pairs, [ (10, 1010), (20, 1020), (30, 1030) ]))
expectAutoreleasedKeysAndValues(unopt: (3, 3))
// NSDictionary -> Dictionary -> NSDictionary bridging tests.
func getRoundtripBridgedNSDictionary() -> NSDictionary {
let keys = [ 10, 20, 30 ].map { TestObjCKeyTy($0) }
let values = [ 1010, 1020, 1030 ].map { TestObjCValueTy($0) }
let nsd = NSDictionary(objects: values, forKeys: keys)
let d: Dictionary<NSObject, AnyObject> = convertNSDictionaryToDictionary(nsd)
let bridgedBack = convertDictionaryToNSDictionary(d)
// FIXME: this should be true.
//assert(unsafeBitCast(nsd, Int.self) == unsafeBitCast(bridgedBack, Int.self))
return bridgedBack
DictionaryTestSuite.test("BridgingRoundtrip") {
let d = getRoundtripBridgedNSDictionary()
let enumerator = d.keyEnumerator()
var pairs = Array<(key: Int, value: Int)>()
while let key = enumerator.nextObject() {
let value: AnyObject = d.object(forKey: key)! as AnyObject
let kv = ((key as! TestObjCKeyTy).value, (value as! TestObjCValueTy).value)
expectEqualsUnordered([ (10, 1010), (20, 1020), (30, 1030) ], pairs)
// NSDictionary -> Dictionary implicit conversion.
DictionaryTestSuite.test("NSDictionaryToDictionaryConversion") {
let keys = [ 10, 20, 30 ].map { TestObjCKeyTy($0) }
let values = [ 1010, 1020, 1030 ].map { TestObjCValueTy($0) }
let nsd = NSDictionary(objects: values, forKeys: keys)
let d: Dictionary = nsd as Dictionary
var pairs = Array<(Int, Int)>()
for (key, value) in d {
let kv = ((key as! TestObjCKeyTy).value, (value as! TestObjCValueTy).value)
assert(equalsUnordered(pairs, [ (10, 1010), (20, 1020), (30, 1030) ]))
DictionaryTestSuite.test("DictionaryToNSDictionaryConversion") {
var d = Dictionary<TestObjCKeyTy, TestObjCValueTy>(minimumCapacity: 32)
d[TestObjCKeyTy(10)] = TestObjCValueTy(1010)
d[TestObjCKeyTy(20)] = TestObjCValueTy(1020)
d[TestObjCKeyTy(30)] = TestObjCValueTy(1030)
let nsd: NSDictionary = d as NSDictionary
[ (10, 1010), (20, 1020), (30, 1030) ],
d as NSDictionary, { d as NSDictionary },
{ ($0 as! TestObjCKeyTy).value },
{ ($0 as! TestObjCValueTy).value })
expectAutoreleasedKeysAndValues(unopt: (0, 3))
// Dictionary upcasts
DictionaryTestSuite.test("DictionaryUpcastEntryPoint") {
var d = Dictionary<TestObjCKeyTy, TestObjCValueTy>(minimumCapacity: 32)
d[TestObjCKeyTy(10)] = TestObjCValueTy(1010)
d[TestObjCKeyTy(20)] = TestObjCValueTy(1020)
d[TestObjCKeyTy(30)] = TestObjCValueTy(1030)
var dAsAnyObject: Dictionary<NSObject, AnyObject> = _dictionaryUpCast(d)
assert(dAsAnyObject.count == 3)
var v: AnyObject? = dAsAnyObject[TestObjCKeyTy(10)]
assert((v! as! TestObjCValueTy).value == 1010)
v = dAsAnyObject[TestObjCKeyTy(20)]
assert((v! as! TestObjCValueTy).value == 1020)
v = dAsAnyObject[TestObjCKeyTy(30)]
assert((v! as! TestObjCValueTy).value == 1030)
DictionaryTestSuite.test("DictionaryUpcast") {
var d = Dictionary<TestObjCKeyTy, TestObjCValueTy>(minimumCapacity: 32)
d[TestObjCKeyTy(10)] = TestObjCValueTy(1010)
d[TestObjCKeyTy(20)] = TestObjCValueTy(1020)
d[TestObjCKeyTy(30)] = TestObjCValueTy(1030)
var dAsAnyObject: Dictionary<NSObject, AnyObject> = d
assert(dAsAnyObject.count == 3)
var v: AnyObject? = dAsAnyObject[TestObjCKeyTy(10)]
assert((v! as! TestObjCValueTy).value == 1010)
v = dAsAnyObject[TestObjCKeyTy(20)]
assert((v! as! TestObjCValueTy).value == 1020)
v = dAsAnyObject[TestObjCKeyTy(30)]
assert((v! as! TestObjCValueTy).value == 1030)
DictionaryTestSuite.test("DictionaryUpcastBridgedEntryPoint") {
var d = Dictionary<TestBridgedKeyTy, TestBridgedValueTy>(minimumCapacity: 32)
d[TestBridgedKeyTy(10)] = TestBridgedValueTy(1010)
d[TestBridgedKeyTy(20)] = TestBridgedValueTy(1020)
d[TestBridgedKeyTy(30)] = TestBridgedValueTy(1030)
do {
var dOO: Dictionary<NSObject, AnyObject> = _dictionaryBridgeToObjectiveC(d)
assert(dOO.count == 3)
var v: AnyObject? = dOO[TestObjCKeyTy(10)]
assert((v! as! TestBridgedValueTy).value == 1010)
v = dOO[TestObjCKeyTy(20)]
assert((v! as! TestBridgedValueTy).value == 1020)
v = dOO[TestObjCKeyTy(30)]
assert((v! as! TestBridgedValueTy).value == 1030)
do {
var dOV: Dictionary<NSObject, TestBridgedValueTy>
= _dictionaryBridgeToObjectiveC(d)
assert(dOV.count == 3)
var v = dOV[TestObjCKeyTy(10)]
assert(v!.value == 1010)
v = dOV[TestObjCKeyTy(20)]
assert(v!.value == 1020)
v = dOV[TestObjCKeyTy(30)]
assert(v!.value == 1030)
do {
var dVO: Dictionary<TestBridgedKeyTy, AnyObject>
= _dictionaryBridgeToObjectiveC(d)
assert(dVO.count == 3)
var v: AnyObject? = dVO[TestBridgedKeyTy(10)]
assert((v! as! TestBridgedValueTy).value == 1010)
v = dVO[TestBridgedKeyTy(20)]
assert((v! as! TestBridgedValueTy).value == 1020)
v = dVO[TestBridgedKeyTy(30)]
assert((v! as! TestBridgedValueTy).value == 1030)
DictionaryTestSuite.test("DictionaryUpcastBridged") {
var d = Dictionary<TestBridgedKeyTy, TestBridgedValueTy>(minimumCapacity: 32)
d[TestBridgedKeyTy(10)] = TestBridgedValueTy(1010)
d[TestBridgedKeyTy(20)] = TestBridgedValueTy(1020)
d[TestBridgedKeyTy(30)] = TestBridgedValueTy(1030)
do {
var dOO = d as! Dictionary<NSObject, AnyObject>
assert(dOO.count == 3)
var v: AnyObject? = dOO[TestObjCKeyTy(10)]
assert((v! as! TestBridgedValueTy).value == 1010)
v = dOO[TestObjCKeyTy(20)]
assert((v! as! TestBridgedValueTy).value == 1020)
v = dOO[TestObjCKeyTy(30)]
assert((v! as! TestBridgedValueTy).value == 1030)
do {
var dOV = d as! Dictionary<NSObject, TestBridgedValueTy>
assert(dOV.count == 3)
var v = dOV[TestObjCKeyTy(10)]
assert(v!.value == 1010)
v = dOV[TestObjCKeyTy(20)]
assert(v!.value == 1020)
v = dOV[TestObjCKeyTy(30)]
assert(v!.value == 1030)
do {
var dVO = d as Dictionary<TestBridgedKeyTy, AnyObject>
assert(dVO.count == 3)
var v: AnyObject? = dVO[TestBridgedKeyTy(10)]
assert((v! as! TestBridgedValueTy).value == 1010)
v = dVO[TestBridgedKeyTy(20)]
assert((v! as! TestBridgedValueTy).value == 1020)
v = dVO[TestBridgedKeyTy(30)]
assert((v! as! TestBridgedValueTy).value == 1030)
// Dictionary downcasts
DictionaryTestSuite.test("DictionaryDowncastEntryPoint") {
var d = Dictionary<NSObject, AnyObject>(minimumCapacity: 32)
d[TestObjCKeyTy(10)] = TestObjCValueTy(1010)
d[TestObjCKeyTy(20)] = TestObjCValueTy(1020)
d[TestObjCKeyTy(30)] = TestObjCValueTy(1030)
// Successful downcast.
let dCC: Dictionary<TestObjCKeyTy, TestObjCValueTy> = _dictionaryDownCast(d)
assert(dCC.count == 3)
var v = dCC[TestObjCKeyTy(10)]
assert(v!.value == 1010)
v = dCC[TestObjCKeyTy(20)]
assert(v!.value == 1020)
v = dCC[TestObjCKeyTy(30)]
assert(v!.value == 1030)
expectAutoreleasedKeysAndValues(unopt: (0, 3))
DictionaryTestSuite.test("DictionaryDowncast") {
var d = Dictionary<NSObject, AnyObject>(minimumCapacity: 32)
d[TestObjCKeyTy(10)] = TestObjCValueTy(1010)
d[TestObjCKeyTy(20)] = TestObjCValueTy(1020)
d[TestObjCKeyTy(30)] = TestObjCValueTy(1030)
// Successful downcast.
let dCC = d as! Dictionary<TestObjCKeyTy, TestObjCValueTy>
assert(dCC.count == 3)
var v = dCC[TestObjCKeyTy(10)]
assert(v!.value == 1010)
v = dCC[TestObjCKeyTy(20)]
assert(v!.value == 1020)
v = dCC[TestObjCKeyTy(30)]
assert(v!.value == 1030)
expectAutoreleasedKeysAndValues(unopt: (0, 3))
DictionaryTestSuite.test("DictionaryDowncastConditionalEntryPoint") {
var d = Dictionary<NSObject, AnyObject>(minimumCapacity: 32)
d[TestObjCKeyTy(10)] = TestObjCValueTy(1010)
d[TestObjCKeyTy(20)] = TestObjCValueTy(1020)
d[TestObjCKeyTy(30)] = TestObjCValueTy(1030)
// Successful downcast.
if let dCC
= _dictionaryDownCastConditional(d) as Dictionary<TestObjCKeyTy, TestObjCValueTy>? {
assert(dCC.count == 3)
var v = dCC[TestObjCKeyTy(10)]
assert(v!.value == 1010)
v = dCC[TestObjCKeyTy(20)]
assert(v!.value == 1020)
v = dCC[TestObjCKeyTy(30)]
assert(v!.value == 1030)
} else {
// Unsuccessful downcast
d["hello" as NSString] = 17 as NSNumber
if let dCC
= _dictionaryDownCastConditional(d) as Dictionary<TestObjCKeyTy, TestObjCValueTy>? {
DictionaryTestSuite.test("DictionaryDowncastConditional") {
var d = Dictionary<NSObject, AnyObject>(minimumCapacity: 32)
d[TestObjCKeyTy(10)] = TestObjCValueTy(1010)
d[TestObjCKeyTy(20)] = TestObjCValueTy(1020)
d[TestObjCKeyTy(30)] = TestObjCValueTy(1030)
// Successful downcast.
if let dCC = d as? Dictionary<TestObjCKeyTy, TestObjCValueTy> {
assert(dCC.count == 3)
var v = dCC[TestObjCKeyTy(10)]
assert(v!.value == 1010)
v = dCC[TestObjCKeyTy(20)]
assert(v!.value == 1020)
v = dCC[TestObjCKeyTy(30)]
assert(v!.value == 1030)
} else {
// Unsuccessful downcast
d["hello" as NSString] = 17 as NSNumber
if let dCC = d as? Dictionary<TestObjCKeyTy, TestObjCValueTy> {
DictionaryTestSuite.test("DictionaryBridgeFromObjectiveCEntryPoint") {
var d = Dictionary<NSObject, AnyObject>(minimumCapacity: 32)
d[TestObjCKeyTy(10)] = TestObjCValueTy(1010)
d[TestObjCKeyTy(20)] = TestObjCValueTy(1020)
d[TestObjCKeyTy(30)] = TestObjCValueTy(1030)
// Successful downcast.
let dCV: Dictionary<TestObjCKeyTy, TestBridgedValueTy>
= _dictionaryBridgeFromObjectiveC(d)
do {
assert(dCV.count == 3)
var v = dCV[TestObjCKeyTy(10)]
assert(v!.value == 1010)
v = dCV[TestObjCKeyTy(20)]
assert(v!.value == 1020)
v = dCV[TestObjCKeyTy(30)]
assert(v!.value == 1030)
// Successful downcast.
let dVC: Dictionary<TestBridgedKeyTy, TestObjCValueTy>
= _dictionaryBridgeFromObjectiveC(d)
do {
assert(dVC.count == 3)
var v = dVC[TestBridgedKeyTy(10)]
assert(v!.value == 1010)
v = dVC[TestBridgedKeyTy(20)]
assert(v!.value == 1020)
v = dVC[TestBridgedKeyTy(30)]
assert(v!.value == 1030)
// Successful downcast.
let dVV: Dictionary<TestBridgedKeyTy, TestBridgedValueTy>
= _dictionaryBridgeFromObjectiveC(d)
do {
assert(dVV.count == 3)
var v = dVV[TestBridgedKeyTy(10)]
assert(v!.value == 1010)
v = dVV[TestBridgedKeyTy(20)]
assert(v!.value == 1020)
v = dVV[TestBridgedKeyTy(30)]
assert(v!.value == 1030)
DictionaryTestSuite.test("DictionaryBridgeFromObjectiveC") {
var d = Dictionary<NSObject, AnyObject>(minimumCapacity: 32)
d[TestObjCKeyTy(10)] = TestObjCValueTy(1010)
d[TestObjCKeyTy(20)] = TestObjCValueTy(1020)
d[TestObjCKeyTy(30)] = TestObjCValueTy(1030)
// Successful downcast.
let dCV = d as! Dictionary<TestObjCKeyTy, TestBridgedValueTy>
do {
assert(dCV.count == 3)
var v = dCV[TestObjCKeyTy(10)]
assert(v!.value == 1010)
v = dCV[TestObjCKeyTy(20)]
assert(v!.value == 1020)
v = dCV[TestObjCKeyTy(30)]
assert(v!.value == 1030)
// Successful downcast.
let dVC = d as! Dictionary<TestBridgedKeyTy, TestObjCValueTy>
do {
assert(dVC.count == 3)
var v = dVC[TestBridgedKeyTy(10)]
assert(v!.value == 1010)
v = dVC[TestBridgedKeyTy(20)]
assert(v!.value == 1020)
v = dVC[TestBridgedKeyTy(30)]
assert(v!.value == 1030)
// Successful downcast.
let dVV = d as! Dictionary<TestBridgedKeyTy, TestBridgedValueTy>
do {
assert(dVV.count == 3)
var v = dVV[TestBridgedKeyTy(10)]
assert(v!.value == 1010)
v = dVV[TestBridgedKeyTy(20)]
assert(v!.value == 1020)
v = dVV[TestBridgedKeyTy(30)]
assert(v!.value == 1030)
DictionaryTestSuite.test("DictionaryBridgeFromObjectiveCConditionalEntryPoint") {
var d = Dictionary<NSObject, AnyObject>(minimumCapacity: 32)
d[TestObjCKeyTy(10)] = TestObjCValueTy(1010)
d[TestObjCKeyTy(20)] = TestObjCValueTy(1020)
d[TestObjCKeyTy(30)] = TestObjCValueTy(1030)
// Successful downcast.
if let dCV
= _dictionaryBridgeFromObjectiveCConditional(d) as
Dictionary<TestObjCKeyTy, TestBridgedValueTy>? {
assert(dCV.count == 3)
var v = dCV[TestObjCKeyTy(10)]
assert(v!.value == 1010)
v = dCV[TestObjCKeyTy(20)]
assert(v!.value == 1020)
v = dCV[TestObjCKeyTy(30)]
assert(v!.value == 1030)
} else {
// Successful downcast.
if let dVC
= _dictionaryBridgeFromObjectiveCConditional(d) as Dictionary<TestBridgedKeyTy, TestObjCValueTy>? {
assert(dVC.count == 3)
var v = dVC[TestBridgedKeyTy(10)]
assert(v!.value == 1010)
v = dVC[TestBridgedKeyTy(20)]
assert(v!.value == 1020)
v = dVC[TestBridgedKeyTy(30)]
assert(v!.value == 1030)
} else {
// Successful downcast.
if let dVV
= _dictionaryBridgeFromObjectiveCConditional(d) as Dictionary<TestBridgedKeyTy, TestBridgedValueTy>? {
assert(dVV.count == 3)
var v = dVV[TestBridgedKeyTy(10)]
assert(v!.value == 1010)
v = dVV[TestBridgedKeyTy(20)]
assert(v!.value == 1020)
v = dVV[TestBridgedKeyTy(30)]
assert(v!.value == 1030)
} else {
// Unsuccessful downcasts
d["hello" as NSString] = 17 as NSNumber
if let dCV
= _dictionaryBridgeFromObjectiveCConditional(d) as Dictionary<TestObjCKeyTy, TestBridgedValueTy>?{
if let dVC
= _dictionaryBridgeFromObjectiveCConditional(d) as Dictionary<TestBridgedKeyTy, TestObjCValueTy>?{
if let dVV
= _dictionaryBridgeFromObjectiveCConditional(d) as Dictionary<TestBridgedKeyTy, TestBridgedValueTy>?{
DictionaryTestSuite.test("DictionaryBridgeFromObjectiveCConditional") {
var d = Dictionary<NSObject, AnyObject>(minimumCapacity: 32)
d[TestObjCKeyTy(10)] = TestObjCValueTy(1010)
d[TestObjCKeyTy(20)] = TestObjCValueTy(1020)
d[TestObjCKeyTy(30)] = TestObjCValueTy(1030)
// Successful downcast.
if let dCV = d as? Dictionary<TestObjCKeyTy, TestBridgedValueTy> {
assert(dCV.count == 3)
var v = dCV[TestObjCKeyTy(10)]
assert(v!.value == 1010)
v = dCV[TestObjCKeyTy(20)]
assert(v!.value == 1020)
v = dCV[TestObjCKeyTy(30)]
assert(v!.value == 1030)
} else {
// Successful downcast.
if let dVC = d as? Dictionary<TestBridgedKeyTy, TestObjCValueTy> {
assert(dVC.count == 3)
var v = dVC[TestBridgedKeyTy(10)]
assert(v!.value == 1010)
v = dVC[TestBridgedKeyTy(20)]
assert(v!.value == 1020)
v = dVC[TestBridgedKeyTy(30)]
assert(v!.value == 1030)
} else {
// Successful downcast.
if let dVV = d as? Dictionary<TestBridgedKeyTy, TestBridgedValueTy> {
assert(dVV.count == 3)
var v = dVV[TestBridgedKeyTy(10)]
assert(v!.value == 1010)
v = dVV[TestBridgedKeyTy(20)]
assert(v!.value == 1020)
v = dVV[TestBridgedKeyTy(30)]
assert(v!.value == 1030)
} else {
// Unsuccessful downcasts
d["hello" as NSString] = 17 as NSNumber
if let dCV = d as? Dictionary<TestObjCKeyTy, TestBridgedValueTy> {
if let dVC = d as? Dictionary<TestBridgedKeyTy, TestObjCValueTy> {
if let dVV = d as? Dictionary<TestBridgedKeyTy, TestBridgedValueTy> {
#endif // _runtime(_ObjC)
// Tests for APIs implemented strictly based on public interface. We only need
// to test them once, not for every storage type.
func getDerivedAPIsDictionary() -> Dictionary<Int, Int> {
var d = Dictionary<Int, Int>(minimumCapacity: 10)
d[10] = 1010
d[20] = 1020
d[30] = 1030
return d
var DictionaryDerivedAPIs = TestSuite("DictionaryDerivedAPIs")
DictionaryDerivedAPIs.test("isEmpty") {
do {
var empty = Dictionary<Int, Int>()
do {
var d = getDerivedAPIsDictionary()
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
class MockDictionaryWithCustomCount : NSDictionary {
init(count: Int) {
self._count = count
override init() {
override init(
objects: UnsafePointer<AnyObject>?,
forKeys keys: UnsafePointer<NSCopying>?,
count: Int) {
super.init(objects: objects, forKeys: keys, count: count)
required init(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) not implemented by MockDictionaryWithCustomCount")
override func copy(with zone: NSZone?) -> Any {
// Ensure that copying this dictionary produces an object of the same
// dynamic type.
return self
override func object(forKey aKey: Any) -> Any? {
return NSObject()
override var count: Int {
MockDictionaryWithCustomCount.timesCountWasCalled += 1
return _count
var _count: Int = 0
static var timesCountWasCalled = 0
func getMockDictionaryWithCustomCount(count: Int)
-> Dictionary<NSObject, AnyObject> {
return MockDictionaryWithCustomCount(count: count) as Dictionary
func callGenericIsEmpty<C : Collection>(_ collection: C) -> Bool {
return collection.isEmpty
DictionaryDerivedAPIs.test("isEmpty/ImplementationIsCustomized") {
do {
var d = getMockDictionaryWithCustomCount(count: 0)
MockDictionaryWithCustomCount.timesCountWasCalled = 0
expectEqual(1, MockDictionaryWithCustomCount.timesCountWasCalled)
do {
var d = getMockDictionaryWithCustomCount(count: 0)
MockDictionaryWithCustomCount.timesCountWasCalled = 0
expectEqual(1, MockDictionaryWithCustomCount.timesCountWasCalled)
do {
var d = getMockDictionaryWithCustomCount(count: 4)
MockDictionaryWithCustomCount.timesCountWasCalled = 0
expectEqual(1, MockDictionaryWithCustomCount.timesCountWasCalled)
do {
var d = getMockDictionaryWithCustomCount(count: 4)
MockDictionaryWithCustomCount.timesCountWasCalled = 0
expectEqual(1, MockDictionaryWithCustomCount.timesCountWasCalled)
#endif // _runtime(_ObjC)
DictionaryDerivedAPIs.test("keys") {
do {
var empty = Dictionary<Int, Int>()
var keys = Array(empty.keys)
expectTrue(equalsUnordered(keys, []))
do {
var d = getDerivedAPIsDictionary()
var keys = Array(d.keys)
expectTrue(equalsUnordered(keys, [ 10, 20, 30 ]))
DictionaryDerivedAPIs.test("values") {
do {
var empty = Dictionary<Int, Int>()
var values = Array(empty.values)
expectTrue(equalsUnordered(values, []))
do {
var d = getDerivedAPIsDictionary()
var values = Array(d.values)
expectTrue(equalsUnordered(values, [ 1010, 1020, 1030 ]))
d[11] = 1010
values = Array(d.values)
expectTrue(equalsUnordered(values, [ 1010, 1010, 1020, 1030 ]))
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
var ObjCThunks = TestSuite("ObjCThunks")
class ObjCThunksHelper : NSObject {
dynamic func acceptArrayBridgedVerbatim(_ array: [TestObjCValueTy]) {
expectEqual(10, array[0].value)
expectEqual(20, array[1].value)
expectEqual(30, array[2].value)
dynamic func acceptArrayBridgedNonverbatim(_ array: [TestBridgedValueTy]) {
// Cannot check elements because doing so would bridge them.
expectEqual(3, array.count)
dynamic func returnArrayBridgedVerbatim() -> [TestObjCValueTy] {
return [ TestObjCValueTy(10), TestObjCValueTy(20),
TestObjCValueTy(30) ]
dynamic func returnArrayBridgedNonverbatim() -> [TestBridgedValueTy] {
return [ TestBridgedValueTy(10), TestBridgedValueTy(20),
TestBridgedValueTy(30) ]
dynamic func acceptDictionaryBridgedVerbatim(
_ d: [TestObjCKeyTy : TestObjCValueTy]) {
expectEqual(3, d.count)
expectEqual(1010, d[TestObjCKeyTy(10)]!.value)
expectEqual(1020, d[TestObjCKeyTy(20)]!.value)
expectEqual(1030, d[TestObjCKeyTy(30)]!.value)
dynamic func acceptDictionaryBridgedNonverbatim(
_ d: [TestBridgedKeyTy : TestBridgedValueTy]) {
expectEqual(3, d.count)
// Cannot check elements because doing so would bridge them.
dynamic func returnDictionaryBridgedVerbatim() ->
[TestObjCKeyTy : TestObjCValueTy] {
return [
TestObjCKeyTy(10): TestObjCValueTy(1010),
TestObjCKeyTy(20): TestObjCValueTy(1020),
TestObjCKeyTy(30): TestObjCValueTy(1030),
dynamic func returnDictionaryBridgedNonverbatim() ->
[TestBridgedKeyTy : TestBridgedValueTy] {
return [
TestBridgedKeyTy(10): TestBridgedValueTy(1010),
TestBridgedKeyTy(20): TestBridgedValueTy(1020),
TestBridgedKeyTy(30): TestBridgedValueTy(1030),
ObjCThunks.test("Array/Accept") {
var helper = ObjCThunksHelper()
do {
[ TestObjCValueTy(10), TestObjCValueTy(20), TestObjCValueTy(30) ])
do {
TestBridgedValueTy.bridgeOperations = 0
[ TestBridgedValueTy(10), TestBridgedValueTy(20),
TestBridgedValueTy(30) ])
expectEqual(0, TestBridgedValueTy.bridgeOperations)
ObjCThunks.test("Array/Return") {
var helper = ObjCThunksHelper()
do {
let a = helper.returnArrayBridgedVerbatim()
expectEqual(10, a[0].value)
expectEqual(20, a[1].value)
expectEqual(30, a[2].value)
do {
TestBridgedValueTy.bridgeOperations = 0
let a = helper.returnArrayBridgedNonverbatim()
expectEqual(0, TestBridgedValueTy.bridgeOperations)
TestBridgedValueTy.bridgeOperations = 0
expectEqual(10, a[0].value)
expectEqual(20, a[1].value)
expectEqual(30, a[2].value)
expectEqual(0, TestBridgedValueTy.bridgeOperations)
ObjCThunks.test("Dictionary/Accept") {
var helper = ObjCThunksHelper()
do {
[ TestObjCKeyTy(10): TestObjCValueTy(1010),
TestObjCKeyTy(20): TestObjCValueTy(1020),
TestObjCKeyTy(30): TestObjCValueTy(1030) ])
do {
TestBridgedKeyTy.bridgeOperations = 0
TestBridgedValueTy.bridgeOperations = 0
[ TestBridgedKeyTy(10): TestBridgedValueTy(1010),
TestBridgedKeyTy(20): TestBridgedValueTy(1020),
TestBridgedKeyTy(30): TestBridgedValueTy(1030) ])
expectEqual(0, TestBridgedKeyTy.bridgeOperations)
expectEqual(0, TestBridgedValueTy.bridgeOperations)
ObjCThunks.test("Dictionary/Return") {
var helper = ObjCThunksHelper()
do {
let d = helper.returnDictionaryBridgedVerbatim()
expectEqual(3, d.count)
expectEqual(1010, d[TestObjCKeyTy(10)]!.value)
expectEqual(1020, d[TestObjCKeyTy(20)]!.value)
expectEqual(1030, d[TestObjCKeyTy(30)]!.value)
do {
TestBridgedKeyTy.bridgeOperations = 0
TestBridgedValueTy.bridgeOperations = 0
let d = helper.returnDictionaryBridgedNonverbatim()
expectEqual(0, TestBridgedKeyTy.bridgeOperations)
expectEqual(0, TestBridgedValueTy.bridgeOperations)
TestBridgedKeyTy.bridgeOperations = 0
TestBridgedValueTy.bridgeOperations = 0
expectEqual(3, d.count)
expectEqual(1010, d[TestBridgedKeyTy(10)]!.value)
expectEqual(1020, d[TestBridgedKeyTy(20)]!.value)
expectEqual(1030, d[TestBridgedKeyTy(30)]!.value)
expectEqual(0, TestBridgedKeyTy.bridgeOperations)
expectEqual(0, TestBridgedValueTy.bridgeOperations)
#endif // _runtime(_ObjC)
// Check that iterators traverse a snapshot of the collection.
DictionaryTestSuite.test("mutationDoesNotAffectIterator/subscript/store") {
var dict = getDerivedAPIsDictionary()
var iter = dict.makeIterator()
dict[10] = 1011
[ (10, 1010), (20, 1020), (30, 1030) ],
DictionaryTestSuite.test("mutationDoesNotAffectIterator/removeValueForKey,1") {
var dict = getDerivedAPIsDictionary()
var iter = dict.makeIterator()
expectOptionalEqual(1010, dict.removeValue(forKey: 10))
[ (10, 1010), (20, 1020), (30, 1030) ],
DictionaryTestSuite.test("mutationDoesNotAffectIterator/removeValueForKey,all") {
var dict = getDerivedAPIsDictionary()
var iter = dict.makeIterator()
expectOptionalEqual(1010, dict.removeValue(forKey: 10))
expectOptionalEqual(1020, dict.removeValue(forKey: 20))
expectOptionalEqual(1030, dict.removeValue(forKey: 30))
[ (10, 1010), (20, 1020), (30, 1030) ],
"mutationDoesNotAffectIterator/removeAll,keepingCapacity=false") {
var dict = getDerivedAPIsDictionary()
var iter = dict.makeIterator()
dict.removeAll(keepingCapacity: false)
[ (10, 1010), (20, 1020), (30, 1030) ],
"mutationDoesNotAffectIterator/removeAll,keepingCapacity=true") {
var dict = getDerivedAPIsDictionary()
var iter = dict.makeIterator()
dict.removeAll(keepingCapacity: true)
[ (10, 1010), (20, 1020), (30, 1030) ],
// Misc tests.
DictionaryTestSuite.test("misc") {
do {
// Dictionary literal
var dict = ["Hello": 1, "World": 2]
// Insertion
dict["Swift"] = 3
// Access
expectOptionalEqual(1, dict["Hello"])
expectOptionalEqual(2, dict["World"])
expectOptionalEqual(3, dict["Swift"])
// Overwriting existing value
dict["Hello"] = 0
expectOptionalEqual(0, dict["Hello"])
expectOptionalEqual(2, dict["World"])
expectOptionalEqual(3, dict["Swift"])
do {
// Dictionaries with other types
var d = [ 1.2: 1, 2.6: 2 ]
d[3.3] = 3
expectOptionalEqual(1, d[1.2])
expectOptionalEqual(2, d[2.6])
expectOptionalEqual(3, d[3.3])
do {
var d = Dictionary<String, Int>(minimumCapacity: 13)
d["one"] = 1
d["two"] = 2
d["three"] = 3
d["four"] = 4
d["five"] = 5
expectOptionalEqual(1, d["one"])
expectOptionalEqual(2, d["two"])
expectOptionalEqual(3, d["three"])
expectOptionalEqual(4, d["four"])
expectOptionalEqual(5, d["five"])
// Iterate over (key, value) tuples as a silly copy
var d3 = Dictionary<String,Int>(minimumCapacity: 13)
for (k, v) in d {
d3[k] = v
expectOptionalEqual(1, d3["one"])
expectOptionalEqual(2, d3["two"])
expectOptionalEqual(3, d3["three"])
expectOptionalEqual(4, d3["four"])
expectOptionalEqual(5, d3["five"])
expectEqual(3, d.values[d.keys.index(of: "three")!])
expectEqual(4, d.values[d.keys.index(of: "four")!])
expectEqual(3, d3.values[d3.keys.index(of: "three")!])
expectEqual(4, d3.values[d3.keys.index(of: "four")!])
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
DictionaryTestSuite.test("dropsBridgedCache") {
// rdar://problem/18544533
// Previously this code would segfault due to a double free in the Dictionary
// implementation.
// This test will only fail in address sanitizer.
var dict = [0:10]
do {
var bridged: NSDictionary = dict as NSDictionary
expectEqual(10, bridged[0 as NSNumber] as! Int)
dict[0] = 11
do {
var bridged: NSDictionary = dict as NSDictionary
expectEqual(11, bridged[0 as NSNumber] as! Int)
DictionaryTestSuite.test("getObjects:andKeys:") {
let d = ([1: "one", 2: "two"] as Dictionary<Int, String>) as NSDictionary
var keys = UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(
start: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSNumber>.allocate(capacity: 2), count: 2)
var values = UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(
start: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSString>.allocate(capacity: 2), count: 2)
var kp = AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject?>(keys.baseAddress!)
var vp = AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject?>(values.baseAddress!)
var null: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject?>?
d.available_getObjects(null, andKeys: null) // don't segfault
d.available_getObjects(null, andKeys: kp)
expectEqual([2, 1] as [NSNumber], Array(keys))
d.available_getObjects(vp, andKeys: null)
expectEqual(["two", "one"] as [NSString], Array(values))
d.available_getObjects(vp, andKeys: kp)
expectEqual([2, 1] as [NSNumber], Array(keys))
expectEqual(["two", "one"] as [NSString], Array(values))
DictionaryTestSuite.test("popFirst") {
// Empty
do {
var d = [Int: Int]()
let popped = d.popFirst()
do {
var popped = [(Int, Int)]()
var d: [Int: Int] = [
1010: 1010,
2020: 2020,
3030: 3030,
let expected = Array({($0.0, $0.1)})
while let element = d.popFirst() {
expectEqualSequence(expected, Array(popped)) {
(lhs: (Int, Int), rhs: (Int, Int)) -> Bool in
lhs.0 == rhs.0 && lhs.1 == rhs.1
DictionaryTestSuite.test("removeAt") {
// Test removing from the startIndex, the middle, and the end of a dictionary.
for i in 1...3 {
var d: [Int: Int] = [
10: 1010,
20: 2020,
30: 3030,
let removed = d.remove(at: d.index(forKey: i*10)!)
expectEqual(i*10, removed.0)
expectEqual(i*1010, removed.1)
expectEqual(2, d.count)
expectNil(d.index(forKey: i))
let origKeys: [Int] = [10, 20, 30]
expectEqual(origKeys.filter { $0 != (i*10) }, d.keys.sorted())
DictionaryTestSuite.setUp {
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
DictionaryTestSuite.tearDown {
#if _runtime(_ObjC)