blob: eae554ffc812d61071282cc4db679f93fe9cdca9 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
protocol HasSelfRequirements {
func foo(_ x: Self)
func returnsOwnProtocol() -> HasSelfRequirements // expected-error{{protocol 'HasSelfRequirements' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements}}
protocol Bar {
// init() methods should not prevent use as an existential.
func bar() -> Bar
func useBarAsType(_ x: Bar) {}
protocol Pub : Bar { }
func refinementErasure(_ p: Pub) {
typealias Compo = HasSelfRequirements & Bar
struct CompoAssocType {
typealias Compo = HasSelfRequirements & Bar // expected-error{{protocol 'HasSelfRequirements' can only be used as a generic constraint}}
func useAsRequirement<T: HasSelfRequirements>(_ x: T) { }
func useCompoAsRequirement<T: HasSelfRequirements & Bar>(_ x: T) { }
func useCompoAliasAsRequirement<T: Compo>(_ x: T) { }
func useAsWhereRequirement<T>(_ x: T) where T: HasSelfRequirements {}
func useCompoAsWhereRequirement<T>(_ x: T) where T: HasSelfRequirements & Bar {}
func useCompoAliasAsWhereRequirement<T>(_ x: T) where T: Compo {}
func useAsType(_ x: HasSelfRequirements) { } // expected-error{{protocol 'HasSelfRequirements' can only be used as a generic constraint}}
func useCompoAsType(_ x: HasSelfRequirements & Bar) { } // expected-error{{protocol 'HasSelfRequirements' can only be used as a generic constraint}}
func useCompoAliasAsType(_ x: Compo) { } // expected-error{{protocol 'HasSelfRequirements' can only be used as a generic constraint}}
struct TypeRequirement<T: HasSelfRequirements> {}
struct CompoTypeRequirement<T: HasSelfRequirements & Bar> {}
struct CompoAliasTypeRequirement<T: Compo> {}
struct CompoTypeWhereRequirement<T> where T: HasSelfRequirements & Bar {}
struct CompoAliasTypeWhereRequirement<T> where T: Compo {}
struct Struct1<T> { }
struct Struct2<T : Pub & Bar> { }
struct Struct3<T : Pub & Bar & P3> { } // expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'P3'}}
struct Struct4<T> where T : Pub & Bar {}
struct Struct5<T : protocol<Pub, Bar>> { } // expected-warning {{'protocol<...>' composition syntax is deprecated; join the protocols using '&'}}
struct Struct6<T> where T : protocol<Pub, Bar> {} // expected-warning {{'protocol<...>' composition syntax is deprecated; join the protocols using '&'}}
typealias T1 = Pub & Bar
typealias T2 = protocol<Pub , Bar> // expected-warning {{'protocol<...>' composition syntax is deprecated; join the protocols using '&'}}
// rdar://problem/20593294
protocol HasAssoc {
associatedtype Assoc
func foo()
func testHasAssoc(_ x: Any) {
if let p = x as? HasAssoc { // expected-error {{protocol 'HasAssoc' can only be used as a generic constraint}} // don't crash here.
// rdar://problem/16803384
protocol InheritsAssoc : HasAssoc {
func silverSpoon()
func testInheritsAssoc(_ x: InheritsAssoc) { // expected-error {{protocol 'InheritsAssoc' can only be used as a generic constraint}}
// SR-38
var b: HasAssoc // expected-error {{protocol 'HasAssoc' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements}}
// Further generic constraint error testing - typealias used inside statements
protocol P {}
typealias MoreHasAssoc = HasAssoc & P
func testHasMoreAssoc(_ x: Any) {
if let p = x as? MoreHasAssoc { // expected-error {{protocol 'HasAssoc' can only be used as a generic constraint}} // don't crash here.
struct Outer {
typealias Any = Int // expected-error {{keyword 'Any' cannot be used as an identifier here}} expected-note {{if this name is unavoidable, use backticks to escape it}} {{13-16=`Any`}}
typealias `Any` = Int
static func aa(a: `Any`) -> Int { return a }
typealias X = Struct1<Pub & Bar>
_ = Struct1<Pub & Bar>.self