blob: 95f5e03cf59536ad552a2b9a8e60b27889ab5e1e [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
// The first function argument does not have a label; the others do.
func f1(_ a: Int, b: Int) { }
func f1(_ a: Int, d: Int) { } // okay: names differ
func f2(_ a: Int, b: Int) { } // expected-note{{'f2(_:b:)' previously declared here}}
func f2(_ z: Int, b: Int) { } // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'f2(_:b:)'}}
class X {
// Initializer arguments are API by default.
init(x: Int) { }
init(y: Int) { } // okay
// Method arguments after the first are API by default
func f1(_ a: Int, b: Int) { }
func f1(_ a: Int, c: Int) { } // okay
func f2(_ a: Int, b: Int) { } // expected-note{{'f2(_:b:)' previously declared here}}
func f2(_ A: Int, b: Int) { } // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'f2(_:b:)'}}
protocol P {
func g1(_ value: Int)
func g2(_ value: Int, other: Int)
func g3(_ value: Int, other: Int, third: Int) // expected-note{{requirement 'g3(_:other:third:)' declared here}}
static func g4(_ value: Int)
class PX : P {
func g1(_ x: Int) { } // okay
func g2(_ x: Int, other: Int) { } // okay
func g3(_ x: Int, y: Int, third: Int) { } // expected-error{{method 'g3(_:y:third:)' has different argument names from those required by protocol 'P' ('g3(_:other:third:)')}} {{21-21=other }}
class func g4(_ x: Int) { }
// Default arguments have no effect on argument labels.
func f3(_ a: Int, b: Int = 5, c: Int = 6) { }
// expected-note@-1{{'f3(_:b:c:)' previously declared here}}
func f3(_ a: Int, b: Int, c: Int) { }
// expected-error@-1{{invalid redeclaration of 'f3(_:b:c:)'}}
class DefArg {
func f(_ a: Int = 17) { } // okay: no label implied
func f(a a: Int) { } // expected-warning{{extraneous duplicate parameter name; 'a' already has an argument label}} {{10-12=}}
struct Subscripts1 {
subscript (i i: Int) -> Int {
get { return i }
subscript (j j: Int) -> Int {
get { return j }
struct Subscripts2 {
subscript (i: Int) -> Int { // expected-note{{'subscript' previously declared here}}
get { return i }
subscript (j: Int) -> Int { // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'subscript'}}
get { return j }
func f4(_ a: Int) -> (Int) -> () { return { b in () } }
func f5(_ a: Int) -> (_ b: Int) -> () { return { b in () } }
func testFunctions(_ i: Int, x: X) {
f4(i)(b: i) // expected-error{{extraneous argument label 'b:' in call}} {{9-12=}}
f5(i)(b: i) // expected-error{{extraneous argument label 'b:' in call}}{{9-12=}}
struct Y {
func m0(_ a: Int) -> (Int) -> () { return { b in () } }
func m1(_ a: Int) -> (_ b: Int) -> () { return { b in () } }
func m2(_ a: Int) -> (Int, Int) -> () { return { b, c in () } }
func m3(_ a: Int) -> (_ b: Int, _ c2: Int) -> () { return { b, c in () } }
subscript (x: Int) -> Int {
get { return x }
subscript (y y: String) -> String {
get { return y }
func testMethods(_ i: Int, x: Y) {
x.m0(i)(b: i) // expected-error{{extraneous argument label 'b:' in call}} {{11-14=}}
x.m2(i)(i, c: i) // expected-error{{extraneous argument label 'c:' in call}} {{14-17=}}
x.m2(i)(i, i)
x.m3(i)(b: i, i) // expected-error{{extraneous argument label 'b:' in call}}{{11-14=}}
x.m3(i)(b: i, c2: i) // expected-error{{extraneous argument labels 'b:c2:' in call}}{{11-14=}}{{17-21=}}
func testSubscripts(_ i: Int, s: String, x: Y) {
var i2 = x[i]
var i3 = x[x: i] // expected-error{{cannot subscript a value of type 'Y' with an index of type '(x: Int)'}}
// expected-note @-1 {{overloads for 'subscript' exist with these partially matching parameter lists: (Int), (y: String)}}
var s2 = x[y: s]
var s3 = x[s] // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type 'String' to expected argument type 'Int'}}
// Operators
func +(_ a: String,
b b: Double) { } // expected-error{{operator cannot have keyword arguments}} {{8-10=}}
func +(a: Double, b: String) -> (Int) -> (_ d: Int) -> () {
return { c in { e in () } }